Dog of War

Reinforce Everywhere, Weaken Everything part 1

Thank you to our beta reader and partner, Boudica. You can find her on this site.

They watched cautiously as Miss Verdun opened the door, preparing themselves for anything. The moment the door finished sliding open she was immediately besieged by the most ostentatious display of bright colors they had ever seen. Her body was Terran from the waist up, but much like The Captain, her legs were a tangle of vines. Blues, yellows, pinks and greens of a shade that almost hurt to look at covered every inch of the Affini.


She spoke rapidly, "Oh Camila it is sooo good to see you! How are you? How did it go? Where's your little Terran? Daisy always loves making new friends!" Ah. That was them, wasn't it.

"Slow down, Cordelia! One question at a time!" Miss Verdun attempted to stem the barrage of questions, giggling all the while. They looked for possible avenues of escape. Perhaps they could sneak away into the guest room before- nope. The new Affini had definitely noticed them now. She disentangled the few vines she had worked into Miss Verdun's, approaching them lightning fast. 


"Oh you must be little Beckett! Hello," she cheered. They couldn't help but notice the vines creeping around them. "I am Cordelia Dawnbloom, 3rd bloom, She/Her." She smiled widely, revealing countless thorns in place of teeth.

Miss Verdun gently placed a hand on Miss Dawnbloom's shoulder, "Now Cordelia, remember what I told you about Beckett."

Immediately, the encroaching snare retracted back into Miss Dawnbloom. "Ah, yes, the touch aversion. Apologies, little one, I didn't mean to frighten you."

What, exactly, had Miss Verdun shared with her? There were still introductions to be made however. They extended one hand outwards, offering it, "My name is Beckett. It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Dawnbloom." 

Miss Dawnbloom squealed with delight, touching her hands to her chest, "My, so polite and well trained already! He is quite odd, but are you sure he's feral?" She giggled, gently wrapping a vine around their hand and giving it a gentle shake. "The pleasure is all mine, cutie."


'Well trained?' They were rather rigorous about their training, but they got the feeling Miss Dawnbloom didn't mean it in that capacity.


"Oh!" Miss Dawnbloom exclaimed, clapping her hands together, "There's someone else I want you to meet! Come on out and say hi, dearest~"  


A woman stepped out from behind the violently vibrant Affini. She had fair skin and dirty blonde hair cascading all the way down her back, flowers woven into it. Freckles dotted her, to the degree scars striped them. A loose, flowing floral dress in the same offensive colors that comprised Miss Dawnbloom hung off her. She swayed as she approached them, and a vine from Miss Dawnbloom corrected her balance.

"Uhm, hi, I'm Daisy Dawnbloom, first floret, She/Her. It's nice to meet you," she introduced herself, standing before them now.

They could see her dilated pupils, her vacant smile. If that wasn't enough to send a chill down their spine, they spotted the most offensive item of all- her collar. It was rather subdued compared to the rest of her outfit, greens from light to dark blending together. The appearance of vines woven together, reminiscent of old art they had once seen. A Celtic Knot, as they recalled. At the center hung a nametag. It took a massive amount of willpower to tear their gaze away from it. That anyone would accept something like that...

Once more they offered their hand, "Beckett. Nice to meet you."

Daisy giggled, "We don't shake hands in the Compact silly," she swayed as she stepped past his outstretched arm, "We hug!"

Oh like hell! They immediately stepped back, placing their arm between themselves, but before Daisy could be stopped by it, vines swept her up. "Now now, cutie, Beckett is very new. You need to make sure he's okay with it before you touch him, okay?" Miss Verdun cooed, playfully tickling her nose as several vines stroked through her hair. The eyesore of an Affini joined in, obscuring Daisy from view.

Daisy giggled, "Okay, Miss!"

"Thank you, Miss Verdun." That was twice now the Affini had intervened on their behalf. It was a little aggravating, but trying to protect every inch of ground was a sure way to lose it all.

She smiled as she set down the Terran woman, "Of course little one, your comfort is very important to me." They managed to keep from scoffing at such a ridiculous platitude. She was seizing territory that they couldn't afford to hold.

Daisy practically bounced as she offered her hand, "Sorry, we can shake if you wanna."

