Don’t Covet the Beautiful System!!

Chapter 77

Chapter 76

Accompanied by the photographer’s retreating movement, the entire screen shook, and a low “Fuck” sound came from outside the screen.

In the suddenly blurred and out-of-focus picture, the jelly bean robot wearing a peaked cap looks weird and interesting, but before the audience can see it clearly again, a static play button has popped up in the center of the screen.

This is the end of the video.

Another netizen who didn’t come back to his senses after watching this video crackled and typed a line on his mobile phone.

[Why is it gone? ? ? ]

After posting the comment, scroll down, and the video comment area titled [Interview video with Pei Qingyuan, the number one student in the college entrance examination of province A (Part 1)] is full of unfinished question marks and jokes mixed with hahahaha.

[Help, click in after reading the text interview, I never thought it would be so funny hahahahaha]

[What about the follow-up? ? I want to see the follow-up! ! ]

[I heard the terrified sound of the photographer brother hahahaha laughing so hard that I want to die]

[Is it a human thing to break here! Li Yayi, hurry up and release the next episode! ]

[Curious to ask, who is Li Yayi? ]

[It is the female reporter who wrote the interview and appeared in the video just now, both the interview and the video are signed. ]

[Li Yayi, what are you doing!? Come out and post a video! I want to see the full follow-up to this “amazing” robot in five minutes! ]

Looking at the new comments that kept popping up on the screen, as well as the constant congratulations from colleagues in the chat software, Li Yayi still felt unreal in a dream at this moment.

This interview with the No. 1 Scholar, which could not have caused a splash, turned out to be really popular.

Li Yayi in front of the screen took a deep breath, ran to the bathroom and washed her face with cold water to keep herself calm, and when she returned to the computer, she couldn’t help opening that blog post that netizens have now called the root of all evil.

[@奇奇事件收集Box: Read this news first, then watch this video, you will definitely come back and leave a string of hahahahaha/salute]

In this blog post published by a well-known entertainment account, there is a seemingly ordinary news report and a seemingly ordinary interview video.

A week ago, the interview draft of the Provincial Champion written by Li Yayi was published in local newspapers and websites. This plain and dignified press release, as she expected, did not cause any waves.

In order to avoid the consequences of “the top scorer in the college entrance examination is famous because of his appearance”, Li Yayi didn’t even post a close-up photo of Pei Qingyuan, but only posted a distant photo of the basketball game provided by No. 2 Middle School for It shows the good mentality of the provincial champion who insists on combining work and rest on weekdays.

Yesterday, she posted this interview video, which she and her editing colleagues had been working on for several days, on the official blog of the newspaper with few fans.

Although it took a long time to edit, the content of the interview did not change much. Only some scenes that might reveal personal privacy were cut out. The conversation between her and Pei Qingyuan was basically preserved. In addition, only subtitles were added without any special effects. See It sounds like an authentic documentary.

After this video was released, there were not many comments at first, and most of them expressed “Why is the atmosphere of this interview a bit confusing and funny?” “Why is the video only half?” “The number one scholar in province A is so handsome!” understand” or something like that.

until a comment appears.

[After being picked up by the marshal, I searched for other reports about him. I almost died laughing. When I looked up at the name, it turned out to be the same reporter who did the interview. I can only say that journalists are not easy…]

Different netizens responded to him one after another.

[What, I put my **** here! ]

[When I saw this, I searched it too, but I laughed so hard that I hit my phone on my face hahahaha, it hurts so much QAQ]

[Really or not, I will also search. ]

[Squat squat, is there a class representative? ]

[I came back after searching, now I just want to say… Li Yayi, where is your next episode! ! ]

Immediately afterwards, the popularity soared, and some people spontaneously contributed articles to various well-known accounts of entertainment nature, among which the article published by “strange event collection box” was the most widely circulated.

Because there are enthusiastic class representatives in the comment area who put up a very graphic text version comparison.

#论大大精神的语言艺术##Reporter is really an amazing profession##与李雅怡学书写#

In the interview transcript:

“…Although he achieved a record-breaking result in this year’s college entrance examination, student Pei Qingyuan’s performance is quite calm, and his joy is filled with restraint and humility that are rare for young people.”

