Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 94: A Vibrant Disciple

There was nothing Xiuzi could do but embrace her role… Or at least she would think that if her consciousness wasn’t flittering in & out due to the brutal face fucking she got as a virgin.

“Do not be lazy; stretch out your asshole my little sheath.” <Vibrant>

Only her ancestors' words broke through the haze that involved her mind; however she could not refuse these words even if she could understand them. Moving her hands down to violently tear her underwear away before quickly using her other hand to mercilessly slip a finger down to her knuckle.

This action made her violently lurch forward but that only added to the experience for the one who was invading her body with that gross yet enticing slab of meat. As if possessed she moved the remains of her panties up to slowly stroke what wasn’t shoved inside of her worthless jaw. An action which rewarded her with a satisfied grunt from her captor.

She also didn’t let this stop her other hand's mission - not even stopping to adjust before she dipped a second then a third and fourth finger in her previously virgin tight hole. Thankfully nothing was better for losing a girl up than the hormones of a powerful oni. Still it didn’t make the experience any less ‘memorable’ as tears poured down from her regretfully, pained and nevertheless adoring eyes.

“You are enjoying yourself, are you not?” <Vibrant>

To that she simply nodded, gagging even more as that mammoth messed with her mouth, as her second hand slipped two fingers into her asshole as if testing the waters.

“You cannot stop yourself from loving my big fat sword, can you?” <Vibrant>

Once more she nodded while also trembling as how easily those two fingers slipped in despite already holding four (plus her thumb) of her other hand. She still didn’t stop there - quickly pushing her other fingers into her asshole without knowing what to feel due to her conflicting feelings.

“You are going to become my little disciple, as well as brand new sheath, will you not?” <Vibrant>

That bitter taste filled her mouth with its disgusting yet enticing self; never having tasted something so nauseating in texture/viscosity. At the same time she couldn’t pull herself away. Able to nod to this one with absolutely none of the regret she felt as she felt from below - using her two hands to literally pull her asshole open wide. Ignoring any of the begging in her subconscious or from the stretched out rim.

“You will want my sword to permanently ‘readjust’ your asshole, right?” <Vibrant>

Nodding only to release the question a second later.

“Then display that sloppy hole to me, I will have the front readjusted later, will I not?” <Vibrant>

There was no doubt; nodding her head as she slowly pulled herself off that massive rod of raw unadulterated sword saint with a sloppy *SCHU~* that ended in a crisp *POP~!*. Trembling, jaw hung loosely as it ached to even move it, she turned around to display the pinkish-red tunnel she was desperately holding open. A task made harder by all the juicy lube that flooded out the hole.

Vibrant did not bother talking any longer as she plunged into the whores asshole - feeling the girl squirm around while letting out a strange groan due to her wide open mouth. Spittle & unswallowed pre-cum flying around as that slutty hole tensed around her she-cock. Not that she cared about that.

Without a word she began to thrust back & forth, slowly working out any remaining elasticity the rim had as those hands fell aside as that nice fat donut formed, only to stop to admire her work.

“Any good scabbard needs a locket to catch the base of the blade and I think you have the makings for a particularly plump one my little disciple.” <Vibrant>

“... Y-YESH MASHTER!” <Xiuzi>

Seeing as nothing would happen if she didn’t respond, she did, yelling out through her tears while unable to help checking what her new master meant. Fingers cautiously poking around only to shudder in a mixture of pleasure & distraughtness at the fat red rim she was developing. As a lady… Well she obviously wouldn’t actually like it too much however it did make her strangely proud to hear the praise of such a mighty figure.

Pausing a bit more - given plenty of time as Vibrant just sadistically looked down at her without worrying about the girl's words sounding sloshed thanks to the loosened jaw.

Soon a look of determination overcame her brutalised face as she turned to her “master”. Perking her fat butt up to Vibrant while playfully swinging it from side to side; hands slowly running up her ass cheeks before delivering a crisp *pap* to both.


The oni dared to give a sagely nod.

“Very well~!” <Vibrant>


Hearing Slate’s order, Ashue did not hesitate to begin forming arcane runes using her finger tips as a stylus, throwing the glowing symbols out in front of her to build more. Just in time as the nobles also began to notice the strange glow - especially when the entity attacked the giant tree no one knew what to think about.

Although many of them audibly screamed; the nobles remained aware enough to scramble behind the two oni aides. Not that it was particularly needed on account of Ashue wasn’t so weak she would struggle to cover a “small” building like the one they were in.

