Chapter 24: Chapter Twenty-Three: Dealmaker
Pre-Chapter A/N: Please do check out the first chapter of the novel I'm working on up on patreon( it's completely free to access.
What can I say except you're welcome? Here we go with the seventh chapter of 2025. Lovely to have you all here, and I hope you enjoy this one. If you do, feel free to head over to patreon( and read the next two chapters- I update there on a daily basis so there's always something for you to read.
"I forfeit. My magic is running low, and I am still far from fully healed from my earlier duels," She said the moment the referee blew the whistle to begin the duel, taking a step back and off the platform. I breathed a sigh of relief and nodded. She was right, of course. I doubted that Fleur would give me a good fight even if she had been at 100%, but in her present state, it would be laughably easy for me to take her down. That meant I'd won all three of my duels and secured another thirty points.
Krum had beaten Fleur, and lost to both Cedric and Me. Ten points. Cedric had beaten Krum, lost to both me and Fleur — ten points. Fleur had only beaten Cedric, losing to Krum, and forfeiting against me- Ten points. That meant I'd be on 79 points, Fleur would be on Fifty-two, Diggory on thirty-nine, and Krum on Thirty-five. It wasn't even close at this point. I had over double Diggory's total.
Bagman started announcing the new point totals. I tuned him out and tried to make my ay to Fleur, only for her to be escorted out by her half-giant Headmistress. She did give me a smile as she left, so I assumed there was no bad blood there and returned to the castle. I had plans to make. Plans that would end up being very, very expensive, it seemed.
"Were you able to get it done?" Sirius looked oh so anxious as I walked into the Room of Requirement. It had been three days since the duels, and we only had three more days until the ICW kicked off their meeting at the turn of the year. We'd be appealing on the very first day of the meeting, since that was when the Supreme Mugwump was traditionally bound to ask if there was prior business to attend to.
"I was. I am now the proud holder of a portkey ticket for one adult to the Geneva." I said with a smirk.
"And the other thing?" He asked, almost impatiently. I could understand where he was coming from though, so I didn't take the rudeness to heart as I took out the trunk I'd spent the afternoon in Diagon searching for.
"Is it registered?"
"No. The maker was willing to accept a hundred galleons and the fact that he'd be doing me a favour to neglect that minor detail. I went back and obliviated him afterward though" I said.
"How'd you get away with that? Surely, he had wards?" He asked, clearly surprised.
"Anti-theft wards only work if you try to steal something. I went there to mess with him, not his property, so I didn't trigger a thing. Probably says something about our values as a society that most people have wards to protect merchandise but not themselves" I said.
"Before you-know-who, people never really harmed each other. Sure, you had the story of minor robberies and the like down in Knockturne, but crimes like murder and the likes never really had a place. With him gone, is it a surprise that people are returning to the same attitude?"
"I guess when you put it that way, it does kind of make sense" I relented.
"Beyond that, I got it" I said.
"You got it? Where?"
"Well, I don't have it right now. But I did get Fudge to weigh on the Department of Mysteries to return it. I just have to pick it up tomorrow" I said.
"I'm surprised those cagey fucks are going to let it go"
"Well, it is mine in the first place. I did invoke the rights of the Hunter back during the task".
"And then before you could leave with it, the Department invoked the Magical Creatures Act and took it off your hands."
"They could only keep it for 90 days either way, so I'd been planning on doing the ritual without it. But since I saw Fudge at the Ball, and he was trying hard to seem chummy with me, I figured that there was nothing to lose from trying to get it out of him. He didn't even resist. Just wrote back that he had instructed the Unspeakables to hand it over upon request." I replied with a shrug.
"So when are you going to go?"
"I was thinking right now" I said, before I noticed the way his face fell.
"But you just got back" he tried to complain without seeming like he was, and a stronger man would have ignored it, but what was the harm?
"You're right. Up for a duel?" I asked. I was bad with conversation, or all the traditional means of bonding, but I had found that if there was one thing both Sirius and I were always spoiling for, it was a good fight. And he was good at it.
After several duelling sessions, I could see why the Wizarding World had so readily believed him to be one of Voldemort's inner circle. He fought like a demon with the mind of the devil. He used everything from transfiguration to dark arts, to schoolyard hexes and jinxes with almost no rhyme and reason. One second, you could be countering an organ-rupturing curse, and the next, you'd find that your underwear had begun to tighten against your will. That had actually happened. If there was any duel I was ticked off about losing, it was that one. What kind of man would mess with another's bits.
__ __30th December 1994
I walked into the ministry wearing my own face. It was the first time I was walking out of Hogwarts without some form of disguise, and even with how busy the ministry seemed to be, I still struggled to fly below the radar. Several people turned as I passed them, staring at my scar. I kept it exposed, wearing it proudly instead of hiding it like Potter would have preferred.
