Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 1: A history lesson from an Oni?


Overall got no complaints for this story but would love to hear what people think (still need an idea for what to do about polls).

Not got much to say other than I'm obviously loving writing this series.

Anyways, enjoy~♥


In the {Forest of Mortality} the Oni were going about their daily lives and for those of Violet’s current age of 10 this meant learning.

This resulted in her and many Oni’s of a similar age range of her own being located in a 5 story (though that meant at least 24 feet) beautiful building with kaware style tiling on the roofs. There were a few different colours but the preferred colour was black and the teaching building was no different.

The wooden support beams were a nice crimson due to the lumber from the [Dark Oni Trees] being as such.

Of course, it’s also because the women agreed it looked nice!

As for the main ‘structure’ such as the walls; they were mostly made with a thick ‘cement’ that was produced with juices from the various ‘oni fruits’ and the pulped bark from the tree’s. This led to it being a nice ebony colour that worked well leading to the building appearing bright and appealing.

Due to their materials not being painted or dying, fading was very rare. They also had the advantage of being produced from the stuff in the climate; the buildings thus were already very resilient to the surroundings

Plus, some human sects would pay a very handsome price for the runts on the outer layer of the forest, never mind the truly prosperous tree’s.

The Oni didn’t really know (or rather care enough to learn) that their ‘common materials’ were very high quality stuff in the ‘outside world’. But, if one considered how expensive their fruits, veg and very own bodies were it’s not like they would be very surprised!

If their buildings weren't resilient they would be disappointed.

After all if there is one thing they’re proud about other than their physical attributes it would be their artistry. It’s not uncommon for dwarves to consider them ancestors - as for learning more about that...

“Righto kiddo’s, we’re going to discuss other races today so remember this all! Even if we’re located deeply in this forest of ours many of you will adventure out and it would make me sad if you ended up as some rich man's plaything or as a set of cultivation resources sold on one of them auctions!” <Cornflower>

Violet wouldn’t be paying much attention as her attention span was naturally not the best.

Violet was currently just kneeled on a pillow provided by her mother (same with all the other Oni). Though, her pillow was of particularly high quality due to her mother being the Matriarch - Ebony. Thinking about her mother she couldn’t help but smile - she was never close to her human mother as she was already unfortunately mentally ‘gone’ by the time she was born due to the medical complications that came along with being a prostitution slave.

This time she didn’t seem to need to worry about having a mortal mother with mortal problems though!

Their teacher on the other hand, like all Oni, was of course named after the colour of her hair which she sported in a sharp ‘crop’ style that seemed to be what was popular in this century.

Though, her ‘eye makeup’ was a bit stranger than most Oni. Her right was an eccentric crimson eye shadow while the left was more of a blue. Both in the style of smokey and cat eye style. This is for a logical reason and actually to follow a particularly important tradition to the Oni.

One was the blood of their first prey while the other would be the stronger prey they’ve killed to date - which was which also didn’t mind. The only way anyone knows how to rank them is actually based purely on the type of blood they have on their eye which is pretty pointless to anyone low ranked who wouldn’t be able to tell the level of the blood…

Though if a low ranked cultivator runs into an adult Oni and picks a fight they’re dead regardless!

It’s seen as a right of passage and the blue blood is actually from some form of insect - which didn’t matter to Violet much but it seemed decently strong - at least at her current level without ‘unleashing’ she’d very much struggle to take it down…

Though, how strong she was at full power was completely unknown to her.

It would be like asking {The Infinite Mother} how much ‘mana’ she has.

Like asking Cheshire how fast she thinks.

If she did follow that tradition with her last life she wouldn’t have the blood of a ruling Primordial God though and you can’t get more ‘high quality bloodline’ than that!

“There is also the chance they may work together while chugging pills to come in small groups to kidnap - it’s not often and it’s hardly ever successful but some of them still do it!

The main problems with those races are their names who, unlike us, name themselves at complete random yet expect you to know their name upon first seeing them! This leads to them calling you all sorts of names like a ‘demon’, ‘dumpkin’ and ‘savage’ - a truly senseless group of fuckers who use any obnoxious excuse to attack others!” <Cornflower>

Violet glanced over to their ‘teacher’ but it was hardly the same style of teaching as she remembered she had agreed to facilitate in the {Demon Realm}. Though in a strange way this direct approach that often involved a hot, strong woman yelling profanities and sometimes going off on a far too sexual tangent about large red cocks could aid in focus.

