Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 102: Outbreak

With an army looking at them from all sides & elevations, Vivi still clutching her limp arm that had crimson leaking out between her fingers, to say the situation was hopeless was an understatement.

Some of the diverse hires felt the tense situation that had formed. Their expressions revealed that they had all completely given up on getting out alive - in fact - even the stronger members of Orchid had little to optimism about their chances. The only people who didn’t show such an expression were the Violet duo, archangel of life (who just looked moderately disgusting) and the devils. Although the latter trio was mostly just clueless about the situation, they were more focused on the fact that Vivi was injured.

“““GRAAA!””” <Devil Brothers>

They lifted their weapons in the air while giving a mighty roar that caused the air around them to tremble while those caught in the sound felt their organs rumble. Not even hesitating for a second as they charged forward towards the endless army of doll-like girls. Of course, actually getting to them was a different matter as a single one had already proven, seemingly unable to get even a single step closer.

That Munzumira militia wasted little time in throwing a series of magic towards the charging demons nevertheless that wasn’t enough to scare the devils. If anything they seemed more eager. Demonic qi rose up to fill their weapon with everything they had to offer - using their energies to challenge the sorcery.

Unfortunately their retaliation was quite unsuccessful as that impure evil energy managed to overpower their demonic nature in both quality & quality. Still they weren’t so weak as to rely on just that (not being demoralised as the shrapnel that once made their weapon sliced their flesh) as they expertly manoeuvred through the innumerous attacks.  If anything they just laughed louder in the face of danger as they used their wings to throw them aside as they barely dodged lethal impact after lethal impact.

“For the {Shuten Clan}’s one true heir!” <Slate>

The trio weren’t alone in their mad dash as Slate quickly followed along behind with her massive sword cleaving through the approaching arcane. Occasionally a physical weapon would join the shadows that often ended up getting parried along with the rest; sending the weapon flying into the flesh of the female oni or crimson skinned devils. A healing light quickly pushed the weapons from their flesh as, with a single flap of their glittering wings, that angel promptly fixed their flesh.

That angel placing their hands together in a praying manner; a placid smile upon their face despite their displeasure at the situation.

“Feel grateful that I share Mother’s blessing with you all~.” <Archangel of Life>

In turn attacks flew towards the angel in a hope to promptly remove the healer yet the {Sword Saint} was always ready to deflect any blows with expertise expected from one with her title.

“Feel grateful that this ancestor feels you have use.” <Vibrant>

“Gahaha~!” <Vivi>

Despite her wound still smoking with that corrosive black energy; the girl didn’t seem to be worried and instead seemed excited for the prospect of a good fight. Using her foot to hook under her kanabo, kicking the weapon upwards, using her working arm to promptly snatch the club from the air. Not worrying about the limb that dangled lifelessly as she charged forward in the exact same manner as her crimson descendents but unlike them her weapon didn’t break.

Seemingly not affected at all by the fact that she was restricted to one arm - using her powerful realm ranked weapon to bat the magic out of existence. The energy that made up the attacks (no matter what type of reality rending attack came towards her) scattered completely when making contact with the little purple oni’s spiked bat. A fact that was proven as Munzumira tried many different forms of magic on her.

“It is unfortunate you are so resilient… [Sagittarius Alpha].” <Munzumira>

Her disinterested and uncaring voice came specifically from one that stood above on one the the highest roof tops within the district.

Lifting her little index finger up to point towards the sky; a single tiny point of pure darkness formed followed by a great suction that caused the air around them to pick up. Everything around them, including the very building they stood on, got sucked into that tiny splodge of black. Letting it rapidly expand with every tiny bit of mass (or piece of energy) that it greedily sucked up.

In no time at all an area equal to a normal city was completely gone (sucked up into that attack) with the inky blackness and crystal pillars filling the empty space.

Thankfully everyone fighting was able to at least resist the suction but their attempt

Moments later it shrunk at an even smaller speck than when she first summoned it - taking a single glance at the orb as every other Munzumira stopped their own attacks. All of them seemed interested in witnessing the effect. The doll attacking simply flicked the orb toward Vivi.

Space itself creaked & cracked as the ball flew at the oni who developed a savage smile, her intent to accept the challenge clear to all, as void beasts crawled into reality. Those monsters hardly held the same intimidation when they were instantaneously dragged into the inky dark by chimeric tendrils. Nobody had the time to focus on what these random non-creatures were doing as the weight of the attack came down on the group.

Vivi just grinned that savage grin as the ground under her feet crumbled due to the suppressive aura that fell down upon her. Without a second question, one which probably would have gone something akin to “Is this a good idea? Clearly not!”, the little princess jumped in an attempt to bat the attack aside. Almost immediately blood leaked out from between her clenched fangs as the veins on her arm bulked up in a pitiful attempt to resist the overpowering force.

