Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 107: Do You Want to Play a Game?

One didn’t even need to look in order to realise that the brutal polearm was unique. A bloody aura passively seemed to exhumed naturally without any prompting from the cat. More than anything, that aura seemed very reminiscent of the one leaking out from Vivi, just like the one caused by the demoness bloodline going out of control due to her aggravated state & mortifying wounds. To be more accurate it was the very reason that the Indigo often got referred to as the bearers of the cursed crimson blood.

Similar to the unique true gold blood & evil black blood of their rival clans (belonging to Mother then the black cat who called upon the terrifying weapon) it led to great power.

However - as a certain purple dreamer can contest to - it is by far the most volatile of the bloods. Often said to do more damage than good to those who are inexperienced. There had been many attempts to utilise the black or crimson bloods yet the results were obvious.

Those who meddled with the abyss found themself becoming a part of it while the groups that covered the indigo special either got zapped before they could try yet when they did succeed… They soon found themselves joining the ranks of the primordial gods. For brevity's sake that wasn’t referring to the one working for Vivi nor his daughter who was currently known as Mother.

Despite all that, here Cheshire was, a glorified hammer clearly oozing the powerful blood that was known to be impossible to tame. Yet the weapon did not seem to be in conflict with the blood (like one would expect if it were used to hunt down their clan members) but instead seemed ingrained in a way that any warriors sweat & blood would when using their favoured weapon. It also wasn’t the blood of Indigo nor the realm ranked aura that was being engraved from the long sleeping weapon that garnered shock.

That weapon was far from just a simple ornament - though - and neither was that bloody mist generated for pure aesthetics. As soon as the cat coiled her fingers around the bec de corbin, as it remained firmly in the grasp of the shadows, the weapon seemed to become enraged. The cursed aura erupts out in response to its unwillingness to be wielded by anyone other than its absolute owner.

Within moments that crimson spirit gushed from the city's borders as the world for those inside became one of complete scarlet. An existence with a red tint and the smell of blood  constantly hugging their sinus no matter where they went. This only being surface level changes to those caught in the murderous mist.

“This should bring some more excitement to the battlefield nyahaha!” <Cheshire>

The result was interesting to say the least.

It only took a moment before chaos began to quickly escalate once more yet this time the disarray was on a whole new level. There was no unity (not only from the war loving devils) as fights broke out between whoever was closest to one another. Demons attacked demons, spirits attacked spirits and most importantly of all… Demon gods attacked their fellow demon gods.

Not even the usually subdued Leviathan could resist the bedlam inducing madness as he let out a fear inspiring roar before swinging his sword towards the spider monarch. She returned the favour as she pulled her fingers in to cause many seemingly delicate looking threads stuck upon the surface of blade to prevent him slamming it down. While those strings were unable to resist the dragon's strength; they at least slowed down the attack enough for the spider to scurry backwards.

Chokin-Bako clapped her fan shut then thrust it forward to send a powerful piercing attack towards his now open chest. That wound seemed to do little as Leviathan just continued to charge. Of course this was only one of many fights as the angel was also unexpectedly caught in the call to hysteria.

Vivi too found herself having a growing desire to rip someone apart nevertheless this wasn’t due to the influence of the treasured weapon. At least not directly. Rather she found herself more enraged at once again being reminded of the owner of that weapon - the one she constantly compared herself to yet was never able to overcome.

“GRAAA!” <Vivi>

“Calm yourself… She isn’t here so don’t let your stubbornness blind you.” <Vibrant>

“Indeed~ don’t focus on the minutiae of it all, let me give you some advice, you steal other people's skills as if to imitate them yet what you should be doing is improving yourself chehe~.” <Cheshire>

“Grrr…” <Vivi>

Her little gerbil was also affected which resulted in the tiny thing biting her neck however she just effortlessly picked it up with her freshly attached arm. Throwing the poor thing over her shoulder without care for where it may land. The scarlet fog from her own blood merging with that of the weapon - leaving her just looking battered down from the blood staining her slap-dash clothing.

