Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 32: Such foolishness


Fun fact, it took six hundred and sixty six days for Shuten Douji to discover and then pick up Violet from her mother, hence why it’s Violet’s favourite number. Didn’t have anywhere to put it in chapter but felt it was nice to drop here. Other than that I hope you guys enjoy this chapter - also was thinking of doing a dragon mother daughter tag team on Violet in the future though I won’t say which type.

Please support my patreon where you can get a novel's pre-released chapters for only £2.50 as well as 2 chapters per-week - your support is needed!

Anyways, enjoy~♥

Violet just enjoyed the warmth of the two bodies; it wasn’t like she could get away from them.

Her head was completely engulfed by the bountiful mother & daughter pair leading to her not being able to tell whether she had woken up early and late. Then again Violet always woke up after 7 hours and 6 minutes of sleep. This was an absolute that was unquestionable… Well 6 hours and 66 minutes or 666 years if she felt like sleeping in. The number 6 was absolute since it was her favourite thus like as many of them as possible thus she slept based on the number.

Either way it should be the morning based on when they fell asleep but Violet couldn’t be quite sure since her whole family may have slept in. That would be unfortunate as they would’ve missed the war yet she couldn’t feel herself becoming… Wrathful. She couldn’t quite understand that since she had broken into wrath for lesser things than missing a war. However, even if she did miss the war she felt it would be a bigger waste to leave at this moment.

As if the two agreed Violet felt the two sets of arms (one around her neck and other her waist) tightened around her while all three of their bodies got closer. Feeling her body being squeezed between the two mature oni - with the chance she would miss the bloodshed she enjoyed so much - Violet did… Nothing.

She just closed her eyes once again and took in a deep breath.

Letting the scents of the two women fill her nose she felt… Calm? It was unnatural for her yet she couldn’t grow to hate it. Instead she just lay there while the two Oni women used enough power to make a lesser being's eyes pop out to ensnare her. Being the physical embodiment of ‘fist fixes problems’ Violet was of course fine - in fact she could probably break out if she wanted to.

As Violet focused on the world around her rather than her own forces she began to hear the sounds of their servants bustling about. From the sounds some of their {Female Executives} were preparing to head off to their newly gained frontier while their own servants prepared things they may need. This included fine wine, some high quality drugs (some of which were aphrodisaics), fresh meat and some other means of relaxation/relievement. Although nothing was worse than a horny pempty up Oni on the battlefield the {Little Hannya Family} weren’t going to treat their {Asura Yakuza} to inhumane conditions!

She could also hear that Quartz lady talking to her women so she couldn’t help but listen closely.

“What are you doing currently?” <Quartz>

“Waiting for our Violet Ojou-sama to get out of bed~!” <Ashue>

“We are expecting more resistance from the mortals since they should be at least somewhat aware that things won’t be as easy as sending a few fledglings to hunt us down. Could be wrong with that though since they are only mortals… Either way it’s Ojou-sama who will be worrying about that. As such we are just waiting to help her with her own preparations then will take her orders, {Shadow Master}-sensei.” <Slate>

“Why are you waiting around though - as her elites shouldn't be preparing for her departure before she awakes?” <Quartz>

“She usually wakes up after exactly 7 hours and 10 minutes so she is likely already awake according to our knowledge on when she went to sleep {Shadow Master}-sensei.” <Slate>

“Hm, then why isn’t she up, are you sure your information is correct?” <Quartz>

“She probably is a little bit tuckered out from thinking so much yesterday, I know I get tired when I try to write a letter home~!” <Ashue>

“...” <Slate + Quartz>

“I think Ojou-sama is probably interacting with the other core members of the {Little Hannya Family} so I’ve decided to give them their space.” <Slate>

“And the preparations?” <Quartz>

“The rest of Ojou-sama’s shadow guard has already been given their armour and anything we need has already been divided into space pouches held by our qi-cultivation subordinates as well as Ashue. Thus we are simply waiting outside her room until she wishes to leave as it isn’t our job to decide what Ojou-sama will do, {Shadow Master}-sensei…” <Slate>

It was clear Slate was getting a bit angry at the twenty questions from her own mommy so snapped a little bit towards the end. Luckily her mother seemed to not notice the venomous accent at the end of her reply. Instead she just hummed softly in acceptance of her daughter's report before Violet heard her walking away.