“Hehehe~” <Violet>

This thought filled with some kind of irony managed to get the young Violet to smile and let out a little giggle.

Though nobody said much to her about her sudden laugh they were talking about her behind her back. Though, what they were saying was quite unlike what a human would about a girl like violet.

“Gosh, her voice is so smooth - I wish she talked more just so I could listen to it~” <Girl Oni 1>

“What would be the point - you’d be too busy admiring her voice to listen to her… I think her grunts are cute enough - shit I’m having a nose bleed!” <Girl Oni 2>

“As expected of a Violet - even their random giggles are powerful enough to defeat us regular girls!” <Girl Oni 3>

“Pretty sure she just had an early awakening… I may have one as well - I can feel my [Emotion Engine] acting my [Hannya Form]…”

The boys were also reacting but they were far more obvious and were staring straight towards her while giving more standard compliments.

“Pretty voice...” <Boy Oni 1>

“Yea, pretty voice…” <Boy Oni 2>

“Just pretty...” <Boy Oni 3>

Violet didn’t mind the attention - rather she enjoyed the simple and honest compliments from her own kind. Far better than the pity or pandering she gained when interacting with anyone else - whether as Violet or Violent.

Even the noisy ones she needed to punish were better in her opinion…

Smiling, she looked at the window - not through but at - as these windows were uniquely designed and a masterpiece of their artisans. The material used for it being [Oni Clear Glass] Far stronger than normal glass, immune to condensation/fogging up (without additional processing to make [Oni Cool Glass]) and it’s really clear!

“Ah, interested in them windows Violet? Fairly common to us but a masterpiece anywhere else in the world! If there is anything we’re prideful in other than our ability to beat anything into pulp it’s our artisans!

Even dwarves worship our artisans as their ancestors - Granny Wine’s man originally chased after her for an apprenticeship before she got addicted to that midgets cock!

The glass to make the windows were made with the ground up qi roots of the [Dark Oni Tree] - a thing that requires more physical strength than those weak mortals can manage. We simply do this by melting them using a fire fuelled with our legendary [Oni Fire Powder] and then handling it by hand! That’s right, by hand, any additional tools used would add levels of impurity that could ruin the glass and make it easier to break!

Easy to break isn’t very Oni else our men wouldn’t have such satisfying cocks! Y’know mortals apparently ‘die’ just from a male Oni teasing them a bit - such weaklings! Bwahaha!” <Cornflower>

With her arms on her wide hips and face pointed to the sky she let out a voice filled with pride of her tribe. Cornflower was obviously a very proud Oni woman who followed the Oni woman’s typical opinion - bigger and more possible destruction the man can do the better.

Even though she herself  was considered ‘unique’ violet wasn’t different herself.

From what Violet heard in passing (from one of her off topic rants) she had spent quite a lot of time in the outside world and was enjoying herself as a famous mercenary who got known for being the {Man-Killer Cornflower} but like many Oni women…

She got the name from her sexual escapades not her impressive kill count - though not like it was uncommon among female mercs for that to be the case. What was ‘unique’ to their race which could almost be considered their ‘counter discrimination’ was why she left (also similar to many other Oni).

She was basically forced to come back due to sexual frustration of not being able to find a suitable partner that they either:
-Didn’t accidentally kill in the process whether due to 'vigorous jouncing' or bloodless from after climax complications.
-Could let her treat her insides like one of those condoms from the succubus or water-balloons from the spirits.

Violet herself was also somewhat excited to embrace her culture now that she had a chance to reintegrate herself with her ‘true’ people - getting to feel a ‘real Oni man’ inside herself...

Or better yet, considering how next level she was as a {True Violent Violet Oni} a few - probably going through them like those porky merchants go through sugar…

Lowering herself to her desk she couldn’t help but salivate rather clearly despite her body not really showing any reactions itself due to still being far behind her mental development. Though her lewd dreams of her very likely and not really unexpected future as a fully blown Oni woman was moved away to a later date as she noticed that the teacher finished ranting about the different sized, smells and shaped cocks in the outside world.

Not exactly fully biased as she did sometimes compliment a few.

