Chapter 43: Chapter 42
"Anakin, are you fixing R2 or trying to turn him into a music-droid?"
Anakin mock glared at his master, pointing a repair tool at him like it was a lightsaber. "You, Master, are the one who decided not to warn me that we'd be going anywhere with a swamp. I didn't think I'd have to clean this kind of gunk out of an astromech!" he said, pointing to the goop he managed to pull out of R2D2 with a mixture of tools and the Force.
"Life often leads us to things we aren't prepared for, Padawan," Qui-Gon advised in mirth.
"I'm not complaining for me, I'm doing it for poor R2! Since, somehow, I'm about the only Jedi who is responsible with droids," Anakin remarked pointedly.
"That is a rather bold exaggeration," Qui-Gon mused with a stern look that was mostly feigned.
"I was trying to be nice and not say you are all horribly irresponsible with droids," Anakin said, R2D2 giving static-plagued beeps of agreement. "See! R2 misses Tatooine now! Tat-too-ine! No one misses Tatooine, Master! Not even the Hutts miss Tatooine!"
Qui-Gon could argue that point but wisely chose not to; mostly because Anakin was being truthful about was only expressing R2D2's ire on the droid's behalf. "How about this as an apology? I'll help you get those new jets you've been wanting to install onto him."
Anakin and R2 looked at one another, the astromech's lenses spinning towards the Padawan before letting out some more pleasant beeps, getting a nod from Anakin. "The droid is appeased," Anakin said with finality, rising from his position. "So, what's Obi-Wan got himself into this time?"
"That is the question," Qui-Gon agreed as he looked out the front of the cockpit, seeing the rushing lights of hyperspace travel.
"The Hydian Way is still amazing," Anakin said with a boyish grin as he joined in the co-pilot seat. "With a single jump, you can cross the entire galaxy."
Qui-Gon hummed his understanding. "I seem to recall the first time we went to Serenno, you were more interested in seeing what the "New Territories" were like."
"Well, I kind of agree with Master Dooku," Anakin said thoughtfully. "I like thinking of the Galaxy by the "region names" rather than the "how close are we to Coruscant" names."
"There is merit in both," Qui-Gon advised. "Yes, the areas formed by the hyperlanes have many distinctions and patterns native to them, but it's important to remember that Coruscant isn't the center of the galaxy. Much as many would like it to be. The Core of the Galaxy is a fixed point around which all else revolves. Keeping where it is and its distance in mind is as wise as knowing what makes the regions unique."
"Yeah, but can you really compare Tatooine or Dagobah to Serenno despite them all being in the Outer Rim?" Anakin countered.
Qui-Gon nodded, stroking his beard in idle contemplation. "Another distinction to consider: how far a planet is away from an established hyperlane."
Anakin paused for a moment as the conversation ended. "Where are we going, exactly? Dooku obviously doesn't know where Obi-Wan is, so going to Serenno doesn't exactly help."
"Obi-Wan definitely left Coruscant and, presumably, made his way to Serenno," Qui-Gon reminded. "So, that would mean that he made a stop somewhere between the two points."
"What, do you think his ship was damaged?" Anakin asked in concern. "Because despite everything going on, I like to think random pirates haven't managed to get anything that could produce gravity wells yet."
"No, nothing so dire. I think Obi-Wan just made a stop for lunch," Qui-Gon answered with a knowing smile.
"Lunch?" Anakin repeated dubiously.
"Obi-Wan still tells me things. Like how he likes to visit a certain planet, when the Force gives him the chance and time to do so," Qui-Gon answered before frowning. "But even if he did..."
"No quick visit takes that long, and he would have sent out a message if he was stranded," Anakin realized with a grimace. "What mess have you wandered into this time, Obi?"
The rest of the trip continued in relative silence until the ship emerged from hyperspace.
"Taris?" Anakin read out on the navicomputer, looking out on the planet. Even from orbit, the planet gleamed with lights and illumination from the cities. "Should I know this place?"
