Demon God

Chapter 180: Changes

In a place where there was only darkness, Desire...opened his eyes.

Desire opened his eyes as soon as he felt his consciousness return to his body.

But that was not all Desire did as he immediately stood up as he shouted.

"AHK!!!" Desire shouted out loud as he remembered the pain that he felt when he was in that darkness.

No...he remembered the pain when he saw that the darkness was being destroyed by the golden light.

His chest tightened up as blood rushed to his head again, and Desire could feel that there was a hole somewhere in his chest.

That was why...Desire began to scratch his chest with his two hands with a worried look on his face.

"Ahhkk!" Desire choked as saliva pooled up in his throat. However, he didn't care about that as he just tried to feel his chest.

The way that Desire was trying to feel his chest was so fierce and harsh that Desire actually got an injury just from his scratching.

Lines of blood were scattered all across his chest, and it was gushing out of his body.

His blood flowed to the ground, but Desire didn't even see his blood as he just kept scratching his chest.

And this...this was exactly Desire's condition before.

Right, Desire...was feeling the symptoms of whatever he felt when he first saw the darkness become destroyed.

He...was becoming dysfunctional again.

However, maybe because time passed for a long time now ever since he was doing that, Desire...could feel himself calming down.

The blood rushing to his brain slowed down, and the hole that he felt was slowly going away as he breathed in and breathed out.

"Huuuu. Haaaaa." Desire's lungs went up and down as he took a deep breath.

Well, he could feel that he was calming down. It was only natural that Desire would want to ride on this...momentum.

Although it was weird that Desire went nuts and then go calm in the next moment, it was definitely not.

After all, Desire had the Heavenly Demon Trait.

" helped me again." Desire murmured as he felt that he was now calm.

He could tell that the Heavenly Demon Trait helped him in calming down.

Well, that was the reason why he was even able to calm down.

Although Desire's personality was becoming like the 'heavenly demon,' the actual benefits of the Heavenly Demon Trait would still take effect once Desire needs it, which is for caging emotions and staying calm.

"Huuuu. Haaaa." Desire breathed in and out once more as he just felt like doing it.

Of course, now that Desire was back on his right mind, his injuries on his chest...finally started hurting.

It was stinging now, and Desire could feel how much blood he was losing due to this wound.

However, Desire...wasn't really worried about the injury, nor was he panicking about the blood loss.

Why? It was because...Desire felt like this was just something he could heal up in a moment.

Right, Desire felt like this was something he could heal up immediately if he used his instincts.

Desire didn't know why he was feeling like this, but...Desire just decided to try it out.

And as soon as he did, the wound on his chest...disappeared.

It disappeared without a trace, and even the blood on the ground disappeared.

And this...made Desire confused.

"Huh? What happened?" Desire murmured as he tried to feel his chest.

Of course, it was just for checking the wound as he really couldn't believe that his wound was now gone.

After all, Desire...didn't even begin to heal his wound, and now it was healed?

"What the fuck?" Desire said as confusion set in his mind.

Well, it was only natural that he would be confused in this situation.

However, now that Desire's mind was now back on the ground and Desire was literally looking at himself, he now...could see something.

No, he now realized that his body...was not the same.

On his right chest that was now broad, there was something like a...crack.

Right, Desire's right chest had cracks all over it, and it had the shade of black.

It looked like Desire's vein was spread all over his right chest, but it was not limited in that area as Desire's right arm...also had some of those same cracks all over it.

Right, Desire's right shoulder, elbow, and hand had the signs of cracking and it had the shade of black.

And this...this was something that happened when Desire lost his mind in rage when he was still in the Inner World.

However, it seems that Desire couldn't remember that happening as Desire shouted.

"Argh!" Desire shouted out loud as he felt his head hurting when he tried to remember what happened in the Inner World.

However, he couldn't remember anything at all.

Of course, he could remember the time he was in that dark place, and when he first met Gaud, but...he couldn't remember what happened after he saw the darkness break.

That was why he didn't try to force himself to remember it as he just brought up his right arm to his eyes.

"What is this..." Desire murmured as he looked at his right arm with interest.

Although he couldn't remember what caused this to appear on his right arm, it didn't really matter.

After all, Desire knew...that it either came from the extreme rage that he felt or...Gaud caused this.

It was either of the two and since Desire now knows that he was a Quarter God, Desire...believes that it was from his extreme rage.

Right, Desire believes that this was something connected to him being a Quarter God, and that was why he didn't really mind it that much. was because of his instincts that were telling him that this was the case.

His instincts were telling him that it was connected to him being a Quarter God.

" it's because of this that my chest was healed up all of a sudden." Desire murmured as he felt his instincts...move.

The cracks on his body...disappeared as Desire willed it to happen.

It was a weird happening, and that was why Desire was able to tell that it was because of those cracks that Desire's injury was healed all of a sudden.

And when Desire...willed for the cracks to appear again, they...really did as they appeared on his right arm and chest.

It seems long as Desire wills it, it would happen. Since Desire willed his chest's injury to be healed, the cracks probably did something to heal it.

"I have to know what these cracks mean so I know what they can do..."

Since the cracks were able to heal Desire's injury, it was obvious that these cracks were special.

There might be some more amazing secrets lying deep within it, and that was why Desire knew that he should study himself.

Well, it was weird that he was even considering that he should study himself.

However, there was nothing he could do as Desire...still didn't know his powers as a Quarter God.

Either way, Desire would have to find out about these cracks as it was literally on his body.

Who knows what harm the cracks might bring to him if he ignored them.

However, it seems that the surprises didn't end there as Desire noticed that his height...was not the same.

"Huh...?" Desire murmured as he looked down on his body.

His short legs...was now long and it seems that he was quite tall as well.

"Now that I see arms are long as well." Desire said as he looked at his right arm and left arm.

Although Desire feels like he has been out for a long time, he still remembers how...short he was before he woke up.

After all, he literally had the body of a child.

That was why...seeing long legs and long arms means something happened that Desire...was not expecting to happen again.

And that was...

"Did I grow up...again?"

Right, Desire grew up again, but he didn't expect that this would happen at this point in time.

After all, the first time Desire grew up was when he did the monster-way-of-training.

That was why he didn't expect that as he did nothing like that this time.

He just...let that old man do his technique on his body.

' I back on the physical world?' Desire thought as he tried to look at his surroundings.

However, Desire couldn't see anything at all as if he was enshrouded with darkness itself.

It was weird that Desire was able to see his body and all that, but...Desire was sure that there was something that was preventing him from being able to see through the darkness.

Of course, right now, Desire didn't care about that as he just wanted to know if he was back in the physical world.

And the answer that he got was...'Hmm...looks like I am.'

Right, Desire feels and somehow just knows that he was back in the physical world.

" my body did grow up in the physical world. Why did that happen?"

Desire only knew that the cause of his sudden growth back then was because of the monster-way-of-training. He didn't know about any other way that could make him grow up just like this again.

That was why...Desire was curious about it. Well, anybody would be curious about how Desire was able to grow up from a a youth in just one day.

Right, Desire was a youth right now as he stood tall like a proper youth.

"Are there any other way for me to grow up besides using the monster-way-of-training?"

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