Deviant Prince

Chapter 1: Chapter 2

At the back of the main mansion, there are several suites for royalties as the compound is the largest in this city. The suites are for the princes who're not allowed to leave the palace yet.

All three of them still stay here, and their luxury suites are just beside each other.

Colt's bags have already been taken to his own suite, but he didn't even bother to enter his room.

From the second suite, a loud pop music is pulsating through the door, pounding wildly through the walls.

That's Nickolas's room, the crazy first prince.

Colt opened the door, meeting him in bed.

Nickolas's eyes are on the large screen in the room, and on the screen, he's receiving a video call from one of his slûts.

The lady is in a blue pool, naked. Her titties are so big, bouncing in the water. Obviously, she had implants.

She was playing with the two while Nickolas watched. He's not even aware of Colt's entry till the girl on screen noticed.

"Who's that behind you?"

Nickolas turned back, and brightness took over his eyes whenhe saw Colt.

"Fûck!!! Predator! You're fuçking back!" He shouted, jumping down the bed to give Colt a warm brotherly hug, after which they stuck hands with a known bro code.

"Good to see you're still the same, manslut" Colt replied, his eyes going to the screen.

The girl is still in the pool,, but her fingers left her titties already, they're inside her pu$$y, playing with herself while loud moans filtered out of her.

" that the second prince? He's back in the palace?" She said, biting her lip.

"Meet one of my newfound toys, her name is__" Nickolas said.

"I don't need the name, by the way I love your titties" Colt cut her off flatly, and she grinned.

"You in for threesome? You, me and Nick. We do double penetration, I can take you both inside me at once" she winked.

Nickolas quickly turned off the screen.

"I haven't even said yes, fûcker" Colt said, backing the wall before throwing mint into his mouth sassily, rolling it on his tongue.

"I knew you were gonna say yes, but nah... she's not as delicious as my other toys. I'll introduce them to you tonight, but first, let's go get Tristan" Nickolas said, dressing up.

"He's in the fighting ring?" Colt said, his thick brows coming merging.

"As usual" Nickolas laughed as they left the room together.

"Have you met your crazy mother?" Nickolas asked.

"Don't wanna talk bout her" Colt replied, getting a pack of treasurer cigarettes out of his pocket.

"Cool, but I missed you bro!" Nickolas said with an overly excited tone as they left the suites completely.

"Miss me? With your slûts around? Tell me another lie, bastard" Colt replied, and Nickolas's laughter echoed as they walked to the park.


Apart from the cleaners, securities, drivers and doormen walking around the villa vicinity, there are no sign of maids.

The only maid in this villa is Hailey who's presently in the kitchen, washing dishes.

The sadness in her eyes is unmatched, and as she washed the plates in the kitchen zinc bowl, her hands shook as the water is too cold, and she's not allowed to wear gloves.

Judith knowingly pumped ice water into the pipes, and she had no choice but wash with it.

Someone suddenly threw something into the washing water, and she doesn't need to turn around to know it's Judith.

Judith actually threw a bloody used pad in the water, and as it soaked, her menstrual blood coloured the water.

Hailey stopped washing and wore two gloves on both hands.

"Are you planning to take my pad out of the water with gloved hands? Am I that irritating?" Judith said.

"I'm washing the plates with ice water like you said, must you do this?" Hailey turned to her, and Judith smirked, crossing her arms.

She's a voluptuous lady with wide curves and àss, and that's the major reason the prime minister is obsessed with her.

"This is my man's house. You might be his wife but that's only on paper cos I own him, and you will do whatever I tell you to! Now take that pad out of the water with your bare hands" Judith ordered.

Hailey kept standing there, looking at her without moving.

"I said pick the pad up!" Judith ordered again, but Hailey still stood obstinately.

As if her unluckiness is not already enough, the prime minister came back that same minute.

Blake Augustus entered the kitchen, and Judith ran to jump on him, hugging him dearly.

