Douluo starts with the Pea Shooter

Chapter 665 Cheap Missiles

Lan Nuo showed the military his ability to refine his life to a certain extent. On the military's weapons field, Lan Nuo embedded the bullets thrown by his cattail grass on the arrowheads of bows and arrows.

Then they were distributed to the soldiers, and then the next step was the exercise on the shooting range. The officers were quite skeptical about this specially modified equipment, but the relationship between the officer who tested the experimental results and Lan Nuo was relatively good. When organizing the local army to set fire in the forest, he borrowed his plants, so he still had some confidence in this test.

He introduced to the quartermaster beside him: "The bullets released by this plant called cattail grass can track the enemy, but if they release the bullets themselves, there are quite a few limitations. First of all, the speed of the bullets is not very fast. Even sharp bullets may not be able to pierce the enemy's skin, and the toxins used for attack are difficult to release.

Another disadvantage is that it must be planted on the sleeping curtain on the water surface, and not every battlefield can have a pond wide enough to plant them. This means that applying their bullets to bows and arrows can have a better effect, allowing our bows and arrows to automatically track the enemy and get rid of the requirement for water bullets on the battlefield. We only need to complete the production of these new bows and arrows on the logistics site in the rear."

What he didn't mention is that the difficulty of this production is also very simple. If you directly connect the ordinary bows and arrows made with those bullets together, they can't be automatically pasted, which makes the Americans unable to complete that task. Even the local illiterate who have not received any training can make hundreds of such arrows every day. As long as there is no cattail grass around us, it is impossible to provide us with bullets.

In that case, the pressure on the frontline is not small. Those weapons are definitely expensive, and the effect of using them depends on the effect of the subsequent tests. There are a large number of targets in the distant field. The first test is naturally the most complex fixed target. The accuracy of the bows and arrows when shooting fixed targets is tested. The military officer is most worried that this arrowhead that looks small and has no wind resistance before fusion and refining will cause the original precision workpiece to become deflected, but instead reduce the original accuracy.

But when we tried to regress the design, we found that there was no problem in that aspect. These special soldiers with such low design level. In abnormal situations, the target set at 50m is actually very worrying. Most of them can only shoot at the edge of the handle, and most of the swords will miss the target, even if we are given enough time to aim.

But before the arrow with tracking ability was replaced, the sword shot by each person was basically in the center of the target. Even if no one deliberately shot at a crooked place, they could basically hit the bull's eye. As long as the deviation is outrageous, for example, shooting directly at your back, the deviation reaches 180 degrees, that degree is basically unrecoverable, at least the target must be in your field of vision.

During the test, it was also found that the process of selecting the target is not the process of selecting the field of vision. In a few cases, the target must be in the field of vision. If there is a target in the field of vision, it is necessary to see the appearance of the target.

Before the first round of shooting, the quartermaster had not yet recognized the weapon with a very high cost. It was only in the battlefield of encircling soul beasts. In the future, when facing the war with several other countries in Douluo, it would also be a very useless weapon.

But that requires that after launching the attack, the shooter knows the appearance of his target, and it needs to be specific. For example, if he wants to shoot a person, then he can't just know that his target is a human. He must not look at the opponent's armor or the opponent's uniform, and he can't shrink the range.

That means that as long as they send a covering attack, there is no need to worry that all the arrows are set under one person.

Lan Nuo has not tested that situation yet, so he can't give a direct conclusion.

That kind of thing can only be done with soul guides, and soul guides are extremely expensive.

Please collect and recommend~ The Sun and Moon Empire has not yet finished considering establishing a separate legion for Lan Nuo. Of course, the lower-level leaders on our side are also thinking about another problem. If that person definitely goes back, I am afraid that my side will win the championship again in the last All-Small Continent Low-Level Soul Master Fighting Soul Competition. However, that idea has only passed through most people's minds for a while. The huge benefits of developing a new small continent are there. The All-Small Continent Low-Level Soul Master Fighting Soul Competition is only related to vanity, and it has not been forgotten by us.

However, Lan Nuo understood what I wanted to say. I have never considered the relevant questions: "What does he want to say? When the target of visualization is a group of people wearing the same clothes, a small number of people attack that group of people at the same time. Will the arrows flying in the sky lock on the same person? This leads to waste of range attacks, and the attack that could have caused a small amount of casualties only kills one person."

But now the mixed guides are not popular to a considerable extent. Among them, the printing type of mixed guides related to information dissemination are the first type to be popularized. It is very difficult to find such things on the battlefield. It is not easy for us to print such notice boards on a small scale. Including those things, they must be used under rockets and the like. The launcher also needs to visualize the target in his mind. If every soldier is required to carry the appearance of the common soul beasts in the forest, it will take at least two months of training to be able to do it. Compared with the above, it is less difficult to issue a picture book.

In addition, a small amount of bombs are placed outside the rocket. Before landing, it is basically a range attack. Some of them are equipped with napalm bombs and the like. The first beauty releases a small sea of ​​fire, and it needs to hit the soul beast directly to achieve the effect of attack.

"You do need to worry about that problem. Your attacks don't have a certain lock-on effect. They lock back according to the range. First of all, the trajectory of each arrow is the same, so I will prioritize locking the enemy under my abnormal flight trajectory. It's not the most difficult person to hit when an arrow is flying up and down.

Military perspective roughly understands the meaning. Although that kind of weapon does not have a certain tracking effect, it can also be fired randomly. The worst is when it is a covering attack, it can cover all the enemies and retreat, so that it can achieve the worst effect. It must be too crooked to shoot randomly. The enemy is 14,000 away. Even if there is no tracking effect, there is no way to completely turn it back.

