Demon Slayer Starts From the Proficiency Panel

Chapter 84

Chapter 84: [084] Purple-Haired Zombie, The Real Destination Of The Witch

Chapter 84 [084] Purple-haired zombie, the real destination of the demon girl

“Quick, quickly move the coffin out.” Hearing what his subordinates said, Wu Changyong was immediately anxious and wanted to see what treasures were inside the coffin.

called more people to help out, and the group of people quickly moved a whole pair of square-horned purple-gold coffins out of the stone room with the help of tools such as poles and ropes.

Ning Xiu faintly felt that something was wrong, so he hurriedly performed a look at the Qi and Luck skills on everyone present. It was okay if he didn’t see it. It was really surprising to see that everyone present was covered in the Qi Luck Line. There was an air of death.

Ning Xiu has never seen such a special situation since he possessed the skill of looking at the breath and knowing the transport.

He knew that he couldn’t let this group of people mess up any more, and he had to stop it, and immediately shouted: “Fu Mowei is handling the case, everyone will stop.”

Hearing Ning Xiu’s shout, everyone hurriedly looked back, only then did they notice that Ning Xiu, a stranger who didn’t know when, appeared here.

“Fu Mowei?” Wu Changyong’s heart suddenly trembled, what he was doing secretly, he knew better than anyone else, if it was discovered by the government, there would be no good fruit to eat, let alone being discovered by Fu Mowei.

The reason why he dared to kidnap the miners this time was purely because he was tempted by his new concubine, Zhao Wanwan, that he dared to take risks.

It has been many years since Eunuch Yin’s affairs, but some people still know his past. In the era when there were eunuchs in the big business, the eunuchs had a lot of power in the palace, and Eunuch Yin was the head of the eunuchs. .

The servants under his hand are enshrined innumerable, capable and different people serve, coupled with the trust of the old emperor, which makes the eunuchs greedy and greedy, if these eunuchs are just like this, the existence of the big business eunuchs can continue.

But some people are used to living a comfortable life, and they dare to do things that cross the line when their minds are not clear.

Grand Duke Yin even brought several chief executives to fornicate with the demons, and exchanged precious treasures with the demons with the information plan of the Demon-Fuweiwei, which destroyed many times the big plan of the Demon-Fufu Company, and killed many Bronze Leopard-level Demon-Fuweiweis. .

The matter was secretly investigated by the Fumo Division. When the incident happened, the Fifth Trial Hall directly attacked and thoroughly investigated all the eunuchs in the big business. Those with official positions were all demoted to slaves, and those who had contact with Duke Yin were all beheaded.

And those new eunuchs who entered the palace, no matter whether you have been mowed for a few years or just a few days, they will all be expelled from the palace, and they will go back to where they came from.

It only took a month, and there was no **** system in Dashang anymore.

In this slaughter operation, the head of the eunuchs who was called the “Chief Father” by all the eunuchs, the 9,000-year-old Grand Duke Yin, disappeared overnight without a trace.

Even if the Fumo Company rummaged and searched the entire Chaotian City, they could not find any trace of Duke Yin. In the end, the matter could only be settled and let it go. Since then, it has become a suspicious cloud in the internal files of the Fumo Company. event.

What Wu Changyong thought was that if he really dug up Duke Yin’s tomb, and after taking the treasure, he would leave Baisha Prefecture with all his men and property, and go to another place to start a new business and build a family.

When the time comes, all the miners who have been **** from outside will be buried underground. No one would have thought that this matter would be related to Wu Changyong.

But now, an accident has happened, and a demon subduing captain sneaked into this place at some point, which really caught Wu Changyong by surprise.

“Big, my lord.” Looking at Ning Xiu, who claimed to be the Demon Commander, Wu Changyong said in a panic.

What is the status of the Demon Commander in the big business territory? He is high above the ground, and his power is comparable to that of the most senior local officials. You can’t suppress him in any way at all. If you want to keep it secret, the best way is to kill and silence him.

But what would be the consequences of killing a Demon Commander? For hundreds of years, the Demon Division has made it clear to most people.

For a while, Wu Changyong’s mind was extremely confused, and he didn’t know what to do, so he could only stay in place, waiting for Ning Xiu to speak.