It was a bit odd to shake a full minute after introductions, but it was better than unwanted intimacy. They took the proffered hand firmly. "It's nice to meet you-" They couldn't call her Miss Dawnbloom, could they? As her owner, the affini likely held the Miss Dawnbloom title over her pet. "Miss Daisy."


Daisy giggled again as they broke the handshake. "Stars, you're all stiff and serious and junk. Just call me Daisy! Don't worry, I used to be all super wound up too! I'm sure your Mistress will help you like my Mistress helped me."

"Miss Verdun is not my owner!" They snapped. Vines fidgeted in the corner of their vision, but were unable to determine whose; both the Affini were standing together. Calming down, they continued. "She is my guardian during my Wardship."

Daisy cocked her head to the side. "But- but- you call her Miss Verdun, and Mistress Miss Dawnbloom and..." She furrowed her brow, as if trying to piece together a difficult puzzle. "Oh, stars, you're one of those really serious types. My bad," Daisy apologized, offering a sheepish smile.

"It's fine," they huffed, "you didn't know and you didn't mean anything by it."

Miss Dawnbloom spoke up, giving Daisy a pet that made her gasp, "Okay cuties, Camila and I are going to start getting dinner ready. You two have fun and play nice alright?" Miss Verdun started to protest before being strong-armed into the kitchen. 


This was absolutely a test. Well, if the Affini thought they would step out of line at the first moment they weren't directly supervised, they would be sorely disappointed.

Daisy stepped back in front of them, smiling, "Sooo... what'd'ya like to do for fun?"

Their eyes went to the collar again for a moment. It was hard not to look at it, knowing it was there. "Training, mostly."

Daisy perked up, "Oh! Me and Mistress do that all the time!" 


Ah. That was perhaps a term to avoid in the future. "I mean working out," they humphed, "Push ups, running laps, rucking, drills- that sort of thing." 


"Ohhh. Uhm, is that all?" She scratched her head, "Do you have other hobbies?"

They racked their brain, outside of training all they did was study, predominantly wars and battles of old. This line of conversation was getting uncomfortable, they needed to go on the offense here. "I read a lot, I suppose. What about you?"


Daisy lit up like a city square, counting a barrage of things on her fingers, "Oh! Uhm, I garden mostly, but I also listen to music, paint, sculpt clay, and play with Mistress of course!"

Letting her talk about herself was far easier than discussing their personal life. "You garden?"

"Oh yeah!" Daisy beamed. "Mistress always helps me. She knows a lot about gardening- she grows grafts for other Affini! We're working on crossbreeding some chrysanthemums with this other flower from the core worlds and-" Daisy suddenly clapped and squealed. "You should come over sometime so you can see! I'm sure your mistr- sorry, Miss Verdun would be okay with it! Mistress is very good friends with her."

They didn't even want to know what she meant by that . Still, this presented an opportunity. Getting close with Daisy could open up access to avenues of escape, should they need them. "That sounds agreeable. I would like to see it."

Daisy giggled, "Geeze, do you always talk like you learned English by reading a dictionary?" She continued to laugh.


Having a pet laugh at them was rather aggravating; there was nothing wrong with how they spoke! "Of course not, I learned through rigorous study. I just like to keep things formal."

Daisy struggled to stifle her laughter, "Sorry, sorry, I shouldn't make fun of you. It's just pretty funny that Miss Verdun found the one Terran even more uptight than she is."

"I-" they started to protest, but, well. She did have a point, they were fairly serious. "I suppose. There is nothing wrong with that."

Daisy began to fidget as silence hung between them. "So, uhm, are you sure we can't cuddle a little? Or hug?" She looked at them sadly, rubbing her arm, "Sorry, I'm just feeling kinda touchy right now."

They narrowed their eyes, watching her closely, "I don't have any interest in engaging in intimacy with strangers or acquaintances."

"What about with your friends? Do they get to hug?" Daisy asked.

Friends? "My work was far from conducive to friendships." They never knew who they would have to eliminate, and often they were only in an area briefly.

They regretted admitting this almost immediately. Tears began to well in Daisy's eyes, "No friends? Ever?"