"You should take the chance to know every place you have the chance to visit, even if just a little," Qui-Gon advised with a smile. "But no. Once upon a time, it was a very wealthy planet, important for trade and travel."
They descended through the atmosphere, and Anakin realized why the planet seemed so familiar. "This looks a lot like Coruscant, but...smaller."
"And with an ocean," Qui-Gon remarked as he found a landing pad to place the ship on. "But you're not wrong. This was once called the Coruscant of the Outer Rim."
Anakin grimaced as he listened to the Force, feeling the misery of those below. It was on every populated planet, there were always people who were worse off, or believed they were. But even this felt a bit like Coruscant, like there were...layers to the planet, with people on each one.
"So, why would Obi-Wan come here?" Anakin asked as they exited the ship.
"R2, stay with the ship," Qui-Gon instructed the droid. "Tell us if anyone tries to steal it."
The astromech chirped its promise to do just that.
"Crime that bad here?" Anakin asked curiously.
"Obi-Wan says it's gotten better, but it happened the last time I was here. Granted, that was over ten years ago," Qui-Gon answered idly. "And to answer your other question, you'll see."
They descended into a lower part of the city. Anakin could only assume it wasn't far if they weren't taking a vehicle.
Looking around at the mixed crowd, Anakin could at least say it felt safer than some of the places on Coruscant. Some shady figures lurked about, but most were just walking about, minding their own business and even being cordial to each other. He moved aside as some kids ran by him with laughs in their voices. He smiled as he watched them go, subconsciously rubbing an old scar at the back of his neck.
A scar where a bomb had long since been removed.
"Ahh, here we are. I knew the smell of this place anywhere," Qui-Gon said, only partly in jest as they came in front of a quaint building that seemed to be more recently renovated than the other buildings around it, sporting less wear and tear, with a better polish to the metal.
"A diner?" Anakin realized, only vaguely surprised as he looked around the mostly filled establishment before a fem-based droid rolled up to them
"Welcome to Dex's, we have a booth we'll have cleaned out in a moment," she greeted with an artificial accent.
"Thank you, but we're here to see the owner," Qui-Gon corrected.
"Another one, eh?" the droid asked before looking back towards the kitchen. "Someone to see ya, Honey! More Jedi by the looks of it."
"More Jedi?" a loud voice called as, from the kitchen emerged a large, four-armed humanoid- a Besalisk, if Anakin remembered correctly. "...Qui-Gon Jinn?" he asked uncertainly.
"Am I that unmemorable, Dex?" Qui-Gon asked good-naturedly.
Dex barked to the kitchen, telling them he'd be back. "I wouldn't say that, but Obi-Wan is the only Jedi that regularly visits my establishment," he said before chuckling. "Granted, I wouldn't mind if my diner became the Jedi Place to eat."
"That would have been easier before you moved off Coruscant," Qui-Gon observed.
Dex nodded absently. "Hard choice that was, but things haven't been the same there since that blasted storm," he murmured before waving away the bad memories, grinning widely as he saw the teenage Padawan. "You must be Anakin Skywalker. Obi-Wan told me about you."
"Good things, I hope?" Anakin asked with a hint of sheepishness.
"He was good at telling them," Dex answered vaguely, laughing at Anakin's sour look. "So, what brings you both here?"
"We were hoping to find out if my former Padawan passed through here recently," Qui-Gon answered.
Dex looked surprised at that, waving them to the free booth with two of his arms. "I'd normally make Obi-Wan order a meal before helping him with something like that," he mused, a hint of concern on his face as he frowned. "Is he in trouble?"
"We don't know. Just that he's missing," Anakin answered as they took a seat.
"When did you see him last?" Qui-Gon asked calmly.
Dex stroked his large, flabby chin. "Hmm, that would have been about three days ago? No, no four days ago," Dex recalled, looking out the window in thought. "Nothing strange. He ordered the same old soup he always gets."
"Did he say anything? About where he was going?" Qui-Gon pressed.