“Put that coffin down, and everyone will stay away immediately.” Ning Xiu ordered.

In his eyes, the gray gas of the luck line on everyone present was getting stronger and stronger, to the extent that Ning Xiu couldn’t see the color of the luck line itself.

Although I don’t know what will happen, it’s definitely not a good thing. The top priority right now is to get these people away from the square-cornered purple-gold coffin as soon as possible to avoid unexpected accidents.

But at this moment, no one noticed that Zhao Wanwan, who had been quietly snuggling beside Wu Changyong, suddenly lowered her head, and a purple light flashed in her eyes.

Wu Changyong’s men, who had already started preparing to evacuate the square-cornered purple-gold coffin, were stunned for a moment. They rushed towards the square-cornered purple-gold coffin and started to move the cover of the square-cornered purple-gold coffin in a frenzy.

This scene was quite abrupt, no one expected it, Ning Xiu’s eyes changed suddenly, he quickly mobilized his inner strength, and slammed the palm of his hand towards it.

“What are you doing!”

Ning Xiu’s palm energy exploded in an instant, turning into a huge palm wind that swept out, and in an instant, he arrived at the square-horned purple-gold coffin, repelling all those who tried to move the cover.

But it was still too late. The cover had already been opened by Wu Changyong’s men in the stone room. This will be done so that the cover of the coffin was directly opened to about a third of the way.

An invisible sense of oppression spread from the coffin in an instant, as if some peerless monster was being born.

The four Taoist priests who had been following Wu Changyong all along had their solemn expressions almost leaking out of water, although they had never seen what the corpse in the coffin looked like.

But for the current situation, the designation is to deceive the corpse. Generally, the corpse that does not rot for many years after death is rare. If it is placed in a place where Yin Qi is suitable for raising a corpse, it will become a corpse after many years of designation.

And what this kind of existence is most afraid of is to absorb the yang qi of strangers. If you **** in and designate an accident, you will inevitably deceive corpses and harm others. Right now, we can only pray that the corpse in this coffin has not grown to too high a temperature, even if it becomes a zombie, it can be dealt with. Yes, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

“Master, the situation is not right, let’s evacuate quickly.” A Taoist whispered to Wu Changyong.

There are a lot of Taoist gates in the world, and each Taoist system has its own unique characteristics, but the four following Wu Changyong are not good at fighting zombies. For the sake of safety, evacuating quickly became his first choice.

But before Wu Changyong could make a sound, Zhao Wanwan immediately refused: “No, sir, that coffin is full of treasures, and that Demon Demon Commander has already found out what we are doing, and we will definitely not be able to stay in Jinbian City in the future. Go down, if we can’t take away the treasures of Duke Yin, what can we do to establish our own business elsewhere.”

Zhao Wanwan’s eyes flashed, and Wu Changyong’s expression quickly changed from timid to firm, he said categorically: “Listen to you, don’t leave yet.”

Kaka Kaka!

There was a change in the square-horned purple-gold coffin, and then a purple figure appeared from the upper body of the coffin.

This person’s full head of white hair has fallen out and not many roots, and the purple dry skin is hanging on the skeleton, like bacon that has been dehydrated for many years.

I don’t know how many years it was buried in the square-horned purple-gold coffin, but there are still eyeballs in the eye sockets of this mummified corpse.

Its eyes are not like people at all, but more like a beast ready to go, watching its prey.

“Why has this person turned purple.” Wu Changyong said in surprise.

“Master, this time is really not good, this is the legendary purple-haired zombie.”

“Purple-haired zombies represent that their status was either rich or noble during their lifetime, with extraordinary power and fortune. After death, they are extremely powerful. If no one can subdue them, Jinbian City will become a dead city.”

“Come on sir, we let out a monster.”

The four Taoist priests couldn’t stand anymore. The sense of oppression caused by the zombie in the square-horned purple-gold coffin was too great, so they just wanted to quickly escape from this place and stay far away from the purple-haired zombie.

Ning Xiu’s expression was solemn. Although he didn’t know as much as the four Taoist priests, judging from the aura emanating from the purple-haired zombie, he was probably more than rank three.