Of course, there were also Kitty & Qin, who approached the growing Slate who pulled her large sword out from a special pouch that she kept hidden on her dress.

“Wafu~? What’s happening boss?” <Qin>

“Something filled with a lot of holy power is flying above the city and just attacked the tree summoned by Vibrant-sama when she arrived…” <Slate>

“Nywa~?! As in that one larger than the palace - if it fell the entire city would be completely crushed at  the very least - I don’t think even our imperial guards could stop it nya! H-how is its condition? How much longer do we have; we nyeed to organise a-” <Kitty>

“Bark looks a little scuffed, however we’ll probably be able to wax it out if it is metal… Actually - is it even a tree of just some fancy weapon? Well, either way, probably won’t take much to get rid of it with the main difficulty being getting up to the slight wound on the surface… If that counts as a wound.” <Slate>

“...” <Kitty>

“...” <Qin>

“““...””” <Staff>

“““...””” <Nobles>

“““...””” <Random Spies In Rafters>

To say that this was a gut punch to their worries was a massive understatement; even if none of them desired to help some random commoners they were worried about their own lives. Not to mention many of them had a lot of businesses & land they had invested in. If that tree fell? All of that was gone!

Yet the oni wasn’t taking this seriously at all - even then it wasn’t as if they could complain considering what the last oni had done. Not to mention those two oni came tougher in addition to being close enough to know each other by their full names… Although it was very rare for an oni to have a surname anyway due to being something that requires way more merits. Basically only the Shuten family.

The entire building was even shaking, there was no way they wouldn’t be panicked about the situation, but these two girls didn’t  think this was linked to the giant shining light’s attack on the supposed divine tree?

“Can’t we just climb up it~?” <Ashue>

For once Slate was the only one not looking at her like an idiot.

“The surface of the tree is probably too smooth to get a decent grip on it; if we used your true form we may be able to. Although it could cause more damage. Plus we don’t know how strong that being up there is but they are at least as strong as the two of us from what I can feel…” <Slate>

“I-I thought oni couldn’t sense qi…” <Noble>

“Feel it with my gut not with my eyes you dumb cunt!” <Slate>

That reply certainly didn’t do much for the noble's barely standing pride. However, unless he wanted to get chucked outside the barrier with an unknown ‘enemy’ floating about, there was no way he could complain about her. Not to mention-

“You can’t talk to us like that - we will make sure you regret it - hahaha not as if you can take down the barrier if you want to remain-URGH MY LEG!” <Noble>

Slate didn’t even take a single second to contemplate her choice; swiftly swinging her sheathed sword to have the sheath fly off and hit the complaining man right in the side of his knee. An act which made the limb point at a 45 degree angle… Only problem being that it didn’t exactly conform to his joint’s limitations.

“So what kind’a being we dealing with boss?” <Qin>

“No clue… At the very least it ain’t a beast since my instincts aren’t picking that up like they did with the Hero-sama Ojou-sama played with.” <Slate>

“M-maybe it doesn’t mean any harm nya?” <Kitty>

Now it was time for Slate to show the expression which may as well be considered her default - a life living beside Ashue would result in that.

“Bask in my blessing for I represent the primordial origin of life itself; all that ailment shall be forever purged from your system!” <Archangel>

Just as Vivi’s yakuza-inherited servants were considering how to ‘politely’ explain that it was a dumb question to have when they were working under the embodiment of demonic… That glowing lightbulb finally made another move. A blinding light erupting from its body to envelop the entire city as screams soon echoed throughout the entire empire.

“...” <Kitty>

“Yea, pretty sure.” <Slate>

“Maybe they’re just screaming in delight~?” <Ashue>

“Well one way to check~!” <Qin>

“L-LET ME GO!” <45 Degrees>

That got the attention of the other three (as well as the rest of the room) to turn to Qin as she dragged the heavily bleeding noble by his collar. He obviously tried to stop her but she had a far higher cultivation in addition to mostly being a body cultivation due to her love of speed; not to mention the irony that his high class clothing was too hard to tear thus resulting in escape from her grip being impossible.

Nobody tried to even stop her so she approached the edge of the door out the building; throwing the noble outside into the ‘attack’ from the glowstick.

Surprisingly nothing happened at first as he just looked at his leg in surprise as the light made him heal in a quick fashion. The manner wasn’t exactly pleasant to see, even painful to feel, having the flesh & nerves literally knit themselves together at a rate visible to the naked eye.