Dex shrugged his large arms. "He said he was going visit that Count Jedi of yours. Talked about you two a bit. Listened to me complain about some of my terrible customers," Dex said with a laugh before frowning. "Though..."
Anakin leaned in a bit while Qui-Gon waited for Dex to finish.
"There was someone else that day. Can't remember what they looked like or what they ordered. They were wearing a cloak, so I thought they were just someone homeless trying to stay. But no one is homeless with a cloak that nice," Dex recalled. "Kept an eye on them, but didn't say anything."
"Were they watching or following Obi-Wan?" Anakin asked in surprise.
"I didn't think so. They left before him. But I think he was watching them. I just thought he was helping me watch after a potential problem," Dex said. "Haven't seen that lurker since."
Qui-Gon remained stoic, pondering this before nodding. "Thank you, Dex. I'll be sure to tell Obi-Wan you were worried about him when we find wherever he's wandered off to."
"We'll order something next time," Anakin promised as he got up. "And if not, I'll give your droids a free tune-up."
"Ha! Obi-Wan wasn't lying. A Jedi Mechanist," Dex said with a chuckle. "One minute, both of you. I have something for the trip."
As they walked back to the ship, Anakin eyed the box of food curiously. "So, besides getting a snack, did we learn anything about where to go next?" Anakin asked idly
"Possibly," Qui-Gon remarked. "Nothing about what Dex said sounded overtly suspicious. Nothing that would make Obi-Wan pursue a random vagabond for no reason."
"And all we have is someone wandering about with a cloak that is "too good" for someone living on the streets," Anakin mused as they approached the ship.
"Trust in the Force, Anakin," Qui-Gon said reassuringly.
Anakin stopped. "About that, Master?"
"Hm?" Qui-Gon paused and turned, seeing that Anakin was using one hand to check something on his belt, and it wasn't his lightsaber. "What's wrong?"
"R2 never set off the alarm," Anakin answered slowly as he eyed the ship.
"And?" Qui-Gon asked with a furrowed brow.
"And someone is in there," Anakin said with absolute certainty.
Qui-Gon's brows rose slightly as he followed Anakin's gaze, studying their vehicle as he reached out in the Force. He could sense nothing, but at the same time, that was a subtle tell. The Force was too still, too quiet around the ship. But it was such a small difference that most Jedi wouldn't have noticed it on their own if they didn't trust the judgment of the one pointing it out.
And there were three things Qui-Gon trusted Anakin in completely: droids, piloting, and sensing something in the Force that others couldn't.
"I suppose we shouldn't keep our guest waiting," Qui-Gon said, his calm voice disguising his wariness as he activated the ship's ramp, causing it to lower.
They walked in at a steady pace, and Anakin held the food with one hand as they were greeted by R2D2. "It went fine," Anakin answered the droid. "Any problems?"
R2 chirped a negative as he bounced in place.
Qui-Gon hummed. "You're very good. R2 is unusually perspective for a droid," he commented to the open air.
"Good day, Master Jinn, Padawan Skywalker."
R2 started, beeping loudly as his head spun around in surprise.
Anakin just made a foul face at the voice. "Oh, not her again."
Qui-Gon kept his own displeasure at bay. "Dark Woman," he addressed the Jedi, now visible and leaning on one of the walls of the ship.
"I see your Padawan still lacks respect," Dark Woman noted evenly.
"I don't know how well you remember the last time we met, but I have a right to not respect you," Anakin defended in a dry voice.
"I was trying to protect you," Dark Woman countered, sitting calmly in the chair.
"We have very different points of view on that situation," Anakin said pointedly.
"That's enough, Anakin," Qui-Gon said sternly, but without a hint of scolding. "For now, we'll leave the past in the past. Should I assume you have something to do with my former Padawan going missing?"
"In a manner of speaking," Dark Woman confirmed, her purple eyes giving little away. "There are times when no Jedi should go alone if they can help it. I felt I had come to one such time."
"And you just happened across Obi-Wan?" Anakin asked dubiously.