Making an Affini's pet cry for any reason was definitely a fail case. The number one priority of the Affini was the comfort of their florets. "I suppose... we could... be friends" They strained.

Daisy immediately lit up, bouncing in place, "Ohmigosh! I'm your first friend! I'm super honored and junk!" She cheered. She then leaned in uncomfortably close, "Does this mean we can hug now?"

They wanted to say no of course. However this woman seemed immensely unstable, and they had only narrowly avoided making her cry. "I... suppose that would be fine." 


Camila's vines twisted over each other anxiously, looking back at the door to the living room, "Are you sure Cordelia? He only arrived yesterday, what if he tries to hurt Daisy?"

"Nothing would come of that, and it would be the last mistake he ever made as an independent." Cordelia stated matter-of-factly. She intertwined her own vines with Camila's to still the fretting, "Besides, from what you've told me, Beckett is eager to prove that he can be independent. He might be feral, but he's not foolish. I very much doubt he'll try anything." Cordelia smiled.

"I suppose..." She did agree that Beckett was unlikely to try anything, but she still didn't like letting him go unsupervised.

Cordelia cupped her face with a hand, "It'll be fine, dear. Give the little one a chance."

Camila sighed, leaning into the comfort of her friend, placing her hand atop hers. "Okay. I suppose I'm just feeling a bit anxious."

"Stars, you're roots over vines for him, aren't you?" Cordelia sighed.

Camila removed Cordelia's hand from her cheek, stiffening up. "I am not! He's a borderline sociopath, I would be neglecting my duty as an Affini-"

" Ca-mil-a, " Cordelia softly enunciated her name, "Come on now. You want this Terran, don't you?"

Camila averted her gaze, Cordelia knew her too well. "I just... I want to see the little one happy. That's all."

Cordelia drew her into a hug, "Of course. I understand." She pulled out of the hug enough to bring them face-to-face, "Stars, leave it to you to find the one Terran more tightly wound than you are."

"I am not tightly wound!" Camila protested.


Cordelia chuckled, teasing her with a vine, "Dear if you were any more tense, you'd snap a vine."


Camila humphed. "We should get started on the little ones’ dinner," she said, eager to shift the topic. "Did you have something in mind?"

Cordelia tapped her chin. "A few things, yes. Is there anything in particular Beckett likes?"


Camila frowned. "Honestly, I've yet to express any preference. Every time I made him food he just said 'it's good' and ate it without a single emotion." Not being able to give the little one a meal that made him truly happy was a blight on her pride as an Affini.

Cordelia furrowed her brow. "That is rather strange... Feral Terrans subsist on those awful synthcubes almost exclusively. There's little else the cuties enjoy more than a good meal. Even the most simple compiled meal should do the trick." Cordelia seemed to ruminate for a while longer before snapping back to her cheery self, "Well we'll just have to make sure to do it this time! Let's make a breakfast skillet, it's one of Daisy's favorites."

Camila couldn't help but smile at her friend’s enthusiasm, "That sounds delightful!"

Cordelia walked her through it. It was a rather simple dish: potatoes, sausage, bacon, peppers, spices, eggs and cheese, all mixed and prepared in one large skillet. Cordelia moved up behind her, their forms intertwining as she helped her prepare the ingredients and mix them in the pan. Stars, her core was maybe a meter from her own, what was she thinking?!

"Cordelia-!" she started.


She leaned in, placing her head at the nape of Camila’s neck. "Hm? Is something wrong? I'm just trying to help my friend make a delicious dinner for her pet-to-be."

"Thank you, but I think I have it from here." Camila fought to keep her emotions under control. She didn't want to damage their friendship. 

Cordelia smiled, pulling away, "It seems that you do. Just a few more minutes and it'll be ready, dear." Cordelia set the table as Camila finished cooking, poking over every so often to make sure she was doing it right.

"It looks great!" Cordelia announced, "I'm sure the little ones will love it. Why don't you get them while I serve it up?"

Camila nodded, exiting the kitchen.

"-pose that would be fine." She heard Beckett's voice as entered the living room, followed by a soft grunt.

Camila peered around the corner, careful to not alert them. What she saw made her stifle a squee. Daisy had her arms wrapped around Beckett, nuzzling into him. Beckett remained still, with his arms at his side. "Okay you got your hug, you can let go now."

