Disgraced Consort

Chapter 90 - : Inviting Grace 1

Turning around, Xi Yan heard that Elder Feng gently clapped his hands.

Then, behind her, the sound of a sharp knife hacking into the flesh sounded, accompanied by people screaming and screaming, which also impacted her hearing.

It was a killing.

She can face everything calmly, but she doesn’t want to face this kind of killing again.

Even if, in her heart, there will never be any waves.

But she didn’t want to see this kind of cruel blood.

Even though, for all this, she had expected it.

Since Elder Feng took her alone to Wang Ting, she knew that he must be fully deployed.

The changed guards at the city gate were only part of the deployment, which made Yiling think that he controlled Qingning in this way.

When a person thinks he has control of the overall situation, he often takes it lightly.

And this negligence is undoubtedly fatal.

In the secret road, when she smelled the smell of rouge, but Elder Wind did not stop moving forward, she knew that the man ’s deployment was thorough, and he had the certainty of winning, so he ignored these seemingly Dangerous smell.

Seeing Yi Ling’s moment, she heard from Yi Ling’s words that Yi Ling lacked confidence, which made her more convinced that everything was in the hands of Elder Feng.

He asked Yi Ling to say these words, but he gave him a reason for punishment.

The reason for this punishment is enough to convince the public, and it is enough.

After all, Yi Ling is also a member of the Yi family. Since she did not choose to surrender, then for each tribe of Jinzhen, a punishment for the crown is needed.

The temper he wanted her to get was not to let her participate in the killing, but whether she had the courage to face it when she was threatened most directly.

Of course, he also made her understand that holding a powerful hand must be **** and cruel.

This step by step, to the road to the peak of power, there is no other than to spread the blood.

For example, Yi Ling is also cruel.

That wolf pack, is it really to get Elder Feng back to Qingning quickly?


Because, even if everything is contaminated with blood and cruelty.

With regard to feelings, these **** things must not be tolerated.

Otherwise, it will not be emotions, but just an excuse to disguise your desires with emotions.

But, Yi Ling, after all, failed. She relied too much on men. If she didn’t realize that Elder Feng was not good for her patriarch’s position, perhaps this dependence would continue to exist.

Even at the last moment, Yi Ling hoped that this man could ignore everything she did for power.

Now, behind Xi Yan, the **** smell became stronger and stronger, just as the vomiting in her chest was getting stronger and stronger.

“What’s wrong?” Elder Feng approached her and asked.

“It’s okay.”

Xi Yan’s complexion was abnormally pale, lining her pupils, dark and inky.

“I want to take a break. Here, you can deal with it.”

The feeling of vomiting, barely stopped, except for the thin porridge that was just used, she really couldn’t spit out more.

“Really okay?” Elder Feng still couldn’t let his mind down, his voice full of concern.

“But I’m not used to these **** things.”

Xi Yan didn’t turn around again, she walked forward, and under her feet, she could see the blood flowing through it, the night was deep, the bright red blood was still dazzling. That represents the splendor of the last moment before life leaves.

And she selectively blocked all of them.

Only when I didn’t see it.

Just like now, she can’t hear the killing sound behind her.

However, when the blood spilled on her little boots, even though there was a thick boot leather, she still felt sticky.

“I will take you back to the temple to rest.” Elder Feng said this.

Even though he was still worried about her body, without her permission, he could not take her pulse for her.

Because, after all, she is a woman.

Therefore, even if she had a fever for a few days, he didn’t take the pulse for her. The only thing he did was to make her sweat with the method of soil.

That’s all.

But, at present, her complexion looks really bad.

He was a bit worried, even if everything was under his control, but he was worried that there was always something he could not control.

For example, the woman in front of you.

Patriarch of the Miaoshui people.

The place where Elder Feng took Xi Yan to was the palace in the middle of Wang Ting.

Letter: Golden Phoenix Palace.

This is also the Golden Phoenix Palace that he has always prepared for Yiying.

Now, the preparation for Yu Yan is the same.

Xi Yan slept tiredly on the couch, but then suddenly retched.

This time, she almost vomited that there was nothing to stop.

“Patriarch, let me take a pulse for you.” Elder Feng could not help but asked for instructions while putting on a cotton towel.

“Well.” Xi Yan said weakly.

Her body leaned back on the couch, her wrists extended, and under her thin wrists, a clear blue pulse was visible.

The maidservant who was on the side took out a side silk wrap on Yu Yan’s wrist, and put his hand on her veins, except that the signs of coldness were still obvious, there were-

Also, it is actually Huamai.

She turned out to be pregnant!

His expression hidden behind the mask froze, and she looked at him with a voice burnout:

“It’s just fatigue, right?”

“You go down first.” He Shen ordered the maidservant aside.


As the maidservant withdrew outside the hall, the atmosphere inside the hall suddenly became a little stiff.

He opened his lips, and the stiff air suddenly became cold.

“Patriarch, you are pregnant, less than a month.”

This sentence fell into Yu Yan’s ears, her expression was stunned.