"It's hardly a secret he has yearly meetings with Dooku," Dark Woman explained. "The Force seemed to favor our meeting, crossing paths here instead of Serenno. I stopped here to refuel, he stopped for the food."
Anakin and Qui-Gon did not share a glance, but they did share a feeling through their bond as Master and Padawan. The Dark Woman seemed to be honest about that at least, and it's not like the Force hadn't done stranger things. Still, Anakin didn't trust this, and Qui-Gon was at least wary of the aim of this female Jedi.
"And just what did you need help with?" Qui-Gon asked with a hard stare.
"I'll show you," the Dark Woman answered, turning to the front, and taking a seat in one of the pilot seats. "He's waiting for us to return."
"...This still feels like another kidnapping somehow," Anakin muttered to himself.
Qui-Gon might have smiled in amusement if he didn't share some of the boy's concerns.
"Lord Vader, a word?"
"A moment, Admiral Pyrl," Vader answered as he continued tinkering with his arm's machinery,
"I can return later, My Lord if you would like," Pyrl offered.
Vader remained silent. Pyrl knew that meant she should stay and wait. And of course, she did.
If one had told Tanda Pyrl six years ago that she would be an admiral by now, she would have been proud but skeptical. While a good captain, she had certainly done nothing yet to warrant such a promotion, especially with the Empire favoring male officers. Climbing the ranks was not impossible though; there were more than a few female Moffs after all. All that aside, it was at least something she deemed possible.
If she had been told that she could walk in on Darth Vader himself tinkering with his mechanical limbs without fearing for her neck? That would have been harder to swallow, in more ways than one.
Yet, here she was, idly watching him work and making mental guesses on what he was doing. Repairs? Improvements? Replacing pieces with superior parts? Attaching an internal weapon of some kind?
Vader pulled the black glove over the cybernetic limb, flexing the fingers for a moment before turning to her, rising to his full height. "Report Admiral."
She stood a touch straighter as she came to attention, Vader looming over her as he ever did. "My Lord, all operations are going well. All of our current ships are up and functioning at full power. Planet-side, the Avenger's thrusters are being removed, for parts and as part of the plans to renovate its hull into a land base. And-"
"Admiral," Vader interrupted abruptly. "You always deliver the news I already know when you have something unfavorable to report. Please save us both the charade today."
Pyrl almost smiled at that. Five years of working as the Dark Lord's right hand and keeping some form of order among the Death Squadron had made her grow familiar with the Sith to some degree. Though, she was sure something about traveling back in time had some part to play in making Vader less likely to snap her neck. Still, she marveled at times that she wasn't terrified in moments like this.
"The lead on the Executor turned out a dead end," Pyrl informed stoically. "It was only another Star Destroyer."
"Disappointing, but not a waste of time," Vader noted, and she could feel him narrowing his eyes at her through the lenses.
"It was destroyed, My Lord," Pyrl explained quickly, knowing best to get the disappointment over with in full.
Vader was already taller than her, but he suddenly seemed to tower over her so much more. "A battle?"
"We're not sure, but we believe it was an asteroid," Pyrl answered. "It has been destroyed for at least a year, Sir, but there doesn't appear to be signs of damage from enemy cannons and lasers. The scouts we sent are still trying to find any salvageable data from the remains. We haven't even been able to confirm the name yet."
That was troubling. A Star Destroyer wasn't easily broken by conventional means, but if it had just appeared in the right spot, or done a blind hyper-jump, it could have been easily torn to ruins. "What system was it in?"
"One on the outskirts of the Unknown Regions," she answered, pausing to recheck the report. "Seidell."
Vader grew silent at that, and she could feel the coldness creeping into the room. "Admiral, recall the scouts. Send no one to that location."
Pyrl opened her mouth to question him but swallowed it before it could even leave her throat. Familiarity did not mean she was suicidal. "Yes, My Lord. As you will."
Vader waited until she left before he looked around his "chambers" aboard the Thunderlane. Despite various improvements to his situation, he still required having a mediation chamber. But even in the past timeline, that had been as much for meditating as it was for life support; a quick way of getting some treatment and such without having to go through all the time and effort of getting into a bacta tank.