Camila quickly retrieved her pad to take a photo.

Daisy shook her head, refusing to relent, "It's not a hug if you don't hug back!"

Beckett sighed before putting his arms around Daisy, who squeaked. "O-oh! You're strong!"

Camila took several pictures, delighting in the cuteness.


"Alright," Beckett let go of her. "Satisfied?"

"Uh-huh!" Daisy nodded, releasing Beckett, "You're good at hugs, we should totally hug more."

Ohhh Camila was definitely getting that footage from the Hab. Seeing Beckett trying to get along was positively adorable! Cordelia would love it, and the captain would likely enjoy a copy as well. They had both been right, the little one just needed a chance. 

Camila stepped around the corner and announced herself. "Dinner is ready, cuties."

Daisy cheered, throwing her hands up, "Yayyyyyy!" She grasped Beckett by a hand and tried to pull him along. "C'mon, Mistress always makes the best food!"

Beckett stood firm at first, before relenting, allowing himself to be dragged along. Camila smiled as they passed by her on their route. It was nice to see him open up a bit; Daisy did have a rather disarming, carefree attitude. It was clear that even Beckett wasn't immune to her. She followed behind them into the kitchen.

"Mistress! We're friends now!" Daisy exclaimed as she entered the room, holding up their intertwined hands. "Oh! Can we have him come over so I can show him the garden?"

Cordelia swept her floret up into her lap, Daisy giggling and letting go of Beckett's hand as she did so. "I think that would be a great idea, dear." She smiled as she lavished Daisy with pets. Daisy's expression grew vacant as she leaned into the attention of her owner. "Of course I'll have to see when little Beckett is available, but I don't think Miss Verdun would have any issue with it."

"Perhaps a few days after the Vet," Camila nodded, turning her attention downwards to Beckett. He already had one hand on the seat, poised to leap up. "Would you like some help, Beckett?"

Beckett leered up at her for a moment. He had clearly been hoping she wouldn't offer. Finally he sighed and hung his head, removing his hand from the seat, "Yes ma'am."

Camila used a few more vines than was necessary, relishing in this fleeting moment of allowed contact as she set him in the seat. "Cordelia helped me out with dinner today, I hope you'll love it."

"I'm sure I will." Beckett stated as he took a fork and dug it into the bowl, shooting a glance over at Daisy as Cordelia fed her. Daisy lit up, delighting in the bite as she bounced with joy. Camila was practically standing on the tips of her vines as she watched Beckett take his first bite. He swallowed before speaking, "It's good, thank you."

That's it? But- but- Cordelia had said...

"I'm glad you like it, little one." Cordelia was thoroughly examining Beckett as he continued to eat. Camila had seen that look before; she was plotting something. "Camila and I worked very hard on it." Cordelia feigned a sigh, "Unfortunately neither of us have grafts for taste, do you think you could describe the flavor for me?" Of course, how did she not realize sooner?!

Beckett slowed his chewing, looking off to the side. "Ah, it's, uhm-"

Daisy perked up, about to interject, only to be quieted as Cordelia fed her another bite. "Sorry sweetie," she apologized, stroking her hair, "but I really want to hear it from Beckett."

Beckett chewed for a few more moments, before swallowing and sighing as he set his fork down. "Well, no point in lying." He leaned back, folding his hands in his lap. "I can't taste it. I can't taste anything."

Daisy looked up at her owner, worried. Cordelia soothed her as Camila spoke out, "Why didn't you say anything?"

Beckett shrugged, "It was clear the food was good, and that you put effort in. That I couldn't actually taste it hardly seemed relevant."

Camila puffed up; "It is absolutely relevant little one! You're missing an entire sense, that's a severe handicap, I wouldn't call that 'hardly relevant!'"

"I suppose I should have mentioned it sooner, but there wasn't a good opportunity." Beckett took a sip of water before continuing. "It would have felt rude to say it during a meal, and awkward any other time." 


"Well this simply will not do," Camila huffed. "We'll have to see what the vet can do about this. Are there any other disabilities you're hiding from me?"

Beckett picked up the fork again, digging out another bite, "I'd hardly call a lack of taste a disability, Miss Verdun. There are plenty of afflictions that actually impact one's ability to live." 

