Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 86: Heading Off

Thanks to having to constantly deal with Violet’s (or rather Vivi’s) pandemonium, the members of {Orchid} were very good at their jobs, even if she wasn’t happy with their strength. For that very reason they were already long prepared before Vibrant even woke up. Simply standing in front of the palace to patiently await their instructions while at the same time acting as an escort for the timid princess who didn’t have her own competent servants.

“We should contact some people back home to come over and sort this out~!” <Ashue>

“For once I agree with you…” <Slate>

“Eh, but aren’t we at war, shouldn’t we hold back on manpower just in case?” <Qin>

Of course, the two advisers & de facto head were together, Ashue surprisingly making herself useful as she held a coat over the awaiting Kitty who just looked around in awe. All around her were the most powerful members of {Orchid} who were quite unlike their usual shadow guard selves.

Each was adorned with peerless clothing on the levels of heads of the mid-noble clans within the empire which showed how financially well off the oni were.

This was actually thanks to Sohn-Tochter who ruled over the strongest empire across all the realms however Kitty clearly didn’t know that. Also, if one included her resources as the {Demon God Empress} then Vivi certainly wouldn’t fall behind her older sister. In fact the {Demon Empire} may technically be stronger since not even Vivi has ever actually united them to fight a threat…

There was always the chance that could change though that would be like asking why Munzumira doesn’t use all the spirits. In short it was an unfeasible task due to the raw numbers making it so they would probably just get in each other's way even if they had the best teamwork; something the demons made by Vivi certainly wouldn’t have.

Slate obviously didn’t care to correct Kitty’s assumptions either - stroking her chin while disdainfully glancing down the road that would take them to their destination.

“War suggests there are multiple sides in conflict; I would hardly fucking consider the flailing & whaling of a dying decrepit bunch of humans as anything near that level.” <Slate>

“Like how Violet ojou-sama that this is just a warmup for the oni~?” <Ashue>

Hearing Ashue say something useful again caused Slate to give pause; slowly turning her head around to look at the tortoise with narrowed eyes. A clear look of interrogation across her entire face as she pressured the voluptuous jade beaty who, in turn, just tilted her head to the side cutely.

“...Where is Ashue?” <Slate>

That question made the tortoise jump before she too began to look around in panic.

“Wait I’m not here, where am I then, where are you?!” <Ashue>

Seeing the idiot act like an idiot made both Qin & Slate look at one another before letting out one long drawn out sigh of relief. Somehow it was strangely unsettling when Ashue wasn’t the dumbest person within a 20 kilometre radius. A previously impossible situation that was becoming unsettlingly common after arriving in this city filled with humans everywhere one looks.

“We really need to get out of this place…” <Qin>

“I used to think that Ashue was the thickest but I have learned a lot on this journey… It would appear I have greatly underestimated humanity as to be so presumptuous as to believe there was nothing they could ever beat us in. How horrifyingly incorrect I was; a grand mistake as one who will help ojou-sama in leading the oni in the future” <Slate>

“Hmpf well it is the stage of a master to realise that they have a lot more to learn!” <Vibrant>

Just as chaos was unfolding, the voice of Vibrant cut through, capturing everyone's attention to the angelic figure adorned with thousands of swords. With as much grace as one would expect from a wizened sage who had mastered their craft over aeons - she slowly floated down to be beside the surprised princess. In return she just offered a warm smile to the 666th princess even if her own eyes were closed.

Though her ‘warmth’ was more similar to that of Photon than it was of Mother; a smile that showed the owners chivalry more than their love.

“I will be your escort for the evening miss - I would offer you an arm but I am afraid I am unable to due to a prior long lasting condition - still I won’t let a hair on your hair be hurt today.” <Vibrant>

In contrast, the princess was still stunned, seemingly having shut down for a moment upon being overcome due to the sheer authoritativeness that the {Sword Saint} held. Fortunately Vibrant didn’t seem bothered by the girls' nervousness as they just appeared to be frozen in place without showing a single ounce of dissatisfaction. Making it so that when she finally ‘awakened’ she wouldn’t feel guilty for making anyone wait - showing that the oni had learned very well from her ever graceful older sister.

Those belonging to {Orchid} also seemed to realise the purpose in Vibrant’s actions so would do the exact same as her… Well, except for one of them.

“Huh, why is everyone frozen, a-am I trapped in some illusion from one of those super uber powerful spirit gods!” <Ashue>

The still panicked Ashue was frantically looking around with a terror-stricken look across her face - in a moment of panic she moved those hands around to make all sorts of patterns. Even if she didn’t get to show it most of the time, there would be few in the {Mortal Realm} that could match up to the tortoise when it came to formations & arrays. Nobody was quite sure what she was doing yet one could tell with ease that it was at least proof that she could be considered a Grandmaster.

