Don’t Covet the Beautiful System!!

Chapter 35

Chapter 34

The gymnasium of No. 1 Middle School is not very big. As an ordinary high school, the locker room equipped inside is not as formal as a professional game. It can only be roughly divided into two areas, one of which is specially used for the visiting team visiting today.

Pei Qingyuan walked into the dressing area reserved for No. 2 Middle School with his teammates. The atmosphere was a little serious. He was afraid that the opponent next door would hear him, so he couldn’t communicate about the tactics to be used in the next game. They were all silently changing clothes and adjusting their mentality, chatting occasionally A few words.

In a tense atmosphere, Pei Qingyuan suddenly remembered something.

He turned his head to look at the watch he had just taken off and put aside, and saw a bright yellow light flashing across the dial.

Noticing his sudden gaze, the little robot who was looking at something with relish immediately raised its head and looked at the sky seriously.

Pei Qingyuan: …


He almost forgot that this is a smart watch that expresses praise and praise to human health.

Seeing the host frowning slightly, Ji Tong had an idea before he could speak, and said without hesitation: “The host is so handsome today! He is the most handsome human being I have ever seen!”

A healthy body can also include a face.

Under his enthusiastic rainbow fart offensive, Pei Qingyuan really didn’t speak.

Fu Chengze, who was next to him, was halfway through his shirt, saw Pei Qingyuan staring at his watch, as if in a daze, and came over curiously: “Brother Pei, what are you doing? Did Xiaomei find some dangerous elements?”

Unexpectedly, Pei Qingyuan turned around decisively, not giving him a chance to see Xiaomei at all, and said coldly: “Pay attention to the image.”

Fu Chengze looked down at his pretty abs, confused.

What an image!

He was confused for a while, and he could only say a thousand words: “Stingy, you can’t even look at Xiaomei.”

Pei Qingyuan remained unmoved, while the robot Xiaomei showed a smiling face that only the host could see.

“No. 7.” Ji Tong looked at the jersey that Pei Qingyuan had just put on with satisfaction, “This is the host’s birthday, and I will definitely win today.”

“En.” Pei Qingyuan responded, holding the watch in his palm, and walked out of the locker room with his teammates who were all ready to go.

As a result, as soon as he walked out, he ran into the No. 1 Middle School team who was also preparing to enter.

After a brief silence, the No. 13 player who took the lead in No. 1 Middle School laughed first.

“Long time no see.” He looked at his old opponent Fu Chengze, with subtle contempt in his smile, “Don’t rush away after the fight, I’ll treat you to a meal, even if you lose, you still have to eat.”

The straight-to-the-point trash talk immediately made the atmosphere between the two teams delicate. Behind No. 13, there were any members of No. 1 Middle School who participated in last year’s game, but they hesitated to speak. They didn’t agree with the captain’s performance at this moment, and they couldn’t speak directly.

Fu Chengze’s anger was instantly aroused, and the members of the No. 2 Middle School next to him quickly reached out to stop him, lest there would be a physical conflict before the match.

Seeing the anger that couldn’t break out on the faces of the members of No. 2 Middle School, No. 13 looked even more proud, looked around, and joked: “There are so many new faces, didn’t they all get scared by the previous ones? It’s a pity, I still miss them.”

Last year, due to the dispute that the foul was not punished and the players were injured, a lot of conflict broke out between the teams of the two schools. People from No. 2 Middle School were injured. Although the people from No. 1 Middle School won the game, they were still beaten The teacher educated them a lot, which caused dissatisfaction on both sides, and the grievances between the players of this year became deeper and deeper.

No. 13 pretended to be concerned: “By the way, who – what date is it? I forgot. It’s been a year. His injury should be healed, right? There’s nothing wrong with it?”

Under this provocation, not to mention Fu Chengze, even the members of the No. 2 Middle School who had never experienced that game couldn’t bear it, and all of them had fire in their eyes.