Seeing that the little demoness was learning some self control; the little black cat began clapping happily with that iconic smirk still plastered on her face.

“Now that we have a fun backdrop, let's talk about the rules of this game~!” <Cheshire>

A rift abruptly formed behind the spirit empress, causing the Violet pair to raise their weapons awaiting whatever plot she had up her sleeves, yet nothing came out. Instead it displayed a red carpet which led up towards what gave the impression of some high class cassino. Complete with all the neon lights as well as a glowing sign that contained countless dice, cards, chips and a roulette table.

Gamblers Paradise.

“Each of us will get three slots in a team; you will use your three to challenge my little slice of heaven; however I believe time cannot be considered to be on syour ide…” <Cheshire>

Turning her head to the pandemonium that was occurring all around them. Everywhere one looked they could see fighting however it soon became obvious to both of them that the cat had not unleashed her true forces out into the open. Few powerful spirits had been summoned into the world and those that had were those clearly suited to such a free for all.

In addition her Munzumira army was not influenced at all by the weapon’s ability but rather sat in groups drinking rum and watching the on going activities like children watching a play. Happily giggling amongst themselves while sometimes playing pretend to the applause of other Munzumira. Nevertheless, at any moment, that army of toppler level threats could take advantage of the situation to crush the demons that Vivi had called upon.

The only reason they hadn’t called in their main force was likely just to preserve as much of their numbers as possible. Not just because a spirit interested in war was a rare phenomenon (even the most innocent were willing to fight for Cheshire anyway) so it would greatly weaken them. Instead it was due to Cheshire simply not wishing for them to see them kill each other.

She had no issues watching demones kill themselves - even if she was less bigoted than most - it was impossible to deny demonkind’s propensity for resorting to violence during disagreements.

No matter how small.

Although both demons & spirits were “immortal” to most forms of death… That did not mean it was flawless or a time consuming process to return to their prime state. In some ways their immortality was a mixture between a phoenix’s ability & those monsters that spawn from Mother’s “mana”. Each returning back to their own realm where they would be literally reconstructed by the respective energy present.

For both that meant a time consuming process, one that got longer the stronger the being was, but also meant potentially scarring memories would remain. It obviously could be quite harmful to remember cutting down your friends & family. In addition there were those under Vivi’s bicep that didn’t have the advantage of immortality.

“I will admit that I expected your new oni mother to come over with a bunch of kijin to choose from for your third yet I guess she’s running late?” <Cheshire>

Tilting her head while tapping her chin.

“Oh well~ I’m sure you’ll come up with something chehehehihihi~!” <Cheshire>

With that last line she threw a hand in front of her chest in a bow only to whip her hand out to cause the sheath for her sword to fly back into her palm. Sheathing her sword as she stepped through the portal without a single worry about leaving her back to the two oni. Neither had the intention to attack her back as they looked at eachother.

One with an expression of gloom while the other a hunger and some ever so slight worry that things may not go well for them.

“If she has two more fighters on the other side, as she said, then we need to take her up on the offer to bring one mo-” <Vibrant>

“Two!” <Vivi>

Raising a hand with two fingers proudly waggling about.

“What?” <Vibrant>

“Need two fighters!” <Vivi>

Hearing that made Vibrant let out a sigh while shaking her head.

“She won’t let us get away with bringing 4 fighters so-” <Vibrant>

“We only bring three!” <Vivi>

This time Vibrant’s brow lowered in confusion as she obviously missed what the purple haired brat was talking about this time.

“But you said we needed 2 more fighters?” <Vibrant>

“Nn!” <Vivi>

“So there are already two of us therefore we only need on-” <Vibrant>

“There is only one of us; each one half stupid!” <Vivi>

Her brow quaked in mild annoyance at being called stupid but promptly raised in amusement as she quickly picked up what her other self was throwing down. Soon a graceful grin danced across her cheeks as she let out her own little laugh. Although her head turned towards the weapon that was causing them so many issues now.

