Double Summit War: The More Contrast, The More Collapse Sengoku

Chapter 70

070. (Original) Kizaru: Kizaru, How Much Salary Will I Give You, So Desperately

At this moment, Robin’s heart is already too excited.

Although it is not the future of my own world.


If I can know that my mother is still alive in another world, my clan is still alive, and Ohara has not been destroyed, that would be a very happy thing.

“(Present) Robin: That’s right, Ohara was indeed not destroyed. I didn’t know this until I met Commissar Ron 10 years later.”

[(Original) Robin: Really, great, great, my mother

Robin choked up when he said this.

For a person like her who has been wandering outside for 20 years independently.

There is nothing that can break her defense and make her cry.


The mother she saw for the first time but didn’t have time to call out was one of the few exceptions.

is she still alive

I really want to see her.

Robin is no longer the little girl she was 20 years ago. Now she knows why Marine wanted to eliminate Oha, why Marine wanted to arrest her mother, and why her mother didn’t dare to recognize herself.

“(Present) Robin: That’s right, my mother is still alive, and everyone is alive. The Buster Call against Ohara did not cause any casualties except for the loss of a small island. You can rest assured on that.”

[(Original) Robin: Great, thank Commissar Ron of your world for me, I really appreciate him. . ”

Even in a different world.

Robin at the moment.

I also really thank Ron from another world for being able to save her from another world and Ohara from another world from the bottom of my heart.

At the same time also feeling.

It would be great if there was such a warm Marine political commissar in my own world.


Your own destiny will also change.

before this.

Robin couldn’t believe that he had such a thought.

At the same time, he didn’t think that Ron in another “four or five zero” world would convince Robin when he knew the truth.


She also knew how she would choose in another world.

“(Present) Robin: I can’t imagine how the other me, who has been burdened with hatred for 20 years, is feeling now. I can only say that I am lucky to have met Ron, otherwise…I am also a lonely person now, with no clan. , wandering alone without a mother, helpless.”

“(Present) Nami: Sister Robin, your future in another world is the same as another me. This is us who have not met a godfather, so we should be more grateful to our godfather.”

“(Now) Robin: Thank you, Master.”

Robin in the original world suddenly became alert, and another self seemed to say some strange name.

[(Original) Robin: What are you talking about? What master?」

However, the top management of the original world Marine and the two Robins have different concerns.

they found out.

In another world.

Five Elders, the main head of the World government, did not dare to provoke Ron.

Even if Ron made such a big mistake, hiding everyone in Ohara behind the back of the World government.

To know.

How important the Five Elders are to Ohara.

This may be related to the stability of their World government regime.


If someone dares to fight against them in this matter, or do some tricks behind their backs.

Five Elders certainly won’t let it go easily.

At least in the original world, it must be a capital offense.


Sengoku looked in disbelief at how the main leaders of the Peace Alliance toughened the old star?

Whether it’s Luffy, Ace, Sabo, or Nami et al…

When the Five Elders wanted to remove Ron from his position.

They all stood up without hesitation and gave five stars.

As Marine Marshal, Sengoku knows exactly what this means?

Which means that these guys, their real leader is Ron.

In other words, they are not afraid of Ron, even the World government.

In fact, Sengoku also knows why Five Elders will choose to back down when they see these people stand up.

Because this force is something they cannot ignore.

Contains Marine’s Admiral and all the forces of the Peace Alliance, as well as the five major companies, and that world has become the world’s most famous scholar Robin.

Such size and influence.

I’m afraid I can look down on the World government.

This is equivalent to, this group of people led by Ron has rebuilt a World government.

Compete with the original World government.


Even Kizaru stood up for Ron.

This is something that Sengoku in the original world did not expect.

“(Original) Kizaru: Am I crazy in another world? How much salary will I pay you? You are working so hard.”

Kizaru from the original world looked confused.

I can’t even imagine that this is something I did by myself.

According to his life principles, that is to get a normal salary at work, and to fish if you can fish for work. Anyway, the salary is not high, so why bother working hard.

But another world of myself.

Since in order to support Ron, he stood up and confronted Five Elders.


Isn’t this equivalent to smashing one’s own job?

Is this something you can do yourself?

I can’t believe it.

“(Now) Kizaru: What do you know? A world without Commissar Ron is meaningless.”

“(Original) Kizaru: Crazy ~ crazy, you are all crazy.”

The Robin video from the original world continues to play.

