Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 27: A good days work


Welp, it's that time of the week again. Honestly I’m surprised at how unpopular this series is on patreon as it’s actually only read from £6 tier who get access to every novel. Not going to stop me from writing it though~!

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The battle was in full swing!

Two shields were in front of Violet… With a swing of her kanabo they weren’t anymore. She didn’t know where they or their owners went exactly but she was positive it made a nice splat when they finally landed on something.

A sword was thrust forward but to the experienced Oni girl it was as simple as swaying her body then turning her cheek ever so slightly to have it redirected to a blade coming from her left. The two blades colliding, sending both the cultivators off balance, which Violet would never not take advantage of. This was her favourite part after all. Her left palm opened up before she lept towards the man in front of her - her previous move had perfectly lined her up to leap and grab him by the face before slamming that very same face into the ground with a loud *THUD*.

For the Violet little girl this wasn’t enough as she lifted him up like a toy before slamming him into the ground again. It wasn’t once or twice but a constant and brutal thudding along with a bell-like giggle showed how true the ‘like a toy’ synonym truly was… And Violet was a girl who broke her toys.

She could easily ignore the man's screams - ones that slowly turned bloody & gargled - but his companions couldn’t. The first to act was on her right side but they were quite far away. Luckily they were a somewhat strong core-disciple so could easily send out a technique however their powerful mud shot was shattered by Violet merely waving the oversized kanabo from her shoulder. It dispersed any hopes the man may have had of saving his comrade.

Nevertheless the one she had initially ‘narrowly avoided’ from behind was now recovered from their attack. Knowing they had no time to act they sliced down while screaming about something or another - Violet didn’t care what they had to say. Pure violence only had one form and it was beautiful to her.  She tilted to her right once more which she followed up by swinging her weapon backwards to give a meaty *CRUNCH* as the cultivator's leg shattered. His momentum still carried forward though with the slight tilt of Violet’s body along with gravity aiding him he completely missed her… Slamming his own sword into the person he wished to help in his panic.

It stopped him from completely falling down but seeing his sword slamming into the already bloody face of his friend he paid no attention to the screams of their ranged support. Letting out a broken cry as he fell to the floor not even realising that the sadistic girl. already stood beside his fallen head, had her spiked bat raised above her head with a delighted grin.


It was just like an egg.

She didn’t even bother removing the weapon from his shattered skull but rather just interlocked her fingers to crack them. Her joy filled gaze slowly turned around the bloody battlefield where many of her own were also playing with their own toys… Before those merciless childlike eyes finally turned onto her remaining doll. Seeing how sadistically and almost methodically she took out his companions he couldn’t help but shiver with sweat covering every inch of his body. He needed to escape!

Of course, he forgot that he was currently surrounded while he led a group of 5 to try to break through to group back up with their own sect master and supreme elder. They were just a small sect though so Violet had already made short work of those two when she literally just jumped into the middle of the camp again…

It would be called a suicidal move if it wasn’t done by the queen of all beserkers. Violence and wrath fueled her so in this world of cultivation she was enver on short supply. If even Mother uses violence to solve her problems how could these measly cultivators refuse to feed her carnal desire for it?

Her daddy once told her nothing in this world was better than a warm sake, a warm lady and a warm shower of blood.

She took it to heart - Dao heart.

The little cultivator had no idea about any of this though. It was questionable if a tiny sect like his really even believed that the legendary {Violent Violet} really existed - it was amusing watching him look around at his ex-friends though. She decided to join him only to spot something interesting in the distance. She actually found the two shields!

Ashue was waving them happily at her in the distance… Though it seemed she hit them with such force that the shield and user had ‘merged’ a bit. Seeing that she couldn’t help but clap happily with a giggle. She didn’t like many surprised yet this kind of surprise was very heartwarming for her. It wasn’t for the man who had been looking to see if they could help him or they at least escape though…

His shoulders stumped however surprisingly his gaze slowly turned towards her with conviction.

Seeing her facing away from him his shoulders regained some of their previous height while deciding she was sufficiently distracted that it should be possible. Spreading his legs and taking a deep breath… It was now or never! He turned around and immediately began to sprint away as fast as he had ever before. He was even burning through his foundation and supplying what energy that gave straight to his legs to go even that bit faster.

Violet just tilted her head back and frowned… That wasn’t fun. At least it made for a good target for her to try hitting. Slowly stepping after him she gripped her kanabo before she spun on the spot. Slowly building more and more momentum before letting go of her realm ranked treasure before it shot off  (a constant whirlwind created from it’s rotation) it didn’t even take a second before dissecting the cowardly cultivator. More shocking than the literal walking apocalypse (babyform) killing some random cultivator was her weapon actually boomeranging back towards her. Though some unlucky schmucks did get caught up in the now bloody whirlwind caused by the weapon - her simply catching the weapon while admiring it before giving a simple nod of approval as if it was to be expected.

Looking over at the horizon she couldn’t help but admire that it almost seemed like the battlefield was leaking into the sky itself - dying it a beautiful red. She could murder some of the [Three Footed Golden Crow] acting as the celestial bodies for this planet to make that come true but her sister wouldn’t be happy with that. She didn’t pay attention to the fact the suns shivered in the distance as they felt her intentions.

Casually reeling the dripping club back onto her shoulder she turned around and began to head back towards the village. Although she was being slow about it the combined attack of the three {Female Executives} managed to wipe out a total of 25 sects - not including the first they did together it would be 24. Although Alabaster was the fastest with taking out the chain of command, her being a long ranged attacker did mean she had the least at only 6 sects today while the remaining 18 were split between the other two.

Violet was surprisingly only just ahead with 10-8 with Quartz getting a total of 8. Fairly balanced, impressive considering she didn’t quite have the ‘explosiveness’ as Violet. Her [True Demon Arts] didn’t play a huge role as she only used the initial one most of the time but creating a large hole where their camp used to always scared those cultivators shitless.

A few of those sects would vanish to the annals of time since they were small sects that had brought all their members much like the one she just finished off.

They didn’t spend any time checking if they actually killed everyone but they had their reasons to do this. Number one could be said that if anyone had the vitality and mental fortitude to continue after that they would make for a great fight in the future. Another point was that they simply didn’t need to care nor did they have anything to hide; if it spread it was good since it would rile up more people. They didn’t attack any sects larger than the Mud Horse sect so the big boys would think they were afraid while the fact some survived because they didn’t check would make them seem more like wild beasts.

“We should be done here Ojou-sama.” <Slate>

Violet was about to nod but then a rift opened up from which what seemed like another elder appeared; wearing that same signature hat & veil combo. This one however had black beads falling off a string as the pattern upon their veil which was one Violet didn’t recognise. Stranger yet was her outfit which screamed ‘shinto priestess’ but with a black skirt instead of the usual red. In her left hand was an onyx bead chain, around her neck was another onyx bead chain and in her right hand was a tall onyx ringed stave.

On top of that the ring of the stave had even more, smaller, onyx rings as if there wasn’t enough of it.

The girl just slowly stepped about while looking around. The oni couldn’t help but whistle while the gentle ringing of the staff echoed through the now silent forest. Violet just tilted her head while looking around at everyone who looked surprised to see the girl but weren’t quite sure how to react thus were looking between her and the new girl.

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