Jinbian City is actually buried with such vicious creatures underground. If he didn’t come today and let the purple-haired zombie escape, the entire Jinbian City would become a land of corpses littered with corpses.

Looking at the purple-haired zombie slowly standing up from the square-cornered purple-gold coffin, Zhao Wanwan’s face suddenly showed a successful smile, and she saw a strange light flickering in her eyes.

Wu Changyong’s subordinates, who had been slapped by Ning Xiu’s palm, followed the demons, quickly got up from the ground, and rushed towards the purple-haired zombie in a suicidal manner.

The purple-haired zombie felt the stranger approaching, and immediately reached out and grabbed one of them, opened its mouth wide and bit down on the other’s throat, and began to feast on it.

With the absorption of the blood of strangers, the surface gloss of the purple-haired zombie has obviously changed a lot.

“what’s the situation?”

“what happened.”

“It felt like they were being manipulated.”

Originally, the purple-haired zombie had just woken up, and its strength was not too strong, but Wu Changyong’s subordinates made such a suicidal attack and directly fed themselves into the mouth of the purple-haired zombie as food.

In this way, the strength of the purple-haired zombie will become stronger and stronger, and normal people will never be able to do this kind of behavior.

A Taoist priest seemed to have thought of something, and immediately turned to look at Zhao Wanwan, hesitantly asked, “Could it be you?”

In fact, since Zhao Wanwan appeared beside Wu Changyong as an actor, these Wu Changyong disciples began to feel some changes in Wu Changyong and the mystery of Zhao Wanwan’s daughter.

Why does she know that there is the tomb of Duke Yin Dagong under the Lanshuihe Gold Mine? Why does Wu Changyong sometimes change his mind when Zhao Wanwan says the last sentence after he has already made a decision.

In the past, everyone was just suspicious and didn’t take it seriously, but now it seems that Zhao Wanwan definitely hides too many secrets in this girl.

She can even control Wu Changyong’s men to commit suicide.

Facing the Taoist priest, Zhao Wanwan smiled quietly, his eyes slowly lit up, making the Taoist priest’s expression instantly confused.

The situation here was completely ignored by others. When the purple-haired zombie grabbed the living person and began to drink blood, Ning Xiu’s body had already moved.

I saw him stepping hard, and the whole person rushed out instantly and came to the front of the purple-haired zombie.

Ning Xiu’s whole body turned red at this moment, and his red fist smashed directly on the face of the purple-haired zombie.

The magic power of   qi and blood oven is that the most powerful thing is that it can stimulate all the qi and blood in the human body, which is the most practical for attacking evil spirits.

Even if the purple-haired zombie looks complicated, it is still too much to bear after being punched by Ning Xiu.


It can be seen that the purple-haired zombie flew upside down in an instant, and was directly punched by Ning Xiu, hitting the rock wall in the distance.

Looking at the people surrounded by the square-horned purple-gold coffin, Ning Xiu saw that their eyes were blank and they had no self-awareness at all. He could feel that things were not simple.

In order to prevent these people from doing anything to strengthen the purple-haired zombie, Ning Xiu directly chose to shoot and knock them all unconscious.

received a punch from Ning Xiu, and the center of the purple-haired zombie’s entire face was sunken, and a very clear fist mark appeared.

Affected by Ning Xiu’s qi and blood at the same time, plumes of white smoke even appeared on the face of the purple-haired zombie.

“Roar!” The purple-haired zombie roared furiously.

received such a heavy punch, but it acted as if nothing had happened, struggling to climb out of the rock wall.

At this moment, the body of the purple-haired zombie began to bulge at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon became muscular and blue-veined.

Ning Xiu was expressionless and charged towards the purple-haired zombie again. Although the face of the purple-haired zombie was smashed by Ning Xiu’s punch just now, it would not affect its battle at all.

Facing the attack of Ning Xiu, the purple-haired zombie also rushed out, wanting to confront Ning Xiu head-on.

In terms of head-to-head encounters, Ning Xiu has never been afraid of anyone since he became the Demon Subduing Captain. He immediately punched out and collided with the palm of the purple-haired zombie.