Live picture:

(The tone of the reporter was full of expectation at the beginning)

“Can you tell me how you feel right now?”

(The No. 1 scholar expresses joy with a deadpan face)

“I am very happy.”

(At this point the reporter was obviously waiting for the champion to continue, but all she got was a long silence.)

(A minute later, under the puzzled eyes of the champion, the reporter changed the topic a little bluntly.)

“Cough, then, is it convenient to disclose which college you finally chose?”

②In the interview draft:

“As a prospective college student who has obtained the recommendation qualification of Jiangyuan University’s artificial intelligence major, Pei Qingyuan, who chose to continue taking the college entrance examination this year, said frankly that after facing a lot of competition from various famous schools, he still feels that Jiangyuan University is the best. A good choice, this consistent ambition after going through ups and downs, will definitely allow Pei to take a more solid step on the road to the future.”

② Live screen:

(The reporter’s tone gradually became disturbed)

“…Can you tell me why you still chose Jiangyuan?”

(The number one scholar continues to be expressionless)

“This is the most suitable place.”

(reporter asked firmly)

“Which aspects are suitable?”

(The No. 1 scholar remains ruthless)


③In the interview draft:

“Student Pei Qingyuan not only has excellent grades, but also pays attention to the development of extracurricular interests. He is not only a main member of the school basketball team, but also often reads books in different fields, allowing himself to broaden his horizons, increase his knowledge, and appreciate a broader landscape.”

③ Live screen:

(The reporter’s tone carried a vague sense of despair)

“… Besides studying, what else do you do?”

(The champion continues to be cold)

“Play basketball and read books.”

(The No. 1 scholar is really handsome, but can you show a little expression)

(reporter dying)

“What kind of books will Pei read?”

(The No. 1 scholar output two-character mantras steadily)

“a lot of.”

(The picture falls into a wordless stillness again, and then we hear the reporter say “stop for a moment” to the cameraman in a vicissitudes of life.)

(We’re coming up with the climax of the first half.)

④In the interview draft:

“…In addition, Pei, who was noticed by the School of Artificial Intelligence of Jiangyuan University, which ranks first in the same major in the country before the college entrance examination, has already started to learn relevant knowledge in this field by himself in high school, and has shown extraordinary talent. The author saw the small robot made by Mr. Pei at his home, and was very amazed. I believe that in time, he will become a rising star in the field of artificial intelligence.”

④ Live screen:

(The camera brother seems to have found something good, and the camera slowly moves towards the suspected desk.)

(high energy warning ahead)

(A weird robot with a peaked cap, an oval body, short hands and long legs came into view, and we heard the cameraman ask naive questions to the reporter colleagues around him.)

“What do you say this is?”

(A second later, a lively colored light flashed on the robot, and a polite-sounding mechanical female voice suddenly sounded.)

“Hi, are you calling me?”

(The picture shakes violently, and strides back violently, accompanied by a clearly audible sound of **** from the camera brother.)

“In the Interview: Very Amazing”

“Live Picture: Scared to Blur”

(Thanks, the last episode is over.)


At the end of this text commentary, I even typed a serious one.

This amazing news commentary, excavated and summarized by netizens themselves, received tens of thousands of retweets within half a day, and the trend is getting worse.

[Unexpectedly, in my lifetime, I could actually see a pair of antonyms that are even more outrageous than seller show and buyer show: interview scripts and live pictures. ]

[I would like to know how this reporter manages to achieve the same content in the interview and the manuscript at the same time… Teach me, teach me, teach me! ]

The initial comments and retweets, apart from some playful one-liners, were half hahahaha laughter and half protests at the video’s abrupt end.

Later, more and more netizens were aroused. Some people went to the official blog of the newspaper to urge Li Yayi to release the next episode quickly, and some tried to find out more public information related to the champion of province A.

Soon someone found the news that the No. 2 Middle School basketball team had won an excellent ranking in the provincial and municipal leagues.