“Very well, keep doing your duty.” <Quartz>

Violet felt reaffirmed that her mommy was the best mommy.

As if hearing her daughter's confidence in her Ebony began to stir into consciousness where one of her hands came up from Violet’s neck to instead softly rake through her girl's medium length hair. She didn’t pull away quite yet since it was quite a comfortable place to be in for both of them so the doting but silent actions of her Mommy continued for quite some time. After a few moments she did finally speak - in a soft voice though.

“Did you sleep well?” <Ebony>

“...Ghuuu.” <Violet>

“Hm? You seem a bit frazzled Violet, are you sure you're okay!?” <Ebony>

Despite the small interaction and only what could be called a noise Ebony’s mommy senses seemed to kick in. As she pulled away from Violet she looked into her little girl's eyes while one hand remained firmly in petting mode. She didn’t even care about her other daughter who took her hands away from Violet’s waist to cover her ears while letting out her own groan (though that one was filled with far more adult juice based pain - clearly Onyx was lesser than Violet but since she was her older sister Violet would protect her).

Seeing Violet’s face Ebony frowned while her other hand came up to gently cradle Violet’s cheek while her thumb gently stroked under Violet’s eye. Violet simply tilted her head at her mommy’s action as she tried to figure out what made her mommy so unhappy with her since she had been a good girl. She didn’t wet the bed or anything like that!

“Did you have a bad dream?” <Ebony>

Violet simply tilted her head with even more confusion. Why would her mommy have guessed she had a bad dream from seeing her face - was her face funny? With that thought Violet lifted her own little hands to gently touch her face but didn’t find anything strange except some soreness around the edges. She rubbed her eyes but that didn’t do much so she gave up and looked towards her mommy for answers.

“Your eyes are red, like you’ve cried,  dear.” <Ebony>

Ebony said with concern laced in her voice as she looked towards her. Dotingly, she just kept patting Violet’s head in order to comfort the girl; conflicted as she was happy to finally do something like this for her rather independent daughter… Yet concerned because nobody wants to know their daughters have been crying. The one most surprised by the statement was Violet herself who just froze.



She couldn’t even recall the last time she cried… Maybe she really was angry at being trapped between the two women? It didn’t feel like the wrathful rage she was used to so maybe it was another type of anger she hadn’t experienced yet? It was very confusing for her to say the least.

Soon the pair had their touching moment cut off at the voice of another Oni.

“Argh, Mother be damned, this hangover is killing me…” <Onyx>

*Distant Pirate Milf Sneeze*

The shinto priestess was clutching her forehead with both hands with closed eyes as she seemed to be dealing with her low tolerance in quite the violent fashion. Her body trashed about from side to side as she tried to get her thoughts under control to ignore the blinding pain. When she finally did so a divine aura was exuded from her hands to heal the pain.

This did cause Ebony to frown though so it was clear Onyx would soon be feeling another type of pain.




“So have we got any information on what that yell was!” <Absolute Divine Truth Sect Leader>

The blondie was quite done with the incompetence around him.

Such a loud roar yet he hadn’t heard a single report from anyone on where it actually came from; some fools even claimed that it possibly came from something the Oni refer to as {The Pre-War Preparation} where they act as if they’re a bunch of young disciples. Using their body to try every drug possibly, try every food possible and try every body possible. Essentially they said the oni would hold a grand celebration about their attack…

Such foolishness.