[To be continued]

But if the arrow cannot be retreated and tracked above that distance, then even if the enemy is wearing armor, a small amount of arrows hitting the body will cause shock damage, and even increase The probability of hitting the gap in the armor.

The battlefield commander nodded. That was indeed the wrong way. If it was the original method, it would be difficult to print out a small number of soul beast atlases, print them under the wooden board, and widely use them on the battlefield.

Even if the opponent's generals were cautious enough, wearing quite unique clothes, which were extremely unrecognizable, they couldn't give me a volley of arrows, so that I could experience the feeling of being locked by thousands of arrows.

Of course, there is also a possibility that it is not that they set it too far. If there is no correction, anyone can be shot. In that case, the arrow cannot be judged to hit only one of the opponent.

In that case, it cannot fly relatively flexibly. Even if the soul beast being targeted retreats to avoid, there is a small probability that it will dodge.

"In that case, you can't use those weapons now. In the process of clearing soul beasts, it cannot be used. It only requires every soldier to recite the characteristics of soul beasts in the atlas after going to the battlefield. After launching the attack, visualize each soul beast in the atlas to include us in the target of attack. "Try to close and consider how to use that weapon in the next battlefield.

The aiming system designed by Zheng Song for rockets is no different from that designed for Dimei's bows and arrows, but the overall installation difficulty is still small.

For example, the opponent must be wearing blue clothes, so when facing the same human target, the bow and arrow fired will give priority to attacking the existence of blue clothes, and give up those wearing other clothes. But in the same way, Dimei's selected target of attack is the existence of wearing blue clothes, and the position of the launch does not scan the person without blue clothes, the bow and arrow will have a tracking effect.

The officers commanding the battle on the battlefield must consider How should I use the characteristics of the new weapon to create the smallest results in the battle.

And if there is no one wearing the same armor among the enemies, then when launching, we cannot visualize the same person in our mind, and then lock us backwards. In that way, as long as we encounter the existence within the visualization range, we will retreat and track. "

When the quartermaster heard that, he immediately realized that the weapon was more practical than I thought. Even on the battlefield, the soldiers of our side and the enemy were fighting together. As long as the uniforms of both sides were not significantly different, we could not use that method to retreat and attack the enemy in the melee.

The first thing is to know what the target's face looks like. In the design process, if the opponent's face is sure to meet the description, it will also retreat and track. It is not that the more the conditions are, the more accurate the target will be tracked, but at the distance he said, it should be possible to see the opponent's face, at least to see whether the opponent is wearing armor.

"At the tip of the bow and arrow. The range of about 170 degrees directly behind is the range of my search. It doesn't mean that the enemy will definitely appear in that range. I can't detect it through my own search. Before detecting it, my retreat lock attack on the enemy in that range.

"There is still a problem. Isn't it that when you lock on the same group of targets, the arrows you shoot will hit one person at the same time. Can he understand what you mean?" The quartermaster thought for a while and thought about how to explain what he wanted to express in detail.

But at such a long distance, your archers may not be able to see the enemy directly. How should they lock on at that time? Can they still track the enemy automatically?"

"Yes, that's not what I meant. How does it determine the priority of the target it tracks? If the priority of all the bows and arrows is the same, then it is very likely that the damage caused by your long-range attacks will be slightly reduced."

Lan Nuo saw that the two were in distress and gave us a little hint: "It is too easy to train every soldier to carry the common soul beasts in the forest. They actually put up signs behind the engineers so that we can vaguely see the portraits of the soul beasts under the signs. Anyway, we will use aiming in the next battle. Let us look at those portraits in our minds. The difficulty is reduced. As long as we deny that the target we want to shoot is those signs. Or put those signs far enough back so that the arrows may make a detour and hit under the signs. Those bows and arrows will automatically look for the soul beasts under these signs.

"You need to verify the performance of the weapon above. It is only the accuracy when it is designed, and there is no way for it to lock the target. The locking method you just selected is the visual locking method, but on the battlefield you will face the possibility of retreating projectiles to attack long-range targets. At this time, your archers cannot see the enemy. The people selected in your army are all those with relatively weak physical fitness among the first-class people. The range of the bows and arrows they use is also quite far, and the maximum range cannot even exceed 400 meters. However, the accuracy of such projectiles is basically gone. On the battlefield, a small number of people can only rely on covering strikes, because the power of the bows and arrows will also decrease after flying too far, and the damage to enemies without armor is very high.

The rockets are designed with fewer spikes. The reason for such a choice is very complicated. The mass of the bows and arrows is very large, so only one spike is needed to change our retreat direction, but rockets are very light, at most compared to bows and arrows. A single spike bullet is difficult to change our flight trajectory, and at most there is no way to change it flexibly enough, so on average there are eight such bullets under each rocket to adjust our flight trajectory.

Because the landing point of all the bows and arrows is closest to this person. But that situation should be your problem, because if that situation definitely happens, even if you don't give them arrows, it means that they can't shoot at everyone, and at most they can hit one person. "Anyway, if they are all covering long-range projectiles on the battlefield, they need too precise aiming, so it doesn't matter if they keep their eyes on the bow and arrow." a\u003evas\u003ediv\u003eScan the code to download Hongxiu and Xiaoxiang to send benefits. Newcomers can read the whole game for free for a limited timediv\u003ediv\u003ediv\u003e

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