[What I think of as “a main member of the school basketball team”: an implicit beautification, actually refers to the champion who is devoted to studying and occasionally plays basketball after school. ]

[The actual “one of the main players of the school basketball team”: a shameful abbreviation, which actually refers to the fact that the champion led the team to win the first place in the municipal league and the second place in the provincial league in his spare time, and was repeatedly rated For the MVP of the audience (ps stadium photo is so handsome ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah)]

[I thought I just saw a sand sculpture video showing handsome guys. I never expected that after watching the video with a smirk, I actually knelt down and looked at the comment area…]

[Reporter Li! How many secrets are hidden in the interview script that you pretended to be calm? I want to see a complete champion! Quickly ask the camera brother to hand over the camera’s memory card! ]

[Is it just me wondering about that weird little robot at the end of the video? It was actually made by the champion himself. ]

[Curiosity +1, I brainwashed and looped the video several times, and found that the layout of the champion’s house is so cute, it doesn’t match his taciturn appearance at all, although the stereotype is not good, but I really can’t imagine why it is like this A male high school student with a cool personality will design a robot like this…]

[Ahhh, I found out too! There is a black and white ceramic cat ornament in the corner of the sofa where he was interviewed. It flashed in a few shots. It’s so cute. I took a screenshot and searched. I didn’t find the same model. Maybe it’s also made by myself. Bar? ]

[Indifferent academic **** who doesn’t like to talk + hidden sports department + handicraft expert who likes cute style, what a complex combination of attributes. ]

[Don’t be indifferent, I read people in their school forums, they all say that the champion is usually very enthusiastic, will help students answer questions, and also drive everyone to improve their grades, their school’s overall scores this year are particularly good. ]

[Damn it, it’s obvious that his super high score of 737 points is enough to attract people’s attention, why there are so many mysterious bright spots besides the score! ]

[Thousands of words merged into one sentence: Li Yayi hurry to work! ! ]

[I want to watch the next episode! ! Next—set—]

The contrast between the official press release and the actual interview screen, as well as those elusive contrasts that naturally existed in Pei Qingyuan’s body, were superimposed and completely detonated public opinion.

The news release was ignored for a week after it was first published, and the interview video exploded after it was accidentally discovered by netizens, which made many netizens who personally participated in the “step-by-step discovery process” have a strong willingness to spread the word.

Because they are the ones who let this outstanding high school student who should shine into the public eye completely.

And the first person to experience this feeling was reporter Li Yayi.

After discussing with the leaders of the newspaper, Li Yayi, who was about to release the second half of the video while it was hot, noticed that the number of topics related to the news had reached 60 to 70 million, and it was still rising.

It was the first time for her to deal with such a hot news, and when she was excited, she thought of the conversation with Pei Qingyuan more than a week ago for no reason.

At the end of the interview that day, Li Yayi once asked for Pei Qingyuan’s opinion: “I plan to publish an interview video at the same time as I publish the written manuscript. After the video is edited, I will send it to you for viewing in advance. Do you think it is okay? “

She expected the provincial champion, who seemed uninterested in most things, to simply answer yes or no.

Unexpectedly, Pei Qingyuan gave a third answer.

“The text will be produced first, and the video will be released slowly.”

When he said this, his tone was very light, but there was an undeniable taste.

Li Yayi was first shocked by this indescribable determination, and then she had a flash of inspiration and thought of the benefits of doing so.

——This press release that will be published in the newspaper must be serious and rigid, but the video itself has a kind of humor and narrative that is difficult to express clearly in words. The time difference may mean excellent topicality and communication potential.

So she agreed without hesitation.

At that time, she didn’t think much about it, and she was complacent about the trick she thought of on the spur of the moment.

But in the face of the current spreading force that completely exceeded expectations, Li Yayi suddenly had a strange idea in her heart.

Did Pei Qingyuan anticipate this moment when he answered her words?

After a brief trance, Li Yayi took a deep breath and pressed the send button of the video blog post heavily.

She didn’t know the answer, and she wasn’t going to confirm it with herself.

The power of news reports comes from the certain truth, but the charm of character stories comes from the uncertainty brought about by the appropriate blank space of subjective intentions after many events are presented objectively.

She wants to find her favorite answer in this supposedly unremarkable, but actually full of novelty, contrast, and complex emotions, like many other ordinary netizens.

The latest video titled [Interview video of Pei Qingyuan, the number one student in the college entrance examination of province A (Part 2)] appeared on the homepage of many netizens.

