Chapter 170: Chapter 170: Things Go Bump in the Night! Pt 4
Yuno's POV (Southern Swamps of Irminsul - Terra)
"I get you're confused, tired, maybe even annoyed." Naruto interrupted with a small smile. "But the guy won't calm down till you do so. A real stick in the mud he is. Probably easier to do as he asks."
"To use such crass language in reference to me!"
"We're sorry." Yuno interrupted with a smile and bowed, forcing the sitting Naruto to bow his head as well. "I will happily consent. You can guide me to somewhere to bathe and preferably some clean clothing. I'll be happy to do as you say."
The bird fell to the ground and seemed to preen under her agreement. "Well said. The blonde human had said you were sophisticated. Can't work with those who are not." The bird raised its head and made a quiet high-pitched squawk. Yuno ignored the fact that throwing a fit like that was anything but sophisticated. But based on Naruto subtly rolling his eyes to her it was clear he felt the same.
Immediately, the room Yuno was partially in was filled with a flock of peacocks who quickly moved. Some carried supplies, others weapons, and each immediately surrounded her and led her out of the room. Yuno's instincts flared, but when she looked at Naruto he was smiling and seemed perfectly fine with this. "Blondie mind stepping in, feeling awfully like a sacrifice right now."
"You're fine Yu" Naruto said with a giant smirk.
"Don't call me that."
"They did the same to me." Naruto assured as she was escorted through the doorway. Seemingly the friendly Uzumaki had already befriended and had trust in the clan. Yuno sighed as the group led her to what she could only hope was a usable bath. She would play along; besides, the birds seemed much weaker than her or Naruto. If things get messy Blondie would likely single handedly fight their way out.
"My servants will lead you to our bath house, while the others weave you a kimono. We are skilled designers, so fret not; a pale red would suit you best. Ichomo! Ichami!"
Two red-skinned peacocks appeared and bowed to Ichumi. "We will see to her cleaning and assure their safety, Master," the two said in sync, seemingly twins.
Yuno followed the small flock of birds with a small amount of concern and amusement in equal measure. They passed what seemed to be a modern kitchen filled with birds dressed as chefs making some sort of dough food, a large room full of odd-looking circular objects made of feathers and wood, another mass sleeping quarters full of resting birds and others cleaning or making their beds which consisted of a nest seemingly made out of cloth, the halls were constantly traveled by other birds who seemed to be rushing off the same direction as her as well as servants who seemed determined to clean everything or serve everyone even during the chaos.
Finally the oddball group seemed to be drawing close, they came to an exit from the large building they were in. As she emerged outside with the other birds, she saw the odd structure they were in. It was a large compound of traditional homes built into several treetops. The tree's leaves were a unique shimmering shade of several colors that shifted as the angle changed. The wood was a pale pink and seemed to shine as well. It was one of the most beautiful sights Yuno had ever seen… (2)
"These trees are unique trees farmed by the Blechumi Clan. They are a rare and useful species of tree. Farming it requires great skill and patience, which the Blechumi Clan has in great measure. Such diligent care gives it the impressive display you see before you. The trees are also incredibly durable and produce cloth from its branches we use for much of our raw material. We of the Blechumi Clan have used these trees as our home for years. Protecting us from predators allows us to live with the decadence we acquire." Ichamo explained, seeing Yuno's shock.
"However, the arrival and subsequent rule of the Krookorook Clan disturbed our peace and growth. Several smaller, weaker clans lived here, all under our control. With their compliance and our guidance we ruled these swamps justly and well. But those brutish beasts usurped us. They drove us from our home and slaughtered any clan that stood in their way." Ichami continued.
"Ichumi, our great leader, attempted to garner the other clans of the swamp as allies. They rejected such a proposal; however, the beasts of this world see cooperation between species as a weakness. Separated and outmatched by the Krookorook Clan, they soon dominated the entire swamplands—until your friend slayed them." Ichamo started.
"Now that they are gone, and with the male human assistance we have reclaimed our homeland. Soon the Blechumi Clan will rise to their former glory." Both recited again.
"Interesting…" Yuno had always been a curious woman. She loved learning about most things, though living beings often took the cake. History, psychologically, and even spiritually creatures (usually humans but this land had shaken that a bit) simply fascinated her. She wished she could show this to her team or at least Sasuke or Hinata. It was also fascinating to learn of the world around them; it was a strange one, that she had mostly spent as a somewhat mindless slave. However, knowing that these animals lived similar but pointedly different from humans, managed to pique her interest in a way few things did. However, she was sore, dirty, and tired. Fully learning about this strange clan would have to wait.
Luckily, the troupe of peacocks continued on where the majority of birds were going. They were all heading to a large building that seemed to be drafting mist. It was made of a white, seemingly smoother wood that shined in the moonlight of the night sky. At each corner of the building sat a small statue of Ichumi, each spitting water into a small moat that surrounded the building.
"Please tell me that's the bathing house." Yuno joked with the birds.
"Of course!" A smaller, assumingly child peacock answered as it raced by. "One must always be clean of body and heart before a meal."
"Civilized creatures such as us DO have a responsibility." Another offered as it walked by.
"This is our large-scale bathing house. It is a large building split into approximately fifty single-creature baths. This will allow you to cleanse yourself in privacy. Another servant will leave you your kimono as well, so you may change after." Ichami informed Yuno as they drew close to the building. "Worry not for attacks; we have guards patrolling the Blecumi grounds. Necessary during these nighttime hours. Fret not over your safety." Ichamo finished the thought for the two.
Yuno nodded and entered the building, opening the sizable ornate wood door. Inside was full of a grid set of rooms, each having a considerable single-person bath that allowed no vision for the inside. Various birds marched into the rooms individually or as duos. Yuno's eyes wandered around the all too white room before she settled on a small room for herself close to the entrance of the building. Knocking on the door of the particular bath to check for vacancy, Yuno walked into the small room. It was larger than her own bathroom, with a bench for resting and a mirror on the left side. A set of hooks holding large brushes on the right. Yuno activated her Sharingan and scanned the room for traps or interlopers. Once satisfied that her room was not set up or was being spied on, Yuno began slowly removing her clothes. Once fully undressed she inspected herself in the mirror in case she had unknowingly been injured but she seemed fine aside from aesthetic damage.
Her time under the subjugation of the mysterious third party was a blur. She could remember some moments, but most of it was nothing. However, her dirtied, scratched-up, and bruised skin made it clear it hadn't been pleasant. Yuno removed a brush from the right side of the bathroom and tested it in her hair. With a pleased hum, she discovered it worked well with her locks and used the now-empty hook to hold her old, damaged clothes. Stretching lightly as she walked over to the main attraction of the room.
The tub was a large and steamy porcelain one—not all that different from what she would see at home. Slinking into it, she sighed with contentment as the heat seeped into her sore body, relaxing muscles and finally allowing the sharp concern she had been wrecked with since awakening to relax fully. Yuno must've sat there for a full ten minutes before she moved. With a happy laziness, she scrubbed herself with a pleased hum.
Yuno was incredibly pleased Naruto had managed this. This was just what she needed right now, she would pay him back…