Disciple of Immortal

Act 4: Chapter 21: The Remaining Trials

After we finished our trial, we left the 《Cliff of Dragon Head》.

We followed Raigan toward the place for the 2nd 《Dragon's Trial》.

「… Is that Mitsuru person really okay? No matter how I look at it, his hands are completely squashed to a pulp.」

Said Pomera anxiously.

「H-He should be alright as long as he's alive. As you can see, he's a lively one after all…」

After Mitsuru got squashed under the dragon head rock, Odio quickly went to save the former.

Despite bleeding from head to toe, he still had the time to scream loudly.

Well, he might be safe thanks to his high level.

He was supposed to be far tougher than his appearance.

「This peach dragon village has many secret medicines that you can't find outside. This kind of wound isn't a big deal. Nevertheless, I do really think that we should just kick that rude fella out of this place. He becomes like that is a divine punishment for besmirching our pride.」

Said Raigan with an extremely enraged look on his face.

It seems he got beaten black and blue by Mitsuru before our arrival.

「Raigan-san, since my score is already 1000, is that mean I can already call myself a dragon saint? And if yes, can I meet the dragon king immediately?」

The minimum point needed for one to become a dragon saint was more than 1000 points after all.

The result was the sum of scores gained in all trials alas, I had gained the minimum point needed to become a dragon saint.

If possible, I wanted to meet the Dragon King as soon as possible to explain this situation.

「That's not possible of course! The title can only be given after you complete all three trials!」

Said Raigan sullenly.

「It seems you lots underestimated the trial because you did well in 《Cliff of Dragon Head》. Well, I've to accept the fact that your physical strength does on Dragon Saint's level. But, the next trial isn't as simple as lifting the rock. It's a complicated trial that measures your comprehensive power! Yes, the most important thing is your comprehensive power! Don't think this trial is as simple as the first one! Heh… Be prepared since this trial will reveal your real, miserable self.」

「Kanata-san, let's finish this trial properly. No need to fuss over our score.」

Contrary to Raigan's feverish speech, Pomera's speech was extremely calm, and cold.

Well, she got the point, no matter what Raigan had said, I've got the necessary score to become a dragon saint.

At this point, it didn't really matter even if the score of my 2nd and 3rd trial was zero.

I gained the dragon saint's title in the 1st trial and had the right to meet the dragon king after finishing the rest of the trials.

Thus, I literally didn't have to care about the content of the next two trials.

I didn't really care even if these trials look like a stamp rally.

「Watch your mouth, lass! T-The trial is a test of your comprehensive powers! Underestimating the 《Dragon's Trial》 is akin to looking down on us, the dragonfolk itself! That's not something that we can overlook!」

「Okay we understand, so calm down already…」

Raigan had finally calmed down after I said so.

「D-Don't get cocky just because you lots cleared the 1st trial without a hitch, you must be secretly underestimating the 《Dragon's Trial》! The 1st trial is just a way to measure the overall power, you won't be able to act audaciously in the next two trials! The real thing starts from the 2nd trial!」

「That must be a problem in the system that ends with measurement…」

Dragon saint was truly the highest title below the dragon king after all.

I mean, taking more trials and gaining a score that surpasses the current dragon king would cause another problem.

Since I already got 1000 points in the first trial, taking more trials sounds like a hassle.

「I-I don't care about your 1000 points! It's not like it never happened before!」

「Kanata… You'll take the 2nd trial right?」

Asked Philia as she sent puppy dog eyes at me.

「OOH! So you agree with me huh, little girl? I thought you were just a shi*tty brat but, I changed my opinion about you!」

「… Well as visitors from the outside, I guess we have no choice but to do as Raigan-san has said as our guide and self-proclaimed gatekeeper.」

So I spoke in a way that he wouldn't have the room to retort anymore.

Well, even Raigan wouldn't say anything if we showed a good result in this trial.

If he still put up that pompous act even after that, we could only go to Odio who treats us well.

Alas, it was smooth sailing up to this point.

Though the hurdle of the trial wasn't as high as expected, that wasn't our only problem.

It was the underling of the 《Ruler of The Sky》 who was hiding in this peach dragon village.

We couldn't afford to let our guard down in case someone tried to disturb our progress.

One thing I could say for sure was the fact that Mitsuru wasn't the underling of the 《Ruler of The Sky》.

He is just someone who loves contests of strength.

I've been wondering if Raigan was the underling of the 《Ruler of The Sky》 since he had been coming at us from the very beginning but later on, I realized that he was just a proud dragonfolk who disliked outsiders.

Despite his aversion toward us, he still welcomes us properly in accordance with the law of peach dragon village.

Honestly, I don't think someone like him would agree with the 《Ruler of The Sky》's plan to hoard the dragon's hole for themselves.

In Odio's case, since I heard that he was one of the dragon saints, I decided to raise my vigilant toward him knowing that the said person had considerable status in this place.

But then, Odio didn't seem to act suspiciously either.

Not to mention that he didn't raise his vigilance even when he saw us, outsiders came at this kind of time.

Those three were innocent.

Alas, that was only a mere impression about them.

It was a good thing that they didn't disturb our trial but, it doesn't mean that they didn't make their move.

Though I came to understand more about the dragonfolk after arriving in this place, I had yet to get a piece of new information about the 《Ruler of The Sky》.



Journey of The Childhood Friend Who Got Betrayed by Sword Saint

The Protagonist of Isekaied Story With Cheat And Harem Has No Idea That All Of The Heroines Has Already Been Stolen By Me~Urgh, My Stomach Is Killing Me~

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