Noticing the idiot was doing something stupid, Vibrant shook her head, before opening her left eye ever so slightly at Ashue for a mere second.

During that brief second that series of forming arrays were sliced right through. Ashue froze in surprise before stumbling backward with her eyes rolling back - before she could drop to the floor - Slate hurried to catch the tortoise before glaring toward Vibrant. Fangs already revealed in full.

“WHAT DID YOU DO!” <Slate>

“Oh calm down; I just softly tapped her with my [Mind Sword] to knock her out. Been waiting to do that. She’s a resilient bird so she’ll wake up before we even arrive at our destination - better than Vivi who would have likely just punched her in the face.” <Vibrant>

Slate opened her mouth to complain… But quickly closed her mouth again as she certainly couldn’t disagree, that is exactly what her ojou-sama would do.

That was being generous.

Thankfully they didn’t have to remain in that awkward silence for long since Kitty had finally broken out of her own astound with a cute little shake of her head. Looking toward Vibrant before gazing toward the fantastical armour plates carriage - produced from the finest wood & metal that the {Forest of Mortality} could provide. Of course, it was finished with a beautiful purple paint job on the panelling, showing that it was indeed a product purely from the {Asura Family}.

In front of the carriage there was a pack of [Tyke Wolves] that Violet had ‘invited’ from the forest, when she was even younger, to work as her little servants for situations like these. For those wondering these beasts were 6 [High-Core Beasts] with a [Spirit Beast] heading the all  and (as if Violet was showing off) they all possessed [Demonic Beast Flames] that had been refined by the oni herself.

Vibrant couldn’t help tilt her head curiously as she turned her head to glance over the pack.

“She always has been a show off I suppose… Well shall we get going?” <Vibrant>

“Ny-yes!” <Kitty>

The door to the carriage opened up without anyone seemingly touching the door. A set of stairs falling down to the ground through some kind of mechanism - making it easy for even the little Kitty to climb into the intimidatingly large military-grade carriage. Kitty hid her giddy heart over finally getting to ride her own carriage fit with an entire entourage of powerful servants.

With the {Sword Saint} entering soon after; Slate (dragging an unconscious Ashue) followed swiftly behind as Qin jumped up on top of the coachmans seat where she’d take the reins.

“Here we go~!” <Qin>

Those party-ready shadow guards vanished into the shadows as, with a fierce *crack* those powerful wolves growled as Qin began to guide them down the paved road. Meanwhile, inside the carriage, those on the inside began to discuss… Or rather the {Sword Saint} began to preach to those who were inside.

“If you are going to be beside the {Demon God Empress} you’ll all need to be far stronger than you are so I will use this chance to expand your abilities even if I won’t be training with you. I would promise that but nobody can be sure what Vivi will do; I share a soul with her & I still can’t. Alas it is the boat that knows how to control it’s rocking, not the one who refuses to rock, that will be able to float on the most dangerous of seas!” <Vibrant>

“Then… Why not wait for Ashue to wake up?” <Slate>

Looking down to her companion who she had unceremoniously dumped on the floor.

“Allow me to answer your question with a question; what are the three most fundamental things to those who desire to enhance their power?” <Vibrant>

“S-speed, strength and defence?” <Kitty>

“Very cute princess, however incorrect.” <Vibrant>

Giving a polite smile to Kitty before going on.

“What is truly important is suffering, experience and foundation as without all three any strength you think you have is only imaginary… I don’t desire to get stronger at this moment so I will avoid suffering if I have to, thus, I will refrain from teaching that one anything.” <Vibrant>

The archon suspiciously turned her head to ‘look out the window’ - despite clearly having their eyes closed thus - making any such action merely ornamental at best. In response the two did look at one another yet at the same time could hardly blame Vibrant. Even Kitty, who hadn’t been with them that long, knew fine well that Vibrant didn’t exactly get along well with Ashue so it was truly benevolent to resist any urges that involved sharp things.

“You see it’s kind of strange when one thinks about it; each of these principles can be represented in the three strongest families of Stratos, Indigo & Venus. If one ever underestimates experience they should look toward the Navy who, although I don’t trust anymore than that he won’t stab me in the back, is undoubtedly able to stand where he is through experience alone. At the same time he incorporates the idea that too much of one thing can be bad as his overwhelming level of suffering has grafted his style of fighting into something just as horrifying…” <Vibrant>

Her brow grew tense as it appeared she truly did worry for Navy yet was too prideful to lower herself to saying it out right.

“How about I express the strengths of the three great families…” <Vibrant>

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