Countless people are looking forward to pressing the play button.

The video begins with the shot where the camera brother finally calmed down.

Li Yayi, who was still in shock, remembered Pei Qingyuan’s recommended major in the blink of an eye, and immediately asked, “Is this an intelligent robot?”

After she finished asking this sentence, she quickly returned to her professional smiling posture, and the big cameraman beside her also concentrated on recording the video as if nothing had happened.

Pei Qingyuan responded, “Yes.”

Li Yayi felt that she had seen the dawn, and hurriedly asked, “Is this the robot you made yourself?”


The provincial number one scholar’s answer evolved from two words to one word. Li Yayi gritted her teeth and decided to boldly start with this strange robot.

Fearing that the AI would not be able to recognize it, she said in a straight-forward manner: “Hello, what function do you have?”

The response speed of the jelly bean robot is not very fast, but the voice is smooth: “I have many functions.”

This answer is quite the maker’s style.

Li Yayi observed its rather sophisticated mechanical long legs, and asked tentatively, “Can you dance?”

“I know how.”

Li Yayi’s eyes lit up, and the camera brother skillfully cut to a close-up shot: “Can I have a dance?”

In the end, the jelly bean robot refused solemnly: “No.”

The female reporter and cameraman, who hadn’t expected to get this answer at all, looked at each other, and said again uncertainly: “…why?”

“Because no password was entered.”

After it finished saying this sentence in a serious manner, even the colored lights flickering on the oval body dimmed, as if it had entered a dormant state.

Li Yayi was stunned. She looked left and right, but she didn’t find any place on the robot where she could manually enter the password: “Isn’t this already a normal conversation? Why do you need a password?”

The cameraman next to him cleared his throat, and couldn’t help but try a classic voice-activated password: “Open Sesame?”

Li Yayi: …

Fortunately, the robot remained motionless and did not respond.

…why did she say “okay”?

Under the blank stares cast by the two, the provincial champion finally took the initiative once: “The password is its name. Only after reporting the password accurately can it enter the unlimited free interaction mode. Now it is just a standby mode.”

Li Yayi was a little touched to hear him finish this long sentence.

She couldn’t wait to interact with this specially conceived robot: “Then what’s its name?”

“Sorry, I can’t tell you.”

Li Yayi’s emotion just now was shattered in the blink of an eye.

In the melancholy expression of her wanting to ask the reason but knowing that she must not be able to ask the reason, Pei Qingyuan explained: “This is a one-to-one intelligent communication robot. After the owner sets a name for the AI, the program will The two modes are automatically activated, and the name is used as a password to achieve a one-to-one design concept, so I can’t presume to tell you what the owner named it.”

Li Yayi didn’t realize it: “Aren’t you its owner?”

“No.” Pei Qingyuan said, “I gave it to a friend.”

“Did you make another robot for yourself?”

“No, it’s the only one.”

At the end of the break, Li Yayi stared at the word “friend” that she had circled heavily in her notebook, continuing the interview with high spirits.

It is incredible that a high school student who has not experienced systematic professional teaching can independently manufacture this rather exquisite intelligent robot.

What’s even more incredible is that he actually gave this robot he made by himself to a friend, or at least handed over the very important right to name it to someone else.

From the short contact, Li Yayi has already sketched out her initial impression of this newly promoted top student in the college entrance examination: extremely high IQ, outstanding talent, but cold personality, lack of interest in many people and things, very in line with ordinary people’s cognition The definition of genius.

She judged that this friend would be an entry point to get closer to the subject’s heart.

During the following interview, Li Yayi followed the usual outline and asked some questions about school, family, and friends, while calmly focusing on that friend.

Even with the length of the interview script, it is unlikely to mention other people, she still wants to ask.

This was out of her personal curiosity about the high school students in front of her.

And she really wanted to know the name of this strange little robot and what kind of dance it could dance.

With a desire to explore, Li Yayi kept recording something in the notebook.

Although Pei Qingyuan didn’t talk much, he answered every question cooperatively.

But after Li Yayi collected more and more answers, her mood became complicated and difficult to distinguish.

Sure enough, as she expected, only when friends were mentioned, Pei Qingyuan’s answer would be longer.

