Denial, Blood of The Fae

Chapter 51: Chapter 51 - The Return

Raven sighed in content as he woke up. However he paused for a moment as he thought about why he felt he was supposed to do something today.

What was it though?

He tried to rack his brain for the answer. He couldn't find one. So when in doubt, look at a calendar to try and remember why a day is important.

"August 31… August 31… September 1st… September 1st… oh crap I gotta buy supplies for school and meet up with Rose!" Raven realized just a bit late. Just a little.

He totally wasn't five minutes away from the promised meeting time, totally not.

So with a groan, he summoned his wand and cast some cleaning charms on himself. He couldn't go looking like a total pigsty could he?

A wave of his hand had his clothes forming on himself, he paused as he looked down at his clothes and hand before shaking his head, he'd figure out some changes to his wardrobe at a later time.

With a tap of his finger, he turned a pebble he created into a portkey and vanished.


"I'm not late am I?" Raven asked as he arrived next to Rose who was trying to look like a normal person and not the savior of the wizarding world.

Because let's be honest, Voldemort is like a joke to most supernatural creatures. The only reason wizarding kind isn't even more of a joke is because of the fact that the killing curse is actually scary.

"Not too much." Rose said back with a twitchy eyebrow.

"Oh calm down my dear apprentice, I was… preoccupied, with something last night. Don't worry though, I wouldn't miss hanging out with you." He grinned down at her as she pouted at him in annoyance.

"Now, let us get those supplies yeah?" Raven asked and Rose grumbled, but nodded as she stood up and Raven took note of her outfit.

Casual, but not impractical if something were to happen. He nodded his head pleased, looks like she was actually paying attention to what he taught her.

"So what do you need for this year? I just need to grab some books on the list for this year." Raven said as he mentally checked off the items, aka he didn't spend a knut on anything and created it. He was a cheap bastard like that.

"Robes, books, a new cauldron and trunk, my last one burnt alongside my cauldron. Oh, and a few materials to restock my point kit." Rose said and he nodded his head.

"I see. Well I supposed the robes should be first since they could take the longest and we can handle all the other shopping while they're getting worked on." Raven mused as he stuck a piece of candy into his mouth.

(TFS: That's Candi with an i by the way)

Rose nodded her head in agreement as she dusted herself off and they headed to the only store that sold Hogwarts robes.


Raven waited as Rose got her measurements taken by the seamstress who's name he didnt bother to remember by going through all the clothing laying around for ideas on how to change his clothing style.

"Mr. Inanis, a, pleasure, to see you again." A voice said and Raven glanced up to see the same annoying ponce poof from the train station.

"Mr. Something with an M I think." Raven said with a curl of his lips forming a fanged smile, to his credit, the man didn't stumble from it, or show any negative reaction besides the slight tighter grip on his cane.

"Lucius Malfoy. Head of House Malfoy." The man said after a moment.

"A pleasure. So what can I do for you Lucian?" Raven asked with a pointed stare.

"Nothing at all Mr. Inanis, I merely thought I would come say hello and apologize for my rudeness in our last meeting. I hadn't been able to return to the clocktower for a few years due to some prior issues with my family, but I was able to solve them during the year. I must say, there is a lot of things said about you." Lucius said with a smile and Raven took a mental deep breath.

"Thank you. Now I'm sure you'd like to go home and recover from that nasty bruising on your face no?" Raven said with a smile as he walked off and Lucius raised a hand to his face where the bruise was laying under a minor illusion spell.

"Well played Mr. Inanis. Well played." Lucius said with a smile forming on his face as he realized he had been had. He moved forward, but tripped on nothing, a look down after getting up revealed the floor slightly elevated where he would step.

"A worthy challange indeed." Lucius smirked before letting the cool look form over his face again. He'd have to ensure Draco wasn't being stupid again. Hopefully those lessons over the summer ensured he would behave better.

He'd find his son with a burn mark on his arm and a snorting seamstress.


"Ok, spill. You of all people aren't prone to burning people, unless they're me or shades." Raven said with a smile, his eyes gleaming in pride.

"He made some, remarks, that he shouldn't have. Simple as that." Rose said in response and he laughed silently at that.

"Aw, was the little furnace offended?" He asked and she glared at him and he held his hands up, he didn't want to heal any burns from her right now, they took longer to heal.

"Fine fine, I'll stop." He said with a smirk. The now, for silent, but acknowledged by both.


"She didn't know it, but both her and her friend here will be leaving not just with free signed copies of my books, no! They will personally be having me as their teacher at Hogwarts for Defense Against The Dark Arts!" Gilderoy Lockhart said with a grin as he tried to pull both teens in for a photo and received a elbow to the stomach and a very painful toe crunch by Raven. Rose just sighed, but she didn't seem displeased by Raven's actions.

"No thanks, I'd prefer if you didn't touch me stranger." Raven said as he gently dragged Rose out the book store having acquired their books for "free" as said by the man.

"What a dick." Raven grumbled as they now sat in muggle London, Rose's trunk laid in her pocket shrunk down, all her stuff inside it.

"You can stop now, you're just being rude to be rude at this point." Rose said and he snorted, but conceded and stopped for the moment.

For the moment only, he's sure he'd be returning to this conversation again since the man was clearly reaching at Hogwarts, he hopes his teaching skills are much better then they seem, he doubts it's though.

"Very well, but now, I want you to think on something my dear apprentice, what is the best way to win a battle? Don't answer me now, think about it, and answer me the day after the welcoming feast. For now though, I have to go, it seems like someone decided they wanted to fool around when they shouldn't." Raven said as he held his arm up as a bird landed on his arm and left a letter before flying off.

"Oh." Rose said a bit sadly.

"Hey, I'll see you tomorrow, we can talk about whatever you clearly wanted to talk about on the train." Raven grinned at her as she nodded before he walked out and cast an anti-muggle-notice charm and then portkeyed away.

Rose didn't notice it, but a man in a somewhat advance wheelchair looked in the building directly at Rose before rolling off, a blonde haired girl with gray eyes walking besides the man. A teen with black hair and eyes like the sea trailed afterwards with a curious look around.


"I'm sorry!" A voice pleaded and Raven growled as he crushed the man's balls again.

"Next time, don't even think about being the reason for interrupting my me time, oh wait, you won't be able to, because you're going to be fucking dead!" Raven snarled out to the dead apostle who's screams went unheard all night.

From the dead apostle.

Truly, newborns were idiots, especially when they weren't magus or at least aware of the supernatural beforehand.


I'm back, a short volume consisting of 16, 15 now, chapters for this year and summer time. The year itself is action packed to compress Year 2 without fully rushing through it, summer time will be a single chapter because I want to get to Year 3. I have some fun plans for that.

Now some thoughts about this chapter, Lucius Malfoy, I always saw him as being a good show of a Pureblood, a family man, and a smart man. He knew how to work the system, knew when and what side to play, cared for his family, even if it didn't show a lot physically. He also showed that he wasn't infallible as a man either, he made mistakes and paid for them, but worked around them to keep himself and his family alive, even if he had to suffer humiliation for it.

Anyway, I've decided to do something this year in regards to Raven, so I'm hoping you all will notice it before the time comes.

I'm also planning to start working on that discord server I keep putting off this Sunday. Just something basic to chat with everyone and all that.

Anyway, hope you all enjoyed the chapter, it's good to be back.

-Voidy, The Insomniac

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