Demoness Reincarnation: Waking up in this new world, I shall live life without regrets with the Evil God watching over me!

Chapter 36: Bonding

A few months had passed since then. The boy had come almost everyday to see me and teach me his craft.

Although... he'd kept his distance after what I did to him with the delicious honey all over his body.

I must admit, I had overdone it.

While teaching me the procedure of making a low level potion, I noticed an odd-looking object hanging around his neck and got curious about it.

"Boy, what is that thing?" I asked, pointing at the object.

He looked down, held the object in his hand and replied, "Oh. This is a Loboros Charm, Your Majesty."

"Loboros. As in the God?" I asked, recalling that name from the memories of those I had eaten.

"Yes, Your Majesty. The name of this charm was derived from him. I bought it a few days ago when a caravan came to our village that day." the boy explained, expressing a face as if he was waiting for an opportunity to share his new accessory with me.

I then used Appraisal on the charm. Thinking it may have some sort of special effect for being named after a God. But... there was no such thing at all. It was just a regular piece of craved rock, hung around his neck.

"What a fool you are."

"Huh?" the boy looks at me, confused by my comment.

"It's just a piece of rock with no special effect to it. In other words, it's worthless. And yet, you bought it because it has a God's name on it. That's why I called you a fool."

"Oh. That, huh..." the boy looks at the charm on his neck and smiled. "I already knew that." he said, twiddling it in his hand. "I mean if this charm was a magic item, then it would have been way more expensive than the price I'd paid for." he added on.

"Then why did you buy it?" I questioned his decision. "If you knew it was worthless, then why purchase it?"

"It's because I'm an Alchemist, even if I'm still an apprentice now." he explained with an innocent smile on his face. "As someone who chose to become a person that creates things, it is only natural that I worship Loboros, who is known as the Creation God. That's why, I bought it. I wanted to show my faith by possessing an item that was named after the Creation God. Even if the item is worthless in others' eyes, it is valuable to me as a believer."

"Oh... I see." I said with a monotone expression on my face.

I know about Humans and their worship of the Gods. However, I could never understand it.

Perhaps it was because of my nature as a monster, or perhaps it was just me. Either way, even if I were to try, I'd probably be unable to comprehend the specific thought process of worshipping a being I have never met.

Therefore, I left the topic as that and returned my attention to the potion that was in the middle of boilling.

"Boy, is it supposed to be bubble up that much?"

"Huh? Oh no! I boiled it for too long!" the boy screamed and panicked as he touched the heated container with his bare hand.

"Ow ow ow..." he'd released the container immediately after feeling the heat, accidentally dropping the content of the potion on the ground.

"Ah!" he screamed again, seeing the incomplete potion go to waste as the soil absorb it all.

Meanwhile, I did my best to hold my laughter as to not mock him.

"Are you all right?" I asked, holding his hand to see if he had burned himself.

"I-I'm fine, Your Majesty. It's nothing serious..." the boy replied while holding back his tears.

I smiled, thinking of what a fool he is and began licking his hand to sooth the pain.

He'd expressed his shock, but remained quiet as I thoroughly licked every part of his hand. From the palm to his five fingers, popping each of them in my mouth, so that my saliva would be on each of them.

During the course of the first few months since our meeting, the boy had taught me about various knowledge I couldn't obtain normally through eating other Humans.

One of those knowledge was about the Alraune which I was most curious about, since the people's perspective of us monsters differs from how we see ourselves. Like how my crotch water was apparently known as a sacred nectar to them. Gross.

As for my saliva, it is apparently a good substitute for burn ointments. Which is why I am licking his hand right now. And it is also why the boy is keeping his mouth shut.

Although, I am curious...

What's with that face he's making?

"Does it still hurt, boy?"

"Eh? Ah! N-No, Your Majesty. Not anymore..."

"Then is something the matter?"

"Not at all. It... It's just that... your licking is making me remember of that time."

That... time?

Ohhhhh! That time! Right...

"Fufufu~ Oh my~ Are you asking for more of that, boy?"

