Delayed Transfer

Chapter 400

Mark, the twins, and Liriel arrived in Narcone without any fanfare. The four guards who were looking after the warp gate looked ready though as if they were prepared to fight it out with whoever was going to enter the portal.

Two of the guards relaxed the moment they saw Mark and he knew that they were from the circus since all the people in the circus knew that Mark was the creator of the warp gate. He then saw the two circus people talking to the two guards from Narcone, informing them of who Mark was.

There were other people in the building where the warp gate was housed but all of them had the look of government officials.

There were also some makeshift stalls located nearby but right now most of them were closed and Mark had an inkling that they would only be opened during the times when the warp gate was scheduled to activate.

“We apologize, sir. We were not expecting the gate to activate since it’s past the scheduled time,” One of the guards said.

“It’s all right. It’s my fault. We came here to invite the twins’ friends to attend the Star Wars convention together with their parents or guardian on Sunday,” Mark replied.

The guard then nodded and allowed Mark and the kids to pass through. Looking at the city, which was quite a distance from where the city gates were, Mark decided to cast his Space Disc spell and put a sofa on top of it. Mark and the kids then sat on the sofa. He commanded the disc to fly towards the city gate while the people near the warp gate stopped what they were doing to look at Mark and the kids sitting above what looked like a floating sofa.

Mark stopped the disc and dispelled it a few meters before they reached the city to prevent any problems with the guards then he and the kids walked towards the entrance. After a minute or two of being interviewed by the guards, which basically just consisted of who they were, where they were from and their business with the city.

Before they left though, Mark asked the guards if it was okay to cast his Space Floating Disc inside the city as a mode of transportation.

“What is a Space Floating Disc and will it harm others near it?” One of the guards asked.

He asked the guard if he could demonstrate it so they all went outside the guard house and Mark cast the spell. He told the guards that he could command it to float slowly as fast as how a man walked fast and could even command it to float above even the tallest humans to avoid bumping into anyone. When Mark and the kids sat in the seat that he put on top of the disc on commanded the disc to move to demonstrate its height and speed, the guard gave their approval for Mark to use the disc since they would only be in the city for a few hours.

Mark thanked the guard and gave them several gold coins as a tip which brought huge smiles to the guard’s faces.

While they were floating inside the city, they were subjected to some stares but mostly were ignored by the majority of the people. That meant that magic was that common in Narcone. The twins told Mark where to go and were first led to some sort of residential area.

When they arrived in what looked like an ordinary house, Mark was about to knock when Isaac suddenly shouted.

“Tulok! Tulok! Are you there?! It’s us, Isaac, and Aaron!” Isaac shouted.

The door was opened by a heavy-set woman carrying a small toddler followed by what looked like a ten-year-old boy.

“Hello, Ma’am. My name is Mark and I’m Isaac and Aaron’s older brother and this is their little sister, Liriel,” Mark introduced himself to the woman who was probably the twins’ friends’ mother.

“My goodness! I’m Mary Tulok’s mother. Come in,” Tulok’s mother invited everyone inside. Once they were inside the house, the twins ran off with Tulok somewhere before he could stop them.

“Oh, let them be. They will not run far off and I’ll call them later,” Mary said.

Mark thought that just like Earth, Mary must be a common name in this world since the orphanage caretaker in Drovan Town was also named Mary. Although, the name Mary was common on Earth because it came from the name of the mother of a central religious figure but what about in this place? He then put it out of his mind.

Once they were seated in the living room, Mark gave Mary a box of donuts as a gift.

“Thank you! What are these?” Mary asked while looking at the box of donuts.

Before Mark could answer, the boys returned and Tulok shouted.

“Wow, donuts! It’s the best food in the world Mum, and the only time I ate those was when I visited the twins in the circus,” Tulok said.

The boy was about to take one of the donuts from the box when his mother scolded him. Mary then gave the toddler to Tulok, took the box to the kitchen, and served everyone one donut that was placed on small plates. Mark then gave out cans of soda to the kids and asked Mary to try the soda as well.

Everyone enjoyed eating the donuts but Tulok looked anxious when he saw that the box of donuts was almost empty so Mark laughed and gave Tulok and Mary two more boxes which made the boy extremely happy.

“What can we help you with?” Tulok’s mother asked once they were done eating the snacks that Mark brought. Mary brought the other two boxes inside the kitchen and returned immediately bringing a pitcher of water with her and some glasses.

“The Star Wars Conventions is going to be held on Sunday in Drovan Town and the twins insisted that they wanted to invite all of their friends so here we are,” Mark then gave the card to Tulok after writing the boy’s name on the card.

“Drovan Town! That’s seven days' travel from here!” Tulok’s mother exclaimed.

“Oh no. Those invited can use the warp gate near here and you’ll be able to arrive in Drovan Town within seconds.” Mark said.

“But the warp gate is so expensive. I and my friends checked it out and it cost one mana stone per customer!” Tulok said.

“You don’t need to worry about that. Just show this invitation card and you and you’re your family could enter for free. I highly recommend that you and your family attend Ms. Mary since the food that I will be preparing will be exquisite and not only that, I will be preparing a welcome gift for all of the twins’ friends and family who will attend. I will also make sure that everything that you will do in the circus during that day including all the food that you will eat will be for free and not only that, there’s going to be a costume contest and prices!”

Both mother and son looked startled and all the things that they would encounter and receive if they attended the convention. The fact that those were only available for the people who had the invitation made the card that Tulok was holding extremely valuable. Mary immediately took the card from Tulok.

“Of course, we will attend. Everyone in our family will attend but there’s ten of us, will that be okay?” Mary asked but Tulok was looking at her mother with a startled expression.

Mark laughed when he saw Tulok’s expression but told the boy’s mother that it was fine.

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