Marine charged into Ohara.

An indiscriminate attack was launched against everyone here.

Little Robin just kept running and running.

On the edge of the island.

Met Saul Vice Admiral.

This is also one of the few fond memories of little Robin’s childhood.

It was this Vice Admiral who taught little Robin to laugh when facing difficulties.

However, the good times did not last long.

The video continues to speed up.

Not long after.

Here comes Aokiji Vice Admiral.

“Saul, what are you doing? Why are you hiding here?”

Aokiji frowned and said angrily.

At the same time, he also found the little Robin hiding behind the titan.

So ready to take him away.

But what Aokiji never expected was that his friend Saul was ahead of him.

“Do you know what you’re doing?”

Aokiji said angrily.


The video continues to speed up.

Aokiji defeats Saul with absolute strength and freezes him.

“(Original) Sengoku: From this point of view, little Robin can’t get out of this island at all. How did he get out? Saul was also defeated. If Aokiji is here to guard, no one can save him. of.”

Sengoku in the original world doesn’t believe that someone can rescue little Robin under the guard of Aokiji, which is simply impossible.

Wait a moment.

What if it wasn’t rescued?

At this time Sengoku suddenly turned black.

He seems to know exactly who let little Robin go.

If no one can save Robin from Aokiji.

So now there is only one possibility.

That’s what Aokiji let her go.

Is this guy crazy?

Sure enough, as Sengoku expected.

The following video confirms this answer.

It was really Aokiji who let little Robin go.

Moreover, two ice lines were deliberately laid on the sea.

Now Sengoku in the original world can’t hold his face anymore.

Aokiji was also a little embarrassed.

He thought that no one would know about this matter, but he didn’t expect it to be exposed by the comparison video today.

“(Original) Sengoku: Okay Aokiji, I didn’t expect you to do such a thing. Fortunately, I was going to pass on the position of Marshal Marine to you. You really disappointed me.”

[(Original) Akainu: So it was you who did it 20 years ago, I said why you disappeared for a long time, do you know what you did?”

“(Original) Aokiji: I just keep a possibility for the future.”

“(Original) Five Elders: It turned out that you, Aokiji, did the bad thing. If it weren’t for you, wouldn’t it be possible to end the trouble forever, just kill all the people in Ohara, and when the Summit War is over, you come to me Let’s go Marie Gioia!”

The Five Elders of the original world were not happy either.

Just because of Aokiji’s kindness, such a perfect plan failed. And it caused so much trouble later.

“(Present) Aokiji: It’s okay, if you can’t do it, you can come to our world. When the time comes, grab the first answer reward, choose a cross-border, and come to us. There is Ron political commissar covering you. Let’s see who doesn’t have eyes. Dare to move you.”

“(formerly) Five Elders:  …

Then the video continues to fast forward.

Little Robin is drifting in the sea.

Later, the World government also knew about the existence of Robin, and directly issued a bounty of 79 million to her.

It is precisely because of this huge bounty.

Only then did Robin truly see what it means to be sinister.

In the process of escaping, I also met many “good-hearted people” who took Robin in.

But behind the scenes, he was contacting the World government, planning to exchange Robin for bonuses.

that’s all.

Robin kept running away.

Time also passed by little by little.

Slowly Robin grew up

Now she is not something that Marine can easily catch.

By chance, I met Crocodile.

Crocodile took a fancy to Robin’s ability to recognize ancient characters.

Ke Locke Dar, who has always been wild in his heart, is going to find Ancient Weapon, so there must be someone who can understand ancient characters.

And Crocodile has always suspected that Ancient Weapon, Pluton is often in Alabasta.

In other words, the historical text recording Pluton Charlotte is in Alabasta.

That’s why he’s working with Robin.

And Robin, of course, is not really going to Locke Dahl.

After so many years of wandering in the sea, he really understood.

How sinister is the human heart in this world.

There is only a relationship of use between people, and there are no real friends.

So she won’t be loyal to anyone.

The purpose of Robin is also the text of history.

But her purpose is not to find Ancient Weapon.

But want to know the truth of history.

And only Crocodile knows where the historical text of Alabasta is, so she can only cooperate with Crocodile.


Time continues to fast forward.

Flash forward to 20 years later.

Crocodile plotted Alabasta’s coup d’état.

Prepare to overthrow Alabasta’s regime as a hero.

this battle.