He's an ugly-looking man in his mid sixties, and his cruelty punctured his features.

He held Judith's @ss, and they shared a deep kiss right there.

"Welcome back, sweetheart. How was the outing with His Majesty?" She asked.

"Very well, doll. What's happening here?" Blake asked, turning her eyes to Hailey.

"I mistakingly dropped my pad in her washing water, and sweetheart can you imagine she was attempting to take it out with gloved hands?" Judith reported.

Blake dropped her gently, walking fast to Hailey.

Just three strides, he got to her and gave her a punch in the stomach which made Hailey bend with a whimper, pains exploding through her tummy.

Judith laughed behind, enjoying this drama.

"It's either you pick the pad now, or I take you to The Labyrinth and punish you rightfully!" Blake threatened, and he's not even joking.

The Labyrinth is where she never wants to visit again. It's pure hell.

The fear of The Labyrinth made Hailey dip her left hand into the water, bringing out the smelly, disgusting pad.

"Good, and prepare to go out for dinner with I and my doll" Blake further said.

"We're going out for dinner? My gawd! I love you!" Judith was gushing as she left the kitchen with the devil.

Hailey disposed the pad, then she got five different hand washing soaps, washing her hands till they nearly peeled off.

She kept in all of her emotions as she went to her room to dress up for the dinner like Blake requested.

Taking off her clothes showed different scars on her tummy and lower back.

Blake beats her majorly on those two parts since clothes will cover them, and no one would see the wounds.

She's curvy too, not just as much as Judith, and she's moderate in the front too, a lady of average height.

She was wearing her bra when Judith came in with a pink vibrator, dropping it on her bed.

"Wear it" she said authoritatively.

"Why?" Hailey faced her

"Do you need a reason to obey me? Or should I go tell Blake? Maybe you need another punch" Judith started leaving.

"I'll...wear it" Hailey said, and she turned around with an head tilt.

"Good. Very good" she said.

Right in front of her, Hailey inserted the vibrator into herself, and Judith smiled as she watched her dress up.

"Five minutes, meet us in the car" she said, walking out of the room, her @ss swinging behind.

Hailey sat in bed, letting out a little tear which she wiped as they fell.

Eventually, she put on her heels and walked out of the room with a gap between her legs cos of the vibrator.

She met Blake and Judith in the car already, and she joined them on the backseat of the Tesla.

The driver is driving in the front while Blake and Judith kissed shamelessly at the back.

Hailey is beside them, holding her purse tightly to her laps as their kissing sounds made her feel like throwing up.

She's used to this.

She's used to this hell, this insanity,

And it's not ending anytime soon.


The overwhelming screams from the onlookers nearly blocked out Colt's hearing as he entered the arena with Nickolas.

It's popular in New York for hosting the most dangerous fights, and it's like a home for heavily built guys from different countries.

They come there to fight, weigh each other's abilities and blow off steam, and in there, Tristan is the alpha.

He might be the third prince of this city, but his spirit only stays active whenever there's a fight.

He loves vandalism and dangerous stunts so much, right from when he was young.

He's in the middle of the fighting ring with a giant guy, and the fight is at the climax right now.

In the next two minutes, the winner will be determined, so the screams from the watchers went louder.

* Tristan Clifford!

* Tristan Clifford!!!

Only the hailing of his name could be heard as he's bashing his opponent in and out in every visible spot on his skin.

Most of the crowd are girls who came to catch a glimpse of the fighting lion, and when they saw the other two princes, the place became chaotic.

* Damn! That's Prince Nickolas!

* Who's that hottie beside him?

* That's the second prince, Colt.

* Jeez! Why are they all so darn hot?

* I'm in love!

From the middle of the ring, Tristan's eyes caught his brothers, and only the sight of Colt boosted his energy.

He gave his opponent a finishing kick on the chest, and the guy landed violently on the ground, making another shriek erupt.

