Demon Dragon

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

A huge dark cloud is rapidly gathering and forming on the sea about a hundred miles away from Chixia Island. Thunder and lightning kept flashing in the dark clouds, one after another intense flashes cut through the sky, showing the majesty of nature. But the strange thing is that beyond the dark clouds, the sky is clear and there is not even a single cloud, while the sea level is uncharacteristically calm and tranquil at this moment.

This strange phenomenon quickly caught the attention of the powerful monster cultivators on Cabernet Island. Could this be the legendary Heavenly Tribulation? Is there anyone in Transcending Tribulation near Cabernet? Everyone was guessing, but they didn’t dare to watch it. Just kidding, the formidable power of the tribulation thunder of Transcending Tribulation, although everyone has never felt it, but has heard of it, it is unbearable to be wiped. Although the tribulation thunder has a purpose, it will only hit the person in the Transcending Tribulation head-on, and will not go to others, but no one will take this risk for nothing.

And our poor classmate Jin Lin is involuntarily imprisoned by the Transcending Tribulation old monster…

Soon the first Heavenly Dao Tribulation descended, along with The thick lightning with a diameter of ten meters, with the imposing manner of destroying everything, slashed to the sea and to the location of the seabed cave. The huge high temperature quickly caused the rapid evaporation of the sea water, and the water on the sea surface boiled in an instant.

However, although the first Heavenly Dao Tribulation is powerful, Zhang Baichi in the seabed cave is not too nervous, because the first Heavenly Dao Tribulation is the smallest formidable power. Over the years, his cave has been repeatedly refined and imposed numerous restrictions. It can almost be said that the entire cave has been refined into a defensive magic weapon.

Sure enough, when the tribulation thunder hit the top of the cave through the sea water, the restrictions placed on it were turbulent, and the Heavenly Tribulation was resolved.

“An earthquake?” Jin Lin felt the vibrations around him. If a seabed earthquake happens, it’s not fun to be trapped in this broken net pocket.

It wasn’t long before the second Heavenly Tribulation arrived. The Heavenly Tribulation is more powerful every time, and the formidable power of this second Heavenly Tribulation is double that of the first one. And this time, it splits the cave directly. Although the second Heavenly Tribulation was also resolved, a flash of lightning in the crack above made Jin Lin realize that it was heavenly thunder that hit the seabed. Combined with the old man’s performance, Jin Lin has understood that this is the arrival of the legendary Heavenly Tribulation.

“didn’t expect, this old monster has arrived at the Transcending Tribulation Realm.” Jin Lin was shocked.

The third Heavenly Tribulation that followed, completely destroyed the cave, including all the restrictions on it. The sea water outside lost its resistance and poured in directly. Soak old man and Jin Lin in sea water.

Zhang Baichi has a serious expression, only three Heavenly Dao Tribulation, his Cave Mansion is broken, and Heavenly Tribulation has a total of nine! He quickly threw a defensive magic weapon and floated above his head.

When the 4th Heavenly Tribulation came down, the magic weapon was directly destroyed, and the remaining strength of Thunder was resisted by Zhang Baichi.

And with the advent of the Four Heavenly Dao Tribulation, the temperature of the sea around you also increased sharply. If it wasn’t for the high pressure of the seabed and the boiling point of the water also increased a lot, I am afraid that the water in the seabed would have already risen. It’s boiling.

But the high temperature is real, it has exceeded 100000000000000000000000000000000000000 worth worth of heat. Although this temperature won’t burn Jin Lin to death immediately, the temperature is not very pleasant. Jin Lin feels pain all over his body and he can’t help He sighed, “I don’t want to take a sauna next to an old fogey…”

Jin Lin struggled to get out of the sea. Because he was trapped by the immortal net, it was not easy for him to move, so he could only move little by little slowly to go to a farther place.

“Sea water is conductive…” Jin Lin knew very well that the Thunder Tribulation just now had been absorbed and dissolved by the old monster, so he was not injured by the side, but once the old monster carried No matter what, he was electrocuted to death, I am afraid that he will suffer the disaster of Chiyu next to him.

Zhang Baichi ignored Jin Lin at all, all his mind was on how to spend this Heavenly Tribulation. He also threw out a magic weapon, which was suspended above his head.

In the fifth robbery, this defensive magic weapon was destroyed in an instant, and more than half of the formidable power was left, which directly hit Zhang Baichi, but Zhang Baichi’s clothes were a higher quality defensive The magic weapon was still forcibly carried by him, but the beard and eyebrows on his face were already scorched by this time.

The sixth robbery! Zhang Baichi threw out all the defensive magic weapons except his clothes. The pile of magic weapons floated above his head, which looked very spectacular. Although the sixth robbery is powerful, there are so many magic weapons to bear together, but Zhang Baichi himself is not hurt. But all those magic weapons were destroyed. Although this time seems to be the easiest, Zhang Baichi knows that he has used up his defensive magic weapon, and the next Heavenly Tribulation can only be resisted!

The seventh robbery! Without the magic weapon blocking the tribulation thunder, it completely hit Zhang Tianchi. The magic weapon with the strongest defensive ability on his body, his clothes, was destroyed in an instant. Zhang Baichi fully used the demon essence in his body to compete with the residual power of tribulation thunder. His body was shaking violently, and it was obvious that he was in great pain. Finally, he resolved these tribulations thunder.

At this time, Zhang Baichi was completely naked, his clothes were completely destroyed, and all the magic weapons, including his cave, had been destroyed. After his Human Transformation, his hair, eyebrows, and beard were all burnt, and he was bald and looked ridiculous. I don’t care much about the value of these external things. As long as they can survive the Heavenly Tribulation and successfully cultivate into Monster Immortal, the so-called treasure in the mortal world is worthless at all. However, now that he is still in Transcending Tribulation, how can he cope with losing these magic weapons?

The eighth tribulation thunder, but twice as strong as the seventh! Not to mention the strongest one, the ninth Dao Tribulation Lei!

Zhang Baichi lost his confidence.

Cultivation is really going against the sky. It is too difficult, too difficult, to succeed in Transcending Tribulation!

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