It ended with Straw Hat Luffy stopping Locke Dahl.

And Robin finally saw the historical text buried in Alabasta Xiamen.

Because Robin lied to Gram

Locke Dahl, so enraged Locke Dahl directly pierced Robin’s chest.

[(Present) Robin: You are too easy to be killed, don’t you think you have worked so hard to live up to now, just to die here?”

Everyone in the present world saw how miserable Robin was in another world, and they were heartbroken.

Because there was a big commotion about Alabarnstein.

causing the whole world to pay attention.

At this time, it is impossible for Marine to admit that the pirates saved the country.


At the behest of Sengoku.

The credit for saving Alabasta falls to Smoker and Tashigi.

This behavior made Sengoku in the real world very unhappy.

“(Present) Sengoku: The other me, I found that there is no political commissar to do ideological work for you, you guy is really easy to do some very annoying things. This is a

Did Marine do it? And claim someone else’s credit. If you are so afraid of shame, why didn’t you discover these problems in advance and solve this problem in advance?”

[(Original) Sengoku: The incident happened so suddenly, and it was so deeply hidden. How could you know this in advance?”

Sengoku from the original world said unconvinced.

“(Present) Sengoku: You still can’t do it, so why in our world can political commissar Ron find out and solve it in advance.”

This sentence left Sengoku from the original world speechless.

That’s right, I’ve said the sky on my side, and others have discovered it in advance.

Then the video continues to fast forward.

Robin also officially joined the Straw Hat Crew.

Everyone adventures together.

at last.

Robin was caught.

Locked up in the Enies Lobby.

Straw Hat Crew, leading people to the Enies Lobby.

In the end, they were allowed to rescue the person.

this battle.

It can be regarded as riding on Marine’s face and giving the World government a mouthful.

Whether it is the face of the World government or Marine, they are all lost.

“(Present) Sengoku: Shame, shame. It’s nothing more than being beaten around the Marine headquarters. Even Enies Lobby was robbed by a group of little thieves… I found out that the world of you

Marine is really fragile. ”

“(Original) Sengoku: I can’t blame this old man. Enies Lobby’s defense is not particularly strong. You should know this.”

“(Present) Sengoku: You know what, we are the Enies Lobby of this world, there is one Marine Admiral resident, and the Admiral rotation system is implemented, changing every month, and there are three Vice Admirals,

With an additional 50,000 troops, even if the Four Emperors wanted to force their way, it would not be so easy. Before, I thought that Commissar Ron’s actions were too much. After all, no one would fight

Enies Lobby’s idea, but it’s really embarrassing to see the battle in your world today, I suddenly understand why Commissar Ron redeployed the combat power to Enies Lobby, if

The Enies Lobby of our world has also been breached, and I have no face to be the Marshal. ”

Sengoku from the original world has nothing to say again.

He didn’t expect Ron in another 2.7 world to be so thoughtful.

But I have been ignoring Enies Lobby’s defense.

Sengoku couldn’t help but think to himself: If only I had Commissar Ron on my side, so many embarrassing things wouldn’t happen.

Then time continues to fast forward.

Straw Hat Crew in Sabaody Archipelago, got knocked out one by one by bears.

Robin therefore came to the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army.

At this point, the picture came to an abrupt end.

“(Original) Five Elders: Well, it turns out that Robin is now with the Revolutionary Army. It is enough to know your whereabouts. This time you must be caught.”

Anyway, in their world, Ohara’s people are all dead. As long as Robin is killed again, the future troubles can be eliminated forever.


Now the video on the other side of the world began to play.

at this time.

Even Robin himself in the original world began to be very curious, what would be his fate after meeting Ron in another world?

Originally, she resented being brainwashed by Ron.


When Ron from another world saved their entire Ohara.

Robin’s emotions are very mixed.

This made her less resistant to the man in front of her.

Even now I am like this.

Not to mention the 18-year-old self ten years ago.


She would be convinced by Ron soon, too.

And then followed Ron,

Robin in the original world only hopes that he will never become such a strange character as Nami.

It’s really embarrassing to call godfather every day and act like a baby.

I hope that my self in another world can be normal.

Even if you are really brainwashed, you still have to maintain your dignity.

After all, they are 18 years old.

Don’t be like that little girl who calls godfather every day!

The author has a convulsion, has a fever and a sore throat, and his writing status is too bad today, so he will sleep well in a while, and he will recover and write well tomorrow. .

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