Doctor goes back to Joseon

Chapter 53

Chapter 53: Guard [3]

The place that Yeoni had pointed at was the only place without any smoke rising up. It meant that it might be a safe place.

“Okay, let’s go. How long do you think it will take?”

“Sorry, sir. I don’t know.”

“If we can arrive there before sun sets, it will be good.”


“Can you walk?”

“Yes, sir.”

Yeoni tried to take steps while smiling. He was sure that her legs would function normally, but she must be having some pain.

“Would you like to be on my back?”

“No, sir.”

“Then… use this.” Ganghyuk picked up the sword from the floor and gave it to her. Although it was a little bit short, it could be used as a cane. If she used two swords, holding one in each hand, they might function as crutches.


“Yes, you can use them as canes.”

“Ah, yes!”

Yeoni used the sheaths as canes and walked diligently. He did not need to slow down, as she followed him closely.

After walking for a while, like that, they could finally see the end of the forest. There were rice and vegetable fields in their sight. Although there was nobody to be seen, there were no corpses and fire either, which was a good sign.

“The place you are talking about is that village, right?”

“Yes. As far as I remember, there was a big village here.”

“Yes, you are right. It seems like a big village indeed.”

It seemed to have more than 500 households.

Although the size of the Japanese bandit group was big, they might not have been able to attack such a big village.

“It looks fine from here. But, it is better to be cautious.” Yeoni stuck her head out of the forest and said.

“Shall we move after it gets dark?”

“Yes, I think that would be better.”

“Ok. It is easier to be spotted now.”

If they could run, even being spotted would be have had been fine. But, Yeoni was in no position to run.

As they knew there was a village right here, it would not do any harm if they took some rest.

“I should have brought some food.”

“Ah, I have some.”

Yeoni took off her rucksack from her back. It was the bag that had been distributed to the soldiers.

She must have saved one.

But, the contents inside were not good at all. There was some unknown powder with a strange color.

What is this?”

“I think it is the pine tree leaf powder.”

“Pine tree leaves? Do you eat it?”

“Yes! We can eat it by mixing it with rice powder.”


They were no pine caterpillars. Why should they eat pine tree leaves? Ganghyuk was at a loss for words because of the embarrassment.

‘She is really eating it.’

It did not seem to have much moisture, so it might choke the throat; however, she ate it just fine. The worst thing was that he was very hungry, and could not stand it anymore.


She smiled on hearing the rumbling sound from Ganghyuk’s stomach and gave him some powder using the unwashed hand.

“Sir, try this.”


There was nothing else that he could do. He could not ask Yeoni to hunt, as she was a patient. And he himself did not know how to hunt. He would surely get lost in the forest if tried.

‘There is nothing that I can eat in the forest.’

He saw some mushrooms on the way here, but they looked poisonous. He did not want to be intoxicated in the forest for sure.


Ganghyuk took the mixture of pine tree leaf powder and rice powder with a sigh.

“Eok.” He screamed right after trying to consume it. As it was an extremely dry powder, it stuck to the mucus in his mouth.

Cough cough!

“Are you alright sir?” Yeoni said while patting his back.

“O…kay… Wa…t…er.”

“We have only this.” Yeoni gave him the saline. He did not know he would have to drink this again. Moreover, he drank it voluntarily this time.

‘My God…!’ Ganghyuk received the saline while swearing. The saline was waving in the plastic, which was similar to his state of mind right now.


The taste was strange. Although it was his second time, he could not be accustomed to it. If it were not for the powder, he would have spat it out immediately.

“Sir, you must eat to live.”


“You might feel the sweetness while chewing it.”

“Ok, I will try.” After some efforts, he could finally manage to eat the powder.

…        ( Updated by BOX NOVEL.COM)

The sun went down; there was still some light, but it was not so bright.

“Let’s go.”

“Okay. Are you alright?”

“Yes, sir… Much better.”

As he had changed the dressing and bandage, she could move better. It would be better if she did not run.

Yeoni had changed her hairstyle already, looking like a good servant by now.

“You are lucky that you did not have your joints injured. Let’s go.”

“Yes, sir.”

With that, the two left the forest.

There was no sign of people in the village. They passed the rice fields and arrived at the entry of the village, but they could not see anyone still.

‘It is very strange.’

It was a very quiet village. It looked quite peaceful and lovely actually; they would have liked to admire it for a long time if it were not for the Japanese bandits.

However, something was strange here. He felt a disharmony that he could not feel from other villages which they had passed.

“Wait… Wait a moment!”

“Yes, Sir?”

He hid himself under the wall at the entry of the village, and Yeoni followed him. As she was small, it seemed like she was hiding in his bosom.

“Why are you doing this?”

“Smoke. There is no smoke/”

“Isn’t it because the Japanese bandits did not arrive here yet?”

“No, it’s something different.”

Ganghyuk looked around the village. It was quiet, and there was no smoke. Yet, it was already past dinner time.

“There should be smoke from cooking rice at least.”


