Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 97: Call of the Void

Despite her words… Nothing much happened.

Once more the two found themselves motionless, if one ignored the swords flying through the air to cut down the swarm of blessed attacking {Orchid}, a tension filled the air.

Although neither had visible eyes; one could tell that sparks were being exchanged silently between them despite the fact. Neither drew benefit from being the one to end the stalemate as each would be in a better position if their allies were to interfere in the situation below.

On one side the divine swordswomen would obviously gain more freedom if she had access to the rest of her countless swords - a freedom that would only come if that swarm was taken down. Unfortunately that would require her to leave those trapped inside of Ashue’s barrier into the maw of the awaiting blessed. A situation they would be unlikely to come out with their lives or minds intact.

With that being the case (she could not help wondering where her sister & her knights were) poking the royal palace with her divine sense even if it granted her little comfort. True to her words from earlier - the bird woman was in a very deep sleep with no signs of waking up despite the ongoing chaos. Hardly shocking considering she was literally the heavens who was made into the watcher over all the horrible things humans do.

Even now there is probably some genocidal incident on a greater scale occuring.

She wouldn’t lose sleep over anything at this point.

Meanwhile - if those blessed managed to make it through the barrier - the angel hoped they could get some much needed hostages. They doubted that the oni truly cared about most of the people upon this mortal realm (to the point she would be unlikely to move even should it all be endangered by Demon God of the Apocalypse - Armageddon} himself) yet there was obvious care for those inside.  It did not know the exact details but with its powerful connection with the divinity of life & infinite there was no way it wouldn’t notice Xiuzi who had an asshole quite liberally filled with that very same oni’s “life”.

At one point he would have been vehemently against such cowardly manoeuvres as there was no way that his goddess, Gaia, would support such things.Unfortunately… Gaia was no longer his goddess thus he was moulded into this new crueller form. Through a mixture of the insanity involved with an angel losing the one they were born to serve, being cut into thousands of pieces by Vibrant and then serving under the heir of her goddess for several ages.

It was impossible to tell what had the most influence on their twisted personality but it was a fact that they were a completely different opponent to before. And, even if she didn’t wish to admit it, the archangel was also far stronger than any of the opponents faced in the past. Surprisingly they were no way inferior to those primordial gods that they had fought.

<Honestly it’s hard to judge how much of a nightmare they would be to deal with if I were in another mortal realm; an endless series of these “blessed” seems completely overkill. There is also the fact that these are just rushed products. I truly do not wish to think what this monster would be like if they had an army they had time to perfectly craft the flesh of.>

This thought caused Vibrant to furrow her brow as, the way she saw it, there was a large question that couldn’t be ignored if this archangel gained this skill as soon as they followed Mother.

“Where is your real army?” <Vibrant>

She half expected the angel to give a smug laugh while narrating how it had outsmarted her using their endless series of perfectly grafted blessed units to deal a crushing blow to enrage her. Surprisingly this was not what happened. Instead it was the angel who became irrationally incensed.

“You dare to act ignorant to mock me further?!” <Archangel of Life>

With that angry yell they once more began to trade moves despite still finding themselves at a complete standstill that made this all pointless. It did not seem the angel cared, however. Continuing to throw themself towards the oni without care of what injuries or how much energy they used in the process - none of those things could stop it after all.

It did not matter how much the archangel was sliced up. They just continued charging towards the invincible sword who was deftly warding him over with a mixture of “footwork” and the expert movements from her divine-sense-controlled sword. However, she could not help smirking, as she quickly decided to take advantage of the situation.

As the archangel once more came in with their shard-swords - aimed toward the oni’s tongue in an attempt to stop it from wagging with anymore nonsense - she moved to the side once more. This time following it up by opening her eyes. Immediately the archangel, for once, tried to take distance from Vibrant but she would not allow it to get away in time.

[Eye of the Sword Saint]

Before it could react a golden light flashed by. Without having an option to react; half its body began falling to the ground with the other half quickly coming along to join it. Her sharp gaze dealt a mighty blow.

Vibrant (with her newly opened eyes) followed the bisected body of the angel while gasping for air. After a while she would turn her eyes towards the distance where a visible ‘slice’ of space quite visible as a warped gap in the air. From within the distorted ‘cries’ echoed out as she just turned towards the army of blessed in the far off distance.

“Allow me to take a page from the cat - when you cannot overcome their numbers, instead rely on the greatest third party of all!” <Vibrant>

Out from the breach out of the realm; those groans got louder and louder as time went on. It was difficult to even announce those gnarled groans were even that - the mere noise caused one's very soul to creak due to the invisible pressure it emitted. Fortunately Ashue’s barrier was proving to be a great investment as the weakest inside managed to get away with merely falling to the floor.

Those blessed individuals were not so fortunate as many of the newest members (who had received the weakest amount of refining) collapsed to the ground with shattered souls. Most of them were unable to come out completely unaffected. Bodies falling to the ground as they bleated in some form of pain.

That was not the end of the fearsome event; rather this was just the first call of the all consuming void.

Like a fluid that distorted “matter” oozed out from the slice in space - falling to the whims of gravity yet consuming everything that came in its path. Forming into several shapeless “beasts” that did not settle on a single state for long. As if trying to adapt into something more suitable for their task of returning everything back to a state of non-existence.

To return to the void.

Immediately they found themselves enticed towards the divinity present within the blessed. Seeking it out to grow faster as well as more resistant to their greatest enemy - nothing was a greater eyesore to the endless void than the infinite Mother. In a matter of moments the enemy of old set upon the undying horde in a manner that made it well aware to all that the hunters just became the unhunted.

Regardless, those inside the shield did not feel any safer as the Void Beast’s unsettling wails caused damage on the very existential level. There was no such thing as an ally to the void. To the ‘thing’ that was the void - there was only ever what shouldn’t be. Everything should return to its cold embrace whether it desires that to be the case or not… Although the spirits certainly made such a goal vastly difficult as they were treated as naught but snacks for those eldritch monsters.

“Y-you! Do you know what you have done!” <Archangel of Life>

Hearing that familiar voice got Vibrant to once more turn to the angel who was looking at the hole in  space with absolute dismay.

“There has never been such a breach in the fabric of Genesis since the time of the Age of Primordial when the entirety of reality was falling apart due to the imbalance caused by a lack of management. You have not only created such a rift but also proceeded to let the beasts escape through. Are you trying to bring the core of reality down with yourself!” <Archangel of Life>

In one hand the angel clutched the other half of its body - dissected from one shoulder to their waist - while the other held a figment of the void. Filling that void beast with its raw energy which resulted in it groaning out loud in resistance as it rapidly shrunk.

Still, it was obvious the angel had seen better times as their holy glow had visibly shrunk, they had noticeably been impacted by the repeated blows from the {Sword Saint} & Void.

“I will not let your foul plans come to fruition!”

“Oh~ I think you both have other things to worry about now!” <Munzumira>

A disinterested voice, filled with the authority that defined such disinterest, echoed through the entire area.

No one moved.

Seemingly the entire area had frozen still.

Because the abyss had opened and it demanded its hunger be sated.

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