Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 19: Surprise dinner guests~!


What time is every Oni happy at?

War time!

Anyways, enjoy~♥

For ‘certain reasons’ it took little time to get through the busy streets… No doubt Ashue would be receiving consoling from Slate in the near future but that was a problem for the tortoise to worry about. Violet clearly had no worry about that; though she had to finally jump off from Qin’s back as she approached the room she’d be meeting with the other ‘executives’ and such.

This wasn’t because they weren’t welcomed to celebrate as there was a second place for all the guards to eat. It was more due to tradition that they wouldn’t bring their guards or weapons in with them while attending a meeting/dinner together. Only Ashue & Slate who also acted as advisors (mostly Slate) to Violet were also allowed in.

It’s not that the Oni didn’t trust each other or those in their yakuza… Rather it’s to stop them from fighting for the sake of it. This is a tradition handed down far before the creation of the {Asura Yakuza} but rather was a remnant when they actually had countries and clans like the humans.

This was actually a time when they were more male dominant as a species where they spent a lot of time at war with the dragons even before the {First Great War}. Women spent more time selling their bodies for a similar reason as they sleep around today - something that hadn’t changed much today admittedly. Though it was also common they bought the men instead thanks to their ironic increase in wealth only after they lost their land.

The matriarch system only really exploded during the {Second Great War} after a lot of males (who were their great warriors) were unfairly killed by the {Heavenly Realm}. Due to the women taking over though they decided to abandon a lot of their previous ways leading to the system they’ve developed today over the years. A lot of it is guided indirectly by their ‘Ancestor’ who became the {True Demon} after granting them the fearsome {Hannya Form}.

Nonetheless, certain traditions which brought no disadvantages like this current one were kept in place.

Oni were a race that held such things in high regard, surprising as it may be to some.

Coming into the room Violet hardly said anything as her shadow guard remained outside the large room. The room itself was the usual Oni style only it ended up being even larger than the regular since it was a hall. Each of the members to attend each had a table for themselves with their utensils on the side - not just for eating but even writing equipment (brush + ink) and paper just in case they required it to write something down such as an emergency order to those under them. Everyone in this room should have subordinates after all, even Violet as the Ojou-sama did despite being the youngest.

The centre and edges of the hall were empty yet there were still plenty of tables around the place with many of them being filled with familiar faces to the young Oni. She didn’t pay much attention to them as she continued walking to the furthest wall from the entrance where Ebony was knelt behind a table that had a similar styled cloth to that of her bamboo hat - having ebony branches atop the cloth. She even had the infamous bamboo hat upon the edge of the desk.

Something that was the same for the female Executives around the room. It was the same for Violet herself. Her own table (shorter) clearly marked on the left of Ebony with two smaller tables beside it which was obviously for her two servants.

“So… Don’t suppose you planned to inform me you invited an extra guest, oh daughter of mine?” <Ebony>

“Ohohoho~ I did hear there was going to be a meal on my way out of the myriad archive so I may have hurried over a bit. Took quite some time to travel from the west all the way to the east admittedly so I do not think Violet would’ve been prepared… She is not exactly the type who plans out anything that doesn’t involve large scale war.” <Mother>

“Indeed… Well it’s good to have you here I suppose, Infinite Mother. Our race always has had a close connection to your {Ocean Dragon Clans} so you are certainly welcome.” <Ebony>

Ruby chimed in from the side of Violet’s two servant’s tables.

“You should’ve seen little scale-less in the wars young Mariarch! Hahaha it was amazing watching her straggling the life out of Jeeves with her chains~!” <Ruby>

“Ah~ I was far too immature back then though I suppose we both were Miss Ruby ohohoho.” <Mother>

Not worrying about the surprisingly hastened visit from the ruler of the {Mortal Realm} she sat down beside her mother ignoring the 10 foot demonic dragon man and 7 foot ‘scaleless dragon’ woman sitting on the other side of Ebony… Also ignoring the glaring from her mommy who obviously wanted answers. Instead she excitedly looked at the main door opened as servants hurried up to bring in the food, happily clapping with an open mouth that was practically drooling.

