Delayed Transfer

Chapter 402

Based on Mark’s count, the twin’s friends were able to give out a total of around eighty invitation cards and there was a possibility that for each invitation card, three to ten people would attend so that meant that he had to prepare food for at least a thousand people for the whole day to make sure that all of them were stuffed to the brim. The movie marathon theater that he was planning to build though was only going to be a hundred-seater so he decided then that the only ones who would have the privilege to watch the films inside that theater would be the twin’s friends and their parents or guardians could just roam around the circus and even watch the movies using the regular movie theater.

Mark would need to ask Hamil to allow the invitation cardholders to enjoy the circus’s attraction for free. They would still need to line up though just like regular customers.

Regarding the food that he promised, Mark would prepare a buffet-style spread that everyone could come back to any time and it would be much easier to replicate since he would just prepare a huge table filled with food then store the table and replicate it anytime during that day.

The sun was setting so Mark decided to return to the circus. Before they left though, he remembered to give Tulok a Lego X-Wing Star Wars toy as a reward for his help which made the boy ecstatic. Tulok immediately ripped off the box that contained the Lego pieces and immediately started assembling the X-Wing fighter while his parents were looking at him indulgently. Unfortunately for Tulok, his toddler brother kept interrupting him.

After saying their goodbye, Mark and the kids headed directly to the warp gate. When they arrived there, he was glad that they arrived at the time when the gate wasn’t scheduled to open and that meant they could use it immediately without interrupting anyone.

Once they arrived at the circus, they headed directly to the RV and the twins ran off to tell their friends in the circus that they were back Mark gave Liriel to Lisa who was helping Milena in the Convenience Store. After that, Mark went directly to the back to replicate the items that they would sell the next day then headed directly to the internet café to check the situation there.

There was still a huge crowd at the entrance of the café and more guards were surrounding the internet café tent.  Mark was a bit alarmed since the people who were at the entrance of the café trying to look inside resembled a zombie horde a bit.

“What’s the situation?” Mark asked one of the guards.

“During the time that the café was closed, the two customers that were invited to test the game inside kept boasting to their friends what they were doing in the game. They kept boasting that they were actually Jedi in another universe and kept sharing the missions they had done so far. The Star Wars fans because so anxious that Hamil had to repeatedly announce to the crowd that the game was still in the midst of a test and that the café would open soon,” The guard said and Mark nodded his thanks.

Mark went to the servers and the generator first checked them and found that there were no issues so he entered the café.

Tomorrow would be the last day of the testing so Mark observed everyone. He was surprised that the average level of the players was still around ten to twelve and some of them were still in the beginner planets still. From what he could see, everyone was exploring every nook and cranny of every location they stumbled upon. After several minutes of checking everyone’s gameplay, Mark just shrugged and let them be.

He did call on the three elven sisters, Dozon, and Lorendo so they could have a meeting in the rest area. He even interrupted Toby which made the teenager pout. Mark also prepared hot tea for everyone and soon Hamil arrived.

“So how was your experience playing the game?” Mark asked.

“Everyone is so fast! All of us are almost level twelve!” Toby said and Mark laughed, which made everyone put on a questioning face.

“Sorry about that. It’s just that I kept forgetting that this is not my country anymore and the gamers here are truly what we can call newbies which means new players. When the game was released in my country, the gamers there managed to level up to the high fifties overnight. But remember that my country’s gamers had been playing different types of computer games for decades already and they were very experienced. I still prefer your type of gameplay since everyone was so excited to play the game that you are all exploring every nook and cranny of the game. Basically, you’re enjoying your adventures instead of racing to the endgame which is what our gamers have almost always done in recent years. In our defense, the endgame is where an online game will truly shine because after you finish your character's story, your purpose is to make your character strong,” Mark paused for a bit and drank some of his tea then he continued.

“There were two paths in the endgame. The first is to concentrate on making your character powerful against monsters so you can complete a raid with your friends. A raid is when you and your friends form a party to complete a dungeon just like what adventurers do here and then the raid will allow you to get more powerful weapons to do a more powerful raid. We call those characters PVE or player versus enemies specialists. The second path is to concentrate on fighting against players in special war zones inside the game that will reward players gears that specialize in fighting other players. We call those players PVP or player versus player specialist. I’m quite sure that if you explore the game thoroughly, activities inside the game will surprise you.”

Mark could see that his description of the game excited the young Toby and enlightened the adults on why the game could draw young people into playing it and getting addicted.

“I’m so excited to form a raid party to explore the powerful dungeons in the game!’ Toby said excitedly.

“Yes, since the dungeons in the game will require you to fulfill your role in the party expertly to be successful in defeating the boss and his minions. Your role could be a defender or what we call a tank in the gaming community which specializes in attracting the monsters since they would be able to defend themselves due to their gear that specializes in high defense. While the tank is being attacked, the damagers will kill the monsters and the healer will make sure that the tank does not die.”

“What is a tank?” Toby asked.

“I’m sorry. It’s a term for a very large vehicle that we have in our country that’s made of metal and has a very high defense,” Mark answered.

Mark then continued telling everyone about the formation of a party for raids.

“The problem that we have right now is online games in our country usually consist of hundreds of thousands of gamers which made it easier for parties to form but since there were only eight computers, they could only form a party with players here. That isn’t enough to conquer the most difficult dungeons but I’m glad that the gamers here are so slow that it would probably take a long time for gamers here to reach endgame.”

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