However, there was no doubt, he was indeed being healed by the holy entity who flew above with all the splendour as in those old tales of angels. At first he indeed screamed (just like many others) but he soon began to laugh while looking at those who had cast him out. Pointing accusatory towards the group of four with veins popping out of his forehead as he began to yell at them despite only Kitty paying attention.

“He seems pleasantly healthy so maybe you were wro-” <Ashue>

“The great ailment that inflicts most - FREEDOM!” <Archangel>

“U-URGRAA~!” <45 Degrees>

Those bulging veins began to glow with gold, starting with the wound on his leg, quickly spreading through his entire body. No longer was he pointing. All he could do to seemingly resist was have his body wildly around which resulted in his skin & muscle forming countless tears. This just helped spread the ‘healing’ as the gold light repaired those wounds before using them as more points of ‘attack’.

His once reddened skin quickly lost all of its colour to become so white that it may as well have put the marble of the palace to shame. The veins in his eyes burst causing that gold blood to quickly flood his sclera while at the same time signalling the end of the blood's journey.

Not of his, however.

That unknown fluid (that filled his veins, arteries & capillaries to the point they all visible bulge from his alabaster flesh) began to glow brightly, In response his body began to violently convulse in a far more eerie fashion - the sound of his muscle & bone snapping only overshadowed by the gruesome sound of it knitting back together. His body slowly bulking up only to shrink to the point of anorexia repeated over & over with only the visceral yet lifeless screams from his now deformed teeth. Looking more akin to a vampire than a human at this point.

Despite still quaking; the noble's body slowly got up as the rate of his muscular ‘evolution’ finally settled up a lean but efficient ratio that would serve him the best. Eerily turning his gaze towards the crowd in front of him as he let out an inhuman screech which was quickly followed up by several in the distance.

With no warning he charged at the shield but didn’t get far before a golden sword energy flew past the survivors to bifurcate the man at his waist

“Ooo~ mah~sterr ish sho~ shtrog~!” <Xiuzi?>

“The archangel of life…An entity who was driven into madness by the death of Gaia, attaching himself upon the last thought of his god, trying to keep everyone alive. He somewhat recovered his sanity after a new Mother rose to the throne but an archangel still represents the deepest thoughts of their god. No one is as uncorrupted yet contemptible than the Infinite Mother.” <Vibrant>

Turning around to see the source revealed a faintly growing Vibrant who settled her closed eyes upon the figure who flew in the sky before settling on the now crawling noble. Paying no attention to the noble cultivator who now had more in common to a girl thrown into a goblin den - her massive tits on full display as she pushed them against the oni.

There was no hiding the massive trail of transparent fluid that led back to her pussy in addition to the not subtle white leaking from her breasts. Harsh bite marks on & around her areola showed off how much of a supposed disgrace she was. Not minding as she literally humped the oni with her dripping privates.

Her jaw hanging down with visible signs of ‘stretching’ as she ended up squeezing her massive bloated stomach against the oni as well as her own arm. Through its size it was hard to hide all of it under her poor clothing - revealing her flesh barely keeping a veritable flood of semen from bursting out. Jiggling around with every movement. Not that she seemed to care about that, or the fact that she had a massive ‘handle’ coming from the back of her skirt, as she continued licking her supposed ancestor's ear like a paid whore.

A sight that got those looking at her leaking self’s obscene appearing gasping in surprise - wondering how the {Jian Noble Family} or {Soaring Sword Sect} would react to their phoenix being reduced to… That.

“I-is he a zombie nya?” <Kitty>

“No, it is worse, he has never been so alive in his life. Unless you possess certain techniques - not even a god would be able to put down these beings. Since they have never been really seen outside of the graveyard we never bothered naming them however… I think the unblessed works.” <Vibrant>

Supporting what she said; the “unblessed” body knitted itself together with ease thus letting him kick off the floor to crash against the barrier.

Possessing none of the stiffness one would expect from a newly awakened undead.

“To be fair I may be partly to blame for cutting him up when he tried to rationalise not taking revenge on the primordial gods…” <Vibrant>

“““What!””” <Everyone - Xiuzi>

“Oo~ lil’sheath feelsh her fa~t locket sho~ eager for mashtersh shw~o~rd to not feel empty~! <Xiuzi>

Violet was still Violet; no matter the head.

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