But usually Oni ended up on top which caused Violet’s attention span to quickly whittle… The crafting styles of her people though?

Now that was something that could catch her attention.

“Oh, and the [Oni Fire Powder] requires grinding up the [Oni Fire Fruit]; which a mortal can’t even bite into without a decent cultivation; into a powder! This is even easier for us as the task as we just have to bury them in salt then grind them up with our bear hands!

Though the salt is gathered from a volcano towards our little ocean port towards the east in order to gain this special [Sky Rank Fire Qi Salt]  which itself is considered a rare item in the outside world though it may be possible to get if one wanted to settle for something lower ranked. This is because to reach the purity we make use of - not accepting some subpar shit like them outside - it’s like ‘rank 4’s flesh’ hot.

Weak right?

Oh and if you want to laugh at any Mortal Race attempting to copy us Oni; even if they figured out the formula we use; the fruit which already was ‘harder to bite into than a rock’ only gets harder when dried out! Oh and grinding it up while they’re as juicy as our pussies will obviously only make pulp so even if they manage to get to a level to try they’re too pathetic!

We do this for all our windows - keep in mind how rare it is that those cultivated artisan would be unwilling to consider make anything other than swords and armour never mind a fucking window! Bwahaha!

This isn’t mentioning how much they’d waste these things with their ‘cultivation’ anyway! Pretty sure they’d hunt someone down if they used these materials like we do!

The salt alone is a very sought after product but would be overshadowed in price and efficiency than anything else - though the [One Fire Powder] is a very good fuel that many artisans would want. More than a few have begged us for a few grams!

Not a bad way to gather some foreign spunk actually~!” <Cornflower>

“Why would they want their tiny cock!” <Boy Oni 1>

“Yea! Do they even lift!” <Boy Oni 2>

“Oni rule!” <Boy Oni 3>

“Dumb boys! Don’t you even know that us mature Oni women can make use of foreign bloodlines to improve the strength of you little shits - not only that but we can store as much spunk as we basically want in order to make the strongest descendants possible!

How would we have someone like Violet if we just relied on your dumb cum!” <Cornflower>

As she said that she threw a chalk she had never used to collide with the second boys head.

“Ow - why me!” <Boy Oni 2>

“At least the first brought up something useful and the third idiot is proud of our ancestors! You on the other hand don’t realize how annoying a Qi-Cultivator can be!” <Cornflower>

“What about body cultivators?” <Girl Oni>

“Ha! What about them - are they going to give us a massage!” <Cornflower>

It didn’t take long to explain all the wacky abilities, techniques and skills she’d seen from the various races on her long journey through the world.

Although she wasn’t wrong about the danger other races represented to these young Oni to Violet they were all dealt with in the same way - a straight punch. She’s never needed to overcomplicate things before but she did have some interest in learning the ‘martial arts’ the Oni took advantage of.

She already had an impressive Dao Comprehension of ‘Unarmed Fighting’ so it wouldn’t be bad to evolve her fighting capabilities now that she could intentionally ‘seal’ and 'unseal' herself thanks to Cheshire.

Even if this was a reincarnation it wasn’t like some petty thing like ‘reincarnation’ could cripple her physique!

So, instead of listening to how ‘magical cultivators were’ she instead looked back to the window.

Although the material was as amazing as Cornflower mentioned, there was something she took for granted. That was the design. Unlike what is common the windows are like in other places the windows of the Oni are built in an uni-sized rectangle but have ‘rings’ on either side in order to ‘slot into’ one another with a pole to be inserted in between.

Although it technically limits the height of the windows to 3 feet (not small though) the Oni have chosen to focus far more in width though they also often have multiple rows in parallel on the same wall. With long windows that often stretch nearly entire rooms, Also, with the ‘pole’ being slightly longer than the window, it allows the Oni to add a simple windowsill that allows them to pull them along.

Essentially opening them with little difficulty as well as having a piece of white paper (though made out of higher quality ingredients) over the circular rings to prevent a draft.

This all only makes the ‘villages’ of the Oni look more exotic and beautiful to an outsider's eyes…

Also made their buildings pretty easy to repair as they just needed to either replace the roof, window planes or refill the walls. Only the crimson lumber supports were difficult to replace but that’s how it is!

Plus, hard to damage without meaning to do it due to not just being ‘cut wood’ but processed for their ability to take some abuse!