Dengfeng Five Strength!

At this moment, Ning Xiu’s magical power was used for the first time.

The five-strength energy exploded in an instant, and the fury spread to the purple-haired zombie’s body. It can be seen that the purple-haired zombie’s arm suddenly exploded with a lot of abnormal noise, and the arm bones couldn’t stop bursting, and finally spread to the purple-haired zombie’s shoulder. This entire arm was abolished in an instant.

With just a few tricks, the purple-haired zombie was already suppressed by Ning Xiu.

And just as he was fighting against the purple-haired zombie, Zhao Wanwan took Wu Changyong’s arm and said, “Master, this is a good opportunity, we should do it.”

“Okay.” Wu Changyong nodded, and immediately ran to the open square-horned purple-gold coffin with the only person left beside him.

When they came to the side of the coffin and looked inside, they saw that the entire square-cornered purple-gold coffin was filled with all kinds of treasures.

There are weapons, there are pots, there are jewels…

Wu Changyong’s eyes looked extremely hot: “It’s really a treasure.”

The reason why he acted like this in secret was not for these things. Although something unexpected happened in the process, the result was the same as expected.

Even if he was discovered by that demon subduing captain, as long as he left with these treasures, Wu Changyong could abandon the gold mine and go to another place to live again.

And relying on these grave goods of Duke Yin, his wealth will be far richer than it is now.

“Take it quickly, everyone take some, while that Demon Demon Commander is still fighting the zombies, we quickly took the things and left.” Wu Changyong hurriedly ordered.

His subordinates immediately followed suit, but at this moment, Zhao Wanwan’s expression, which had always been soft and gentle, became subtle. She reached out and took out a treasure in the coffin, and started playing with it.

This is a helmet-shaped treasure with a crystal clear texture, which looks like it is used by soldiers.

Wu Changyong saw this, he planned to reach out to take this thing, and said at the same time, “Beauty is not playing anymore, take it away first, and talk about it after leaving here.”

But what he never expected was that Zhao Wanwan smiled and put the helmet on Wu Changyong’s head with force.

“Don’t, don’t make trouble, just take it off for me.” Wu Changyong was stunned, and felt that the helmet started to shrink automatically after he put it on his head, and his head became tighter and tighter.

“Help me, quickly help me take this off.”

This made Wu Changyong feel extremely terrified. When his subordinates heard the call, they immediately approached to try to help, but after Zhao Wanwan glanced.

These loyal subordinates who originally belonged to Wu Changyong stopped their actions one after another, ignoring Wu Changyong’s miserable mourning.

As the helmet kept shrinking, Wu Changyong’s head, which was quickly squeezed, rattled. Finally, a large amount of blood flowed out from the junction of his head and the helmet, dripping unstoppably on the ground, and soon Got bloodstains all over the place.


Under such severe pain, Wu Changyong couldn’t hold on any longer. He died completely after screaming, and his body fell to the ground without movement.

The four Taoists watched all this, but their bodies could not respond.

“Witch, it’s all about you, the witch!”

“Don’t Mr. Wu have any deep hatred with you, and you actually hurt him like this.”

Facing the reprimands of the four Taoists, Zhao Wanwan smiled lightly: “You will know soon.”

She reached out and took off the helmet on Wu Changyong’s head, and she could see that Wu Changyong’s head had been squeezed into a rather distorted shape at this time.

Zhao Wanwan didn’t care at all, and continued to put the helmet on the head of one of Wu Changyong’s men next to him.

The opponent was under Zhao Wanwan’s control, and would not make any resistance at all, letting the helmet start to shrink on his head, just like Wu Changyong just now.

woo woo!

After    squeezed the two to death one after another, the helmet soon made a strange low sound, and finally a dull man’s face appeared on the surface of the helmet.

“Who woke up our family.” The man opened his pale eyes and asked in an extremely sharp and cold voice.

“The descendant of Zhao Mian’s righteous daughter of the Golden Snake Party, Zhao Wanwan has seen nine thousand years old!”

Seeing the appearance of this face, Zhao Wanwan smiled and hurriedly saluted the helmet.

(end of this chapter)

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