Demon School

Chapter 729 - Rod of god

New weapons? The captain ’s heartbeat ca n’t help but start to accelerate. In recent years, China ’s weapons have been continuously updated, including electromagnetic guns, laser guns, nuclear fusion aircraft carriers, electric tanks, vertical lift fighters … An-225, Tu-160 and other redesigned super-large transport planes, super strategic bombers … Every time new weapons appear, they make these soldiers **** and excited, and now they will come out What is it?

“Your ship is too close to the enemy ship, please retreat five nautical miles! At the same time pay attention to monitoring the enemy ship’s dynamics, be sure to collect first-hand data!” The superior continued to issue orders.

so far? Shouldn’t you just go to the killer? The captain’s cold sweat came out, but this is on his own land? And the few small warships in the opponent area (of course, this is relative to the fleet he led), can it be used for such a big battle?

The captain did not dare to hesitate and immediately ordered his fleet to retreat to the rear! This fleet of retreating enemies is even more arrogant. They thought that the Chinese fleet really flinched before their powerful strength! The commanding officer, who looks like a monkey, started his journey to the space elevator platform in China.

Just back to a safe distance, the superior’s order came again, “Attention, the attack will start in ten minutes, your ship must do a good job of data collection! When the sea surface returns to calm, the enemy ship will be rushed to the fastest speed as soon as possible. Location, collect sample fragments for headquarters to analyze! “

This time the ship took a long breath, since it was for them to pass, it means that this attack will not produce radiation pollution, so he will be relieved! However, after removing the worries, curiosity is growing stronger! While ordering his men to do the monitoring work well, he took out the telescope and aimed at the distance!

Ten minutes later, a huge scream came from the sky, and a meteor hit the enemy ship ’s position with lightning speed at the lightning speed. According to the captain ’s years of experience in the army, this speed exceeded any one. Missiles, the enemy’s fleet can never be avoided! Then a huge fire burst into the distance, and the explosion sounded. It seemed that the enemy’s fleet was destroyed so easily!

“Captain! There will be a big wave coming! Please order the fleet to prepare for collision!” The soldier responsible for monitoring said nervously before he responded, “Yes, the radar signal of the enemy ship has completely disappeared! It seems It has been completely destroyed by our new weapon! This wave should also be caused by the new weapon! “

After the waves passed, the captain ordered the fleet to rush to the scene as soon as possible, but found that the enemy’s fleet had been completely destroyed. Only a few groups of oil stains and fragments of ships were seen on the sea!

“The diver is dispatched to see if anything interesting can be found!” The captain immediately gave the order, but the photos passed back shortly shocked him. What is this?

“What kind of weapon did the Chinese use? This reminded me of the disaster at the Norfolk Naval Base that year!” The commander of the US Aircraft Carrier Formation was not far behind. The ship had no room to resist, “Let’s go! The farther away from this place, the better!”

An hour later, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China suddenly issued a hard-lined condemnation, “… The warship that invaded our country ’s seas has been destroyed by our army. The country must give a reasonable explanation within 24 hours. , And bear the consequences, otherwise our country will retain the means to take further measures, do n’t be unpredictable … “

Then he showed to many reporters that China ’s weapon for destroying enemy ships is a satellite carrying countless high-density, high-hardness metal rods. These high-density metal rods can be guided by satellites using small rockets to boost and The huge kinetic energy generated by the free fall hits the target at a faster rate than the falling of the meteor. It has a powerful attack capability and a wide range of attacks. It can accurately strike high-value strategic targets in any area of ​​the earth at any time. No less powerful than nuclear weapons, but no pollution by nuclear weapons.

These metal rods reminded countless Chinese people to think of the wishful gold hoop rods used by Monkey King of the Monkey King in Journey to the West, and the Chinese military also named the system “Ruyi Stick”!

“The Chinese military is confident and capable of defending the security of the country ’s territory, airspace, and territorial waters! Any attempt to provoke China will be mercilessly attacked!” The spokesperson said in a justified statement, “At the same time, the system will also provide Provide protection for ocean-going freighters, scientific research vessels, overseas embassies, overseas projects, etc. “

Haha, the golden monkey rises up to the great stick, and Yuyu clarifies Wanliye! These two poems of Taizu appeared in the hearts of countless Chinese! It can be said that with this weapon, any corner of the world is within the scope of the attack of China. Whether you are an aircraft carrier formation of the United States or a training camp of a terrorist organization, as long as you touch the bottom line of China, you will be welcomed immediately. Come to destroy the disaster!

“This is … this is the rod of God!” Within the White House, Patricia Whitemore spit out a code pale, and the Americans also conceived a similar weapon system and named it For the staff of God, it is a pity that because the aftermath of the Norfolk disaster took a lot of money, the research of the staff of God was postponed indefinitely.

“Will the Norfolk disaster be done by the Chinese using this weapon system?” Someone was immediately keenly aware of this ~ ~ No, no! According to our records, it didn’t take long for the satellites of God’s Staff System to be launched! And we did not find traces of metal rods at the site of the Norfolk accident, and there were no traces of artificial processing on the meteorite fragments! “Someone soon clarified the issue.

“I don’t know why, I always think that the Norfolk accident is not a natural disaster!” The man shook his head in loss as he asked. But it turned into a bitter smile in the blink of an eye. In today’s situation, what if it proves that the Norfolk accident was caused by the Chinese? Do they dare to wage war against China?

At the same time, on China ’s TV, a weapon expert was talking eloquently, “… we can see that the destruction of these enemy ships is exactly the same as the destruction of the Norfolk Naval Base ’s Aircraft Carrier fleet It is also an attack from space, the speed of thunder and the destructive speed! We have reason to believe that it was the Norfolk accident that inspired the weapon researchers to develop this weapon. ….. “

puff! In the White House, the American elites who were watching the show were black, almost spitting old blood on the screen! (To be continued.)

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