“Though we each make two thirds a person not one half.” <Vibrant>

“GRRR!” <Vivi>

Seeing that the demoness was clearly not in a mood to discuss that; Vibrant soon turned to look out towards the fighters they had available. Unfortunately their pickings were slim. Unsurprisingly they found that the oni were actually the only group unaffected and this meant that they were currently rushing around under Slate’s leadership. Knocking out their allies before they ended up taking out themselves with the prior mentioned aide doing her best in preventing the tortoise from unleashing any nasty formations.

Wretchedly they had to be promptly ignored since both Violet’s knew that, with there being no kijin, they would be no match for whatever Cheshire had planned. Even a kijin may not be enough which was why Vibrant quickly shook her head when Vivi pointed her weapon proudly towards ‘her boys’.

The devils (on closer inspection) were also immune to the effects on account of also having the blood of an oni flowing being pumped by their hearts. Rather they ended up fighting their would be allies due to letting their war like - but ultimately simply - personalities overtake. Revelling in the idea of a fight surrounded by enemies with no allies to find. However…

“There is no way we can utilise them.” <Vibrant>

“Bah?!” <Vivi>

Vivi seemed to be taken by surprise as she visibly recoiled at Vibrants words with tears in her eyes.

“Cheshire isn’t just a warrior or a strategist… She’s crazy.” <Vibrant>

“*head tilt* Ma?” <Vivi>

“We need to have someone smart enough to adapt to whatever she has planned; something they are clearly incapable of doing…” <Vibrant>

At that Vivi could only pout as Vibrant continued her desperate search, in spite of that, it didn’t take her long.

Just in front of them, surrounded by the bloodshed, there stood a crimson dyed fox who simply stood there with his practice swords having their tips fall to the floor. Eyes closed as his head fell backwards as if he was admiring the sky. That bone mask of his shimmering slightly from the blood splatter yet he made no move to wipe it as he appeared to just be revelling in the aura.

His face was peaceful for the first time in a long time as a gentle mournful smile tucked at his mouth while his ten tails hung low without worry of the dirt below.

“Is the dragon slaying blade finally sharp again?” <Vibrant>

“How could I claim to be sharp in front of the sword saint… Although I won’t unsheath my holy sword I will at least lend you my skill against the cat's minions.” <Bloodleaf>

The fox raised a brow beneath his mask while lifting a sword to begin resting on his shoulder in a lackadaisical manner. Not that hearing his words brought any comfort to Vibrant. She bit her lip slightly before continuing on to look for their next.

“Now we just need to find another-” <Vibrant>

“Then look no more~♡” <Elizabeth>

The three didn’t even get the chance to continue discussing before a pink love heart covered door appeared in front of them. That door was covered in green energy-based chains that tightly sealed the thing shut only for a powerful blow on the inside to manage to push it ajar ever so slightly. Seconds later a pair of gauze wrapped fingers slid between to wretch the door open. At which point a very familiar six foot nine figure walked out even as several more green chains came to wrap around her body to slow her down (only managing to do that as she resisted their pull with her slowly draining might).

“Is that… The egg that was sealed away in that weird place!” <Vibrant>

“... I wish I was high enough to deal with this shit.” <Bloodleaf>

Clearly the fox didn’t care enough about their new arrival as he promptly began looking around for anything which could accomplish his goal.

“I’m not so weak that I can be permanently locked away and should be able to give a few good punches before these things sap my strength~♡” <Elizabeth>

Vibrant wanted to raise questions about possible conflicting interests yet Vivi clearly did not care to hear any dissenting opinions as she walked towards the rift. Grabbing that unwilling bec de corbin with one hand while resting her kanabo on her other. Walking through the rift while giving one last “pep talk”.

“Victory or death.” <Vivi>

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