Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 105: A Matter of Skill

While Vivi was just picking her nose with her good arm, still trying to balance her kanabo between her raised foot & elbow causing her to wiggle, everyone else was looking on in bewilderment. Even her other third was left with her mouth wide open - although rather than focusing on the surprising actions of the cat she was staring at some angel puppies. Clearly the sight of those massive melons was doing a lot for the sword saint’s sword hidden under her clothing.

To make matters worse (as if there weren’t already enough Munzumira to harass them) an unstable rift sparking with crimson opened up to reveal yet another individual. Wearing a saint-like dress with a skimpy skirt that let their shockingly plump thighs be visible to all as they oozed from their fishnet tights. Their own five foot height was more notably small due to the massive wizard hat that shrouded their entire body.

Stepping out from the rift let them stand right beside the Cheshire tower moments before the cat jumped down to land next to them. Although the newcomers' eyes were hidden; they had a completely identical expression to Munzumira’s. Seeing that made the struggling Slate finally give up.


Even Ashue couldn’t refute her… Partly because she had many little hands pulling on her breasts.

That shout seemed to awaken Vibrant from the archangels bosom while said angel realised the gaze of the oni after recovering. Glaring towards her with a golden blush atop her ears. Quickly pulling their robes to once again make their mommy milkers vanish from eyes, fastening their sash even tighter, as they turned away from the golden haired immortal with a snort.

“They aren’t a Munzimura but they are definitely also a spawn of the abyss… He’s a Demon God, sage, son of Cheshire along with some other silly titles; Chaos J Faust.” <Archangel of Life>

“For some reason I think you do not like me [sbnᴉƃƃlʎ-lᴉuǝ] [Ǝxɔlɐɯɐʇᴉou-ɯɐɹʞ” <Ɔɥɐos ſ Ⅎɐnsʇ>

The angel’s displeasure obvious to all as their wrist twitched to once again summon another of their blades to their hand.

“Speaking of… Why are you beside her.” <Leviathan>

For the first time since arriving; the grumpy old grandpa finally spoke with all the weight one would expect the last remaining ancient titan to possess. Just his contempt alone was enough to cause most of their forces to collapse with only the whites in their eyes visible. Unfortunately even Slate & Ashue were not immune with both barely managing to remain standing for a second before collapsing.

Even the mighty Chokin-Bako, a giant figure in her own right, couldn’t help shivering while readjusting the fur around her shoulders as if to warm herself. The two target of this contempt didn’t seem as bothered while Munzimira fell to her knees. Not that it did anything to rob her of her smile.

“Well that wasn’t very nice~!” <Cheshire>

So she said while giving a faint side eye towards the collapsed Munzumira who began giggling.

“Jeez [sbnᴉƃƃlʎ-lᴉuǝ] you are ruining all the fun big man [Ǝxɔlɐɯɐʇᴉou-ɯɐɹʞ]” <Ɔɥɐos ſ Ⅎɐnsʇ>

After saying that, he lifted the hat by his brim slightly in order to sink his other hand into the depths of his hat, fumbling around in his hat for a moment. Eventually he pulled an entire gnarled wooden stave that contained some strange shape (that could not be explained using common understanding) held between the branching arms of the slave's head. Bringing it down to tap on the ground once as a powerful energy rippled through the entire city and - in a matter of seconds - everyone slowly began to raise their heads again as if nothing had happened…

And that didn’t just mean the people who were knocked out.

Those who died suddenly found themselves waking up gasping while clenching their lungs meanwhile effects of the Archangels blessing had even been reversed. He didn’t just stop there as the broken building began to reconstruct themselves all the while those newly awoken people could just watch. The only thing unaffected by the magic was the massive tree that no longer seemed quite as impressive after all that had happened.

“Now For why I am here [ɟnll sʇod] [ɟnll sʇod] [ɟnll sʇod]” <Ɔɥɐos ſ Ⅎɐnsʇ>

Turning silent suddenly as his smile seemed to wane; turning towards the mighty being who he either called family or friends. Taking a second to let the atmosphere settle as he took a deep breath. The old man tightened his grip upon that massive odachi that made Slates look like a dagger - supported by his massive physique that easily towered over everyone else.

He wasn’t alone in his preparations as the angel had their over hand also swing out before tightly gripping the shard that appeared as their eyes practically shouted “fuck around and find out”. Meanwhile the demon spider was seeming more passive as she just continued fluttering her face with her head curiously tilted to one side. Although she did hide a hand behind her back so no one could be sure what she had planned should she not like what he said.

Deciding that they had waited long enough he came clean…

“I got lost so mein mutter gave me a ride over here [sbnᴉƃƃlʎ-lᴉuǝ] [Ǝxɔlɐɯɐʇᴉou-ɯɐɹʞ” <Ɔɥɐos ſ Ⅎɐnsʇ>

Harmlessly knocking the back of his head/hat with his fist, sticking his tongue out the side of his mouth with a silly expression, causing Levithan to stumble forward.

“I think you need to get better servants Vivi.” <Vibrant>

That jab caused the demon god empress to finally lose her own balance - her kanabo falling to the floor as she stomped in order to prevent herself from falling. The obvious result of that being the rooftop quickly becoming covered in cracks as the building quickly hurried towards being a pile of rubble. Not that she cared as she just growled while charging towards her weapon as everyone else jumped to another roof.

Although, when Cheshire jumped from the building, she suddenly raised an eyebrow as Chokin-Bako swung her arm from behind her back. From that action came an army of particle thin threads that exploded from the ground to wrap the cat in a cocoon. She didn’t seem too worried though as her nefarious laugh just echoed from within the web moments before she sliced it into pieces in a flash of black light.