She exclaimed and then shut her mouth quickly, realizing that they should not be making any sound. Luckily, it seemed that nobody had heard her.

“Then, we had better leave this place.”

“It seems like it is already too late.” Ganghyuk said while pointing at the back. Some armed Japanese bandits were coming across the rice field. Although they were not a big group, the two of them could not fight against them.


“Let’s go inside.”

“Yes, sir.”

The water was already spilled, so the two ran across the village. It seemed that there had been an attack here. He could see blood here and there.

However, there were no dead bodies. Somebody must have gathered them.

While they were running, somebody called them. “Hey, there!”

When Ganghyuk looked back, he saw a man holding a bamboo spade.

“Oh, there is a man!”

“Why are you here?” The man inquired with a look of suspicion on his face.

“It’s a long story.”

The man looked at Ganghyuk and said. “You are not a soldier or military officer, but you have a sword.”

“I am a member of the punitive forces.”

“Ah, punitive force! Come here. We all are gathered in one place.”

“Are there many survivors?”

“We owe much to the professor.”

“Professor?” Ganghyuk titled his head in wonder. There was only one professor that he knew in Joseon.

In the plaza, there were quite a lot of people gathered together. In numbers, they easily surpassed the Japanese bandits.

But in terms of the weapons…

They held farming tools or poorly made bamboo spades. As they were agitated by Japanese bandits, they were very noisy. They were trying to tell their stories and could not stay quiet.

The man who brought Ganghyuk and Yeoni opened his mouth. “Well, please listen to the professor.”

Hearing that, everyone immediately became quiet.


Somebody opened the door and came out, a man whom Ganghyuk recognized very well: it was indeed Changgweon in his shabby robe.

He had tied his hair without leaving any loose ones, which made him look strong and authoritative.

“Did the Japanese attack again?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Well, where is the punitive force?”

“What should we do?”


Changgweon wondered; the people in this place, including himself, did not have any experience in combat. Most of them were Confucian scholars studying in Hyanggyo. They read books on strategy, which did not help them much as they read them as a hobby.

They could manage to defeat them with the passion and spirit, but they could not do that again if there were another attack.

Hence, he said hesitantly. “We should defeat them together.”

“Yes, sir. There is a man who came here as a member of the punitive force.”

“Really? Where is he?”

His face became brighter. But when he saw them, his face became darker; there were only two people.

They should be called stragglers rather than the punitive force. And as a matter of fact, that was indeed true.

“Why does the punitive force have only two people?”

“There was fire and noises of weapons.”

“Yes… We can image what happened. Let’s see.”


The other people went to the plaza under the orders of Changgweon, holding the poorly made weapons in their hands.


“So, it really is you, sir.”

“Why are you here?”

“I came here because the governor asked me to serve as an army surgeon. Because of the attack last night, we were left behind.”

“I see. Good! We need a hand indeed.” Changgweon held Ganghyuk’s hands and shook them with gladness. His hands were very soft, as he had not done tough work with them all his life.

It did not seem that they could win the war given the kind of people they had here.

“Will you fight?”

“Yes, we must.”

If the village was intact, they could have fought somehow. But now, the village was half destroyed. Furthermore, they only had tens of scholars and farmers.

The Japanese bandits were professionals, and they were at most amateur in fighting and combat.

“I experienced them yesterday. They were fierce and cruel.”

“I know… However, we should fight. How can a Confucian scholar run away just to save his life?” He clearly had not lost his incorruptible attitude.

“In unity, there will be strength. Let’s go.”


Ganghyuk looked at the village, seeing the Japanese bandits coming in from all directions. It looked more difficult to escape from them right now than fighting them right now.

‘Yeoni is not well… And here we have more people…’

He had no other choice. If there was no other option, then he would have to fight.

“Okay. Let’s go.”

“Good! The teacher will be proud of you.” By ‘teacher’, he was referring to Seungmun.

Hearing him, Ganghyuk became depressed, as his speech implied that he would be killed in the war, and his father would be proud of him sacrificing himself for the State.

There were many people in the plaza, holding their weapons with determination. Changgweon went forward without hesitation and said in a commanding tone, “Well, steel yourself to face an ordeal.”

“Yes, professor.”

Some of his students stood around him as guards. Ganghyuk went to the end of the group. To be precise, he tried to go to the end of the group.

“Sir, we had better go to the frontline.”

“You are injured. How can we be in the front?”

“But, he is Yeoju’s father.”

Why did people around him always say the right thing? Sometimes, he felt he needed some flattering ones. Ganghyuk stood behind Changgweon while thinking this with a sigh.

“Okay… But, if something happens, we run. Got it?”

“Yes, sir. Don’t worry. I will keep you safe.”

“Thank you.” Ganghyuk said with a slight dejection as he took out his sword. He had the best weapon in the group. As for skills? Nobody knew…

“Here come the Japanese!” Somebody in the back yelled, followed by the Japanese bandits launching the assault.

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