Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 15: Bad news

"I rely on you, your dead face and paralyzed face is really insidious, curse me to choke, you are grabbing food here!" When the fat man realized that Li Sheng was only grabbing food for food, he immediately realized that he quit and threw himself to the table. Join the army of food grabs.

Di Ping looked funny, and at the same time a warm feeling rose in his heart. He saw Yu Shujie secretly covering her mouth and smiled, so she smiled and said, "Miss Yu, you won’t have any food for a while, look at this group. I don’t know what a comity is meant by a starving ghost!"

"Yeah!" Yu Shejie stopped laughing, got up to serve herself a meal, and sat down at the table to sip and eat.

Di Ping looked at him and shook his head, this woman! There is still less experience in the last days. At this time, I still eat with this attitude. It's okay with me. If I can't get food in other places, I still don't know the cruelty of the last days.

A bowl of rice and five dishes were robbed by a few people. If this is before the end of the world, the one who is not the boss of oil and water every day, he will be full if he eats a little, but in only a few days, one person will kill two or three bowls; Di Ping It is even more exaggerated. It may be that with the strengthening of the body, he still feels half full even after eating five bowls of rice, which makes him a little unacceptable. If it is strengthened, it will not really become a rice bucket.

After the meal was over, a group of people couldn’t walk. The fat man would actually sit on the ground halfway, softly, leaning on the chair and screaming to sleep, with a halazi flowing at the corner of his mouth; When he arrived, Luo Quan had a hand running along his chest, while he kept burping full. Li Sheng took the bottle of mineral water and opened it to drink, but he took a sip and swallowed hard with his neck stretched out, and finally closed the bottle impatiently. Guy, he's so full, it's in his throat.

Cheng Chao was much stronger, he could only stand up and walk slowly back and forth in the hall, but seeing his frowning brows from time to time seemed a little uncomfortable, Di Ping secretly smiled.

"So full!" Even the little girl was lying in the chair while holding her belly, muttering.

At this time, Yu Shujie finally finished her meal. She didn't eat a few bites of the food. She had a small appetite. Although the family didn't dare to cook and eat these days, the bread and the like did not cut off and could fill it. Full stomach; seeing everyone eating well, got up and started to clean up the mess on the table.

Watching Yu Shujie tidy up the table like a little daughter-in-law, her body is graceful, gentle and virtuous, how can she not let a man's heart move, no wonder her husband is willing to fight her life for her and her child, if she would be desperate, there is such a cute daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law. Children, don’t wake up every day! Di Ping thought wildly.

Thinking wildly in his mind, slowly Di Ping also felt sleepy. Today, he exerted a lot of strength and suffered a lot of injuries. If it weren't for the restoration of soul energy, I wouldn't be able to guarantee that I would be well.

When Yu Shujie finished working in the kitchen, Di Ping called everyone over. His house was a three-bedroom and two-living house, and there was also a study room. He had one room for himself, and gave the other room to Yu Shujie’s mother and daughter. The four older men squeezed in. It was impossible to lie down on the sofa with two of them. After the division, I was really sleepy, so I called back to the room for a nap.

This time Di Ping slept very deeply. It was the most beautiful sleep in these days. He used to be alone by himself. He who never dared to sleep too hard was always frightened. There may be too many people in the room today, and I feel at ease. After a lot of time, I fell asleep at once.

It seems that people are really social animals. The loneliness of being alone makes people crazy. I can’t even sleep at ease. My heart is always in a state of tension. It will work in a short time, and people will get crazy over time. This is Di Ping is now the most intuitive feeling.

"Sleep for this long time! It seems to be really tired!" Di Ping looked at his watch and it was 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and he slept for more than three hours.

When he got up, Di Ping washed his face, and suddenly felt refreshed. The tiredness and exhaustion on his body were swept away. Now he feels full of strength. Hold his fists and click. There is a soft sound all over his bones, satisfied. Stepping out of the room with a smile.

He had already thought about sleeping on the bed during the lunch break, and he planned to set the base on this green edge. This was the result of his careful thinking. There are several reasons.

1. Although his current ability has improved well, he doesn't know what the outside is like. A few mutant dogs made him look ashamed. Although he won, it is still quite dangerous. If he encounters a real overlord in the jungle What about Tiger Lynx and the like, so he urgently needs to improve his strength, and opening the tavern is the fastest way to increase his strength. Once he has a few heroes in his hand, his strength will increase rapidly. Only in this way can he be faster. Returned home to save his parents.

2. It is in the suburbs and close to the city, and there are fewer mutant animals. If you know that the most animals are in the wild forests, it will definitely not work in the forests. In the city, there are more mutant animals, rats, cats and dogs, and even the largest ones. The zoo is definitely not a safe place, so it is much safer here.

3. This community has a lot of area, with two buildings and a lot of villas. The space is large enough and it is more convenient to realize the system building by yourself.

Therefore, after combining these three reasons, Di Ping finally decided to stay here. He was not planning to go to the Bianzhou base developed by the military area. Once he entered the base, his actions would be restricted. Or is it better here. I just don’t know what these people think. , He was thinking about how to tell these people, and he really didn't know whether these people would stay.

