Douluo starts with the Pea Shooter

Chapter 667 Air Force Configuration

The canonical legion that has always belonged to the Sun and Moon Empire has its ordinary legion configuration and soul master legion configuration. In the past, the armies of the Sun and Moon Empire often deployed ordinary people and soul masters separately. As a result, they cannot cooperate with each other, although the souls are gathered together, which is suitable for assault operations. But their role on the battlefield is more similar to fighter jets in modern warfare.

After gaining air superiority, infantry occupation must be carried out to completely control an area. The same is true in the battles in the soul master world. After the soul master wins the decisive battle, if the army composed of ordinary people does not achieve effective strategy and control over the local area, then it will not be considered as occupying this area. .

There is no way to obtain resource intelligence from this area, let alone replenish troops from here, or even occupy factories to gain the productivity of this area.

Lan Nuo is quite satisfied with the current military configuration. Ordinary people and soul masters can just help each other and cooperate with each other in the army. Especially after some soul masters began to gradually accept the new soul guidance device system, some Mixed guides that were large in size and difficult to transport normally were produced. They are usually transported by horse-drawn carriages, and after all, there are relatively few large-capacity space props. After being transported to the front line by horse-drawn carriage, ordinary people needed to use tools to assemble it. If a pure soul master assembles it by himself, on the one hand, the related soul guidance device configuration will inevitably become more complicated during the design process. On the other hand, it will also cause the soul master to waste too much soul power and time. In a war that pays more and more attention to time, how to deliver less firepower in an unlimited time so that each legion can focus on the key points. Research

Yang Wan's request for this is not that people should be unfamiliar with the function of each device when transporting baggage. When on the battlefield, they cannot complete the assembly at the slowest speed according to the prescribed steps.

That configuration is more similar to self-propelled artillery in modern warfare. And it will retreat and ventilate under the frontal battlefield, covering a certain amount of crops, but the effect is smaller. Still coming to the back line and retreating to launch.

There is still no way to realize information warfare. Therefore, the only thing to do is to maintain one's own front, and then let one's firepower density reach a certain level in a short enough period of time, which is not enough to make the extremely small number of armies of that era unbearable.

My specially-made legion also needs to master another technology, which is not to refine the life of these plants, but to install them under various war machines. That aspect is not easy. Strangeness is the characteristic of the same plants. Plant accordingly. The corresponding fusion requires a lot of knowledge, and you only need to memorize a small part of the content outside the list.

Lan Nuo's legion has a total of only 5,000 people, of which less than 300 are soul masters. The rest are special people. The training of those people was completed by the army of the Sun and Moon Empire. The previous training was based on Lan Nuo's training. The most important thing that requires retreat and replenishment is not to disobey orders, but to exercise subjective initiative on the battlefield. It's not too late for that era. It is necessary to enter the process of future information warfare and large-scale penetration operations. The role of the soldiers' subjective initiative can only be reflected by taking a step back. Now it is enough to be able to observe to a certain extent behind the front and feed back the observed information truthfully.

As long as the enemy at the front is so rigid that he doesn't have a machine gun or other weapons when he encounters one, and he still queues up and shoots him to death, then he is considered basically qualified.

A safe cave like that needs to be retreated and attacked when discovered remotely. Destroying it first will not guarantee that the infantry will be suddenly attacked by a weak force when the infantry retreats. As a result, the artillery units in front will encounter unexpected attacks when they are closer to the front.

Actual combat is the worst way to test the combat effectiveness of an army, so before the army completed basic training, it was also pulled to the back line to participate in a battle to annihilate the soul beasts in the jungle. Among the corresponding assigned tasks, It is expected that no 100,000-year-old soul beast will appear within the area that Lan Nuo's legion is responsible for. And the task I have to complete is not to ensure that the 100,000-year-old soul beast has enough power to harass other areas. As for whether the soul beast can be killed, it is a mandatory requirement.

On top of various factors, the tasks my legion is responsible for are not much different from my pressure. It is difficult for Xin Xiao Lu to organize a legion that is too small. We are not yet fighting as a small corps.

The spirit beasts in the forest will also selectively hide their troops in areas deep in the forest that do not have sufficient defense. For example, hidden in a cave.

Hide some relatively strong soul beasts used for regression and reproduction, or these are the top soldiers who will be used at critical moments, in such places. There is no doubt that it can have quite the wrong effect.

Therefore, soldiers who use flying props to fly backwards are rarely called rocket soldiers.

The reconnaissance troops I dispatched were the aerial troops of the unusual Sun and Moon Empire, nor were they wearing flying soul guides or the air force support requested from the front.

The window period is not long, but it is enough to detect quite a bit of useless information.

There is no essential difference between the principle of our engine and the flight mixer. Both use soul power to eject low-speed airflow and achieve flight effects through reaction force. Some low-end fighters do not have anti-gravity modules inside, so we cannot do without it. Longer endurance and more maneuverability in the air. It was designed to target these 100,000-year-old soul beasts that cannot fly.

The rocket soldiers just reported back the location of one of the caves. The fighter planes in the sky did not find a small number of soul beasts running out of the entrance of the cave during the observation process. The reason for that situation is very important. The fog in the sky under Shandong was dispersed, which means that humans have discovered us. Looking back, we know that the human fighter planes in the sky have seen the ground. So these unintelligent individuals will not be lucky about this. The soul beasts in the cave were driven away at the first time, and all fled into the cave. If it was definitely a covering bombing, the effect of those temporary air-raid shelters would be very bad, and a few sporadic shells falling below would cause any damage.

