Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 50: The real reason she’s called {The Queen}


Proof that 'giving no shits' runs in the indigo family.

Anyways, enjoy~♥


With the bath being complete everyone headed out where a set of servants awaited though as can be expected the one to get attention first was Sohn-Tochter. An clean shaven old man who seemed to have impressive cultivation level - not that Violet paid any attention since she was too busy playing with the princess - bowed his head towards {The Queen} while refusing to lift his eyes from the floor. His tone of voice carried nothing but respect for the woman which was admittedly rare in this world filled with fools thinking themselves literally above {The Heavens}.

“This slave is an attendant to Emperor Dong who wishes to invite you to try some of his finest {Spirit Liquor} as well as some finest Cigars. He has even brought in some of the imperials most beautiful women for you to serve you as you desire… Of course they too are for you to enjoy at your own leisure. ” <Dong Attendant>

“Very well; lead the way then.” <Sohn-Tochter>

The other male and even female servants couldn’t help blushing towards the most notorious being in the cultivation world afterall she was a true mature beauty. Even with the brief signs of age such as the crows foot in the corner of her  visible eye, faint lines on her face or sagging of her chest couldn’t detract from that fact. Plus for a woman well over her millions it could be said she couldn’t have aged better.

At present she only wore a single white robe tied at the waist with a white sash that certainly showed she had managed to retain her heroic figure. Her somewhat open robe revealed her large bosom which, although sagging more than that of a young girl, was clearly smooth to the touch while the steam rising from her naked skin made it harder to turn away. Small droplets of condensation trailing down her slender neck while her permanent neutral expression that always seemed to be looking down on everyone certainly had its appeal.

Before any hungry male gazes could linger upon her for a second longer her gloved hand moved to hold the chin of one of the beautiful maids. The maid looked confused for a second yet soon her eyes filled with realization as the older woman's plump lips moved closer to her own thus quickly closed her eyes. Waiting a second…

Then after a second more she couldn’t feel everything but the now cold feeling air only to feel a warm breath on her ear.

“What’s your name?” <Sohn-Tochter>

“X-Xiao Qigai, lady H-Heavens…” <Xaio Qigai>

“I see… You will be my personal maid during my stay so come with my water during the morning as well as evening.” <Sohn-Tocher>

“... Yes.” <Xaio Qigai>

Hearing the woman was just curious about her name the maid couldn’t help blushing while lowering her head. To say she felt like an idiot was a complete understatement considering she just closed her eyes while puckering up to be kissed in front of her fellows. Just hearing the soft snickering she could tell that rumours of her failed ‘seductive attempts’ to climb into their guests bed would soon spread through the capital.

It likely didn’t help that she wasn’t even a snow skinned beauty like the other maids but instead a busty dark skinned girl who wasn’t particularly pretty despite that. As a result of her ‘too small uniform’ thanks to the usual workplace bullying hugging her body far more seductively than her peers she already had to deal with similar rumours already combined with constant harassment. Her mind couldn’t help filling up with images of how those already horrible perverse nobles would push themselves onto her with the result of her either being a homeless single mother or dead.

<Stupid! She is literally {The Heavens} thus one of the {Empress’ of Existence}, why would she have any interest in a little servant like you! I hope that perverted fat slob grand duke doesn’t get ideas about going further with me - at least until I manage to escape from the palace. If I escape far enough away I’ll… No, actually if I abandon my duty to {The Heavens} I may literally be struck down by lightning since she’s {The Heavens}!>

Contrary to her own thoughts Sohn-Tochter spoke up once more.

“If you wouldn’t mind I want to take your lips for my own then take you from this place to keep my bed warm during long nights.” <Sohn-Tochter>

The woman's unchanging tone made it seem as if this was the most natural thing in the world while her left hand came to rest on the servant's waist. Gently holding the girl’s waist in a way that both restricted her movement yet also didn’t seem to be demeaning. Moving away from just whispering to now gaze into the thoroughly blushing face.

Seeing the powerful woman's attention soloy on her while everyone else (except for the other guests who were trying to stop Violet from sticking her finger in sleeping Kitty’s mouth) could only watch on nervously was enough to make any giddy. Only managing to begin nodding before that gentleness turned into hunger. The feeling of her own lips hitting the far older women while her hand moved from that waist to the large butt of the girl.

Feeling the little slap on her butt made the girl let out a reluctant moan - the naughty big sister obviously taking advantage of that. A tongue invaded Qingai’s mouth much to her surprise yet any thoughts of resistance quickly faded with those skillful movements. Those calloused both those hands coming down to juggle that large butt while all the servant could do was bask in the glow as a wet patch formed on the girl as she trembled.

The surprising leaving from those boring brown eyes to become a drunken mess on the addictive pleasure from the experienced queen. It wasn’t surprising her legs were unable to keep their strength yet there was no rest for her tonight. With lightning fast movements, that should just be expected from her, Qingai found herself lifted up from her thighs to be pressed against one of the [Spirit Stone] walls.

Almost instinctively her body wrapped around Sohn-Tochter’s body as their large chest pushed against one another making her worry they’d pop. All thoughts of being presentable had to be thrown out the window as salvia dribbled down from her conquered mouth causing the red lipstick to smudge while also giving the mature lover her own coat. As the conqueror of the tribulations themselves how could she stop at mere foreplay with her first concubine?

Unfortunately life had plans to delay her.

“Excuse me but my lord is still waiting…” <Dong Attendant>

Even if her expression didn’t change that didn’t mean Sohn-Tochter was pleased yet at the same time it wasn’t as if this was necessarily bad. Pulling away from the maid gave her the sight of the girls eyes filled with a certain neediness she couldn’t help finding amusing even if she didn’t express such in any form. Still she ignored that as she moved to support the girl before motioning for the attendant to show the way once more while guiding her wheezing lady.

Turning briefly to Violet who obviously couldn’t care less while hugging the cat yet now apparently doing so upside down. The humorous scene was only amplified by the blue haired oni placing her palm over her eyes while the jade haired tortoise seemingly was attempting to meet the kitten face to face yet doing a poor job of it resulting in her falling over. Though her leaving allowed the remaining servants a chance to breathe in a sigh of relief.

Only now did they realise they too had a job to do as one of the maids walked forward with a smile which wasn’t quite a smile. Looking dismissively down on the ‘stupid’ purple haired oni who couldn’t even hold the literal beastly princess. Unsurprisingly she was the second maid who was originally following Kitty - reaching forth to take the kitten out of Violet’s hands while ‘explaining’ things to her with purposely slow speech.

“Hello there little demon child, if you just give me that silly cat some of us humans will show you to a room. So jus- *BANG*” <Maid 2>

Just like that Violet had sparta kicked the maid into a stain on the wall as the handful of other servants didn’t even realise what happened. They were shocked to see the handmaid from another palace walk up to the oni just to suddenly vanish before they could say anything to her about disrespecting guests… That was until the grotesque whiff of everything that used to be in the maid at once caused them to slowly turn around to look at that horrifying scene.

“It’s always impressive how much shit is inside humans!” <Ashue>

“Honestly it’s more disgusting they actually need to use a clearly sexual organ in such a way.” <Slate>

Unsurprisingly some of them screamed bloody murder before sprinting down the halls while others just fainted in horror of the situation mixed with the disgusting scent. Those able to turn back to see the cause could just see Violet’s leg raised in a mid-motion sparta kick. A bunch of guards did come running down the corner but upon seeing Violet while being well aware of the legendary demoness due to being from the {Immortal Palace} resulted in them slowly just reversing back around the corner.

The remaining servants quickly brought them to their room.

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