" Harry Potter here for the Department of Ministries. I have an appointment" I said, speaking to the Security Guard.
"Wand please" The man said after a healthy dose of staring at my scar. I passed over my wand.
"Holly and Phoenix Feather, 11 inches?" He asked.
I nodded.
"Registered on 31st July 1991 to HJ Potter?"
"Then please be on your way, Mr. Potter. Will you require a guide or aid with your trunk?"
"Neither." I said.
It was early in the evening on the day before New Year's Eve. Even if the Ministry was fuller than expected, it was still better than it could have been.
I practically darted to the elevator, tapping the button for the Ninth level.
"Hold it, please" A man shouted from across the atrium. I considered it for less than a second before pretending like I hadn't heard him. The elevator closed before he could make it, and I shrugged. He could always take the next one, and I wasn't enthused about the thought of sharing an elevator.
The lift opened to a different world. The walls were tiled and black, there were no windows or sources of light beyond the blue-flamed torches that lined the walls. Even they seemed to only provide so much that a person wasn't stumbling in the dark, but not enough to call the place illuminated by any stretch of the imagination.
I arrived at the door to the Department, following the directions Fudge had given in his letter and placed my wand against the black door.
A hooded person, wearing a cloak too large to give me any clues as to their gender, opened the door a few seconds later.
"Yes?" They asked quite rudely.
"I'm here for property of mine." I said, shoving the letter at them.
They took a look at the letter, giving it a read before waving their wand over it.
"I assume you have some means to collect this property" They said.
I gestured to the trunk, and they nodded before picking it up and taking it inside, slamming the door in my face. I stared at it, gobsmacked. I couldn't even think of any words to say.
I just stood there, stewing and waiting. The Department of Mysteries would find itself in a very different situation once I ended up in charge of this place, I thought to myself.
It took ten minutes, when I had already resolved to only wait for another five, for the door to open again.
The same unspeakable just dropped the trunk at my feet.
"Your property is within. Head Unspeakable Croaker has expressed a desire to speak with you if you are interested" He said.
I thought about it. The Head Unspeakable was a powerful man-both magically and politically. There were worse allies to make. But then, the treatment I'd endured so far hadn't endeared me to the Department very much.
Still, it was the Head Unspeakable.
"I'll see him" I said.
They nodded like my reply had been a foregone conclusion before opening the door widely and gesturing for me to step past them inside.
Croaker's office was dark. Dark like everything else on this damn floor. I had been placed in front of the famous spinning Dias and the Unspeakable had taken one seemingly at random after the doors spun like they were ought to. The door took us to a hallway that I was certain hadn't been in the books, so it was definitely protected by more than just the spinning door. We walked down a hallway where each step I took seemed to echo over and over again until the sound of my steps began to make me grit my teeth. The unspeakable thought he was being discreet with their amusement, but I could tell they were laughing at me.
The door at the end of the hallway was white, and it clashed terribly with the darkness within the office. It was like the office absorbed all the light within.
"Harry James Potter" The man who was undoubtedly Craoker greeted from the desk.
"Croaker" I replied.
"I assume you're not the one that passed by Mr. Weasley's tent at the World Cup"
"Of course not. I rarely leave these hallowed walls, you see. Makes quite a few people very testy when I dare. Croaker isn't even my real name, it might shock you to find out" He said with a chuckle. His voice was clear, there was an accent there I struggled to place, indicating that he either isn't a native English speaker, or he had learned so many other languages that they bled into his tongue either way. It could also be neither and just a red herring.
"Ahhh. Yes. Would have been a bit on the nose for your parents to name you that. Croaker, huh? A person who predicts death or evil. Or just a grumbler" I said.
"Well, one must commend your understanding of the English language."
"It was my favourite subject in muggle school" I said with a shrug.
"Strange. Your highest marks were always in mathematics" He said, making me freeze for a second, but no further.
"I got beaten whenever I outperformed Sweet Ol Dudders, you see. So I had to hold back on everything." I said.
"Yes, those despicable relatives of yours"
"I find it strange that you know about them"
"A one-year-old boy survived the killing curse. You think that we who delve into things that must remain unspoken would not be curious? You might not remember it, but this is not your first time within our walls" He said. My wand dropped into my hand almost instantly. This had been a mistake. A very dangerous mistake, I realised.
"Worry not. We've gotten all we needed out of you. I would want to know further about your accelerated magical development recently, but your development still remains within the parameters we created for you before we revised them at the end of your Second year. We had feared that a childhood steeped in abuse of the sort you endured might have left you forever broken".
"And yet, you did nothing."
"Albus almost tore this place apart when we took you. We learned to keep our hands clean. In my case, he literally forced it" He said, raising his hands. They were silver. The both of them.
"He took your hands?"