The soul beasts that suffered a few small losses in the air battle took off to fight when there were no human fighter planes in the sky. That was not the time for the rocket soldiers to retreat and reconnaissance above.

Rather than saying that the thing is a pair of flying wings, it is better to say that it is a pair of rocket thrusters. It cannot use a weaker force to send people to the world. In the actual use process, the effect it reflects is also closer to rocket thrusters.

As for the so-called lack of advantage in our air force, it is not that the Sun-Moon Empire sent its own fighter unit. In the stage of retreating and patrolling in the air, the Sun-Moon Empire also realized that personal flying soul guides were actually a relatively backward device in the field of air force before the industrialization of soul guides.

Some legions of the Sun-Moon Empire have suffered such a blow. There are no intelligent beings among the soul beasts, and a small number of soul beasts will disobey our command and dispatch. The soul beasts have gradually figured out the characteristics of various small arms of humans. Compared with human infantry, human artillery in front is less powerful. Although we do not have certain close combat weapons, we can take into account retreat and long-range at the same time.

Those fighters themselves do not carry too few attack weapons, relying on their own speed to deter the enemy. They only need to carry a large number of weapons, at that low speed, relying on the kinetic energy of the aircraft itself to launch, they can cause heavy damage to the enemy. It's just like when knights duel. The war horses of both sides sprinted against each other. It only took a moment for the long spears in their hands to cross. The life and death between them was decided in that instant.

The rocket soldiers returned quickly and described what we saw to the artillery. The artillery calculated the target position of the next attack based on our description and the corresponding retreat on the map.

[To be continued]

But if we haven't been discovered yet and the enemy is bombing the place where we are, if we escape, we will be buried alive.

Lan Nuo sent soldiers to retreat in the air for reconnaissance, not to find those things like air-raid shelters.

Because that thing is to be worn under the body, it will take into account the shape of the human body, so that when it flies in the air, it is impossible to conform to aerodynamics. It can only be said that it provides a pair of wings to give people a certain amount of lift. The basic principle of my part is not that small bricks can fly.

And that kind of high-efficiency flying device has become a smaller fighter before the retreat transformation, but the flying speed and flexibility in the air are lower.

The speed of those fighters in the sky surpasses the very few soul beasts that cannot fly, and speed itself means a huge advantage in the air. This means that even if the enemy occupies an advantageous position and comes in front of the fighter, it is difficult to catch up with the speed. And before the fighter flies into the air and climbs to a low enough altitude, it is necessary to use the low altitude advantage to easily turn around and attack the enemy.

In particular, those scouts are in the situation where their own air force has no advantage. Retreat to high-altitude reconnaissance.

And in the process of our attack, the artillery attack will also stop. Is there anyone who can still complete the artillery firing in the process of being attacked. And those guys with extremely small power often cannot attack places very close to themselves, and the few artillery cannot pull their barrels completely horizontally, because that type of soldiers is used to deal with enemies who are about to attack their faces.

For me, it is not a very demanding requirement. In particular, if a legion of that size can definitely delay the corresponding 100,000-year-level existence, the establishment of this legion itself is a waste of human resources. After all, there were still a small number of mechanical equipment in that era. The firepower is also quite strong. The energy that can be continuously released by the covering bombing is even more exaggerated than the full-strength skills of the 100,000-year soul beast.

Therefore, the transformation it can undergo is also very limited. It can only refine two eight-leaf clovers for the flying soldiers in its legion under the soul guide.

But whether it is a bad thing to obey orders in a world where there may be mutations caused by various weaklings on the battlefield is still under discussion.

Is there any air-raid shelter that can withstand the endless bombing of the inner world? If the attack is always stopped, even the weakest defense will be broken by a little bit.

Although it can weaken our attack power in the air, it can also weaken our flexibility. The flying speed in the air is also slower than other warriors with the same equipment, which makes our reconnaissance ability in the air not significantly improved. When necessary, we can't use the eight-leaf clover under us as a disposable prop to blow away the fog above. Otherwise, the soul beast hidden above will be exposed ineffectively. Of course, exposing the soul beast above will also expose ourselves. In that process, we are likely to be attacked by the soul beast above.

In abnormal situations, retreat and evacuate in time. Even if the air-raid shelter is destroyed, the casualties should be small. However, we are right. The soul beast of the opponent who escaped from the air-raid shelter does not mean that he will die. The area where we are located is still in the landing area of ​​a considerable part of the shells. It's just that after that degree of coverage of the bombing surface, the firepower density theory should not cause small-scale casualties.

Please collect and recommend~ Often there are a small number of soul beasts gathered outside, and they must have been pushed back to those positions during the burning of the forest, which would be like a hornet's nest. Those soul beasts rushed out and caused huge damage to the front line, and we could not take advantage of the infantry retreating and the artillery units in front sitting back to transfer firepower gaps to break through the infantry's defense line, and then carry out targeted attacks on the artillery retreat in front.

As for what kind of actual combat effect will the army I trained have before it really goes to the battlefield? I actually have a bottom line in my heart, after all, it is an army armed with equipment. To say that there is no faith or something like that, this is true, and the training is actually not much weaker than other armies. At least it is more important to obey orders. On the battlefield, there will be many situations where the brains are cold and they act independently.

There are those among us who are not good at digging. Dig out a cave or hole, then reinforce the surrounding soil, solidify it into a special rock structure, and it will provide a very good protection against bombing from the sky.

Because the current soul guide design has not changed much from the original design of each person. The soul guides used by the imperial army are like the abnormal army, all of which are standard soul guides.

After confirming his target, Lan Nuo took the lead in sending out a reconnaissance team to conduct aerial reconnaissance of the target area.

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