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Chapter 15 - Stones from other hills, can learn

Tong Guanyuan’s speculation was correct. About half an hour later, he received a reply from Naruto …

Because the two are in the same world, they can still poke private messages without being affected by the no signal after time adjustment.

It should be half an hour later, Sasuke and Sakura discovered Naruto with syncope. At the time, they were equally shocked, but after pulling out the thousand copies of Naruto’s neck, he woke up soon!

This is also consistent with the means of the young ninja who faked the hidden part of the fog a while ago.

Naruto also told Kakashi about the past …

Of course, Guan Liyuan is described by him as a friend who hasn’t met long ago, and now he is likely to be robbed by the other party.

佐 Sasuke was skeptical about Naruto ’s misidentification of “friends”, but thinking about Naruto now has nothing to do, but Guan Liyuan has been robbed … Obviously Guan Liyuan is not in the same group as the other!

“Is the blood following the limit?” Kakashi sighed diligently at the time, and Sasuke saw the word in coldness.

While still unable to move, Guan Liyuan is being carried in vain and rushing in a certain direction.

“Where the **** are you taking me? How about letting me down and letting myself go?” Guan Liyuan said with the only mouth that could move.

This is Guan Liyuan. I don’t know how many times I have spoken to Bai, but this time I finally got an echo.

“If it is not honest, I will seal your vocal cords together!” Bai Leng coldly answered.

“Oh? Are you pretty fragrant?”


“Hey, hey, have something to say! I shut up, I shut up! This is my promise to you …”

Guan Liyuan, who was “folded in half” from the abdomen, was stuck on Bai’s shoulders, his legs were in front, and his upper body was behind Bai’s …

Although such a posture is not conducive to Guan Liyuan’s judgment as to whether there is any restraint on her chest, but her face hits her white waist at a glance.

After all, Bai is only one year older than Guan Li, but he is much taller and should be taller than Wei Yingying.

Although he was abducted, Guan Liyuan was not in a hurry …

I came because he was satisfied with the gains this time. Anyway, “traveling” is free. Even if it is really dangerous, it will be a big reunion next time.

Twenty-two came because Guan Liyuan is not really restrained now!

Although Bai ’s method sealed several of his power joints and the “Chakra” center, Guan Liyuan did not rely on Chakra to fight!

Now he can still release his skills at any time …

And Bai apparently only saw that Guan Liyuan had awakened the “blood following limit” before, but did not know his ability to awaken the “bone vein”!

Now the bones of Guan Liyuan’s whole body have completely disregarded the number of normal human bones and active joints …

As long as Guan Liyuan thinks, you can use the bones to puncture the thousands of books that have penetrated into the body at any time!

Even now, thousands of books have been closed by Guan Liyuan, stuck with bones …

Tong Guan Liyuan didn’t expect at the beginning that the skills could still be used. Shouldn’t the energy of “Naruto World” be “Chakra”?

I can’t help but understand that the mainstream power of “Naruto World” is the “Chakra” extracted from countless cells in the human body, a pure internal power …

However, Guan Liyuan’s “professional skills” are the ability to start by driving the “bone elements” of the outside world.

At first glance, it seems that the rules are different from the “Naruto world”, but in fact, there is also a power system in Naruto that uses external energy …

Yes, that’s “Fairy Mode”!

Absorbing and using external “natural energy” not only exists in “Naruto World”, but also a very advanced skill. Only ninjas that can enter the “fairy mode” and tail beasts can use the means!

However, “the stones of other mountains can be used to attack jade”, Guan Liyuan’s most basic professional skill, “bone element control”, is only to assist himself in the main world, and he can better manipulate “bone element”, even after skill mutation and fusion, It’s just that they can take advantage of the external “bone elements” to slowly increase their bone strength and thus their physical fitness.

In the Lord’s world, this process will be very slow, just a means of cultivation and auxiliary casting …

But in the “Naruto world”, this is the key to integrating the immortal chakra and opening the “fairy mode”!

And Guan Liyuan can be sure that he can completely control the bone elements and will not cause adverse effects on himself. As for the power … I can only know it by experimenting.

At this moment, Bai had carried Guan Liyuan to a small wooden house in the woods. At this moment, looking around the door of the wooden house, many people could instinctively say the words “Down Samurai and Domestic Raider”. Uncle Knife …

Alas, now Guan Liyuan’s perspective can only see Bai Yao’s waist, these eight words are paraphrased by penguins.

Bai ignored a few samurai warriors. When she was about to move forward, there were still people who spit in the direction of Bai, but she paused slightly to avoid it, and then nothing seemed to happen. Continue to move forward …

At the door of the wooden house, I heard a bitter and bitter voice inside: “This is what you call” strength “? You rebellious people, but I’m keeping it! Do you know how much I spend? Didn’t you come? Lying here! How long do you want to rest? When will I see the head of that Dazna? “

七 “Seven days, I only need the last seven days!” A somber voice sounded.

The bitter voice seemed to be a little scared. UU reading www.uukanshu.com was estimated to have been glared and the like. When he heard it, he just said indignantly, “Well, it will take another seven days to spend! But okay, see if there is How much dare to resist me … “

He said that with the sound of footsteps, the bitter man and several bodyguards who were next to him seemed to walk towards the door.

When I reached Bai, I cursed, “It looks handsome, but unfortunately it is a man! Or a facial paralysis!”

As for why Bai came with his own person, “bitter” didn’t seem to care, and after getting the promise of “Bad” on the bed, he had already taken someone away.

Why can Guan Liyuan see the wound number lying on the bed?

Because he has been put down in white and leaned against the corner …

“Huh? White, what did you pick back?” The wounded head on the bed had a hedgehog head, muscular, gray-black skin, and said Guan Liyuan gloomily after a glance.

Tong Guan Liyuan naturally guessed that this black hedgehog head should be the foggy ghost, and peach land will never be cut!

“He also has a blood relay limit.” Bai Yan said concisely.

[Sure enough, because I have the “blood following limit”! 】 Guan Liyuan secretly said.

At the same time, he couldn’t help but say, “What about the blood following limit? You want to make magic impossible? Then let me know, you decide whether you are male or female?”

“And very shy.” Bai did not look at him at all, but continued to speak to the hedgehog.

“Blood following limit? Maybe it can be a useful tool! But before that …”

关 Just when Guan Liyuan finally understood that Bai brought him back in order to make himself a tool that would not be chopped again, and the words of chop chopped down, he had already jumped off the bed, and at the same time waved the beheading knife in his hand …

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