DC: Don't Utter A Word

Chapter 222:

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[Lucifer TV POV]

Hearing Brainiac's words, the threats he was throwing at the one person in this reality David saw to be his, something snapped within him. Something that had been dormant since Superman's demise, something that never truly awoken, but now is roaring, ready to tear anything and anyone apart.

And honestly, gals and pals of the audience, what was Brainiac thinking it would happen? That David would surrender? Beg on his knees? Intellect level 12th my ass.

Anyway, back to the fight. Sorry for the commentary my

Angered by Brainiac's threat, the battle soon reignited with David unexpectedly appearing before Brainiac, rage clear in his eyes. Brainiac, seeing this, moves his blades to cut David, but the latter kicks his arms out of their trajectory, unbalancing the android, before punching him with enough force the entire planet of Jupiter shook.

Taken back by David's newfound strength, the android tries to counterattack but David creates a blade with his rings and cuts one of Brainiac's arms.

"Emotions can only carry you so far," Brainiac spat, reattaching his arm, before trying to say something else, but David pays him no attention, and simply cuts off his newly reattached arm.

"Shut the hell up," David growled, the energies of his rings growing in power. The hope to destroy him, the will to see it through, and the rage to fuel it all.

"This is not going according to the data… Further analysis is required," Brainiac muttered, taking some distance from David. "You are empowering your attacks without the use of the emotional spectrum. You're… channeling all your energy into a singular spot before attacking, creating a masterful blow. Impressive, you developed a new power, one capable of going through my defenses. It doesn't-"

At that moment, Brainiac is suddenly struck from behind by David, who had been tired of Brainiac's monologue. Giving the android no time to process, the enraged David was back on him instantly with a barrage of powerful fists and kicks each set even stronger than the last.


"Wait, how come the kid is now pushing Toaster back now?" Mazikeen asked, tilting her head in inquiry to me. "A few moments ago the kid was struggling, and now he's… well, kicking that tin can's ass."

"Unlike before, he isn't thinking," Wioska replied before I could. "He's just acting, sure, he's angry, and that's making him stronger, but his anger is not dictating his actions. He's just acting, instantly, no thoughts, nothing, just instincts and skills working together without a middle man."

"Huh," Mazikeen hummed. "So that's what makes the kid tick."

"He loves her, and rage blooming in order to protect love, is quite strong," I added, with a chuckle. "He's not questioning the limit of his power, or whether or not his attacks will affect him, he's just striking Brainiac without a doubt, and his power is reacting to that, providing results."

"Reaching that state takes more than a lifetime to most warriors," Wioska continued, taking the drink I was offering her. "And most never perfect that state. In my case, it took me three hundred years to first reach it, and another two hundred to master it. The fact he reached this state of focus so young, and while dealing with his rage is nothing short of impressive."

"Well, but of course, no friend of mine can be mediocre," I nodded, winking at Maz who was rolling her eyes at me.

"Perhaps," Wioska chuckled softly. "I doubt he's even aware of it, to be honest. But at the end of the day, it doesn't matter if he's aware of it, or not. The result of the fight became clear the moment Brainiac decided to play, instead of finishing things up."

"Alright, everybody shush I want to see how David finishes things up," I ordered, turning my attention back to the fight.


David rushed forward, grabbing Brainiac by the throat before slamming him down, hard. The force of the slam was enough to make Brainiac's body form a crater, and David still wasn't done with him.

Eyes lost in rage, David reared his arm back, energy coursing through it as he prepared to deliver his most powerful strike yet.

"I had enough of this," Brainiac growled, blasting David off him with a powerful energy beam, making David stumble back.

Ignoring the android's attack, David skidded to a stop, and just as Brainiac was preparing himself for another assault, David was already back on him. With each punch, with each step, the android took another step back, losing ground as David moved in for yet another attack.

"This can't be happening," Brainiac growled, cutting one of David's arms with his blades, in an attempt to slow him down. But just as he had cut it, David reattached it and was back to attacking in a blink of an eye, as if it hadn't happened in the first place.

There was no doubt in Brainiac's head anymore, he was losing. Whatever had changed within David, whatever his taunts, that were supposed to make him act sloppier, had actually made him stronger, faster, and impossible to deal with, at least not with the current set.

An update was required.


[Darkseid POV]

Red was dealing with Brainiac in an efficient manner, overpowering the little machine, showing him that power can't be computed, or calculated. Power, true power is something very few creatures wield.

"Granny Goodness, order our troops to retreat back to Apokolips," I ordered, my voice reverberating through the Throne Room, making Granny Goodness snap to attention and nod quickly. "It seems there is no longer a need for me to kill Brainiac."

"What about little red?" Granny Goodness asked as she inputted the coordinates to make the boom tube.

"Another day," I replied, walking towards the portal that was opening. "I intend to eliminate him, at his best. Anything less would be an insult to Darkseid."

Granny Goodness smiled. "As you command it, it shall be done."

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