No. 13 intentionally groaned, and took a step back: “Why are you so fierce? Which sentence is wrong?”

He still wanted to make a bit of a fool, when he heard a cold voice.


Pei Qingyuan passed by him expressionlessly, without giving him any extra glances, and just plainly told his companions behind him: “Let’s go.”

Fu Chengze and the others gritted their teeth and followed directly, ignoring his provocation.

Thirteenth reacted belatedly, took a few steps forward, and said viciously, “Who the **** are you talking about!”

However, there was only a mechanical voice floating in front of him, and he repeated it in a tone of voice: “Why are you so fierce? What sentence is wrong?”

This paused voice was too sarcasm. For a while, the team members behind No. 13 had different expressions, and almost forgot their positions. Some people wanted to laugh but dared not.

No. 13 immediately threw out a series of swear words, and they had no choice but to persuade them repeatedly: “Captain, that happened last year, don’t think about it.”

“Captain, don’t swear, let the coach hear it later, we will be criticized again…”

After leaving the locker room, Ji Tong had already marked the annoying No. 1 squadron leader as a dangerous object in the database, and at the same time heard the host’s voice: “I should not be able to complete the task today.”

With this mentally handicapped captain present, no matter how you look at it, it is not suitable for making friends.

So the little robot nodded, and when he was about to say that there was no need to worry, Pei Qingyuan said again: “Then come and cheer us on.”

Players from the two sides gathered on the sidelines. The coaches once again emphasized the tactical arrangements for the first half to the players. Pei Qingyuan carefully wiped off the dust attached to the dial, and handed over the watch, which was about to lose its soul, to the teammates on the bench for help.

“I’ll win,” he said.

Five minutes later, before the official start of the game, the second middle school student who was told by Pei Qingyuan to go out to pick up someone hurriedly brought back a kid wearing a mini ball uniform.

Some of the juniors in the No. 2 Middle School basketball team who did not play or qualify as substitutes came to cheer on the seniors together today, and they were the boys with the crew cut who led Ji Tong to the first row of the auditorium and sat down.

Ji Tong is wearing the same uniform as the No. 2 Middle School basketball team today. It is bright orange and has a big number 7 on his chest. As soon as he sits down, he raises his short hands high, and the big brother on the court Buddy say hello.

The boy with the flat head looked at his clothes curiously: “This children’s clothes are so delicate, are they number seven like the seniors?”

“That’s right.” Ji Tong replied cheerfully, “That’s my brother!”

Then he put his hands together in front of his round face, and said loudly: “Brother-brother-come on-!”

Amidst the din of the stadium, Pei Qingyuan, who was wearing the same ball uniform, clearly heard this familiar child’s voice. He looked back and seemed to smile.

When the whistle sounded, his expression immediately became serious, and he devoted himself fully to the game.

In the first half, No. 1 Middle School adopted a three-person double-team tactic to deal with veteran player Fu Chengze. I don’t know if it was because he had the strongest performance on the field last year, or because of personal grievances.

They didn’t know much about Pei Qingyuan, who just joined the No. 2 Middle School basketball team and had never participated in foreign competitions, so they only made general defensive arrangements.

So it was only half a minute into the game, before the court even heated up, Pei Qingyuan grabbed a rebound first.

As soon as the ball entered the frame, the children in the audience wearing mini ball suits immediately stood up and cheered. The eye-catching appearance immediately attracted the attention of many spectators.

“What a cute kid!”

“That jersey is so interesting, shit, why didn’t I expect it to be like this…”

The atmosphere in the arena was intensifying. Ji Tong, who was standing in the first row, didn’t know much about basketball, but he could clearly see that the focus of No. 1 Middle School’s defense was gradually shifting from Fu Chengze to the host, but the host could still find opportunities to attack, and Fu Chengze The cooperation between the others was quite smooth.

On the contrary, on No. 1 Middle School, Pei Qingyuan’s unprepared offensive made them lose their positions. The tactics they had arranged at the beginning completely failed.

