Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 9: The first of many


It’s the part everyone has likely been waiting for since I began writing this thing - Violet dolling out some brutal violence on those who push her to do something they’ll regret! Still got no idea what to do with polls on this novel but if anyone has any ideas it would be appreciated.

Side note; discovered Jonathan Young released a new original song so you know what I’m listening to while writing!

Of, I should say this chapter gets violent but… Well what were you expecting?!

Anyways, enjoy~♥

Violet walked through the forest she called home for these 12 years and she couldn’t help but furrow her brow slightly - the sound of grinding teeth echoed through the otherwise silent scene of a once bustling forest.

In her hands was a cute little black hamster with a white patch of fur on its face making it look like it had a skull as well as a cute little black robe over it’s tiny body; she was currently patting the creature to calm her nerves so she didn’t go and cause her mommy problems. Luckily the hamster seemed very used to this role as it rolled over to give her access to it’s fluffy belly while gently clawing her hand as if guiding her to play with it more causing her grinding to be silenced as a small little smile appeared on her face as she lifted it up to her nose and nudged the hamsters against her own.

Finishing her pre-battle preparations she placed the cute little creature atop her hair while her smile returned back into a straight line. Behind her were her two loyal servants but soon they vanished as she lifted her hand; causing the pair to silently vanish into the backdrop. Violet knew they were still there but the people invading them wouldn’t and if she wished to crush them she had one advantage she hasn’t had in awhile.

She appeared weak to these people.

When was the last time someone would use the word ‘weak’ to describe her?

Regardless, she didn’t dwell on this as she was strangely sombre. Although she was never exactly talkative she still happily nodded along or made the occasional grunt but now all that filled her senses was the soft scent of blood and the silence in what should be a scene bustling with nature. She couldn’t help but recall the scene of countless men brutally killed and so she took out her Kanabo - having her little index finger in the hole she spun the dense weapon around like it was a toy. Letting this small action contain her focus on what’s currently occurring in front of her.

It was heavy before but it felt oh so much lighter now she let this feeling loose. But she couldn’t fully let loose here - she didn’t know if she could control it enough to not devastate her own allies after all.

It didn’t take her long to come across the very scene she expected - no animals came to stop her or rather animals had a better sense of when not to interrupt her. It’s why she liked cute little animals so much - this thought of getting the little hamster a pat as it was now it’s turn to go ahead. In front of her and the quiet little critter was a seemingly normal scene of a wounded oni asking for help yet both of them could tell the faint scent of Oni blood didn’t belong to the ‘wounded oni’ and the pair could see plenty of young male oni’s seemingly sitting waiting for her to arrive. It was as if they were waiting for a chance to get revenge and she was fine with this - it’s why she was here.

Although she could see souls she couldn’t ‘sense’ them and she certainly wasn’t much of a speaker so she always let her talented pet deal with these matters. So she let the hamster jump from her shoulder as she remained a fair distance away behind a tree so she wouldn’t be noticed by anyone - she wasn’t good at stealth but neither were the people she was after! She already knew where they were but she wasn’t dumb enough to waste an opportunity like this to gain some insight into their plans; she didn’t think they could stop her but they must’ve come prepared to deal with Oni if they dared charge into their homeground.

“Squeak~! Squeak squeak squeak.” <Necrohamster Demon God of Undeath>

As if answering her thought the hamster let out a mocking squeak as the illusion array placed was easily broken by itself and it described the real scene to her. It was just as she thought and they had certainly come prepared - an illusion array which can be said to be a perfect counter to the Oni. They as a race have no qi in their bodies thus have no resistance to qi based techniques, this usually just meant they ‘took extra damage’ from a fire ball or something along the lines, but for techniques like illusions that one couldn’t simply ‘dodge’ it became a perfect counter as they had no feasible way to escape in a timely manner. The gods certainly would’ve passed that down to these self righteous sects but the gods ended up being unprepared for Violet’s next move and so would these fools.

After her pet had told her all the information the oni’s had he allowed them to peacefully pass away to the endless battlefield they craved - the {Demon Realm} where they would likely reincarnate as powerful Devils who could be considered the ‘demonic variant’ of the Oni due to directly descending from Oni. Violet could only nod at how talented her pet was as she walked out from the tree’s and let her weapon fade away back into her soul - no need to use it here.

Her next move shocked the two followers as they almost shouted out only to tremble as that hamster seemingly gave them a black look.

She simply walked forward.

Making no preparations whatsoever she simply walked towards the illusion array that would mean certain death or capture - Violet assumed capture since they apparently enslaved all the other female Oni they had caught. Taking advantage of the comradery of the Oni was a low move for righteous sects; Violet couldn’t help but snort as she soon walked inside the array with no hesitation.

