Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 090: Heat of the Demoness

\_Viviolet Indigo - 1st PoV_/



That burning feeling only an Indigo can feel.

All I can taste is that thick metallic tang as it all burns the inside of my mouth.

Across my body there were countless wounds that allowed for that sweet feeling of my cursed blood pouring out my arteries & veins - causing flames to lick my flesh. Others of my family, even those other me that aren’t me, don’t like feeding their cursed blood. Afraid it’ll get out of control and hurt themself.

In the end they always try to avoid getting hurt just in case they lose their all important control; always doing stuff like “planning ahead” during their fights. Big brother doesn’t even take any risks and hides in the background even when he has such a strange but strong martial art. Meanwhile big sis doesn’t even show visible or audible emotions. Vibrant is hardly any better… All she knows about is fancy sayings now that she can no longer even hold the swords that made her so much better than me.

Nn, I love them I do, but stupid they are.

Only she could understand the true wonders of a fight however nothing could ever wound her.

How can that kind of life compare to what was happening in my realm? Despite only being a day since I entered my wonderful demon realm, I’m already finding myself in a street brawl. In front of me was the angry heaving figure of a baphomet who was using his demonic magic to control a total of 223 earthen projectiles of all different shapes.

Already my perfectly paced roads were in shreds while the surrounding buildings, essentially just being the same as those of the oni village except without being split into two sizes but one medium, were hardly any better shape. That caused many demons to watch the fight. Unlike humans there was no fear nor anger at the outbreak of this fight or the destruction caused by it.

Instead it was clear that everyone was excited at the prospect; sitting or standing all around with booze & food in their hands. We were demons after all. My demons. Compared to mortals we weren’t only far more durable but also able to quickly recover. The exact same was true for our infrastructure as one's strength in their field equaled their importance within the realm.

Of course, the most popular field was that of combat, this led to countless battles happening within the realm at all times of the day. Not that I only respected combat strength. Rather I didn’t care as long as they proved themselves strong and my demons were no different.

This wasn’t like the mortal or heavenly realm where one could get along ordering everyone around just by relying on their name alone. There were of course still those loyal to the families and those who allowed their descendents to live an easy life… But it couldn’t get you nearly as far. A lesson that incubus demon lord son of mine learned very well after pretty Lizzy taught her an amusing lesson.

Obviously it hadn’t been a one sided fight since I’m me - countless other demons were scattered around the streets with each having some form of bloody injury that brought that wonderful scent to me. Silly weak things that got in my way! At least their blood serves as its potent stink filled my nostrils.

This is all that matters!

Lifting my beautiful [Immortal Destroyer] into the air I charged toward the goat with my flames, the only thing left where I once stood. Thankfully that goat wasn’t as weak as the rest of these fools as he managed to duck just before I crushed his head. In return I felt a brick hit me in the side, sending me tumbling sideways, with more & sharper stones coming down on me as I regained my balance.

A few managed to cut into my flesh however a simple swing of [Immortal Destroyer] caused those pesky rocks to fall to the ground. That impact on my side was quite powerful. I could feel my blood boiling my bruised intestines from the inside out - smoke pouring out of my mouth a few moments later. There was no doubt that this was exactly the reason why I wanted to reincarnate in this weak body.

Without her around - and all the others being weaklings afraid of taking risks - there was no way that I would be able to experience such a wonderful experience. No matter howI think about it… This is what life is all about for me. The feeling of damage was what made fighting so addictive; all throughout time people created countless conflicts so I wanted to do the same.

Compared to the others who aren’t me, I had little to make me stand out, Vibrant has her swords that she was so good at making me seem second rate. Even my strong body was nothing compared to her. I didn’t even have my own evolved flame of destruction unlike those two and didn’t even have a weapon of my own till getting my [Immortal Destroyer]...

I couldn’t stand not having something!

So this made me feel more alive than those political talks or meetings with other archons.

At least this pain of mine was unequivocally mine.

Alice can have her mortal realm, big sis can have her heavens, Vibrant can have her swords, she can have her heroes, Munzumira can have her spirits and Navy can have his immortality. As long as I have my demons I will always have something of mine. Yet even I know I’m greedy and want more; I’ll never have enough which means I’ll always be in conflict with all of them!

It’s just like what daddy told me all those years ago - we are oni so if I want something I should take it - so what if it creates an endless series of conflicts that result in the death of billions. The more dead the better the prize will be. That just means that there is more fighting to be done.

Such a wonderful thing that daddy taught me.

GWRAWR~!” <Violet>

When just thinking about all the fighting that had yet to come, how could I not be filled with a wonderful warmth, though that may just be my internal injuries. Either way I let that heat build up before releasing it in a roar that fully expressed my joy - though the goat didn’t seem to be happy about that. Swinging both his arms up then down created some rather plain looking rock blades only to lift one to point at me. An action that was followed by another wave of stones flying toward me.

“You’ll learn your lesson for calling this father of yours a bipedal goat!” <Goat>

That made me tilt my head in confusion; his ancestor never complained when she called him a goat since the day I birthed him. Though that was hardly important. What was important was there was an attack coming and I was no coward who would hide behind someone else to let them take it. Instead I fearlessly pointed my own weapon at him with a no doubt beautiful smile on my face!

I didn’t like using this ability since it always made me feel inferior to those who have their own specialties… But in a way, is it not my own specialty? It’s just like daddy said; I should take what I want and fight those who won’t give in to my demands. Therefore it only makes sense my own unique ability would be the strongest one that can take anything I want!

This left the goat to be confused however he regained his confidence upon seeing nothing seemingly happen and those stones about to pelt me. Maybe even make me look like one of those cheeses with all the holes in it.

A grin on his face as he opened his mouth to boast once more about how powerful his magic was…

Only to stop as those stones stopped where they were.

These will be the first beings in existence to maybe understand exactly what my unique position was in being called “Violet”.  Would daddy be happy that I finally decided to accept my own talent? No, actually, of course he would be proud as well as happy.

After all… I’m Violet!

“Oh my dear Demon God Empress…” <Goat>


With his exclamation I decided to make things a bit more pretty by adding my violet flames to all those floating rocks; swinging my elegant kanabo like some amazing conductor.


I did accidentally send a gust of wind that caused everyone to crash into a 6 foot wall however that would hardly matter since there wasn’t going to be anything in front of me left. Those pretty rocks crashing down like bullets on an unsuspecting group of civilians. Nothing remained other than bloody pulp that didn’t allow for anyone caught in the attack to be recognised thus no one would even know how they died.

A roar of excitement came from the surrounding demons who cheered at my sophisticated victory with the sound of countless vessels clanking together.

There were some groans; gambling was stupid if you were stupid.

I just let my precious [Immortal Destroyer] rest on my shoulder before heading down the road toward the next city where another fight would no doubt await me. Probably should practice martial arts… Whatever happens will happen - as long as there is something worth the effort it’ll be great.

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