Detective: Start with capturing and retrieving the dog

Chapter 54 All Victims

Chapter 54 All Victims

Before the police action, Han Xin, accompanied by Yang Jianyu, came to the interrogation room and met Sun Guosheng.

But this time he didn't come to "make double preparations", because Sun Guosheng's crime would be executed immediately no matter how well he cooperated with the police and his attitude was good.

"Don't be nervous, I'm just here to talk to you." Han Xin said, and sat down opposite Sun Guosheng.

Sun Guosheng looked foolish and didn't bother to talk to him.

"I found your mark, surrounded by pebbles under the tree, right?" Han Xin asked with a sneer.

Sun Guosheng obviously constricted his pupils and his breathing quickened, but he immediately took a deep breath and pretended to be coughing, forcing his breathing to calm down.

"Now the police have set off to the mountain to find the bodies of the remaining two couples." Han Xin continued.

"I won't say anything." Sun Guosheng gritted his teeth and replied with a stern face, the muscles on his face twitched.

"I don't expect you to say it. You will have all the evidence right away. It doesn't matter if you say it or not." Han Xin replied flatly, "The only thing I want to know now is how many victims you have under your control. Are these twelve people all?"

"What twelve, isn't it six corpses?" Sun Guosheng said blankly.

"That local girl is your first crime, right?" Han Xin squinted his eyes and stared at the other party. "You were in a hurry. You just made sure that the boy was from other places and then started. But you didn't expect the girl to be a local. Her father called the police, so you panicked. You disposed of their bodies, and then put them next to the trash can on the main road, misleading the police to investigate."

Although Sun Guosheng still had no expression on his face, he pursed his lips tightly, and his right leg trembled uneasily.

"And your misleading really worked. The police found nothing. You gained confidence and became bolder in committing crimes." Han Xin sneered, "After a year has passed, you still haven't been found. At this time, you are a bit drifting, not as cautious as before, and you don't even bother to deal with the DNA on the corpses. Anyway, this mountain is so big, no one can find those corpses except yourself."

"I want to find a lawyer! Where is my lawyer!" Sun Guosheng said angrily.

"Are you in a hurry? Don't be in a hurry, wait until I finish talking." Han Xin sneered, "After that, you will be very regular. You will commit crimes every two months. You will imprison the kidnapped couples, torture them for a month, then kill them and bury them, and choose your next target in the next month. I guess your latest target should be within a week or two."

With that said, Han Xin moved closer and said in a hoarse voice, "They must have enough DNA for testing..."

Small beads of sweat appeared on Sun Guosheng's forehead, and his lips trembled: "If, if, if I..."

"If you take the initiative to confess, can you deal with it leniently?" Han Xin asked back, and then almost whispered in Sun Guosheng's ear: "No, there is no favor for you here, no forgiveness, nothing, nothing is waiting for you. Only death is waiting for you. You just live in fear every day in this last time, waiting for the moment when death comes."

Then, Han Xin looked at Sun Guosheng's frightened face with satisfaction, stood up and left the interrogation room.

When he came outside the Public Security Bureau, Yang Jianyu persuaded: "Young man, you have worked hard today. You have followed us around so many times. Go back and rest first. We will let you know the results tomorrow."

"Okay." Han Xin was not polite, he really used his brain a bit too much today.

Therefore, after he left the Public Security Bureau, he followed Zhao Linshan back to the RV and took a rest.

The next day, Han Xin was woken up by Yang Jianyu's phone call early in the morning.

"He recruited...everything." Yang Jianyu's voice sounded tired, "We found all the victims. Come here."

"Captain Yang, didn't you stay up all night?" Han Xin rubbed his eyes and asked.

"Yeah, I've been digging all night..." Yang Jianyu sighed, "Anyway, let's talk about it when you come over."

After arriving at the Public Security Bureau, it was already crowded with reporters, criminal police and technical personnel.Yang Jianyu was giving orders to the people below. His face was haggard and his beard was unshaven, and he seemed to be ten years older.

"Are you here?" After seeing Han Xin, Yang Jianyu immediately stepped forward and dragged him and Zhao Linshan around the gate and entered the police station. "We searched according to the marks you mentioned last night and found two other couples who were victimized. The most recent couple was killed about ten days ago. Sun Guosheng's DNA was found on the girl's body..."

"Really? This way you can be convicted." Han Xin closed his eyes and heaved a sigh of relief.

The victim was sexually assaulted by Sun Guosheng, so his previous rhetoric will not work.Even if he continues to deny, but for the court, this evidence is enough to convict him.

After that, Sun Guosheng could only honestly explain what he had done.

Sun Guosheng was lustful since he was a child. He was expelled from school for molesting girls in junior high school, and then entered the society. He learned some civil engineering skills from his master on the construction site and made a living by it.

Later, he was sentenced to prison for rape and sat in prison for five years. After he came out, he couldn't find a job because of his criminal record.But he learned a little fortune-telling from a charlatan in prison, so he came to the foot of Wutou Mountain to make a living as a fortune-teller.

In the first few years, because there were many tourists, he really made a lot of money by fortune-telling, but he basically spent it on finding young ladies.With the development of the times, scenic spots like Wutou Mountain are no longer favored by people. There are fewer and fewer tourists, and it is becoming more and more difficult to earn money.

He couldn't even afford the money to find the lady, so he gradually had evil thoughts in his heart.

He has stayed here for more than ten years, and the drivers and store owners on the mountain are constantly changing. Only he has stayed here, and no one is more familiar with this mountain than him.A complete plan just emerged from his mind.

At first I just thought about it, but the days of being a fortune teller were very busy, and before I knew it, he had already dug a hidden cellar under the bungalow.However, at this time, he was still just thinking about it, and didn't have the courage to put the plan into practice.

Until one day, a loving young couple appeared in front of his stall. The girl was young, beautiful, and sexy, and immediately aroused the fire in his heart: he longed for the girl, and at the same time was fiercely jealous of the boy.

So, he followed the young couple up the mountain...

After that, it was almost the same as Han Xin's reasoning.

As the number of crimes increased, Sun Guosheng became more and more proficient. He even thought of leaving the victims' mobile phones to contact their parents, telling them that he had joined an MLM organization, and then occasionally reporting their safety.So much so that the parents of many victims even thought that their children were still alive and were just trapped in a certain pyramid scheme.

"This kind of case is really regrettable..." Han Xin sighed.

"Yes, so many victims." Zhao Linshan said with some regret.

"But we can only shoot him once." Han Xin snorted coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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