Although most of them were vague answers like “taught me a lot” and “helped me a lot”, without revealing any information related to the identity of his friends, Li Yayi could hear the seriousness in his words.

She found that the parents who were not at home were completely absent in Pei Qingyuan’s words.

She belatedly realized that instead of the two pairs of slippers belonging to her father and mother in the hallway, she and her photography colleagues were clearly wearing new slippers for guests.

Before the ups and downs of the interview came to an end, Li Yayi looked at this warm living room seriously again, and when she saw the cute decorations that can be seen everywhere, she already had a completely different feeling in her heart.

During the interview, she secretly confirmed that Pei Qingyuan didn’t have any special preferences for these objects, but he let them stay around quietly.

The dancing jelly bean robot is a gift he gave to his friends.

Will those gadgets similar in style to jelly bean robots be gifts from friends?

Who was the one who reached out first?

In this home where the owner and the furnishings seemed contradictory and harmonious, immersed in all the seemingly irrelevant details and fragments, Li Yayi gradually pieced together an answer that she understood.

At a certain moment, she almost put aside her identity as a reporter, and just asked out of pure curiosity in the tone of a witness: “Do you like the name your friend gave to the robot?”


This was the first answer that the champion, whose expression had always been alienated and calm, told her with a faint smile.

So Li Yayi decided on the final question in an instant.

“In your opinion, what role does this friend play in your life so far? Or, what does this friendship mean to you?”

When the words fell to the ground, Li Yayi and her camera colleagues subconsciously held their breath, waiting for his answer.

In the room that suddenly became quiet, Pei Qingyuan still calmly looked straight at the camera set up in front of him. Outside the transparent lens, he saw countless golden dust ups and downs in the light filled in the room, and he saw the gradually passing past and the suddenly approaching future.

The question reminded him of the day when the story began.

Pei Qingyuan always remembers what Ji Tong said to him when they first met.

——You live in a book, and you had a not-so-satisfactory life experience at first, but with my help, you will change your destiny and reach the pinnacle of life step by step…

He lives in a book and has a predetermined trajectory of fate, which should have been a terrifying thing.

But at the beginning, he was grateful for the sudden appearance of that little figure, and forgot to be afraid. Later, the bits and pieces of getting along gradually filled the empty and pale life, and he could no longer distinguish the boundary with reality.

So Pei Qingyuan accepted everything Ji Tong told him, and also accepted all the fate that has come and will come.

He likes these real and vivid days in his life.

The only difference from others is probably that, as a character who bears the fate of counterattack in the novel, he is destined to be seen by more and more people.

He is not one to be watched and speculated by strangers.

But Pei Qingyuan thought that this might be the price for good luck to bring him out of the quagmire.

He accepted that as well.

At least he has free thinking and can actively choose when and what posture to be seen.

So Pei Qingyuan chose this moment.

The interview is coming to an end, and then everything will flow into an uncertain unknown. He can guess what kind of things people will be attracted to, but he can never guess what emotions and colors will be dyed in their sights.

He didn’t want to guess what others would think of him, and he didn’t care too much about the disturbances that might arise from it.

He is just answering every question in the way he is used to, honestly presenting the true self and everything around him at the moment.

It was a family that slowly took shape after meeting Ji Tong.

And a Pei Qingyuan who has only existed since then.

In this seemingly long silence, Li Yayi did not have the

With subtle emotions ranging from anticipation to bewilderment, she just waited quietly.

She thought, this is probably a difficult question to answer.

What does the relationship with that friend mean to the interviewee who has been sitting here alone and saying nothing?

The spacious balcony draws sunlight into the room, and the living room is full of light. Li Yayi, who was a little lost in waiting, saw the ballpoint pen in her hand cast a slanting shadow on the notebook paper. A small black-and-white ceramic cat sits on a soft sofa, brightly lit.

She saw the bright black and white falling into the interview subject’s eyes, so he stopped looking at the camera, lowered his eyes, and trembled his eyelashes, as if he carefully locked a secret that others would never be able to see.

The long-awaited answer sounded with a familiar indifference, but in a trance, Li Yayi seemed to hear countless hidden and surging emotions from this voice.

“That was one of the luckiest things in my life.”

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