Demon School

Chapter 662 - Tonight we are all Americans

Soon, news of the impact of meteorite in the United States spread throughout the world! Although they do not know how much the United States has lost, the photos of the five aircraft carriers gathered at the Norfolk Naval Base a few days ago are everywhere! Finding out the comparison between the photos before the impact and the current photos, everyone understands that the five aircraft carriers and the huge aircraft carrier fleet of the United States are all over!

Nani! Dad’s carrier is sinking! What shall we do? China has become more and more powerful in recent years, and it is completely impossible for us to feel safe just to anchor a USS Washington at Yokosuka Naval Base! We are planning that Dad will send another aircraft carrier to Asia to protect the weak us! Why is Dad ’s aircraft carrier destroyed by a meteorite now? What should we do? The neon high-level wailing!

They know that the loss of the US aircraft carrier will definitely weaken their influence on the international situation. At least before the new aircraft carrier forms combat power, their military strength in the East Asian generation cannot fully suppress China! If there is any change in China by then, because of the hatred accumulated over the years and the disputes on many islands, China may be putting the first batch of goals on itself! What should we do then?

Indonesia, the Philippines and other countries in the South China Sea usually rely on the father of the United States to support them in the back. From time to time, they still hold the idea that I ca n’t hurt you and disgust you. Also shrink eggs! Immediately ordered to let their poor navy and air force put away the harassment plan! It’s just that there are various protests in the media that are painless!

In the Middle East, various countries have mobilized urgently! Israel immediately raised the alert standard to the highest level! The leg of his son’s house was broken! It is difficult to guarantee that some countries that are not open-minded want to take advantage of the fire, they immediately mobilized, issued weapons to the soldiers, prepared all kinds of missiles, and issued an emergency name and a call order! The Mossad building is brightly lit, and they are always paying attention to the information returned by intelligence personnel from all over the place! If it is found that that country intends to attack Israel, they intend to preemptively!

The kings, princes and princes of Saudi Arabia panicked directly. They can live a luxurious life with oil, all because of the behemoth of the United States standing behind them. The aircraft carrier of the United States can guarantee their safety! Although there is still an aircraft carrier in the Middle East, it has lost the ability to support it! They also become unsafe! Shouldn’t those who have long coveted the oil resources of their own country do it right now?

Several Middle Eastern organizations opposed to the United States immediately issued a statement through Qatar Al Jazeera, announcing that this meteorite disaster was the punishment of the true **** against the United States! The dawn of jihad victory is at hand! They called on the global opposition forces to unite to attack the overseas military bases, embassies and other institutions in the United States.

NATO also mobilized quickly, watching Lucia’s every move nervously, afraid they would use this opportunity to attack NATO! At the same time, they warned their foreign agencies to beware of possible terrorist attacks.

However, their internals have also become unstable. In France, a large number of people took to the streets again, protesting that France has built so many nuclear power plants on their own territory! There was an accident at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant in the past, and today there is a reactor explosion at the Norfolk Naval Base. How dangerous is nuclear radiation! For the safety of the French people, all these nuclear power plants should be demolished!

“Are these people crazy?” A French man sitting in an electric car imported from China looked at the crowd holding the slogan with an idiot, looked at the speaker impatiently, and greeted his colleagues Says, “French fuel tax is as high as 300%, but electricity is low-cost nuclear power. Coupled with the huge efficiency gap between the two, electric vehicles can cost up to 5% of fuel vehicles! Is there much money to power the car? “

“What do we use when we dismantle a nuclear power plant? Thermal power plants pollute the atmosphere! Hydroelectric power plants affect ecology-can we find places to repair hydroelectric power plants in France? Wind power plants and solar power plants also have various problems! Do they plan to return to the Middle Ages?” Said with a shrug.

“Absolutely impossible! They don’t want nuclear power stations, thermal power stations, hydroelectric power stations, but they can’t accept life without internet or WiFi!” The driver snorted.

“Why don’t you use this to provide energy?” The co-pilot looked at the young woman holding a placard with the word love written on it. “Did you use love to generate electricity?”

Such actions not only happen in France, but in Germany, Northern Europe, and the United Kingdom, people are constantly taking to the streets to demand the government to dismantle various nuclear facilities! Dismantle warships and fighter jets and stop research investment in this area. It’s been too long for them to live comfortably, and they have completely forgotten how their lives are coming now! Without strong military support, they have long been crushed by others!

Emperor Vladimir of Lucia laughed in the Kremlin after receiving news that the US Aircraft Carrier Fleet was destroyed by a meteorite! The noose around Lucia’s neck has been getting tighter all these years ~ ~ He’s almost oppressed, he’s out of breath! And now there is no doubt that it is a good opportunity to unlock yourself!

“The navy ship is ordered to use cruise missiles to attack the Syrian opposition! Send bombers to carry out carpet bombardment of the opposition’s entrenched area! Prepare the ground troops to enter the theater of war! Once the preparation is completed, immediately launch the ground attack!” A series of orders were issued Going on, the emperor went on to say, “If you ask for financial assistance from China, they will be happy to help us pay! In addition, if the chicken has any provocative actions, it will immediately fight back!”

After receiving the news that Lucia had sent troops, Lv Qiujian smiled slightly. Lucia, you must insist on this nut wall for a while! Only in this way can we have enough time to plant a few sunflowers. Once enough sunlight is produced, we can use them to buy pea shooters and ice watermelon! By that time, we will not be afraid of anyone’s attack!

Turning off the news page and landing on the bib page, Lu Qiujian thought about it and published his comment on the incident, “Humans are so vulnerable in the face of disaster, the people of the United States are suffering from the worst tragedy ever, we pray God once again gives strength to help your country and people through the darkest moments in human history. We believe that in such days, the people and government of the United States can stand the cruel test, and the Statue of Liberty will stand still. May God bless the rice country, we are all rice people tonight! “(~ ^ ~)

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