D*cking Around the Household as a F*TANARI (GL) (LGBTQ+)

Chapter 93 – End of Trip (1)

Chapter 93 - End of Trip (1)


Knowing that actions are the ones that translate into rewards, not just by having thoughts about it, I tried to make some small talk with Celesta.

"Today was a great day. I really had a great time. A-And it's surely because of you, Celesta. In fact, if it wasn't for you... I might not have been able to be here either..."

Celesta's face bloomed up with a dazzling smile as she giggled a bit and spoke,

"Y-Yeah? I am... glad if you feel that way. But, you are a part of us now, Carene. Please don't say such words anymore, okay?"

Hey, how can I not do so? You two are the ones who have even remotely made me feel like a human being again. My gratitude towards you two is vast and unending.

"But... only you, Jorah, and Isla accept me there. The others... I don't think that they are very fond of me being there. Especially with you, I don't think they acknowledge us being... in a... relationship."

I had to be a bit serious there as no matter how optimistic I become, some things remain absolutely undoable. like making everyone like you. That thing is like scaling up the heavens. No person in this world could ever have that accolade, much less a common woman like me.

Celesta may have thought of my words differently, as she waved her hands in panic and tried her best to console me.

"Ah! T-That's... um, don't worry about them. With time, I am sure that they all would accept you. I am here beside you too, okay? No matter what, I would never abandon your side."

Some things are undoable no matter how much time passes, so hoping for them is like trying to catch the moon in the reflection. Still, Celesta's declaration of being with me made all the dark clouds surrounding my heart vanish without a trace as even I could smile from deep within my heart and speak my words of gratitude to the beautiful woman next to me,

"Thanks, Celesta. You have been so good to me till now, that I feel embarrassed and ashamed at not being of much help, either financially or around the house physically."

That thing had honestly bugged me a lot. My stay there, the food I eat and the other things all cost money. If I wasn't treating them as my own family, then it wouldn't have mattered much. But things are way too personal between me and them now. It had become kind of my responsibility now to contribute my efforts to the family too.

Celesta though, didn't seem to share my thoughts as she shook her head in denial and retorted,

"It's not like that at all! Just by you being there, everyone has been so cheerful and energetic. Even Mother has begun to change for good. If feel as if... as long as you keep being around... I-I feel happy too..."

Ah! Is that true?! Don't tell me that she is just saying that to cheer me up?!

No, I must not abandon all hope from now on. Let's assume that those thoughts really exist somewhere in her heart.

How nice it would be if that's really the case though~~!

"I-I am glad if that's the case. Still, I was hoping to get a part-time job to support the house. At least the tenant still pays her rent, right? That way, it justifies her stay there."

I could still try to utilize the free time I had in the evenings by doing some odd work part-time. Well... not speaking in any sexual manner, but normal economic opportunities.

Celesta's face turned stern as I kept on airing my thoughts regarding work, after which she continued to stare at me while she spoke,

"These two are not the same matters. You are a part of the family now, Carene. There is no need for talks of rent or anything like that between us. If you do..."

N-No, I cannot fall weak here! Celesta is my biggest strength and biggest weakness, admittedly. However, I must not let my own resolve to be waivered so easily!

"Then... it's more the reason for me to do that. If you all treat me like family then, I must do my best to support my family too."

Unable to find any words to counter mine, Celesta looked around uncomfortably, before she replied to me,

"That's... um, then I would like to work too!"

No no no, Celesta. That's just plain impossible. Are you trying to exhaust yourself till fainting? I won't allow that. I definitely won't allow that!

"You must not, Celesta. The house, Jorah and everyone else needs you around in other capacities. Not to mention the Council work you are already burdened with. There is no way you could find any time for something else. If you do that, then Jorah would be the one who would suffer in all of this the most. And unlike you... I am free most of the time! And... I must start earning from here onwards to develop the practice to work. That way..."

That way... I could become a worthy life partner for you one day, Celesta. Of course, I didn't dare to say that to her face yet. I'm not gutsy enough to reach that level at once. But one day... I would definitely let her hear those words.

Celesta inched closer towards me as the tone of my voice kept falling, after which she asked me in confusion,

"Hmm? Carene?! What did you just say?"

Ah! D-Don't tell me that I actually spoke all that?!

"N-No! Nothing at all. Ah, such fine weather today, isn't it? Wait... did I just say that earlier?"

Celesta's bright red face looked as charming as a fresh tomato, as she giggled in delight, stretched her palm towards the sky, and spoke smilingly,

"Phh! Hahaha. Carene, you are such a loon. Ah, no. Y-You are right actually. It's a really nice day indeed."