Tristan didn't even wait for his medal. He jumped out of the ring, down the stage where he hugged Colt despite his sweaty body.

"Eew! Get a towel first, wanker" Colt said, frowning a bit.

"I don't want to. It's been five damn years bro! To hell with the damn towel!" Tristan said, breaking the hug after a while.

"You didn't tell anyone you'd be coming. We already thought you settled down over there" Tristan said.

The shameless squeals and admiring comments from the girls are still coming.

In fact, the girls are still surrounding them, refusing to leave, a lot are asking for numbers.

"Settled down? Cut the crap" Colt said with a squint, placing another mint on his tongue.

"But you fuçked bitçhes. I see it in your eyes. You became hotter" Tristan said gleefully.

"And I can imagine how much bigger his dîck got. He's got the biggest meat among us if I remember" Nickolas spoke rawly.

"Shut the fûck up, Nick. When it's time for fûckers to speak, you can speak" Colt rolled eyes.

"Screw you" Nickolas gave him middle fingers, and Tristan grinned, the three of them ignoring the begging girls surrounding them and bonding like long lost brothers.

"There's a new good club this city, and I'll get our bouncers ready so we'd there go for some booze, but before then..." Nickolas said, tilting his head at Tristan who immediately got it.

Colt smiled. His brothers didn't change at all.

"We're taking you to a dinner at Frankie's. You deserve a dîck cake" Tristan finished the statement.

"Whatever flies your kites" Colt replied without any care. He's all theirs.

Tristan had a shower in his special lodge not far from the arena, the he dressed up, leaving with his brothers.


Frankie's is the most expensive dinner house in the city, with chefs from all-over the world, efficient staffs and different foreign and national dishes.

It's the best place for corporate, family or couple dinners, and their servitude is just too perfect, making it the best.

Only royalties and rich first-class people patronize it.

Blake and Judith arrived just now, and their arms are linked as they walked into the dinner.

Hailey is behind them, walking slowly and carefully.

Judith is a famous fashion designer who designs for important personalities globally. Her brand is called Jud's World, and she's got millions of followers and wannabes online.

She met lots of her rich fans as they walked the dinner hall, and they all greeted her with respect to which she smiled endlessly.

* Can't wait for your next design, Judith.

* Your last design was too exquisite, Judith.

* You're the best of all.

* Thanks for always taking care of our fave, honourable prime minister.

Even Blake received his own share of the compliments, and Hailey just crawled behind them like a sloth.

At the same time, Colt and his brothers entered the dinner.

Her tardiness made them catch up with her, and when she made to quickly move out of the way for them, she bumped into Colt with her backside.

Her purse fell from her, and she gasped.

She made to pick it up, but Colt was faster, and they both stood straight at the same time.

Their eyes met, and she quickly snatched the purse from him.

Colt couldn't blink, and he has no expression too as he stared at her.

"Hailey!" Judith called from the front, pressing the vibrator remote control that's with her.

Hailey's body vibrated as if shocked by electricity, and she almost fainted cos Judith pressed the remote one more time, making the vibrator move inside her again.

Hailey hardened her bones, sweating and shaking.

Colt's eyes stayed concentrated as she walked fast to Judith, and they both entered a door.

"I swear with my life, she's wearing a vibrator" Nickolas scoffed.

"It's obvious, stop advertising it" Tristan replied, chewing gum.

"The fûck is she?" Colt asked.

"That's Hailey Astor, Prime minister Blake's wife. They got married last year" Nickolas replied.

Ten servers poured out of a room, forming two lines in front of them with respectful bows.

"Welcome to Frankie's, your highnesses. We'll escort you to your dinner room" they chorused.

Nickolas and Tristan followed them, but Colt kept standing there, looking at the door Hailey had entered.

For over a minute, he's still there, till Nickolas came back to him.

"Get your dîck in here, Predator" he said.

"Arsehole" Colt frowned, looking at that door one more time before following Nickolas.

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