Chapter 7: The Ambush
When Ivan's spy suddenly went offline and failed to report back to base Ivan knew something had gone wrong. He had likely been captured. But that was the least of Ivan's worries. After all, it was just a foot soldier, a disposable element.
What worried him was that the plan to ambush and kidnap Emi was out now. Meaning Satoshi would be planning a counter attack. Ivan knew he had to strike first and strike hard. Otherwise Satoshi would have his head separated from his neck sooner or later.
Either way, he decided to proceed with the plan to test Satoshis strengths. There was also the slight chance that his spy had not been captured, but rather decided to run away. Ivan was willing to gamble with that. He also demanded Aoki join the hunting party just so he could make him watch as his former comrades were cut down like overgrown weeds.
Satoshi decides he is going to bait Ivan by sending Emi out. But he will send her with ample protection. He is sure Ivan's men will be no match for his troops that will roll into their battlefield with 20 Toyota pickup trucks all mounted with machine guns.
Emi was unaware of the plans going on behind her back. She was unaware she is about to be used as a pawn in a bloodbath as she prepared to get into her BMW and head out to check on her club in town at 8 pm. Unbeknownst to her 10 armored cars packed with men armed to the teeth left the compound via the back exit just minutes before her with the intention of setting up an ambush in the trees. Another ten armored cars and one pickup truck mounted with a machine gun would follow minutes after her departure.
She was the trophy in match she was not even aware of.
Aoki was sandwiched between two armed men at the back of a Mercedes AMG. He had no idea where they were headed but judging by the assortment of weapons, it was not somewhere good. To make matters worse he was not armed.
They had driven along the lonesome Livingston road for about twenty minutes when the first crack of gunfire was heard followed by a screeching of tyres as the first car in their convoy lost control and went off road, busting into flames as it rolled severally.
Everything spun into a blur as the car Aoki was in came to sudden halt. All the men jumped out aiming their semiautomatic rifles at a group of cars firing at them from a behind bunch of trees where they were concealed.
Sparks flew as the air filled with sound of metal hitting metall and the smell of gunpowder. Aoki crouched down. He could the sound of men groaning as they went down one after the other. He could not tell who the enemy was. All he knew was that he was being shot at, and he most definitely did not belong to side of the men shooting at his shooters. It was dark and bullets were flying.
Aoki then raised his head right on time to see a familiar car drive into the shootout scene seemingly oblivious to the ongoing chaos. Fuck. It was Ema. A spark flew as a bullet richoheted from the bonnet of the BMW. Another bullet hit instantly disabling the cars engine.
At that moment Aoki got taken over by instinct. He became a mad man, a rabid dog. His training and experience with guns kicked as jumped out of his now windowless Mercedes and jumped to the bed of one of the machine gun mounted pick up trucks. His motion was fluid, focused. Flawless.
He got his hands on the gun and started firing at anything and everything that moved. Two minutes later he came back to his senses as he saw the last man fall to the ground. Before him were up to 20 vehicles all stationary and peppered with bullets. He was the last man standing. The BMW was still there. Still. Motionless.
Worried something might have happened to Emi he hopped off and ran towards the car. Opened the passenger door and got in. She was right there, in a bracing position.
Aoki shook her shouting "Emi! Emi! Are you okay?"
Emi could not believe her ears as she slowly raised her head.
"A…Aoki, is that you? Am I dead?" she asked still in shock.
"Are you hurt? " Aoki asked inspecting her body for injuries.
"" she managed to stammer.
They then locked eyes for a few seconds.
"Those eyes, damn I love you" Aoki whispered as they both moved in towards each other. Locking their lips in a passionate kiss. They were about to get lost in each other's world when engines of fast approaching cars was heard.
Aoki knew Emis backup was here. The last place he wanted to find himself in was Satoshis basement. So he kissed her one last time and hopped out of the BMW . Emi was left bewildered by what had just happened. Was she dreaming? Was this a nightmare or a dream? Could it be both?
Aoki disappeared into the nearby bush and started running.
"Finally, my escape." He thought as he ran deeper into the trees. He then heard the unmistakable sound of a single gunshot, a split second before feeling a sharp pain in his hip. And then the ground rushed up to his like the planet itself had decided to slap the shit out of him.
"Fck!" he swore as he closed his eyes.