Death March — Fixed

Vol 3 – Chapter 2 – Master of the Beastkin girls

Tek here, even though slaves are common here, I’m still having trouble getting used to it. It would be difficult to spread fundamental Human rights to this world--I don’t have any intention to do so, though--”

After several more questions, we were finally released.

The female official, who we had given our luggage to, passed it back to us, “The things over here are fine to take back. However, the Magic Cores over there will be bought by the Earl.”

I tried to ask her if I could say no, and keep them, mainly out of curiousity--and she responded with a ‘no’ and a smile.

“Since we can’t confirm that this Monster’s meat is completely safe, we will confiscate it--and since this spear is made from Monster parts, we can’t allow you to carry it when you’re in the town.”

Liza over-reacts, her body stiffens for a second, and when she turns to me--her eyes are narrowed and her tail starts swishing in anger--she seems to be asking me if she can attack the woman.

Luckily, her anger is very obviously not aimed at me.

Since she is this mad, I will see if I can negotiate for her.

“Since the spear is a good weapon, is it possible for you to ask someone with the appraisal skill to check it for danger? Of course, I will bear the cost for the procedure, but could you give it back when it’s finished?”

Liza seems to be struggling to relax, small tears gather in the corner of her eye, she looks to be both angry and sad--I wonder why she is reacting like this.

“I understand, I’ll arrange it. The new custody receipt will have to be issued, and it should be ready tomorrow afternoon, please bring this temporary receipt to the military post by then.” The woman sounds apologetic as she looks between Liza and I, her expression softening slightly.

“Thank you,” I say to the woman, and Liza who is still facing me relaxes and looks at me with more gratitude than even my boss when I got a game out the day before an insanely tight deadline--

That’s right, I have to ask about the Beastkin girls.

“Um, I have a question--” I quickly explain about how the girl’s Master died in the creation of the labyrinth--obviously not saying that he was also the one possessed by the Demon; and ask what will happen to them now.


“I see--so the slave’s master died right near you, so you took care of them?” The woman asked with a slightly impressed look.

“Yes, that’s right.” Well, I didn’t tell it exactly how it happened.


Liza also nods. Pochi and Tama lean against Liza’s sides, they look worriedly into her face. Their ears twitch, the tips brushing her skin--are they trying to calm her down, since she was annoyed at the loss of her spear?

“If it’s like that, then these Demi-Human slaves are yours.”

Is that so?

I considered buying them, and then releasing them anyway.

“If a slave’s master is killed in a labyrinth, except for the murderer, anyone who found the slaves will take over their ownership--just like a lost item. Therefore, customary and legally, you’re these slaves’ master.” The woman writes something on another certificate and presents it to me, “This is a certificate that claims that you’re the master of these slaves. Since this is only valid within Seryuu, it’s better to make an official contract at the slave traders at the castle’s plaza as soon as possible--it’s not enough for expressing our thanks for the large quantity of Magic Cores that we have received, but there will be no fee for the girls.”

I receive the certificate and thank her, so do the Beastkin girls, before we leave the tent.

By the way, the reason we are forced to sell the Magic Cores is because they are one of the materials used in the construction and maintenance of the labyrinth isolation barrier.


Outside, Zena and her three friends are discussing something.

It’s bad to disturb them when they are working, so I wave as I walk past, and they nod it return. Before Lilo grins and pokes Zena’s side while laughing, and then points at me.

“Good luck!” Lilo shouts encouragement towards Zena, who begins coming over here.

“Tek, I see that the procedure is complete, are you going back to the inn after this?”

“Yes, I’d like to have the slaves rest at the inn too.”

“You’re really kind--though, I guess that even the inn’s barn is more comfortable than the labyrinth’s floor.”


“Uhh, what are you talking about? I wouldn’t make them sleep in a barn, I intend to reserve a room for them?” I feel confused as I say this to Zena, and she responds with a slightly confused look as well.

“Umm, Tek, there’s no inn that would allow Demi-Humans to lodge in this territory. If the master stays in an inn, then the slaves will stay in the barn.”

It seems that the prejudice is worse than I thought--I thought that they would let them stay if I pay more.

But, since Zena looks so sorry, it doesn’t seem to be a joke.

“Zena, you don’t have to be so sorry, thanks to you I won’t end up having a dispute with the innkeeper about it.”

She still looks a little sorry, but when I say not to worry again, and pat her shoulder--she cheers up, and blushes, stuttering something I can’t hear.

Since Zena and her group are going to be on watch here until midnight--I thank Zena for telling me and say goodbye, she walks off with a large grin and bounce in her step--and then gets teased by Lilo and the others when she gets back to them.


Even so, if I didn’t get the warning from Zena beforehand, and was told to have the Beastkin girls stay in the stable--I would probably leave the inn and spend ages trying to find another.

Should I buy a house?

Or should I leave the Earl’s territory?

It’s different from when I first arrived here, I met Zena and others in this city, so I’m starting to get attached to it--although I don’t intend to stay permanently--I have the dream of sightseeing in a fantasy world. But with the people here, I will probably still come back, time to time.

On the way back, let’s go to the Worker’s guild and ask Nadi if she’s able to arrange buying a house.

“Master, it may be presumptuous of me to say this, but we’re satisfied with just sleeping in the barn--since before you, we had to sleep on the ground under an outcropping of roof--”

“That--even for slaves, that’s some excessive abuse.” I can’t help but let out my thoughts.


“I’m sorry.” 

Why is Liza apologizing?


When I ask, she responds with, “I--I just didn’t want master to make that face--I want master to not worry, even if we’re sleeping in the barn--but it seems that my vocabulary isn’t good enough--” Liza looks down with a sad expression.

“So that’s it, you were being considerate of me. Thank you.” I stop and turn to Liza, shifting my sleeve from Tama’s grip, causing her to look at me in confusion, and reach out--gently raising Liza’s chin. She shudders slightly at my touch, her skin going slightly pink, and smiles when her eyes meet mine.

I meet her smile, and stroke her cheek once, before lowering my arm--allowing Tama to latch back onto it.

Embarrassment floods through me, and I can feel heat in my face as I turn and continue walking.

Liza is still walking behind me by three steps, so I can’t see her face, but her footsteps somehow sound happy.


The day is coming to an end, and I guess it’s fine to make the official slavery contracts tomorrow.

While thinking about that, I bought four servings of rather delicious looking skewered meat from a stall we pass.

The Beastkin girls seem almost frantically, eating quickly, but being very careful not to choke or to drop anything--they must have been hungry.

Even the usually restrained Liza becomes rather intense when eating meat--her pleased look as she eats is quite cute--and so is her bashfulness when she realized that I was watching her.

When it starts getting dark, the lamps on the main street are being lit by Mages holding short staffs.

Since more people are coming out, and I don’t want to have to hurt anyone--I already carefully knocked out at least two drunk people, one of which tried to indecently touch Liza, and the others. I but cloaks with hoods for all three. Curiously, Tama walks skillfully, without touching anyone, and seemingly subconsciously dodging the man who reaches out towards her.

We proceed through the hustle and bustle, and find out that a stage has been installed in the square. Various carriages with cages are scattered around the square beside the stage, some merchants are giving speeches here and there.

Oh yeah, the slave auction started yesterday.

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