"No no no no no! Not at all, Your Majesty! I mean I'm not even covered in the honey, so there's no need to." he said with a fearful expression and took a step back.

"But you've brought some today, didn't you?" I moved closer to him.

The boy froze in place when I said that. With timid pose and a nervous look on his face, he asked.

"Does Your Majesty... like licking honey from my body?"

"Not exactly." I replied. "It is simply that expression of yours that I love seeing most."

Then I huffed a sigh.

"It's fine. If you don't like it, I won't do it."

The boy heaved a sigh of relief upon hearing those words from me.

Just how trusting are you? I thought at that moment. Surprised by how the boy had believed me so easily without a single doubt in his mind.

"What a fool." I stated once again, muttering it under my breath.

Then, I turned to look at the flower clock I had grew to keep track of the time.

"Looks like the sun will be setting soon."

"Oh. Already?"

Seeing the sky darkened without realising it, the boy looks down disappointed as if he doesn't want to leave yet.

"Aren't you going?" I asked him who was still standng there.

He looked at me, then looked down again.

"I... I don't want to leave yet." he said with a sad look on his face. "I still want to spend more time with you." he expressed sincerely from the bottom of his heart. So much so that it made me feel bad.

"You do realise that I am a monster, right, boy?"

"That doesn't matter. In the short amount of time I have spent with you, I know that Your Majesty is kind. You have shared with me your sacred nectar, and you did not eat me even though I'm Human."

"And you're not scared of me?"

"A bit. Just a bit. But besides that, I really like you and want to spend more time with you. Can I?"

With such a innocent face pleading me for permission, I laughed out loud at how adorable and naive the boy is.

I know have already said this. But what a fool! What an absolute fool!

As the boy wait anticipatingly for my answer, I took my time to calm down, catch my breath, and told him.


An expression of shock and cluelessness was then shown on his face. And before he could utter a single word of exclaimation, I further explained myself.

"Your mother will be worried if you stay with me, won't she? Then I cannot let you stay here any longer." I said, looking at him in the eyes, which stares back at me in sadness.

"Leave and I'll see you tomorrow. Ah. But leave the honey here."

"Yes... Your Majesty."

The boy began packing his then and there. And just as he left the bottle of artificial Alraune honey for me, I handed him a white flower of my own.

"Your Majesty, this is..."

"Take it. It is my gift to you. For teaching me."

He took the flower from me, holding it with both hands as if it was the most precious treasure in the world.

"It's so pretty." he commented with sparkling eyes. "I've never seen a flower so pretty before. It's almost as if I am looking at Your Majesty right now."

"Fufufu~ I'm glad you love it."

The boy looked to me. "Your Majesty, are you sure I can take this?"

"Of course. I've already told you it is my gift to you." I said, approaching the boy and closed his hands, keeping the flower safely secured in his possession.

"It doesn't need water or any specific nutrients, as it is a part of me. Just sunlight will do. So, you may think of this flower as me whenever you miss me. That way, you won't feel lonely then, would you?"

"N-No... I won't. Thank you, Your Majesty. I will cherish it dearly."

The boy bowed with respect towards me and packed his things before returning home. I saw him off as per usual, making sure that he stay safe until he was out of the forest.

Then, night came. And something unexpected happened.

《Conditions have been met... Title Acquired: [Dragon Slayer]》

"What the fuck!?"

Apparently, a child Winged Dragon had enter my forest and was immediately killed by its defense system for showing bloodlust.

I ate the corpse and learned of its little sob story.

It was living peacefully with its mother until a bunch of elves came and killed its mother. Forced to flee, the dragon child vowed to become stronger and seek revenge once it has does so. Taking a temporary shelter in my forest while still emitting its hatred towards the elves. Because of which, the forest saw it as a threat towards me and killed it unceremoniously. Thus, giving me the title since the forest is a part of me.

Welp... Rest in peace, I guess.

《Conditions have been met.... Title Acquired: [Seductress]》

"Now what!?"

Thanks for reading. 🍫

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