Even if he saw little in their abilities as beings unable to even cultivate, they were still an ancient race who had survived since the primordial era. That was older than even the age of antiquity where all the treasures of the past were created and cultivation peaked, though, so did the chaotic conflict between themselves. While they may not be impressive like the dragons they should at least know the first thing about wars and letting your entire fighting force be incapacitated was the dumbest choice possible!

The man had said that such habits were clearly recorded in some documents from the past however one could easily understand it was just a historic taunt from the Oni to charge head first into their territory. As one could understand the honourable Lord Absolute Divine Truth sent that fool packing. Clearly, if they were foolish enough to fall for such a thing, they had no place leading the army.

Still, they would have to wait for the Oni to send out their first before they could fully judge the power of {The Oni Village} though how big could such a village be? Even if they had the whole forest to themselves a village was called a village for a reason. Such a large force for a village of Oni seemed like a bit of a waste but at least they would certainly wipe the fools out.

“Perhaps those Oni were more crafty than we thought they were and simply used some artefact to reproduce the noise of their warcry. After using the artefact it would be easy enough to run away leaving no evidence hence explaining why we found nothing. They could be using this to gain as much time as possible to prepare their escape…” <Elder 1>

“That does indeed make some sense - they would likely retreat towards the ocean since they are allied with the {Water Dragon Clans}. It would be problematic if they succeeded in that as who knows how strong those dragons could be. Luckily we have some of the stronger clans guarding the sea, right?” <Elder 2>

“Indeed, we may be lucky and easily wipe out their evil young & women thus crushing the moral of the remaining warriors!” <Elder 3>

“Exactly, victory should be assured and we can simply wait for a report from the oceans?” <Elder 2>

“I believe some clans even wanted to try out their new battleships so we shouldn’t have to spend too long waiting. Thankfully Sect Master Zhengyi was wise in his choices to put the bulk of our defence towards the back of the encirclement.” <Elder 1>

“You flatter me too much, seniors… It is your wisdom that I believe to have figured things out and I too think we should soon hear from our comrades.” <Absolute Divine Truth Sect Leader>

The men he was talking to were the various elders and sect masters from other sects so he had to be somewhat respectful. Even if they were weaker than his own they are still all part of the orthodox sects that allied in order to go along with his crusade against the Oni. If he didn’t treat them well they would no longer support him even if he did provide them with benefits; if they ever want to overcome the {Soaring Sword Sect} as number one sect other powerful organisation’s opinions are required.

Plus, it wasn’t like these old men were talking nonsense. As soon as that elder mentioned it he found himself agreeing with the plausibility of the theory - he’d be more surprised if it didn’t end up being correct. Maybe upon realising they didn’t believe the foolishness about their ‘war preparations’ they quickly made plans to prolong their species. He almost felt bad but it was too late to stop the massacre that was probably occurring as they spoke.

A smirk appeared on his face only to freeze when another man ran into the tent with a frantic expression.

“We have lost communication with the entire front line sects and have been absolutely nothing from any of the sects in the direction of the sea! W-we also found some survivors that gave a report that small groups of Oni were going around wiping them all out. Even the Mud-Horse sect we sent to lead the frontline only had a single survivor - he’s a disciple of a core-elder that says he was only spared due to his master's sacrifice…” <Elder 4>

At that report the blondie couldn’t help but freeze completely.

His brain slowly worked to figure out if what he heard was truly what he thought he heard. Was it true that even a defensive sect was easily wiped out and that they received no information from the direction they were supposed to see mass retreat? He couldn’t help but begin massaging his temples while letting out a heated sigh.

