Demon School

Chapter 713 - Capital knows no borders

“Gosh, drinking coffee with a billionaire would require me to pay the bill! What’s wrong with this world! Is it because of this that he would become a billionaire, and should I work hard for that stupid boss?” Ken Nice spat out weakly.

“Kevin! Come back to the company … I don’t care who you are dating! This is the biggest business since our company was founded! Just take this opportunity, a hundred-foot yacht, Manhattan Apartment! Whatever you want! Are you afraid that no chicks are posted? “Jason kept calling all the way,” … Sheryl, triple the salary, come back immediately, to The company helped me find an overseas student who is proficient in Chinese, and another computer hacker! …… Nick, clear all the bonds from the company, exchange it for cash, and hit my account! Quick! It must be done in the shortest time … No matter how much loss I have, I only know that this opportunity is the biggest loss in my life! “

Running through five red lights all the way, he threw the driver a banknote and asked him to meet the police. Jason Norman hurried to his office! At this time, other major members of the company also rushed from all over New York, and their faces were full of desire for money, “Jason, will there be a big action this time?”

“Yes! This is my best chance since I shorted Luther Technology!” Jason dropped the phone on the table. “Come and see this! The Chinese have made their counterattack!”

Everyone immediately put their heads together and looked at Jason ’s mobile phone screen without blinking. I saw a screenshot of the webpage above, “Sorry, Jason, I do n’t understand Chinese, can you tell me this is Any news? “

“Professor Lu Qiujian! It was the genius who took me to sniper the Luther Technology Company. He was also the creator of the algorithm used by the Renaissance company for more than ten years!” Jason briefly introduced Lu Qiujian’s identity, “He is now His war plan is constantly being released on China’s Weibo platform! We should seize this opportunity and follow his steps to make money from the financial market! “

“But Jason, China is now facing financiers from the whole country, as well as oil sovereign funds in the Middle East, and consortia around the world such as Neon. Can they hold up? Why do you think Lu Qiujian would be The last winner? “Some people don’t agree with him.

“Kevin, this is the difference between us! Why am I now a billionaire and you need to work for me?” Jason sneered. “That’s because I have more vision than you!”

“Nick! Tell me, is your work done? How much money is on my account now?” Jason hesitated to see several partners, and immediately turned his attention to his financial officer.

“There is still time to sell some bonds. I have helped you raise $ 12.38 million in funds! Jason, you lost at least $ 50 million in this transaction!” Finance Officer Nick kindly reminded.

“50 million dollars? It’s no big deal! I believe I can make those losses back today!” Jason said as if he had lost 50 million cents instead of 50 million, “Shelly, hacker and translator Did you find it? “

“They’re here soon!” Xie Lier quickly looked at her phone, “up to ten minutes!”

“Very good, when this operation is over, I will give you a month’s paid vacation. You can travel to any place in the world at my own expense! By the way, you can also bring your boyfriend! Jason snapped his fingers, “Guys, now get up and prepare for action!”

“As for you!” Jason turned his attention to his partner again. “You can choose to join now, or you can wait! But if you wait for the action and then join, then the amount of dividends is not the same as before! “

“Jason, let’s wait and see!” These partners were a little hesitant. They didn’t contact Lu Qiujian like Jason Norman, and they didn’t believe that the Chinese government could defeat the powerful US financial company. Cooperation with national consortia.

“Anyway! I’ve given you the chance anyway!” Jason shrugged. The students and hackers who had gasped for a while had arrived, and Jason immediately greeted him. Just do one thing for me to ensure that I can get the message from this bib account as soon as possible! Then translate it into English and tell me! “

Although it is now possible to log in directly to Lu Qiujian’s bib page, Jason doesn’t know how long this situation can last, so he specifically looked for hackers just in case.

“No, no problem!” The high price of a thousand dollars directly smashed the two men. The hackers packed up their devices and the international students quickly opened the dictionary on their mobile phones and prepared.

Not long after they were busy, Lv Qiujian issued a new bib, and international students quickly translated it, “Mr. Norman, Professor Lv gave a new investment option, its content is …”

“What are you waiting for? Put all our funds in immediately!” At this moment, Jason had already contacted the related agency and got the maximum leverage he could get.

After all the work is done ~ ~ the market is really starting to change in the direction they expect. Under super high leverage, Jason’s assets have undergone changes that everyone envy.

“Jason, are you doing this well? Are you doing the opposite of Millikan?” After a while, the partners had understood Jason Norman’s intentions and were also aware of Lu Qiujian’s strength. Start building confidence.

“As a citizen of the United States of America, I followed the Constitution of the United States, paid taxes according to regulations, provided employment opportunities for hundreds of Americans, and donated to several charities for a long time! I think the White House should give me a medal of exemplary citizenship! I think I ’ve done enough for Michael! ”Jason said carelessly.“ Does the US Constitution require me not to participate in this financial war? I make money with my eyes and capital! No one can accuse me. ! “

“Jason is right! Capital knows no borders, if Milican will eventually win, then my money will not cause them to fail! And if they fail, we reserve some assets for Milician, let Milician ’s Losses are reduced! So why don’t we follow Jason together? “The partners disagreed, and some people began to tend to make money with Jason.

“Then what do you think you should do for me?” Jason immediately revealed the capitalist’s usual gesture. (To be continued.)

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