“GRRRRAH!” <Vivi>

Even then she didn’t give up as familiar purple flames erupted from her body to empower the effects of her precious dharma weapon. In an explosion of purple flames; her attack managed to submerge that singularity to merge the power of destruction and that of the dharma treasure. Erasing the powerful attack from the realm with a very big-


Not that the demoness got out untouched.

Her weapon fell to the side while she would have been sent hurtling through the building top if not for Slate jumping up to catch her. Atop of that her remaining arm was now heavily mangled. Still, she didn’t seem to care about being two arms down, laughing heartily at overcoming that attack with her little body.

Although the other third of Violet wasn’t as positive about their situation and neither was the archangel that was unwillingly by her side. Both keeping their eyes on the countless Munzumira who stood around them with an exaggerated frown - each just tilting their head to the side in the exact same manner. Their endless series of eyes all focused on the fallen Vivi even if it was impossible to tell what she was thinking.

Those eyes were many things but telling most certainly wasn’t one of them; it was impossible to read them when looking into her eyes just caused you to look into more eyes.

“I am happy the filthy demon saved the realm… But that was poorly thought out.” <Archangel of Life>

“Well she always was the type to plan around getting into the fight and around the fight but never actually when she was in the fight. I’m not sure we really stand a chance… Unless you decide to call in your all important ‘true’ god for some support?” <Vibrant>

All she got in response was a snort though.

“Most of the useless members of the pantheon would only be fodder; sadly mortals bring their weakness with them when they ascend.” <Archangel of Life>

“Yet you still act so proud… A tall tree without deep roots will be blown over; Say, if we didn’t end up blocking that attack, what would you do about this precious world of yours?” <Vibrant>

“...” <Archangel of Life>

Evidently they didn’t feel like replying for some reason.

“So…. What now?” <Ashue>

It was just then that Slate landed on the ground right beside the questioning Ashue - the latter tilting her head innocently as if she wasn’t in a warzone. Slate also didn’t seem to care too much as she just pouted while thinking about how to answer that. If they had the help of their ancestors… Strangely, they were far later than what their ojou-sama had planned.

Thankfully the wrathful little demoness had more than one army up her sleeve; looking up to the sky with a savage grin on her face only to scream to seemingly no one.

“Open gate Necrohamster vihihihehehe!” <Vivi>

Meanwhile, within the depths of the {Palace of Immortality}, a certain little hamster adorned in high quality dark robes let out some cute noises as it scuttled across the floor of a grand basement. Fresh blood filled drainage that had been carefully engraved into the spirit stones that made the building. Forming a grand array that had a purple flame trapped within a gigantic pearl to act as the core of the formation.

Behind the little creature kneeled the familiar figures from the empire - the royal couple as well as the vampire trio respectfully watched the little gerible. Unable to contain her excitement led to the proud empress raising her head yet made sure to keep her breasts pressed against the floor. Rubbing her overly plump thighs together as she struggled to keep her body in check.

“The god empress… Did she finally give the command?” <Empress Dong>

And he replied…

“Squeak!” <Necrohamster>


With that the pearl in the centre of the array cracked which in turn allowed for those purple flames to flood out along the tracks of blood. Like oil with regular fire. Soon the demonic energies began to exhumed from the depths of almost every sentient that could trace their history to the empire; the royal family being no different to any of them.

Both the emperor and empress began laughing while looking between their hands that filled with more might than they could have ever dreamed.

Even the streets were no different as that flame flew through the countless array of streets to reveal the city itself to be part of the formation. That inky black rivers that once seemed infallible shrivelled up like tendrils moments before retreating to anywhere the fire wasn’t. The newly revealed demonic qi of every demonic entity within the city unconsciously found themselves offering their energy to their god empress’ grand plan of domination.

That was just the beginning as the palace itself revealed itself to be made of demonic spirit stones that soon began calling out like a beacon… As for who answered the signal? A gigantic crack in the sky answered that question however this time it wasn’t the void that came seeping into the world - a background of purple & red visible on the other side as demonic energies entered genesis without worry about the balance Mother held so dear.

Although that was not the end but the beginning; soon insectile warriors coming in all shapes and sizes swarmed out with gluttonous hunger that matched the wrath of the devils. Demonic moths spread their wings to send toxic scale powder throughout the city, bipedal ants wielded spears of flesh & blood while the cunning spiders led from the back. From behind those spiders came a shadowy spider leg so large that it could crush the palaces in the royal complex at once by accident.

Play time my babies~!” <Chokin-Bako>

A voice that shook even the listeners minds came from the terrifying demon god that soon crushed several city blocks with their oversized spider limb.

Even the insects were just the first.

It was time that the demons had some fun.

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