Demon School

Chapter 694 - Regular press conference

Subsequently, the Chinese government also issued a unified text description through the Xinhua News Agency, People ’s Daily and other official media, but these simply could not satisfy the curiosity of the global people; so the domestic media have canceled the immortal Spring Festival vacation and urgently recalled it. Those employees who have embarked on a journey home, and journalists from major media around the world have also traveled to China, so that during the Spring Festival, a strange round of entering Beijing has appeared.

But they are not very useful when they come, and the Chinese government departments are on holiday! They also had no place to ask someone to ask. These people had to pin their hopes on the regular press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, trying to hear some news from here. They sat at the scene of the press conference and exchanged messages with their counterparts from all over the world while anxiously waiting for the appearance of the spokesperson of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

One minute before the scheduled time arrived, a well-dressed, well-dressed spokeswoman, finally appeared on the podium, and she toured the scene. “I see that the number of reporters who appeared today seems to have created the new since my inauguration. For the record, I wo n’t talk too much now! Now I can start asking questions! ”

As soon as the voice fell, countless raised hands turned the scene into a grove. Ms. Spokesperson took care of the foreign media first. “Please ask this lady from AFP!”

“The Chinese government just announced yesterday that the newly constructed controllable fusion power station has been officially connected to the grid to generate electricity. I want to know which research institution has made this project? Why have we not heard any news before?” The female reporters of the agency seem to be filled with indignation, which is simply too bad. How can the government conceal the news?

“This is the case!” The spokesperson already knew what kind of problems she would face today, and she made sufficient preparations in advance. “The study of controlled nuclear fusion is an accident, due to the power consumption of Xi and the planned base. Very large, so Professor Lu transferred some people from the project team to form a group to serve Xi and planned auxiliary power stations; these workers are also engaged in new generation while ensuring the normal operation of Xi and planned auxiliary power stations Way of research work! “

Ms. Spokesman said seriously, “No one believes,” In the course of the research, they unexpectedly completed the construction of a small nuclear fusion reactor, which was stable enough to meet the needs of Xi and the planned base! Under the guidance of, we built a new nuclear fusion power plant! The thing is! Because this research is not in our plan, no news has been announced in advance! “

Everyone is absolutely overwhelmed. How could such a big project be done by accident? If the staff of the Ignition Project of the United States and ITER of Cadarache in France heard about it, would they be ashamed to commit suicide?

The female reporter of the Agence France-Presse is even more funny about your expression! Then the spokesperson ignored it gorgeously, and she turned directly to the next one, “Please ask this reporter from Neon Kyodo News!”

“As far as I know, in May 2006, with the approval of the State Council of your country, your country ’s ITER Negotiation Joint Group, on behalf of your government, signed the ITER plan agreement with the European Union, India, Neon, South Korea, Lucia, and the United States. Going into this worldwide cooperation plan! But now your country has concealed its own research progress, and independently completed the construction of nuclear fusion power plants without communicating with these partners! Does your country violate the spirit of international cooperation? ? “Neon’s reporter looked aggressive.

“Like what I said just now, China ’s nuclear fusion power plant originates from Xihe planned affiliated power plant!” Your spokesperson again mentioned the term that makes them hate their teeth, “It is independent of other nuclear fusion research in China. Institutions other than the unit, everyone also knows that China is a developing country, and the scientific research system is not yet perfect, so they have not communicated with other nuclear fusion research institutions in China! Therefore, many units shouldering the heavy responsibility of cooperating with ITER are also until We only learned about this news yesterday; we also realized that this closed-end research is no longer suitable for the development of today ’s science and technology. In the future, we must learn lessons and increase domestic research cooperation! “

It ’s not that we deliberately concealed it. This is a system issue! The cooperation units of China and ITER absolutely share all the information they have with ITER without reservation, except that Xi and the planned affiliated power plants are not in the list of ITER cooperation units! If we realize this problem early, we will not waste so much money on ITER partners! The sorry face of the spokesman.

Many reporters vomited blood again, and the third opportunity to ask questions was given to reporters from the YMCA. He stood up and said, “Controllable nuclear fusion is a gift from God to mankind, and China should not monopolize it! Will China be prepared to use this? Can items that greatly change the technology of human society be shared? “

Hush ~ Chinese reporters at the scene made a boo! You Americans are really shameless! I haven’t seen you sharing shale gas technology in the early years!

“First of all, I am correcting that controlled nuclear fusion is the result of incomparable hard work of Chinese scientists! Not God has given us!” The spokesperson refuted his point with impoliteness ~ ~ Then he threw back his words, “If you think that God has given it to mankind, then you should not come and ask us, but you should go to the church to pray to God and let God give you this technology! I am here I sincerely wish your prayers will be recognized by God! “

Haha! The reporters from China who have just been filled with indignation now have fun. Yeah, what kind of big scene has this spokeswoman not seen? No matter which country’s famous name, she can talk to each other and laugh, how can your little trick make people difficult?

After the three foreign journalists, it was finally the Chinese reporter ’s turn to ask questions. The reporter from Xinhua stood up with energy, “Which scientist led this achievement and who contributed the most in the research process?”

“Of course it is Professor Lu Qiujian!” The spokesperson replied without hesitation, “The theory of Xi and the planned nuclear fusion power plant was built by Professor Lu Qiujian, and each experimental plan was also designated by Professor Lu. ! Many of the problems that occurred during the experiment were also mainly proposed by Professor Lu … “

Just after the press conference, many reporters could not wait to send the news to all parts of the world, so the name Lv Qiujian was heard all over the world again. (~ ^ ~)

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