Almost immediately she felt the ethereal chains trying to grasp at her consciousness and drag it away and she couldn’t help but think of how pathetic this was compared to that cute little Dreamer. At least Elizabeth was able to hold her down for a couple days? Something like this couldn’t even be used for warming up and perhaps if her enemies were more cautious they would notice a soft aura of something ‘different’ with her.

They didn’t bother looking into her more than surface level and that was their last mistake. A group of about twenty jumped down from the tree’s with a confident look on their faces as they seemed all but ready to mock her as they walked up to her.

“*Chuckle* That’s another one - this one is alone though despite how young she looks. Probably some little girl excited for her first battle but with my array the only battle she’ll get is one in bed tonight. This one is pretty cute even for a demon” <Handsome Young Master>

She wasn’t ‘a demon’ as the handsome sharp featured man with a pure white robe (representing his place as an inner disciple of the {Absolute Divine Truth Great Sect}) said.

“As expected of a young master - just looking at her unfocused eyes it’s clear she’s under your control - certainly your skill at manipulating these feeble minded creatures is unbeaten! ” <Ratty Fat Man>

“I reckon nobody would mind if I took her for a few rounds - should be able to last a few minutes since the bitches have insane regeneration anyway so hurry up and put the slave curse on her. I’ve been starved of fresh meat for too long and the taller ones don’t do it for me.” <Muscular Tanned Man>

She wasn’t as feeble minded as the {Golden Society} man in golden robes said nor would she need a few minutes as the man from {Ally Body Great Sect} - it would hardly take her a minute.

“Right - go over and receive the slave mark demon.” <Handsome Young Man>

“No idea what you see in those tiny little beasts - may as well just be bestiality to fuck them they’re so dumb.” <Muscular Woman>

With that she would tilt her head and let her gaze fall upon the chubby rat from {Golden Society} before she slowly walked up to him under the mocking and snickering of those around her. The muscular woman even threw a stone at her but before it hit her she lifted her hand up to catch it causing everyone to remain silent for a second before she dropped the stone and walked towards the ratty man.

Her cold gaze focused on the woman - seemingly peering a hole straight through her forehead as if marking her for execution while planning exactly how to go about it. The ratty man just ignored this as he reached out with his right hand to begin the process of enslaving the young Oni girl.

“Y-you sure she’s under control?” <Muscular Man>

“*Snort* So what if she isn’t? I could break her in two even without this array.” <Muscular Woman>

“It’s as she says - what could one little demonic beast do to us? Not to mention this array is produced using my own [Absolute Divine Qi] which is the strongest form of Holy Qi there is - how is some little girl going to break out of it!” <Handsome Young Master>

“There are no absolutes... Except for me…” <Violet>

With that everyone went silent as they slowly turned their heads just in time to see that the fat man have his reached out wrist - the creaking of his bones accompanied by his shrieks soon produced cold weat on all of them before…


“AHHHHHH!” <Fatty>

She severed his hand from his arm - not crushed the bone but severed it completely with her grip strength alone as she reeled back her left hand to her waist before quickly stabbing forward. Easily piercing the fattys stomach as she calmly pulled back out with a handful of his guts that soon was joined by an explosion of blood and guts due to her action - raining blood over her as she licked her lips and used the blood to calmly paint over her right eye.

If this didn’t put fear into these young masters and misses nothing would; when had they ever seen one of their own so brutally murdered so quickly before? Exactly as Violet planned - they say fear is a motivator but as the {True Demon} she knew better. Those inexperienced with fear would do nothing but shut down - the timing depended on their willpower but they would always freeze up for at least a second.

How much more fear could she induce with a second?

Reaching out with her right hand she lazily slapped out to send the witless individual next to the fatty flying off into the distance in the shape of ‘>’. Though whether he was alive with a spine in that shape was another matter that the others didn’t have time to think about as she clenched her fist and pivoted on her right foot - striking forth into the kneecap of the person on the other side of the fatty.

A scream of fear and pain escaped the girl as her kneecap shattered and her lower leg came flying off - her sobbing cries followed her as she fell forward. Her screams of mercy cut of with a left uppercut to her chin causing her neck to snap backwards - letting her friend see her face in her final moments. That look of fear on the second was exactly what she wanted. It’s what she strived for.

That hopelessness. That pain. That Fear…

No thoughts of revenge, nor consideration for how to reclaim the body, just denial of the situation. A flash of all the memories leading up to this situation. Trying to figure out who to blame and…

“I-I didn’t want to come here - it was him wh-” <Young Miss>

Violet tilted her body and decided to return the body of her previous victim as she lifted her foot up to kick the corpse at the waist to send it into the young miss who was midway through pointing towards the man in {Absolute Divine Truth Great Sect}. Of course the dainty young miss wasn’t prepared and was sent onto the floor under the body of her once friend. Violet didn’t even hurry but instead slowly walked up to bathe in these feelings they poured out - her [Demonic Dao Heart] eating it all up like candies while she savoured every bite.