Without entanglement with this question, Di Ping opened the door and walked out of the room with a stunned expression, because he found that these few people were actually concentrated in the hall, sitting on the sofa one by one, their expressions were a bit sluggish, each of them seemed to have one in their eyes. A layer of desperate gray, Yu Shujie still had tears in her eyes, she didn't know what she was thinking about, only the little girl, lying in her mother's arms, humming softly in her mouth.

"Everyone, what's the matter?" These people didn't even pay attention to Di Ping when they came out. Di Ping seemed to see something was wrong, so he smiled and said hello.

"Di Ge···"

"Mr. Di..."

Suddenly, several people were awakened by Di Ping's voice, and they stood up and greeted.

"What's wrong, I think you look wrong!" Di Ping waved his hand, sat on the sofa, glanced across the faces of several people, and asked softly.

"Di···Di·Ge! I, I..." The fat man yelled and stood up, his expression agitated. I didn't come out for a long time.

"Don't worry, you sit down first!" Di Ping looked at the fat man as if he was over-excited, without a turn, turned his head to look at Cheng Chao, "Brother Cheng, are you here to tell me what happened?".

He knew that among these people, Cheng Chao should be the best able to explain things in an orderly manner. Li Sheng speaks few words, too simple and sometimes can’t understand. Lao Luo is honest and talks unfavorable. Don’t talk about it. Yu Shujie’s teary eyes The whirling appearance was not the best person to talk to, so he let Cheng Chao speak.

"Hey, it's so miserable!" Cheng Chao heard Di Ping tell him to say, his expression was a little sad, and he let out a sigh of relief, "Just now the radio reported that the government began to withdraw at 11 am!"

"Oh, what's wrong with the retreat? We didn't catch up. Did something happen?" Di Ping immediately looked right when he heard about it. He felt that things might not be so good, otherwise the faces of these people would not be so bad.

"There are not many people who have got the news. Almost 50,000 or 60,000 people have gathered. It is safe all the way. The mutant animals dare not attack this large team. It's just that there are too many people. By the way, it turned out that something went wrong, it was terrible!"

At this point, Cheng Chao also had tears in his eyes, his voice was a little choked, and he could no longer speak.

"What the **** is going on?" Di Ping was a little anxious, how could something happen to so many people, what a big thing, so he asked Cui anxiously.

"I'm sorry Brother Di! Let me breathe back!" After all, Cheng Chao is a soldier. He looked at Di Ping with a bit of disappointment. Then he straightened his body and touched his face with both hands. When I arrived at the Dihu Lake, for some reason, a crocodile rushed out of the Dihu Lake and scattered the team. Then the mutant animals that followed also rushed up, and the team was basically wiped out!"

After talking about this, Wan Chao was a little choked, and the other people were also crying, and Yu Shujie was even more unbearable, sobbing in a low voice, her hands tightly covering her mouth, her shoulders shaking constantly.

"A crocodile broke up the team of tens of thousands of people? These tens of thousands of people are all furnishings?" Di Ping's eyes were wide, unbelievable.

"Yes! I don't know that the crocodile that Wang Ba Dan placed in the Emperor Lake should be cut off!" The fat man cursed with gritted teeth here.

"Brother Di, do you know how big this crocodile is?" Cheng Chao finally recovered, seeing Di Ping still a little unbelievable, then looked at Di Ping and said, "This crocodile is five meters long. How high, more than 20 meters long, and fast. One mouth can kill several people. The tail is like a pillar. It can sweep armored vehicles away with a sweep, let alone people. In particular, the scales are harder than steel. The gun shot was just a white spot, and the army’s artillery could not be injured. Half of the tens of thousands of people were killed or injured in the hands of this beast."

Cheng Chao still had an expression of horror after speaking, as if he had experienced it personally.

The five-meter-high and twenty-meter-long crocodile is bigger than the mutant crocodile in the movie, and it can't be hurt by guns! Things are getting bigger, Di Ping also sat on the sofa for a while. After these few enhancements, his body strength was a thousand catties, and the speed was two or three times faster than ordinary people, and he felt invincible in his heart. , This time it seemed that he was hit hard and flustered.

He didn't expect these animals to mutate so fast, and some animals mutate so terribly. He heard from the radio the day before yesterday that there are tigers three or four tall. He was a little surprised that this is true and false, but he didn’t expect it to be true. How many crocodiles are there. Thousands of people saw it, and they killed countless people.

He was very fortunate that he didn't make the decision to go home rashly. With his current ability to meet death or death, he originally felt that he had become stronger. Who knows that he is still in the food chain compared to mutant animals now. At the bottom, he just climbed up a little bit, and he was secretly happy. He was really a frog at the bottom of the well. At this moment, he corrected his previous contempt mentality and began to face this mutated world squarely.

"Can I survive in this world?" Di Ping's face was a little bleak, as if he had lost his direction and motivation at this moment.

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