Chokin-Bako wasn’t content with just that one attack. Whipping that hand fan out to send off blades of crimson venom that attempted to cut the kitten in three places yet found that quite ineffective. The cat lifted her spare hand (not even bothering to unsheath her sword this time) to black the blades from the air.

An impure abyssal energy cloaked her hands in the form of a monstrous claw; that toxic compound began to act fluid moments before seeping into that claw.

However, there were no signs of her being influenced despite having the venom flowing through her.

“Hm~ you are indeed more like a demon than you are a spirit but I will say you have improved since I last spied on you. In fact you may have been problematic to deal with if you were in your den. There is no doubt that your roots still lie in ambush & traps nyahaha~!” <Cheshire>

Landing down with no problems while the demon goddess appeared to gracefully dance across the sky towards the roof as she used her near invisible threads as a foothold. Chaos appeared through a rift yet did so upside down - resulting in gravity swiftly taking control. Meanwhile the slower members finally arrived as they just chose the more simplistic method as the spider hid her pout of annoyance behind her fan once more.

“Stinky cat..” <Chokin-Bako>


“NRAYU!” <Vivi>

With the demoness finding her kanabo she promptly escaped the rubble, sending shards of it all across the city, thankfully Chaos proved to be useful once more. Erecting a barrier of black with crimson sparks exploding out to consume the rocks to heal those inside its protecting dome. Vivi didn’t seem done, however, as a purple ball of flames welled up in her throat as she sent it hurtling towards the cat.

Fortunately Chaos’ barrier collapsed just in time for that beam of violet flames to fly towards Cheshire.

Cheshire herself did not seem too intimidated, shaking her head with a mocking tut then dropping her sword to the floor, beginning to do some strange dance which none of them recognised as more than random motions. Her feet gracefully glided across the rooftop in an usual pattern that had two strange tear-like shapes that perfectly melded together into a single circle. As the energy approached she made that same weird circular pattern with her hands which actually seemed to capture the flames.

“[Revolution of Heaven & World]~.” <Cheshire>

With that - enhanced by the cat's own understanding & capabilities - that energy came flying back towards the demoness with one final palm strike from the one who managed to capture it. Despite everyone else being left awestruck, Violet wasn’t, Vivi snorted as she clashed against the concentrated flames with her kanabo sending it flying up into the sky. A few seconds later one of the moons within the sky exploded into a purple lotus.

Following that Leviathan swung his massive sword down to slice her in half. Such a simple manoeuvre was easy for her to avoid, no matter how powerful, as she looked to turn into black smoke that flew backwards before reforming seconds later. The cats eyes narrowed as she flicked her free hand/claw to summon what appeared to be a syringe nevertheless she wasn’t able to use it.

A bolt of black with crimson sparks shot towards her causing her to quickly turn her head to the side to just barely dodge it; black blood trickling down her cheek as one of the straps to her mask hung loose.

She didn’t even get time to reprimand her brat since the two non-demons finally found the time to act as both sent their sword qi towards her. Her stocky tail gave a little wag as she charged towards the archangel to dance through the barrage of attacks - quickly deciding it would be better to take her chances with the angel of life over the sword saint. Occasionally needing to use her clawed hands to bat away the attacks from the sword saint but not daring to take them anywhere else.

Although she seemed on the backfoot she couldn’t help releasing another long triumphant laugh as she attempted to remove the angels windpipe. A flap of their wings letting them get out of her grasp… Or so they thought as she vanished only to reappear behind them in a martial art that seemed very familiar to those who witnessed Violet when she initially tried practising martial arts.

“Ah~ I hope this is fun for you as well because it sure is for me~!” <Cheshire>

Taking her moment of respite - over the angel needing to back away to heal their missing throat - to jab themself directly in the heart with the needle before quickly draining it of everything it had. Throwing it aside without care as her body seemed to tremble for a moment then… Nothing.

Or at least it appeared that way until Vivi got on the roof at least; at which point she exploded forward on all four towards her sword which she kicked into the air ahead to catch midair. Promptly drawing it moments before slashing down the middle of the unsuspecting demoness with more strength than anyone could have expected from the little body. Seconds ago she was relying on naught but skills she had created for survival however she now used the strength required to fight instead.

The demoness managed to avoid having her head lobbed off yet in return she received a cut directly down from the top of her brow to her cheek. Blood oozing from her now closed eyelid as she hissed like the wounded beast she was. Trying to return the favour with her club although, as should be expected, Cheshire merely used her higher skill level to knock the weapon off track then followed it up by stabbing her still injured arm with a shimmer in her eyes.

Vivi wasn’t one to back away, though, as she attempted to bright the metal bat down to whack the cat into paste. Unfortunately she was quite unsuccessful as she glided to the side. Doing a backflip to even dodge the piercing thread from the spider - sadly for Vivi that meant kicking the sword located in her arm upwards to completely sever it.

Leviathan swooped in with his sword in another attempt to sweep Cheshire in half yet she used a hand to land on the face of his sword. Letting his momentum send her flying as a group of swords came flying towards her causing her to throw the sheath of her sword out to give her the brief time she needed to become grounded again. Proceeding to use her hands to redirect the swords in such a manner that it essentially became her own crowd control.

No one could remain unphased after being cut down by the sword saint and especially so when she was using swords from her collection.

Realising that her own attacks were getting in the way made Vibrant visually displeased yet she still commanded her swords to return to her back. At the very least it allowed for all the top tier fighters to take their positions around her while finally letting the last of the mortal realm inhabitants retreat. The gerbil even went through the process of attempting to reconnect Vivi’s arm as she glared towards Cheshire with her remaining eye containing all the hunger of a beast on the hunt.

“Chehehehihihi~ yes this is indeed exciting; how about we play a game~!“ <Cheshire>

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