Deities: Starting From Goblins

Chapter 484 - 299 News_1

Chapter 484: Chapter 299 News_1

Logan and Bart Cloud exchanged a look, immediately thinking of Lowen Shingo. Could it be that Lowen Shingo was captured? Upon some reflection, the possibility was likely, Lowen Shingo could have spilled everything under interrogation by the Sect after his return.

Before training, Lowen Shingo was a Transcendent Tier, and by the time he returned, he had ascended to the Throne. Despite his silence, he couldn’t outsmart the seasoned members of the Sect. Even if they didn’t get it directly, there were ways to learn by inference. Besides, everyone who went to train in the mountain range had perished, yet Lowen Shingo returned alive.

Another possibility was that Lowen Shingo’s protector could have confessed everything to the Sect, despite their loyalty to Lowen Shingo. They might have revealed everything to the Master of the Sect, thereby exposing all of Lowen Shingo’s affairs. However, there was something Logan couldn’t figure out: wasn’t Lowen Shingo the child of a Sect chief?

Would his father hand over Lowen Shingo to be interrogated by those power players? Perhaps, this was all just a setup, a ploy so that Logan could come to the rescue, and Lowen Shingo wasn’t really captured.

But Logan didn’t dare gamble on this. The fear was always in the chance of it being true. Although Logan’s acquaintance with Lowen Shingo was brief, both had undergone life and death experiences together. He couldn’t turn a blind eye to Lowen Shingo’s potential peril.

Almost instantly, Logan made up his mind. His decision was to go to the mountain range to find out if Lowen Shingo had truly been captured. If it turned out to be false, then there was no harm done, they could just leave. However, if Lowen Shingo really had been captured by those powers, Logan wouldn’t mind causing an uproar.

Shingo Butcher was smart. He noticed that Bart Cloud had been shaking his head all along, indicating his ignorance of the Demon Beast Mountain Range. But the trustworthy reason was too clumsy, considering the constant eye exchange they had with Logan, as if he didn’t exist. It was certain that they had a significant connection.

Then he remembered something; the City Lord mentioned they found residues of an array in the mountain range. If he recalls correctly, Logan used an array to confront a few Dominators from the Westman Family that day. This led to the Westman Family’s ultimate surrender and a turnaround against the odds.

Shrugging off his guess, the next moment, Shingo Butcher told himself that it would mean a massive issue if it were true. He wondered just how formidable Logan’s array power must have been to make two Holy See members vanish in the blink of an eye. Taking a sharp breath, he quickly put the thought aside.

“Authorities plan to execute the young man in the public square in the mountain range three days from now if he doesn’t confess. Especially a sect under the Heavenly Saint Daoist, they vowed to avenge their ancestors. Other forces came for benefits and wouldn’t bother rescuing people, ” the City Lord said.

The City Lord glanced at Logan, subtly curious, but, as a clever man, he did not speak much. Instead, to confirm his suspicions, he shared some more information he had heard.

Logan suppressed his emotions and smirked, “I’m eager to watch the fun. I plan to make a trip to the mountain range tomorrow. Who knows, I might stumble upon opportunities left by the two Holy See. Wouldn’t that be a fast track to advancing my status?”

“I’ll be joining you.” As soon as he heard, Shingo Butcher immediately interjected, sure that Logan was significantly connected to this issue. Although he knew it was fraught with danger, he couldn’t repress his curiosity; the question of what relation the seized individual had with Logan intrigued him. He could have been a companion to Logan, like Bart Cloud.

The City Lord maintained his composure, saying, “If you want to go, you should set off as soon as possible, because tomorrow is already the third day. The execution is set for the following morning. You have a hundred-mile journey from the town to the mountain range. It’s said that many people guard the mountain range entrance. You can’t get through unless you belong to a power group.”

“As the City Lord, I can naturally go and investigate without arousing any suspicion. I can get you an identity token. Just say that I sent you. It might come in handy in case you run into trouble. The Lords in the vicinity will likely favor me.”

Bart Cloud eagerly accepted the token. Meanwhile, Logan shook his head with a smile. He was not a fool himself; he had seen through the sudden kindness of the City Lord. Though he couldn’t keep his secret, he had no plans to. If the City Lord had a hidden motive, he would surely alert the power groups.

Therefore, Logan took a forthright approach, “Honestly, the Heavenly Saint Daoist and Beast King both have fallen. I happened to be present at the time. The Beast King ignited its blood and self-exploded upon realizing defeat, which saved millions of demon beasts in the mountain range. It probably never expected that it would incite fear among so many power groups.”