Immediately, she suddenly laughed softly, and the laughter grew bigger and bigger until she choked out her tears, and Fang Ningfeng elder Feng said slowly:

“This is the most fun joke I have ever heard.”

Of course she knows that this is not a joke, if it is, it is nothing more than the most ridiculous fact!

She is pregnant!

That night of humiliation, she was pregnant with a child!

“This is not a joke, but a fact. Patriarch, you are a thousand-machine cold poison. As I said before, it is the last period of poison killing. It stands to reason that you should be aware of the period of poison and poison invasion. , But you never seem to know that you have been poisoned. So, I speculate, maybe there is something in your body that can restrain this poison before. But, now, the effectiveness of this restraint has been lost, so there are at most thousands of machines in your body. After a month of dormancy, it will happen once every five days. I will do my best to detoxify you, but this detoxification drug is hot, that is to say— “

“This child will not be guaranteed, right?”

She narrowed her smile, condensed him, and said absolutely:

“Prepare a bowl of safflower soup for me.”

When the word came out, it obviously had a slight taste.

“it is good.”

Elder Feng answered quickly, and he got up and went out of the palace immediately.

Xi Yan sat in the hall, followed his departure, and looked out of the hall.

Now, it should be very late.

Even the moonlight that I just saw can’t be seen now.

She sat on the couch alone, except for the swaying candlesticks, in fact, she could not have anything.

It’s ridiculous to cover your still flat belly with your hands.

When she can have a child, this child has a disgraceful nature.

so funny!

Her hands squeezed the silver belt in her abdomen, and the smiling faces of the bodhisattvas reflected in her palms, only to make her laugh again.

Laughing, after converging at that time, he froze together.

She pulled the belt down, and the belt fell on the felt without making a sound.

Her heart, however, seemed to be smashed as the wind elder appeared in the hall again.

When the bowl of steaming saffron soup was brought to her, she reached out without hesitation.

She should not hesitate on her own.

This is originally a sinful seed, why should we keep it?

She didn’t want the evil kind that symbolized her shame that night!

Carrying the bowl of safflower soup, she slammed her face up and took a sip.

The safflower soup was full in her mouth, and she could not discern its taste,

In fact, she had no taste.

Of course, no taste can be discerned.

However, there is a sense of astringency, haunting her lips and teeth, yes, the only thing she can taste is astringency.

Do n’t be so hard, do n’t.

She held her hand to the edge of the couch and opened her lips, and the red flowers she drank all spit on the ground.

The red felt blanket was vomited by this, imprinted with mottled marks, just like the past.

Spit it out, the bitter taste is gone.

Lips and teeth are still numb, but she still can’t numb her heart.

His hand touched her thin back and patted gently, saying:

“what happened?”

“It’s too bitter, I can’t drink it.”

She tried to make her voice sound calm. However, how long can this seemingly calm disguise cover up?

“Is it bitter? That bowl is brown sugar water.” He said that this sentence was not smooth, but felt that her body was clearly stagnant under his hands.

“When did you lose your sense of taste?” He asked, a seemingly plain sentence, but he knew that in his heart, he couldn’t do it in the end.

“I don’t know, it seems that it started before I got here.”

She faintly heard the worry behind his words. She didn’t think about it, but she didn’t think about it, really so fast.

“Your poison is faster than I expected. It turned out that you lost your sense of taste so quickly. Next, you smell … and then—”

“You mean, I have no time left for three years?”

“I will not let you die-I promise.”

Her body moved, and he lifted her up, letting her lean on the bed, and behind her, put a cotton cushion.

He handed her a glass of mouthwash. She rinsed it gently. She looked at him with calm eyes:

“Tell me, if I want to leave this child, are you sure that I can be born?”

This question, she said very lightly, because at this moment she, with the frustration of Fang Cai, suddenly exhausted her strength.

“No. I’m not sure.”

“I know you can. I ordered you as the patriarch to keep this child for me, because he is also the Yi clan, if I die, he is the next patriarch, you must keep him!”

“No, every elder will only be loyal to one patriarch. I will only be loyal to you.”

“I don’t like others lied to me, Elder Mu, does it only help my mother? If so, he entrusts to you, you should help me, it should be my mother, not me?” Xi Yan smiled again. , But this laugh ca n’t blend her rigidity somewhere, it only brings a sadness, “You know, if it ’s not the mother who insisted on giving birth to me, I should have died long ago. , Just as this child treated me, since my mother did n’t kill my life, how could I kill this child so selfishly? Yes, this child is my shame, but since he came, I still I do n’t want to ruin his right to life. If I did that, I would be cold-hearted and ruthless. I would look down on me like that. What ’s more, I was caught in the cold poison. There should be more than keeping this child, right? “

Elder Feng is silent, he does not know how to answer this question.

Perhaps this was the first time he felt cruel to answer.

“If you can’t solve my poison, and this child has fallen for my poison, then, Yi’s veins, maybe, really come to an end. May —

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