Dimensional Trader in Marvel

Chapter 164: IMPORTANT : This Book Could be Dropped if you didn't read this!!

Hello, I am slowly losing interest in continuing to translate this book due to a lack of support and response! So, I want to know if people still find this book enjoyable.

So to test that I'm I'm thinking of an offer: for every 100 Power Stones, you all get 1 extra chapter, with no limit. So, if we reach 1,000 Power Stones in a week, you'll get 10 extra chapters.

What do you all think? Can we achieve this, considering we have more than 300–400 people reading this book every day? Do you think it's possible to reach at least 1,000 Power Stones in a week for this book? Because not many readers give their Power Stones to this book!

Comment if you think it's possible, and we could test it in the week after next.

(Image Proof that 300-400 people read this everyday!)

EDIT: After posting this chapter, this book received 25 Power Stones in just half an hour, which is more than what this book usually gets in a day. If we keep up this momentum, I will definitely continue this book.

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