Whenever the No. 2 middle school scored a goal, Ji Tong would happily stand up and cheer, while when the No. 1 middle school scored a goal, he sat upright and remained motionless. The contrast was particularly strong.

The number of times has increased, and some spectators not only watch the game, but also pay special attention to this little fan who reacted very interestingly.

After all, the current situation on the field is one-sided. Instead of watching your team play so aggrieved, it is better to watch some scenes that make you feel at ease.

Under the influence of Ji Tong, who devoted himself wholeheartedly, gradually, some people followed him to applaud the No. 2 Middle School who was playing away.

Who made No. 1 Middle School’s performance today really stink, and my own people can’t stand it anymore. On the other hand, No. 2 Middle School not only cooperates tacitly, but driven by the most eye-catching No. 7 player, almost everyone has a bright moment. And the more you play, the more exciting it is, and it is very entertaining.

In the second half, during the break, the coaches spoke separately again. Ji Tong keenly noticed the change in No. 13’s expression, and immediately reminded the host to be more prepared.

In the most intense fourth quarter of the game, the point difference between the two teams was already quite disparate, and there was almost no possibility of reversal. When the players of No. 1 Middle School were discouraged, dirty moves also appeared.

Since they were doomed to lose, they couldn’t make life easier for the people in No. 2 Middle School.

No. 13 deliberately approached No. 7, who was in full swing, and was about to pull people hard when he was about to take off and shoot.

However, Number Seven quickly avoided it.

The soles of the shoes rubbed against the floor violently, making a loud noise. He used a fake move to shake away No. 13, and when he raised his hand for a dunk, he happened to brush against No. 13’s deliberate hand.

The basketball fell steadily into the frame, and No. 13 was called for a foul at the same time.

Under the unwilling eyes of No. 13, No. 7 got a free throw opportunity.

He was not affected by outsiders at all, from lowering the center of gravity of the body, to shooting, and then following the action, a beautiful and impeccable shot.

There were warm cheers again in the arena.

A perfect 21.

When the final whistle sounded, the score was finally fixed at 108:62.

Ending without suspense.

No. 2 Middle School is full of jubilation, but No. 1 Middle School is awkwardly silent.

Filled with anger, No. 13 cursed unscrupulously until he was severely stopped by the coach who couldn’t bear it anymore. The other frustrated teammates didn’t have the heart to recognize this irritable and narrow-minded captain at this time, and silently looked at the opposite second The middle school players celebrated excitedly around a kid wearing a ball uniform.

Looking at it, someone suddenly showed surprise, and bumped the shoulder of the person next to him in surprise: “What is your father doing at No. 2 Middle School?”

As soon as the game was over, Xiao Jianping, who was recording his son’s game for his wife while still obsessed with the AI, couldn’t hold back his curiosity, handed the camera to a colleague, and walked quickly towards the No. 2 middle school players.

“Excuse me, I heard in the morning—” Xiao Jianping tried to organize his words, “I’m sorry, I didn’t eavesdrop on purpose, but do you have a smart product here?”


Coach Xu, Fu Chengze and others looked blankly at this middle-aged man with an agitated expression.

Only Pei Qingyuan and Ji Tong looked at each other and realized something.

The kid who was still in high spirits immediately lowered his head, admiring the cute jersey on his body as if nothing had happened, trying to reduce his sense of existence.

Xiao Xinchen in the distance also looked blankly at his father who had gone in the wrong direction.

The teammate poked his arm again, and said inexplicably: “He looks very excited, didn’t we lose?”

Xiao Xinchen pondered for a moment, and then said: “It’s probably because I misunderstood my son. Although my father is stupid, it doesn’t mean that…”

But while he was talking, he still showed uncertainty. He looked carefully at Pei Qingyuan, who had a bright appearance in the distance, and couldn’t help asking his teammates: “Do I look like the number seven on the opposite side?”


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