"Your headmaster is a scary old man, from another self-proclaimed scary old man. He cut them off with a curse so dark that these prosthetics never last longer than a week. Even now, the dark magic he used reeks from the wound. 'If you cannot keep your hands away from what does not concern you, then I will take them from you', I remember him saying" He said.
"Bold of you to invite me here then" I replied glibly.
"Word is that he doesn't regard you with near the same level of care or regard anymore. From someone who knows what it is like to once hold Albus' attention and then have that attention taken away, I know how it can hurt, Harry Potter" He said.
"You're mistaken then. The Headmaster and I remain as close as I ever" I replied with a scoff. My wand remained in my hand. I had no idea what this man wanted, and I was starting to get the vibe that I would not like it much.
"Indeed I am. That must be why he did not even spare you a second glance at the Yule ball. That must also be why he has been subtly making enquiries into blocking your participation in the Under 17 duelling tournament taking place next year." He said, and I gripped my wand rightly but cleared my mind to prevent any of my rage from showing on my face.
"A blank face tells as many stories as an expressive one, Harry Potter" he chided.
"What do you want?" I'd had enough of this.
"What I want is nothing much. We can work together. I would have my revenge on Albus Dumbledore, and you will help me" He said.
"Not interested" I replied. Dumbledore wasn't an ally of mine, and he was going to be a problem sooner or later, but I had time before I had to confront that. No need to hurry myself to my death.
"Come now, Harry Potter. I am the Head Unspeakable. I can make your life very easy, or very difficult. Help me and I will help you."
"What would working together with you entail?" I asked.
"I am working on a means to destroy Albus. I just need someone to move it into position when the time comes. It will not be a risk-free mission, but I am certain he would not dare kill you." I agreed. But that still wasn't enough.
"I won't move against Dumbledore while Voldemort remains a threat" I said. He nodded.
"I would never rob Magical Britain of her greatest protector while she lies in danger. But the second you fulfill the prophecy?" He asked.
"Not for free, either. If you want my help, you will pay for it".
"I have gold aplenty, worry not"
"Gold? What use have I for mere gold? As you said, you are the Head Unspeakable".
XX- 31st December 1994
The portkey to Geneva was scheduled to leave on the First of January at around noon, so I had time to kill. Or better yet, time to fuck around and find out. Various potion ingredients had been purchased and stockpiled in the aftermath of the Ball. With the ministry in a tizzy over what had happened during the Yule Ball and the Aurors generally being sent this way and that, so the ministry could be seen doing something, the illegal market in Knockturne was thriving.
I went disguised and was easily able to buy everything I needed. That was what brought me here now. The pentagram drawn with my own blood starkly contrasted with the dark stone of the Chamber of Secrets. The ambient magic of the place along with its privacy meant it was the perfect venue for this ritual.
I had the body of the hellhound- (Fudge hadn't had any issues processing the rest of the return once I mailed him the request. He hadn't even replied personally, Dolores Umbridge had done so on his behalf), the bones of the Basilisk, and a dead Acromantula I'd ventured into the forest and killed before dragging it back here. The ritual Rowena Ravenclaw had created and had improved by one of the early Hogwarts Heads was an interesting thing. Assumption would let me assume the best traits of the creatures I had slain and make them strengthen my magic. The basilisk and hellhound alone were powerful enough that I didn't really expect to gain much from the acromantula, but rituals operated with symbolism.
That was why I was performing this one on the very last day of the year. The night of a full moon as well. Maybe if I had more time, I would have gone looking for a lupine creature to slay for the ritual to really play into the moon's angle, but that was too difficult to even countenance with present limitations- I breezed in and out of Hogwarts at will, but going all the way to Greece and gallivanting through the forests searching for a direwolf wouldn't have ended well for anyone involved.
My watch vibrated against my skin twice. That meant the moon was directly overhead. I shrugged off my underrobes and tossed them out of the ritual field with my wand. Even my glasses were put aside as I stood naked in the centre of the pentagram. The time turner was the last thing to leave my body. I unclasped it from my neck and laid it on my clothes very softly, careful not to risk damaging it, even though.
I shivered as I sat against the cool stone and began to pull at my magic. Rituals were olde magic—with an e for a reason. They didn't need incantations or wand movements—didn't need wands at all, to be honest. All you needed was your magic and your desire. If you want it badly enough, you have the magic to pull it off, and you assemble the right tools, then there's little you can't achieve.
A/N: And here's the chappy- we get an interesting conversation and bring in my own version of the unspeakables. We also have violent Dumbles here, but don't trust everything that gets said just because it's said by someone who seems honest. As always, the next two chapters are up on Patreon( If you just want to read complete chapters and not my work in real-time, then feel free to purchase this story as a collection on my patreon( page so you get to read each chapter after I finish it and not necessarily the daily updates available with a regular pa-treon membership- nice way to support this story and me while you're at it. Enjoy!