Demon Slayer Starts From the Proficiency Panel

Chapter 99

Chapter 99: [099] Demon Summoning, A Rare Outland Mission

Chapter 99 [099] Summoning the Demons, a rare mission in the outer domain

The problems here in Qiantang City can be regarded as a movie.

The water ghost is a ghost from the Heitianmen behind, and the monster is attracted by the aura of the Dragon King River on the day of the bead.

The demons from the Golden Snake Party in the dungeon were all deprived of their skills by Ning Xiu. In a few days, Li Jing would send someone to take them back to the Demon Suppression Prison in a prison cart, and Ning Xiu would not need to worry about it in the future.

Things were investigated one by one, and they were resolved by the demon subduing captains, and they all breathed a sigh of relief when they went up to the city to guard and down to the people.

“Ah!” Stretching out of the room, Ning Xiu yawned as he looked at the inn lobby downstairs, which had long been empty.

Last night in the city guard house, Li Jing and Qin Zhen had a hangover all night, and the three of them were madly drinking, but facing Ning Xiu, who was already a third-rank martial artist, how could these two be Ning Xiu’s opponents.

After drinking and lying down one after another, Ning Xiu’s internal strength turned, and all the alcohol in his body was instantly refined, and it would not be a problem to drink dozens of jars.

It is already three poles in the sun, Qin Zhen should have left Qiantang City with his team, like the leader of Zheng and Jia, and went to other places to perform tasks.

Seeing that the inn that was full yesterday suddenly became so quiet and empty, Ning Xiu couldn’t help shaking his head.

The world is impermanent, and it is fate that Fu Mowei can meet him in other places. It is not guaranteed that he will never see the next side again.

Going downstairs, Ning Xiu was ready to eat something and went on the road immediately. He still had a few tasks left on his hand. After this cleaning up, he could be lighthearted and enjoy the demon subduing more than ten days later. Martial arts.

When he walked out of the inn, when Ning Xiu just stepped out of the door threshold, he saw a black-feathered falcon swooping down from the sky, entering the inn lightly and freely, then passed through the hall and headed towards the backyard of the inn. .

disappeared from Ning Xiu’s sight after a while.

“Huh!” Ning Xiu was startled and stopped at the same time.

This black-feathered falcon was cultivated from a monster. It is used for the emergency information transmission dedicated to the Fumo Division. Under normal circumstances, the black-feathered falcon is definitely not sent to deliver the letter.

But as long as the Black Feather Falcon appears, it means that something very important has happened in the Demon Division.

Any commander of demons who sees the appearance of the Black Feather Falcon must go to see what information the falcon is carrying.

Without hesitation, Ning Xiu immediately walked towards the backyard of the inn. Every Fumo Division property in the Dashang territory has a perch point for the Black Feather Falcon, which is used for the Black Feather Falcon.

When Ning Xiu walked to the backyard, he saw a T-shaped iron pole. A falcon with sharp eyes was standing on the pole. There was a bamboo tube on his leg, which was where the intelligence letter was.

Ning Xiu walked over, skillfully took out the letter from the bamboo tube, and read it carefully. After reading all the contents of the letter, Ning Xiu’s expression couldn’t help becoming a little subtle.

The letter said that a traitor named Fang Jingzhou from Fumosi fled to the outland “Sixiang Prefecture” with the treasure “Suzaku Blood”.

Suzaku’s blood is of great significance and cannot be easily lost, but it is not the territory of the great merchants, and there is no force of the Fumo Division stationed there.

Fu Mosi hereby uses the black feather falcon to publish secret letters everywhere. If the Fu Mowei who sees the secret letter is above the fourth rank, if time permits, he must go to Sixiangzhou to investigate secretly. Recapture the Suzaku blood from Fang Jingzhou and bring it back to Dashang completely.

“It’s an emergency call. This is a rare thing.” Ning Xiu thought secretly after reading the letter.

The summoning letter like the one he is holding is usually hard to see. Only when a major emergency occurs, will the Fumo Division release it to the outside world to let those Fumowei who are doing tasks outside know. .

Each emergency summoning order, if it is completed, the number of merits obtained is not trivial, and the person who completes it can also get a reward, just like the last time Ning Xiu and Qin Daorong asked for the purple electric hammer.

Compared with the evil happenings in the states within the territory of the big merchants, going to the outer territories that are not ruled by the big merchants to carry out missions will undoubtedly greatly increase the degree of danger, and the mortality rate will remain high.

The Fumowei in the Fumo Division, who died most often in Outland, even the bones could not be recovered.