Seeing how cool and beautiful Celesta looked at the moment, I couldn't help but become entranced by her and reply in a delayed manner,


Although I tried my best, I couldn't say anything too embarrassing, as it felt way harder to do that at all. Maybe I need more practice talking to Celesta. That's right! I am just not used to talking openly with her like this.

But, don't give up just yet, me. My path to gaining Celesta's heart has just begun. I must... continue to shorten the distance between us. Surely that way, one day, we would...


Strangely, Jorah was silent the whole time Celesta and I talked. I kind of had expected her to dump a few witty statements like usually does, but this time she just kept quiet while observing us talking.

In the end, she sighed heavily and shook her head to herself. Who knows what young girls nowadays think so deeply about?

Since I wanted to respect her privacy, I decided not to ask about it, as the three of us first finished having our lunch and wrapped up everything to take back with us. Obviously, I was the one who carried everything as per my own wishes and the girls had to relent to my request in the end.

Jorah kept looking back at me worriedly as she approached me and asked,

"Are you really sure about the luggage, Big Sister Carene? We two could help out too! You have been handling it all the way till now. Let us be of some help too."

As she spoke that, Jorah tried to reach out towards the bags on my back. I obviously dodged her hands and lightly told her,

"How could I do that? I am the elder here, Jorah. It's my pleasure and duty to take care of you in my own way, as much as possible. And Celesta can take much better care of you than me. I can't let her be burdened with handling the luggage on top of all that."

Jorah still looked on worriedly and bit her thumb in frustration as she replied to me,

"Well, if you are fine with that... But, remember to ask us for help if you are troubled by taking care of it, okay?"

A smile automatically came upon my face upon hearing Jorah's considerate words. I couldn't help but agree with her as a reward for her nice growth towards adulthood.

"Sure. I am feeling a lot more energized after having lunch and the rest in between. Going back home like this won't be an issue at all."

Nodding to me once, Jorah then turned to look towards Celesta and spoke to her,

"Hmm... okay then. Big Sis, let's go return the bicycles quickly."

Celesta quickly agreed to Jorah's suggestion, as she then turned to address me as well.

"Okay. Carene, you can wait here for us. We would be back after returning them."

Feeling somewhat lonely on being left alone, along with not wanting to let the girls handle the troublesome stuff, I tried to voice my opinion.

"But... I want to follow you girls too..."

Jorah immediately pointed towards the luggage on my back as she quickly asked,

"Won't it be tough to move around like that, Big Sister Carene?"

Ah? This... I-I'm sure it won't be much of an issue, right?

"No, I am fine, really. Rather, I don't want to be left out behind..."

Upon hearing my words, Jorah's eyes began to shine mysteriously again as she giggled and spoke,

"Oho~~. So that's how it is. Yup, no problem. Big Sis, let's have Big Sister Carene accompany us. Apparently, she doesn't wish to be away from you at all~~"

Celesta looked totally out of place as she fumbled with her words, before stabilizing herself to reply to me,

"T-That's..! Umm... fine then. Carene, come along with us, okay? We would move together then."

Alright! That's the way to do it. Hehe, I won't have to be alone anymore...


Screaming in delight, I picked up my own pace and followed the girls toward the rental shop area.


After returning the bicycles back to the rental shop, we walked along the shade of trees, as we finally reached the exit of the zoo.

Jorah was hugging my left arm close to herself as she spoke while yawning,

"That was so much fun! Big Sister Carene, Big Sis, thank you very much for listening to my selfish request. I am so glad to have spent the day like this with both of you. Ehehe."

Ah, such a good girl she is! I have decided. I must prepare a good surprise gift for this little one. Something that should make her super happy!

Hmmm... I may have to think about this depth very soon...

Celesta patted Jorah's hair lovingly as she glanced at me once before speaking apologetically towards Jorah,

"You are welcome, Jorah. Sorry that we haven't been caring for you properly till now. But, I will do my best to be a good elder sister from now on. I won't let you feel neglected ever again, like you had been before."

Our little angel soon became overwhelmed with emotion, as teardrops fell one by one while she kept on staring at her elder sister and rubbed her tears away, as she spoke laughingly with tears hanging at her eyelids,

"Big Sis... *sniff*... it's okay. Ehehehe, it's better to be happy together, right? We won't be getting paid for remaining sad after all."

Celesta smiled back in reply and hugged Jorah even closer as she muttered,

"Right... you are exactly right, Jorah."


A/N: I am excited for the smut portion...

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