” It all started with the Heavenly Saint Daoist. He was on the verge of death and laid a grand scheme before he passed. Bart Cloud and I merely went for training, but we fell into the Heavenly Saint Daoist’s plot. After a series of unfortunate encounters, we fortuitously survived the clash between the two Holy See.”

“That must have been a close shave with death,” the City Lord admired. Who could survive in the hands of the Holy See? If a Holy See member intended to kill, there would be no place to hide, even at the ends of the earth. Furthermore, Logan and his party were merely Thrones. The gap in their realms was too vast.

Simultaneously, the City Lord felt relieved that he hadn’t attacked them earlier. Otherwise, even as a Half-step Saint Seat, he wouldn’t stand a chance. He had been pondering upon who could have brought the entire Westman Family to their knees; it had to be somebody like him, a Half-step Saint Seat, but the town had not seen anyone of this level for decades.

Shingo Butcher laughed, nodding, “My thoughts exactly. You all are probably heading there tomorrow to rescue a friend. But I urge you to be cautious. This incident involves many forces, not just a few Half-step Saint Seats. There are rumors that a Holy See member is present.”

“Although the Beast King is gone, there are legends about the Supreme Treasure of the demon beast family. It’s said to be valuable enough to intrigue a Holy See member. They have turned the entire mountain range upside down but could find no Supreme Treasure. It’s only natural they would suspect that someone carried it away. By going there, you are walking right into the trap.”

“I’m not sure, I merely witnessed the battle of the Heavenly Saint Daoist. I know nothing about the Supreme Treasure,” Logan claimed honestly, lifting his hands. He was aware that possessing the jade could be a crime, hence, he could not spill the beans. He wasn’t sure if the City Lord and Shingo Butcher were trustworthy.

“I’ve been a substandard City Lord. I’ve indulged in Ilima Nango’s misconduct over the years. He’s always causing troubles. The reason is that he isn’t my biological son but the posthumous child of someone who saved my life in the past. If he were my own child, I would have rebuked him harshly for bullying others,” said the City Lord as he switched topics, ” I’m going to discipline him more for today’s matter. What if he messes with somebody less forgiving next time? With that said, I’ve realized that I won’t allow anyone, including the Westman Family, in similar circumstances to exploit this situation in future.”

The misdeeds of his child had tarnished his reputation for fairness and integrity, but the City Lord was also weary of concealed threats that might exploit the situation.

Would I fear a mere king seat?” The elderly man dismissed any fears that Ilima Nango had. His strength was among the top ten in the city, and this was already very modest. In truth, besides the City Lord and the Grand Elder of Westman Family, his strength was considered the strongest. There was a vast gap between Dominator and King’s Seat, even if they had a hundred men, each would be no more than an ant.

The guard Ilima Nango sent earlier returned to report Logan’s whereabouts. The party rushed over immediately. With a Dominator-level helper, his confidence was brimming. In the past, whenever the Guardian Daoist intervened, he could always settle any matter, and it had been this way for many years.

As soon as they arrived at the inn, an overwhelming oppressiveness erupted, seemingly trying to intimidate Logan and his companions. Logan and Shingo Butcher were just returning and settling down for a few cups of tea when they sensed the disturbance. Realizing someone was looking for them, Bart Cloud was the first to stand, ready to confront the situation.

Logan stopped him, heading towards the entrance himself, “Judging from the oppression, the other party should be a dominator. Clearly, it isn’t someone from the Westman Family, as their two dominators already lost. It must be Ilima Nango who we offended on the street earlier. He’s likely returned with reinforcements for a rematch.”

“If you kneel and apologize now, I can let bygones be bygones.” With a powerful backer at his disposal, Ilima Nango had become more overbearing. If he could have Logan apologize, it would indirectly prove he was more powerful than the Westman Family, considering they were unable to do anything when Logan was causing trouble, while he can resolve it with ease.

Hearing this, Logan laughed. Just because you have a Dominator helping you, you’re behaving so arrogantly? He had initially thought that Ilima Nango had sought the City Lord’s help, which might have given him some worry. However, an ordinary Dominator was of no use and was certainly no match for the trio of Logan.

Seeing Logan unafraid, Ilima Nango was puzzled. Was Logan not even afraid of a Dominator? Clearly, none of them were dominators, at best they were at a King’s Seat. There was a distinct gap in strength between the two sides. But everything seemed to be going against what he expected.

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