“Recapture the blood of Suzaku, the reward for this task should be good, I may go to the Demon Buddha and bring him to the Outer Territory to carry out this task.” Ning Xiu thought quickly in his mind.

The dangers of Outland are something that many people can’t even imagine. If there wasn’t a first-rank thug like Ning Xiu, Ning Xiu wouldn’t even want to carry out this urgent mission with ten courage.

The third rank of martial arts is placed in the outer domain, and it is completely unstoppable. There are many existences that make the second-rank and first-rank masters fear it.

Compared with Outland, the security of the big business territory is like an ivory tower.

He got the training method of the Heavenly Mighty Godly Spear from Lu Changqing. If Ning Xiu wanted to exert the true power of this Imperial Armament Dao, he had to have a long spear that could be called a treasure.

This kind of treasure is hard to find, and it must be built by a master craftsman. The top third-grade master craftsmen of the big merchants have already made very few shots, and ordinary people can’t ask them to move them. If Ning Xiu completes it This task of Suzaku’s blood can be rewarded, and the **** craftsman can make a Lingbao spear for himself.

If you miss this opportunity, it is basically impossible for the divine craftsman to take action, so Ning Xiu naturally can’t miss this emergency summoning mission as much as possible.

“Let’s go to Donghai Prefecture first, find the Demon Buddha, and then go to Outland with him.” Putting the letter back into the bamboo tube of the Black Feather Falcon, Ning Xiu made a decision in his heart.

He stretched out his hand and summoned an inn boy who was not far away. All the employees in this inn belonged to Fu Mosi, even if it was an unremarkable boy, he would be a bit of a knight in the world. .

On weekdays, it can protect the inn from losing items, not being targeted by thieves, and it can also guard the order of the inn.

Of course, if the Demon Commander has something to do, he can also send them to do things for himself.

“Lord Ning.” Xiao Er ran to Ning Xiu and greeted him.

“My alien beast, the iron-eating beast, help me ride it back to Jingzhou Fumo Division and return it. This is the silver tael to buy you a horse and come back from Jingzhou.” Ning Xiu took out the silver tael he carried with him and handed it to him. The other party said: “Every alien beast is a treasure of Fu Mosi, please be sure to return it to Jingzhou safely.”

“I will, Lord Ning, and I will fulfill your instructions next time.” Xiao Er took the silver tael and answered seriously.

Ning Xiu nodded, then quickly left the inn, and flew away with light effort in the direction of the ferry.

Arriving in the Outer Territory, the danger is huge, and if you ride a strange beast on the road, it will easily kill these obedient strange beasts carefully nurtured by the animal control workshop. best practice.

When Ning Xiu came to the ferry, he saw that there were surprisingly many people in Qiantang City, most of them were old people and women, all of them were holding incense and candles for the temple, and even offerings such as fruits and cakes. Ning Xiu was very puzzled.

How is this going?

The closer you get to the ferry port, the more people you see kneeling on their own futons, chanting silently with incense on their mouths.

Ning Xiu got closer to hear what these people were babbling about.

“Bless the Dragon King, bless my grandson in peace and prosperity.”

“Lord Dragon, bless my eldest son with the title of Jinbang, he has been taking the exam for seven years.”

“Lord Dragon, my man is useless. You bless him with his fierceness, otherwise the little girl will really have to get out of the wall.”

Along the way, all Ning Xiu heard in his ears was praying to the Dragon King, but this praying to the Dragon King would not go to the Dragon King Temple and come to this ferry to make a pile of what to do.

When Ning Xiu squeezed through the crowd and walked to the ferry port and saw the surface of the Longwang River, he knew the reason.

I saw that the Flood Dragon was hovering in the shape of a lump floating on the water surface. It closed its eyes, and its whole body was emitting a light blue light, which looked very dazzling.

These miraculous signs will naturally arouse the worship of the people, especially Qiantang City has always believed in the existence of the Dragon King, and the appearance of the dragon should not directly hit their hearts.

“Still cultivating.” Ning Xiu muttered.

After he left the dungeon yesterday, he returned to the ferry to observe the dragon for a while, and gradually discovered that this guy seemed to be relying on himself. Without his own appearance, it stayed in the Dragon King River all the time.

And because of the relationship between the Thunder Hammer and the Purple Electric Hammer in the belly of this Flood Dragon, Ning Xiu couldn’t easily let it leave him. After all, after seeing the power of the two hammers together, no one would be willing to give up this power. strength.