"My, what a misguided notion." Cordelia chimed in, largely focused on continuing to dote on Daisy, "You seem to have a rather archaic notion of what a disability is."

"I suppose." Beckett shrugged, "I wouldn't consider myself disabled in any manner, personally." 


Oh dear, this was going nowhere. If the little one couldn't recognize that a lack of taste and chronic pain were disabilities, it was unlikely that even an ocean's worth of Class D would get anything out of him. Camila sighed. The Vet should be able to find any other latent problems tomorrow. "We'll have to address your viewpoint another time. I'm rather unhappy that you tried to keep something like this to yourself." There was almost certainly some underlying ableism being harbored as well.

Beckett swallowed another bite, "I will try to be more forthcoming in the future. I didn't mean to upset you."

Well, the little one really did seem apologetic at least. Still, one thing bugged her, <"How did you realize it, Cordelia?"> Camila asked, swapping to her native tongue.

<"Well it was only a hunch at first. I just thought it was strange that his reaction was so flat. Then I noticed Beckett was only chewing only enough to swallow."> She fed Daisy the last of her meal, wiping off the little bits of food stuck around her mouth.

Dirt. Camila had noticed that was chewing only a few times each bite. She should have realized sooner. Definitely after the little one said he didn't have any food preferences at all. Beckett deserved a better, more attentive owner. One that could actually notice his issues and assist him.


<"Don't beat yourself up, dear."> Cordelia helped Daisy to the floor, giving her a few pets for good measure, <"Beckett is a rather complex sophont, and quite good at concealing his thoughts and feelings. It would have taken me some time to realize it as well, if he was my first Terran.">

Beckett finished his food soon after, unceremoniously hopping down. "Well this has been delightful but I'd like to get ready for bed now." 


"Bed? But I gotta teach you all about friendship!" Daisy whined, before looking up at both Affini and proudly bragging, " I'm his very first friend, y'know." 


Oh dear, that didn't bode well. "Did you not have any friends on the Valiant?" Camila asked.

"No," Beckett stated flatly, "I was there to work, not socialize."

Ridiculous! He was onboard for well over two years and never had any companions? Actually, that wasn't that surprising, given his general disposition. Another thing to add to the growing list of concerns.

Daisy leapt onto him, embracing him like he was Terran sized plushie. "But now we're friends and I'm gonna teach you how friends work," she cheered. 


Beckett stood completely still, letting Daisy hang off of him. "How... Fortuitous..."

Daisy met Beckett's stony mask, giving him an exaggerated frown. "You already forgot lesson one!"


"And what was that?" Beckett raised an eyebrow.


"When a friend hugs you, ya gotta hug back silly!" Daisy giggled, redoubling her efforts. 

"Ah, right." Beckett wrapped his arms around her for a couple seconds before releasing her, causing both Affini to coo at the sight. 


"Aww, what a good girl you are!" Cordelia lavished her floret with praise and attention. Daisy went lax as her owner drew her into her arms. "Such a very good girl, helping Beckett out! However, I think we should let him get to bed; he has his very first Vet appointment tomorrow. You can teach him more about friendship when he stays over soon, okay?"

"Yuh-yes Mistress." Daisy panted, struggling with words as Cordelia pumped xenodrugs into her system.


"We'll have to do this again soon, Camila- it seems like little Daisy here is quite fond of Beckett. For now I'll let you both get to bed, I'm sure tomorrow will be..." Cordelia hesitated as she searched for the proper word. "Eventful."

Camila bid farewell to Cordelia and was soon alone with Beckett once more. She shadowed him as he brushed his teeth and prepared for bed. Once in the guest room- his room for the foreseeable future, she supposed- he paused, eyeing the pet bed cautiously. "You have an actual bed due tomorrow, yes?"

"Of course," Camila nodded. "I do want you to feel comfortable here, little one. It's very important to me."


Beckett sighed, "I suppose one more night isn't going to hurt." He walked towards the bed, stripping off his clothes before stepping inside. "Goodnight, Miss Verdun." He said as he tucked himself into the myriad of blankets and pillows. 


Camila turned off the lights, "Goodnight, little one." 

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