Detective: Start with capturing and retrieving the dog

Chapter 44 Ominous Premonition

Chapter 44 Ominous Premonition

The next morning, Han Xin and Fu Zhenhao met outside.

It can be seen that this father has suffered a lot recently. He is a big man of 1.8 meters, but his spirit is very listless.

"Mr. Han..." The other party came forward and held his hand, "Can you really find my daughter?"

"I will do my best, but please prepare for the worst." Han Xin said, got into Fu Zhenhao's car directly, and then opened the phone map: "Let's go, go to the last place your daughter went to, Epiphyllum Park."

Fu Zhenhao nodded, and drove the car forward.

Twenty minutes later, they arrived at Epiphyllum Park, which was already four or ten minutes away from Fu Zhenhao's home.

There is a lot of traffic in this park. Old men and women come here to dance in the morning, and young people also come here to run. In the evening, there are also a large number of aunts dancing square dance here. It is very lively most of the time.

But Han Xin noticed that the street lights in the park were scattered, and there were only two surveillance cameras at the entrance and exit. It would definitely be scary at night.Moreover, a certain section of the surrounding wall may be able to avoid surveillance and enter the park to commit crimes.

"Why did your daughter come here alone?" Han Xin muttered to himself.

"Is it strange?" Zhao Linshan asked curiously as she followed him.

"As long as you look at the logic, you will find it very strange." Han Xin said, and opened the mobile phone map, "Let's infer what she is doing out at this time. At that time, the girl had a quarrel with her father and escaped from the house. Then there are three possibilities at this time: first, go out to relax; second, find a place to live to avoid her parents; third, she can't think of committing suicide."

"It's like a haunted house at night. I definitely wouldn't come to this kind of place to relax." Fu Zhenhao added.

"I wouldn't come here even if I committed suicide. Most people who want to commit suicide are based on the principle of proximity. You can walk to the river bank in 15 minutes. Why do you come here by car?" Han Xin reasoned.

"Difficult, could it be..." Fu Zhenhao seemed to think of Han Xin who asked his daughter if she had met netizens on the Internet.

"That's right, I suspect that someone asked your daughter to meet here." Han Xin nodded, "But there are many possibilities. It is possible that she eloped with her. This is the best ending. As for other possibilities, it is not so good..."

Fu Zhenhao's face gradually turned pale, Han Xin quickly comforted him: "Anyway, let's go in and have a look first!"

Immediately, Han Xin took Fu Zhenhao and Zhao Linshan to the park.

It has been three months since the girl disappeared, and it is difficult to find traces left behind at the scene, but with Han Xin as Fu Minhui's character, he might be able to guess where she will go.

As he moved forward, Han Xin continued to open the eagle eye vision, scanning every corner to avoid missing any details, but found nothing.

"In three months, it's really hard to leave anything behind..." Han Xin thought to himself in distress.

However, according to the basic deductive method, it can be concluded that Fu Minhui must have come here to meet someone, so find a suitable place to meet in this park.

According to Fu Minhui's personality, where would she choose?

If the person who came to see her really eloped with her, then the situation is not serious, and it doesn't matter if he can't find anyone for a while.

Therefore, Han Xin only needs to consider the previous situation of "the person who came to see her with bad intentions".

Through Fu Minhui's circle of friends and her chat with Fu Zhenhao, Han Xin can know that this girl is a sensitive, fragile, romantic but easily influenced girl. Since such a girl came to this place, she would definitely not meet someone in the wide square. She would choose a place with only two people.

Assuming that another person who came to see her was malicious, he would make the same choice.

After walking in the park for a while, Han Xin suddenly discovered that there is actually a man-made river in the park...

"Oh, this man-made river is diverted from the Lingjia River." Seeing Han Xin staring at the river, Fu Zhenhao explained, "It was a long-ago project, earlier than this park was built, and it was dug to solve the water problem in the western region. What's wrong?"

"I have a bad feeling..." Han Xin looked at the arch bridge in the middle of the river and said, "Let's go and have a look."

Just after arriving on the bridge, Han Xin's eagle-eyed vision scanned several bright spots, and the ominous feeling became even stronger.

Han Xin came to the bridge and checked several highlights on the bridge one by one.

The first highlight is on the handrail in the middle of the bridge. Han Xin leaned over to take a look. There were dark brown traces, dotted with stars, each about the size of a pea, but there were more than a dozen densely packed.

"What is this? Is the child playing a prank? I really have no quality..." Zhao Linshan frowned and muttered.

Han Xin grabbed Zhao Linshan's little hand and frightened her to be smart: "You, what are you going to do? There are outsiders!"

"Hands, make a fist." Han Xin ordered.

After Zhao Linshan complied, Han Xin stuck her fists on those spots. The four spots almost corresponded to Zhao Linshan's fist, but the distance between them was a little smaller.

Although Zhao Linshan is tall, her hands are still small. Judging from this point, these marks should be left by the fists of women or children, hitting the handrail of the bridge one by one.

"This, is this left by Huihui?" Fu Zhenhao asked in surprise.

"Let the police do a DNA test later and we'll find out." Han Xin moved on to the next highlight.

"How angry is she..." Zhao Linshan stretched out her hand and caressed the marks on it, talking to herself.

"An angry person won't hurt himself, only a desperate person will." Han Xin replied lightly, then continued along the bridge and came to the second highlight.

Behind the handrail of the bridge, at the junction with the bridge, there is a small thing stuck there.

Han Xin squatted down to examine it carefully, and then picked it up. It was a mobile phone pendant. Although he didn't play games, this character was too famous. It seemed to be a game character named "Big Joe".

He noticed that the tether part of the mobile phone pendant was broken. It should have been forcibly torn off by someone and thrown away. It happened to be stuck in this place.

Han Xin then took out tweezers from his pocket, picked up the things, and carefully put them in a ziplock bag.

After all, he is also a consultant cooperating with the police now, so he still needs some professionalism.

"This is it!" Fu Zhenhao rushed up immediately, "It's Huihui's mobile phone pendant! She really came here!" Then his expression suddenly changed to distressed: "What happened to her? My precious daughter, where have you been..."

Han Xin's heart was a little heavy, and the next highlight was on the river bank under the bridge.

"Let's go, let's go down and have a look." Han Xin said, leading the two of them to the bright spot on the river bank under the bridge.

And this highlight is a shoe, obviously the owner of the shoe did jump off the bridge.

However, at this time, Han Xin had a glimmer of hope.

(End of this chapter)

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