Taking seven steps to catch the cicada Qinggong, Ning Xiu pointed the toes of the river and approached Jiaolong. When the distance between the two sides was still ten feet, Jiaolong opened his eyes instantly.

Seeing that it was Ning Xiu, he immediately stretched out his body happily and swam over the river.

“It’s time for us to go, come with me.” Ning Xiu waved his hand and leaped towards the lower reaches of the Dragon King River, following the Dragon King River all the way to the Yellow River, and then following the Yellow River all the way to the estuary. It is where Donghaizhou is located.

As long as you find Mofo Ningxiu, you can take him to the Four Elephants of the Outer Territory.

Ning Xiu made a move, and the dragon quickly followed. In the water, its movement speed was faster than Ning Xiu’s Qinggong.

As it plunged into the bottom of the river, after a few breaths, it directly propped up Ning Xiu’s body from the river surface with its head, and carried Ning Xiu quickly to the distance.

Seeing that Jiaolong actually left, the people of Qiantang City on the ferry shouted anxiously.

“Go away! The Dragon King is gone!”

“Who is that person, and why did Lord Long follow him away.”

“Could it be that this boy is the real Dragon Lord, and that dragon is just his servant?”

“Oh my God! Then I have seen the real body of the Dragon King.”

The entire ferry was filled with voices in an instant, and even some painters present quickly took out the pen and paper they carried with them, and began to outline Ning Xiu’s figure and appearance on the paper with the help of their memory just now.

I believe that a brand new statue will appear in the Dragon King Temple in Qiantang City soon.

The land of deep mountains and old forests.

Several young and strong porters were carrying poles, each carrying two bamboo baskets.

As the bamboo baskets swayed, I could faintly hear the whining sounds coming from it, as if some living thing was stored inside.

“With these tributes, Shan Taiye and Niangniang should bring blessings to our village. This year will be a good sign again.”

“Don’t talk, hurry up and hurry. Before sunset, we must deliver the tribute to the mountain temple. It’s not a trivial matter to miss the hour.”

“Don’t worry, brother, we are the best porters in the village, you don’t need to worry about this journey.”

Walking on the dirt road, roars would occasionally sound from all over the mountain.

These people were walking, and a gray wolf that was drooling came out of the grass that was as high as the roadside. I saw that this gray wolf had four tails, and at a glance, I knew that it was a monster with different appearances.

But when several porters saw it, not only did they not show panic and fear, but they all said hello.

“I have seen Fourth Master.”

“I have seen the fourth master, the fourth master looks more and more right now, and the time of immortality is approaching.”

The gray wolf let out a low growl, and the porter in the lead instantly became interested, put down his pole, opened one of the bamboo baskets, and unexpectedly picked up a baby boy who looked no more than one or two years old.

The child’s eyes and mouth are covered with cloth, so he can’t see anything, and at most he can only whine.

“Fourth Master, please, we are still hurrying to go to the mountain temple, so let’s go first.” Putting the child on the ground, several porters bypassed the gray wolf and set off again.

Just heard the sound of gnawing and chewing immediately behind him, as if a bone was broken under the force of the bite.

Looking at the posture of these porters, it is obvious that this is not the first time that this kind of thing has been done.

After a few hours, the group finally came to the deepest part of the mountain. Amidst the black mist, a dilapidated stone temple suddenly appeared behind the mist in the valley, which caught the eyes of several people.

Bones are everywhere, people’s heads are in Beijing, and the yin is like fog.

Before    approached, there was already a chill wrapped around him, making people shudder.

In front of the entrance of the stone temple, there is a stone staircase with dozens of steps. Anyone who enters the temple from here seems to be looking down from the stone temple, adding an inexplicable sense of majesty.

“Master Shan, the offerings have arrived.” All the way up, when they reached the gate of the temple, the leading porter shouted loudly into the temple.

After a few breaths, a cloudy wind blew out of the temple, with a lot of mourning. Several porters couldn’t react, and they saw the poles and bamboo baskets on their bodies were blown up by the strong wind, and they were involved in the incomparable darkness. Deep in the stone temple.

“This time the number is not enough. In a few days, I will send ten boys and girls over.”

A hoarse voice sounded from the depths of the stone temple.

“Master Shan, it’s impossible. Every time we make offerings, it’s the same amount.”

“If I say it’s not enough, it’s not enough. I also want your village to be prosperous and prosperous, so just do as I say and send me the offerings. I’ll give you a lot of good words for your village.”

Soon, the stone temple was completely quiet.

(end of this chapter)

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