“Not the best table manners there Violet ohohoho~!” <Mother>

“I suppose I have spoiled her quite a bit in the {Demon Realm} but I think it’s fine for her to be excited over her favourite meal. You still get quite excited over krill daughter.” <Leviathan>

“That's a different matter father…” <Mother>

“Hm? I do not think it is as you two are both of the same generation - even if she is technically your martial aunt.” <Leviathan>

“Little Infinite is cute when embarrassed.” <Violet>

“S-silence Absolute… I have an image to maintain above land while she does not need to bother keeping an image anywhere due to her nature as the primordial demon; {Absolute Demon} if you will. That is the difference between me and her, father.” <Mother>

“Hm… I suppose that is true.” <Leviathan>

The old samurai said while gently stroking his chin with one hand while tapping the table in front of him. Luckily for the two giant dragons the tables fitting their sizes were easy to gain for the Oni who had males just as large as them; though even the Oni couldn’t look down upon these monsters who lived in the deepest depths of the ocean. They were strong under the constant pressure of the ocean and when that was no longer an issue for them… Ebony didn’t care too much about that though. She was more annoyed that the two suddenly showed up; she half expected this though but she also found that a spider woman was about to eat one of her servants in the back!

“Ah~ Oni-chan I can smell the sweet scent of human flesh~! They are very weak but luckily they taste better like that.” <Chokin-Bako>

“Mmm, qi’s are pointless spice.” <Violet>

“Oh~? I would disagree - also I still need to squash that spider for capturing my precious little Sierra.” <Mother>

The woman in question was now sitting on the other side of Leviathan while Mother sat beside Ebony and Leviathan. Leviathan didn’t care about the two ‘girls’ who would be glaring at each other (if Mother didn’t have her eyes constantly closed like himself). On the other hand he just moved his hands down to grab his cup of tea to peacefully drink as the food was being placed down.

Chokin-Bako was a black haired woman with beautiful features and a large bosom that was cradled in a kimono style dress that only wrapped around her upper arms. It did look like it should be pulled up to her shoulders like normal but she obviously didn’t bother In her left hand her dainty hand held a black fan in front of her mouth to line up the pattern upon the fan with that of her face… The design being that of a skull's bottom half.

This of course was the third Demon God that had appeared in the forest; {Demon God of Childish Sins - Chokin-Bako}.

“Oh, sorry, maybe if your daughter wasn’t gallivanting around like a knight despite being your assassin she may have been more difficult to ensnare hehehe~” <Chokin-Bako>

“You really are detestable.” <Mother>

“Maybe if you made more pigs we’d get along but sadly god is a bitch who’s better off dead~!” <Chokin-Bako>

“Pig Lover, that is my daughter you are talking to. I’d appreciate a modicum of formality even if you two do not like each other. As for you daughter o' mine; you should know that Chokin-Bako is a requirement as the representation of sins children commit. You don’t want any more children reincarnating into demons do you?” <Leviathan>

“S-sorry big man L…” <Chokin-Bako>

“Father, does it matter too much where they reincarnate? Though it may be far more difficult to live a peaceful life as a demon it’s not like those filthy cultivators leave the spirits alone is it? Whenever they have the chance they seek to capture and use those children of Munzumira’s - I do not think it would be difficult to instead have them be reincarnated in the demon realm as a new race of de-” <Mother>

“Such reforms are not up to you but Violet and Cheshire but I highly doubt Cheshire would even take your suggestions seriously. I think that unlucky cat would be far more likely to instead illicit some underground organisation to do a mass purge of children just to annoy you. I would say it is lucky you brought this up in the Oni village since her eyes do not reach here.” <Leviathan>

“... You are right Father, this girl has been foolish.” <Mother>

“You may be the ruler of the gods nonetheless in front of me, you are still just the same immature girl. More mature than you once were but you still have a long way to go. However, I know you will grow into a fine Mother just like Gaia.” <Leviathan>

“This one acknowledges fathers' expectations.” <Mother>

The old man just sagely nodded without turning to look at either of the girls before sipping his tea once again.

Meanwhile Violet paid no attention to that whole thing as she held the centre of a sausage between two chopsticks - softly lifting it up and down to watch it jiggle with a giggle. After having that fun she began to tilt it back and forth to watch it jiggle a bit more. Getting bored of that she decided to dip the sausage in her sauce before biting on the end. An expression of joy was formed upon her face as she nommed on the end of the sausage... No questioning what the meat inside was.

It was a recent import however. 

Continuing on with her meal while Ashue & Slate did the exact same; ignoring the group of Topplers.

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