“Right, back to what we were supposed to talk about today!” <Cornflower>

With that they turned their attention back to Cornflower who was supposed to teach them more about the world.

“First thing I should mention is our old comrades the Phoenix! Like us Oni they never forget an favour so even after all this time we occasionally keep in contact with each other - whether they want us to make them something fancy, just some alcohol or an oni under the sheets we owe them like they owe us!” <Cornflower>

“How come we own each other and how are we comrades, hmpf!” <Girl Oni>

“Fool! We’re comrades who fought both the dragons and then the gods in the two wars - although we held the important role as the unstoppable vanguard that dragged those bastards from their paper thrones!

Those petty, backstabbing mortal races may have forgotten everything we did for THEIR freedom from those that enslaved them - returning our gift with nothing but contempt and to repeat the sins of those that enslaved them!

But the Phoenix and Spirit’s have never abandoned us! Even those demons respect us as their respectable ancestors!

Those three races basically allowed our worn and weary race to recover enough to become what we are today… Truthfully though from the records and words of our ancestors, us Oni are probably one of the surviving races that suffered the most...

Though, not sure we really care since it was a real good fight bwahahaha!

But yea, the Phoenix and their kin has helped us a lot under the war - without them we likely have been swarmed to extinction other than those of us who were kept as exotic sex pets or servant race.” <Cornflower>

The Oni in the room were obviously making a large racket over this.  They were all already hot headed so how could they be peaceful knowing that they were betrayed to such an extent for those that helped them!

They were an equally ancient bloodline to those Phoenix and Dragons so they obviously had no reason to save the ‘mortal races’ or even take part in the war yet they did!

They saved those races!

Yet they repay them like this!

The young Oni in the room began to exert a crimson aura as their muscles bulged and hearts beating like drums. Some girls began to take on more demonic forms with the crimson aura infusing into their flesh to form various coloured natural ‘armour’ around them - being excreted from their flesh and melding flesh to form something truly terrifying.

These were truly ‘demonic forms’ that were large and intimidating… Well about the height of a fully grown man (though with far more bulk and weight) but these were still children who hadn’t hit their growth spurt.

Violet just glanced around without much care as she watched her ‘classmates’ being filled with power through their anger - Cornflower as well but showed a grin.

“Those of you who simply feel your bodies filling with power are feeling the power of our ancient bloodline - a power unique to our hearts and the blood pumping through your veins! The [Emotion Engine] that you’ve likely heard about - the more emotions you feel the stronger you become!

Some of you girls though have stepped one step ahead - a gift from our strongest ancestor who is named like our Violet here!

[Hannya Form]!

The ace in the whole that makes a female far stronger than a male - allows us to overcome out weakness to Qi to a certain extent by controlling a force that even {The Infinite Mother} worries about! Only the Oni can claim immunity to this force!” <Cornflower>

Violet understood those words Cornflower spoke well and she also understood what that ‘force’ was.

An invisible power that allowed the female Oni to suppress all other forms of energy, slowly break down matter around them and induce horrifying mutations in organic matter. These being just a few examples of what that dreadful power can be and also the reason why the Water Dragon’s who were also their comrades shunned them.

Though Violet used to not like the power either as it got in the way but now things are far better thanks to her children, Cheshire and now being surrounded by her kin!

“Those of you who activated your [Emotion Engine] sit still and calm down but the girls who activated [Hannya Form] will be expected to be picked up by their mother to gain some additional training until you can control it well enough to cancel it.

As for you Violet, you can go home! Matriarch Ebony says she is going to start imparting some responsibilities to you.” <Cornflower>

Showing no shock that the only one with perfect control over themselves was Violet - after all purple Oni have always been known to be gifted and Violet Oni is already a name with enough history to be respected with just that.

Of course, the fact Violet was gifted beyond comprehension was a well known fact among the elders and teachers.

Though - due to being the youngest matriarch's daughter - being gifted to a degree was already expected so it wasn’t like it was majorly shocking and Oni were never the kind of race to complain about something good happening!

As such, the little Violet Oni with a haircut just like her mother and little purple dots above her eyes would rise from her cushion, grabbing it and jogging out the room to store her cushion in her little cubby before heading to the giant ancestral hall.

The place where all the governance was going on… Not that most Oni would bother remembering a word that long.

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