Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 80: The Real Unfathomable One

The members of the ‘retrained’ {Orchid} looked up towards the 5’5 figure of the golden haired oni who just so happened to have the light of the sun as her backdrop.

Seeing her little sister's actions, the aged Sohn-Tochter could only silently hold her hand over her eyes while letting out a long sigh, shaking her head in disapproval. Regardless Vibrant paid no heed to her elder as she took the awed looks within her stride - lifting her chin confidence with a just as impressive amount of smugness on her plump lips.

Her beautiful sword-wings glimmering with a golden light as the leaves swirled around her in a fashion that… Well it was quite clear she was just showing off this point; it wasn’t as if she was actually accomplishing anything by just standing there. Nonetheless, standing is all she did, waiting for their awed exclamations.

What she likely did not expect was Ashue, abruptly pointing at her with an equally smug expression upon her own face, her voice echoing out across the entire street.

“Jokes on you - I know for a fact that ojou-sama doesn’t have any siblings - let alone a twin sister like you said she does!” <Ashue>

In some fashion, she was honestly impressed that someone was willing to actually call her a liar straight to her face after how much she showed off, even if it was out of stupidity. Vibrant has clearly had a very long life especially if you were to compare it to those members who belonged to the colourful {Orchid}.

Despite that; never once has she seen someone as dumb as this little tortoise below her making her truly awestruck.

An expression neither Munzumira or Mother has ever managed to generate on her.

“How… How do you function?” <Vibrant>

She inadvertently let out yet she was soon to be even more surprised as Slate reached out to grab the tortoise's jade-green hair in order to drag her out. Unlike the aghast Vibrant she was obviously very used to this dumb ‘friend’ of hers.

“You are truly an idiot; we already know she has three sisters plus Violet ojou-sama had a very long life as the {Demon God Empress} before gracing us with her presence…” <Slate>

Speaking in an exasperated fashion that made it clear that even she was shocked at how a woman like Ashue managed to genuinely earn the title ‘adviser’. It wasn’t as if it was a useless position on anything - it was the adviser of the next heir to the empire the oni had inside the underworld of the mortal realm. Not only that, but, it even seemed like matriarch Ebony was dead set on having their Violet be the heir with Violet even having Onyx’s expressed support.

Yet someone who was that successful somehow didn’t have an empty-headed imbecile like Ahsue vetted; if once didn’t scream out in unfairness at this when would they?

Somehow she managed to withstand the smouldering vexation in order to look challengingly towards Vibrant who still seemed to be processing.

“With that being said - I don’t remember any mention of the Violet from legend having any such sibling - only ‘three Indigo’ were ever mentioned…” <Slate>

Her eyes narrowed as if she wished to peer through any lies that Vibrant may attempt to trick them with while Qin was checking everywhere for their ojou-sama.

For the most part Vibrant just used this as an opportunity to get her mojo back; clearing her throat as if announcing the return of her prideful expression. With the same gait as a true master she stepped forward to vanish from where she stood only to reappear behind Slate who was obviously shocked at her fellow oni’s speed. Vibrant, meanwhile, just tilted her head back dismissively towards Slate with a “nothing is above the sky except me” look on her face.

“That is because I’m not the twin, or rather triplet,  sister to the Violet of legends but instead I am the Violet from the legends!” <Vibrant>

Nodding her head as she got the shocked gasps she was expecting… Unfortunately Slate had let go of a certain clown who immediately raised her voice with a finger pointed towards the sky as if she was proudly challenging any notion Vibrant had of being {The Absolute Apex}.

“But your hair is the wrong colour!” <Ashue>

Once more Vibrant tripped over her own foot to nearly crash head first in the ground - though she was more than talented enough to catch herself.

That didn’t change the fact that she had once again been caught off guard by this blithering diot making veins begin to pop visibly on her forehead. She may not have been the aspect of wrath yet she was most definitely beginning to feel a lot like it right now. Slowly turning away as if ignoring the fool even existed she continued on with her “I am an unfathomable senior” motif once more.

“As for you - young oni - can you even utilise a sword with footwork that is sloppy? I can sense your talents lie within the blade yet I have to question who taught you; this foolish training of yours lacks the very foundation that footwork supplies. Although I can indeed sense you were taught one of my heavy sword arts; it is shocking you managed to learn it let alone use it without leaving yourself half-dead!” <Vibrant>

Everyone silently decided to agree to the choice of ignoring Ashue for now; Vibrant began to glide down the pavement as if she wasn’t even walking showing her high mastery. Noticing the skill of the supposed sword saint made Slate’s mind quickly recall the scene when she wiped out all of the lackeys of Vanta only to collapse afterwards.

Sure enough, Vibrant was completely right, she really was unable to handle the overwhelming power she was able to unleash. At the same time she found herself initially doubting the words that some mere foot movements would greatly help in countering that.

That was only momentary though.

<I think someone once said that the core of all martial arts is the lower body… At first I thought they meant for you to stop thinking with your genitals, we all are clearly influenced by the general principles of oni’s after all, but I suppose maybe it didn’t. Certainly it would help a little if I was a little better but if it could actually help me be more useful to ojou-sama that is enough!>

Although that didn’t mean she was just going to throw caution to the wind; {The Heavens} knows Violet needs at least someone willing to keep caution in mind. As such she carefully spoke once more with her eyes even more narrowed looking for the slightest crack in her facade that wasn’t created by Ashue.

“How is it possible that you're Violet if our Violet is Violet…” <Slate>

To that, Vibrant just let out a sigh while shaking her head, seemingly complaining in her mind at how foolish those following behind her were… Partly because her older sister seemingly had headed back to the palace ahead of them thus wouldn’t punish her. Though, she still proceeded to speak up once more, tilting her head to look at them from over her shoulder once more.

“That is rather obvious; we both create the entity known as ‘Violet’ yet also possess a consciousness of our own. After all, we are the Asura, we are three yet we are also still one and vice versa. Each of us possesses our own unique abilities allowing us great strength that becomes truly absolute once we unite to one yet still three.” <Vibrant>

Once she said that all of those following her froze in sheer confusion at what any of that meant…

All except for Ashue who seemed just as clear as ever; slamming her first into her palm as if she had figured things out. Despite not having her eyes open one could easily tell she was avoiding eye contact with the tortoise just based on the movements under her eyelids. Even going as far as to place her hand against her brow to prevent herself from being shocked out of character once more.

“So your souls are technically of Violet but at the same time there are three souls which make up Violet making you different from actual triplets. At the same time it gives you the ability to develop somewhat independently while still making sure you always have some level of connection between the three of you. Thus you’re your own individual yet at the same time the same person as Violet ojou-sama!” <Ashue>

“PFF!” <Vibrant>

Blood spurted out of Vibrants mouth as she seemingly received backlash due to just how unexpected the situation was; how could that idiot get it! It made absolutely no sense yet she was absolutely right. She had fought beside both Mother & Tyrant who used manipulative abilities to their advantage, even having fought them before, but even they didn’t manage to make her react like this.

<That girl… Her very nature ignored the principles of Heaven!>

She screamed out inside her head before proceeding to use her footwork to get the fuck out of there before the monster creates an even bigger backlash!

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