“Can you contact the sects watching over th-” <Absolute Divine Truth Sect Master>

“No… We mean they’ve gone completely silent. No messages from any of the sects in that direction as if they’ve completely vanished - they’re too far out so we haven’t gotten many reports but nearby sects felt a shocking amount of demonic qi…” <Elder 4>

“So those Oni succeeded in their summoning!” <Elder 1>

“This has gotten way more worrying…” <Elder 2>

“Could it be they’ve summoned an actual demon lord - they’ve been saving up for sacrifice for years so it’s not unlikely to have a country worth needing to summon one?” <Elder 3>

“If it’s true it’s good we came though if only those fools believed in the evil deeds of the Oni instead of being blinded by their achievements…” <Elder 1>

Of course, one man was far more shocked than any of the other men at the table and the reason was quite simple. The leader of {Absolute Divine Truth Sect} knew full well that they made all that shit up about the Oni to justify their attack! How could a demon of such a calibre to wipe out all those sects truly be summoned when the Oni had no sacrifices in place to do it. He knew himself that the Oni were surprisingly clean despite creating the Yakuza-

<Wait, the Oni created the Yakuza and some rumours say that the {Female Executives} that rule the black market are still Oni - if it’s those women it’s totally possible to summon a demon lord or two! They would just need to sacrifice some slaves from the market. Hell, just the amount of people they’ve killed would likely be enough to summon one!>

“What did those groups look like!” <Absolute Divine Truth Sect Master>

All the elders were taken back by the somewhat panicked look on the sect master's face as he yelled at the forth elder; soon they regained enough composure to also listen to the answer.

“Well we don’t know. The ones leading were all wearing bamboo hats with various veils while their followers were dressed as shadow guards. They had no real identification on them but apparently there were three women who wore the hats and they seemed different but nobody could really focus on any of them - one of them were unique enough to stand out though apparently. Only because she was short but had an impressive body with a bright violet appearance.” <Elder 4>

Those words made him shiver.

The first thing it did was confirm that the {Little Hannya Family} who famously led the entire criminal world with their {Asura Yakuza} still existed to some extent; only they could order the {Female Executives}. It was said a single one of those women could wipe out entire sects by themselves so it wasn’t surprising that all those little sects found themselves doing just that. It meant things were far more complicated.

He was more worried about the description of that last girl though. Not many people knew about the true depths of the {Demon Realm} but as the number one demon slaying sect Lord Zhengyi was different. He knew that the Oni who ruled over all the demons are their undisputed strongest was a Violet Oni girl - if it really was her who came to help {The Oni Village} it was hardly surprising if some other demons came with her. The worst thing about {Demon Gods} were they were subtle to the point few believed they existed yet he knew they had to. Could he kill a {Demon God}?

Maybe he could but it would be a fierce fight for sure and he had no confidence in fighting someone on the level of Mother like Violet. Most people believed that only {True Wrath} was the ruler yet that was just a transformation according to the ancient records - he was sure he couldn’t win against such a being. As he deflated in his chair though he suddenly bounced back.

<No, that couldn’t be true! If they really had the {Demon God Empress} why bother clearing a path to retreat; instead they would need the {Demon Gods} to summon their minions. These minions would easily deal with the army I have prepared and from there it wouldn’t be hard for multiple {Demon Gods} to eventually kill me with their numbers. I’m not arrogant so I can at least admit I wouldn’t be able to fight multiple gods at once even with our techniques…>

“They must be tricking us once again!” <Absolute Divine Truth Sect Master>

“Lord Zhengyi?” <Elder 1>

“You don’t need to know the details as it holds some information related to my clan but I believe they probably used a lot of smaller demons to overwhelm the sects at the seafront. They must have sacrified beasts or slaves in order to entice many while those that couldn’t be dealt with like that were overwhelmed by the Oni themselves. It seems we underestimated the connections of the village… I believe they are actually lead by the {Little Hannya Family} who in turn rule the underworld using the {Asura Yakuza}!” <Absolute Divine Truth Sect Master>

This got a series of gasps as this was shocking enough to have the elders not question why the Oni’s didn’t just use their power to prepare for summoning multiple demon lords instead.

Of course, why would they doubt the legitimacy of something confirmed by a Great Sect.

“It is a good thing we came… We’ll be able to greatly reduce the power of the underworld!” <Elder 3>

While everyone else nodded they all had the same thought in their heads…

‘Or rule it in their place!’

But how would it be that easy…

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