“Y-you can’t do this?! I-I-I’m the daughter and disciple of the {Red Crane Sect Leader} which is a large sect!” <Young Miss>

Violet just nodded along while slowly walking up towards the girl while counting down the seconds. As she assumed someone gained some bravery but they were late as she was already at the girl so she decided to go ahead and stomp on her neck to end that pitiful croaky voice - it was starting to grate on her ears.

“Quickly surround her - she must be tired from breaking out of my {Demon Capturing Illusion Array} - I’ll end this with my strongest attack to avenge our fallen!

At this the muscular man would punch her in her side causing her to stumble back towards the centre of the group as the man lifted his two hands to form a sword out of his golden qi. Violet wasn’t worried though - rather couldn’t help but snort and grind her teeth at their hypocrisy. They can avenge their fallen but she can’t avenge those they diced up into parts and stored in bags so they can later make them into pills, slaves and potions!

Either way she only had 16 more to take out her wrath on so she would have to find more after this.

“NOW TAKE THIS - [Absolute Divine Demon Perforating Strike]!” <Handsome Young Master>

“Do it young master!” <Fodder>

“End this demon!” <Fodder>

“Avenge them!” <Fodder>

“OOOOOOOOOWAH!” <Handsome Young Master>

With this the light in his hands shone so brightly it almost seemed like it was night, the young master had sweat rolling down his forehead but he leaned forward anyway to jump towards Violet. His hands holding that gleaming sword in front of him as he thrust forward with absolutely everything he had; the air itself roared in awe at his attack and his hands burned at holding the sheer power this weapon represented!

In seconds he reached Violet who felt someone do a lock with their muscular arms to hold her in place in order to force her to meet this fierce attack head on. Though she felt that a neck lock this loose was basically pointless, not to mention the funny image of a fully grown man kneeling down to try to choke out a girl as short as she. This was enough to bring a giggle to escape from her mouth. The others didn’t think this was a laughing matter but rather they just took it as the sound of a demon who realized their foolishness.

“A Demon like you should’ve learned her place!” <Handsome Young Man>

“Not ‘A Demon’ - ‘The Demon’.” <Violet>

She said with a bright smile on her face as she looked at the man - as soon as he saw this he felt something was wrong but he could figure out what after ending this girl's life. Thrusting forth at her heart he used all his power and shouted out a war cry unlike any he had ever done before. Behind him was the yells of support and joy out of his fellow disciples of the righteous path - their feelings almost seeming to carry his blade that bit faster to it’s mark!

But what were the yells of a few children to the wrath of countless realms?

Before the boy could yell out in victory his blade felt like it hit an impenetrable wall as it shattered into shards. A demonic aura far surpassing anything he had ever felt before exited the little Oni’s very soul, this demonic aura was pure and it held no meagre thing like ‘malice’ towards them - it needed to hold no malice at all as it’s mere presence was enough to wipe them out. Why feel malice for a single particle of dust?

It was far more terrifying, perhaps the most terrifying, aura that even surpassed his sect master. It seemed to even surpass his ancestors as despite his ‘strongest Holy Qi’ he felt the demonic energies leak into his body and corrupted it. The muscular man behind her must’ve had it even worse as he yelled in pain while fleeing away - his body slowly turning black as red cracks ran up his skin as it slowly turned stone-like. Fierce claws grew from his hands - skewering his flesh from the inside to cause crimson blood to leak out before slowly turning black.

The pain was unbearable but the fear was even stronger.

“Weak.” <Violet>

With that she calmly lifted her hand up to his neck - he didn’t even react as he was truly frozen with fear this time. With a slight clenching she pierced his skin only to pull back. Literally tearing out his throat and chucking it away before lifting up her foot and kicking his waist to send him in his crotch to send him flying towards someone else. This time she had a slither of her demonic intent active so the power was far stronger - the body actually passing straight through the other person as they literally exploded into blood.

Nobody moved because they couldn’t.

Their bodies long gave up and they were all on their knees with nothing but fear in their eyes as they entered shock. This was nothing but a game for the little demon in front of them - a demon they called upon themselves. A single person - unknown who - just let one single last word fall from his mouth as Violet clenched and unclenched her fist.

“Violet…” <Fodder>

“Mmm.” <Violet>

Her demonic intent fueled her body with something it sorely lacked. Oni didn’t have the ability to form qi in their bodies but their souls were a different matter - of course not any old qi could do but this was the same for all races. A little bit of her demonic qi made it quite impossible for such a weak holy qi to affect her consciousness but this could be said to be an obvious statement.

Who was Violet after all if not an absolute existence within the {Demonic Realm}?

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