But whereas his chambers on the Executor had been sparse and clean, this one was decidedly more...lived in, for lack of a better term. He had a workbench placed in here, with materials around it for various projects. Working on machines, even his own limbs, was practically a form of meditation. Between that and the Death Squadron having to make do with where possible, it felt appropriate to do his own personal work in here.
Speaking of work, Vader moved over to a large screen behind the meditation sphere. Much like the one he had on the Executor, this terminal's controls were within his meditation sphere- and, more importantly, only he knew how the controls worked. Not to mention that, thanks to the Force, he didn't need to actually touch the controls or even be in the pod to operate it
The screen flickered into static, Vader waiting for the signal connection to be made. Eventually, the screen went black.
"Vader, what do I owe the pleasure of this call?" Plagueis asked on the other end. "I trust all is going well on D'Qar?"
"The situation has fared better than we expected," Vader admitted. "I would inquire on your own ventures, but you would have requested my aid if you needed it."
"Something I will do in good time. There is a certain matter we discussed that I feel should be dealt with before the Republic rips itself open," Plagueis answered casually. "But for now, what has your attention, my associate?"
Associates. Plagueis enjoyed using that word for their arrangement. "Do you recall the cult I warned you of?"
"You know perfectly well how little that narrows it down," Plagueis said in dry amusement.
Vader conceded that. "The Snake one."
"Ah, yes. The one that thinks you'll lead the galaxy into unending chaos," Plagueis recalled, and they both knew how fitting that sounded these days. "I take it your searching has led you to stumble across them again?"
"And their weapon, yes," Vader answered. "You did say you were interested in this."
"I said I was curious, not interested. One is idle, the other means I'm willing to invest in it," Plagueis corrected as if it should have been obvious. "That said, I can only imagine how useful a cult would be for you, let alone a laser that can destroy capital ships with such ease...Are you just calling me to inform me you're relocating there?"
"No," Vader answered without hesitation. "I do not trust that weapon's mutative effects."
"Ahh, of course, I almost forgot that detail," Plagueis remarked with a chuckle. They both knew he hadn't forgotten a single bit of information.
"If you have no active interest into this, I will deal with it myself," Vader informed flatly.
"I'm sure you will. Just try not to destroy the temple itself, I would like to look it over one day, but your cultists themselves interest me little," Plagueis said dismissively. "Is there anything else?"
"Yarael Poof sends his regards," Vader shared, turning off the coms before Plagueis could respond.
"Poof? Now when did those two cross paths?" Plagueis mused to himself before dismissing it for now. It was hard to keep ahead of every detail in times like this. Many pieces were moving in the galaxy, all in many different directions.
"Magister Damask?"
Speaking of which.
Ensuring that he looked professionally presentable and fell into the mask of Hego Damask II, facing the human woman with patient eyes. "Yes?"
"Please follow me," she requested, waiting for his acknowledgment. With a kind look and nod of thanks, he followed her out of the otherwise empty room.
Through the halls, they went on a brief walk. No words were exchanged, but Plagueis was fine with that. He had no need to test the waters and moods of how this meeting might go.
The woman brought him through an archway, into one of the humbler throne rooms he had ever seen. And he had seen plenty.
"Your Highness, the Magister of Damask Holding," the handmaiden introduced with a bow, "Magister Hego Damask, Queen Amidala of Naboo."
"Thank you, Corde," the queen gave with a regal nod, prompting the handmaiden to return to her side with the others. "You wished to speak with me, Magister?"
"Indeed I do, Queen Amidala, indeed I do," Hego answered with a perfectly crafted smile of a grandfather.
"Your return to the public eye is one of the only good news spoken of in these times, Magister," Padme commented. "Most were not even aware that Damask Holdings had been formally dissolved until you announced it was being reformed."
"It took some time, but I found the means and inspiration to free myself of my previous situation," Hego answered, his voice smooth and soft, flattering almost.
The queen's brow furrowed allowed as her decorum would allow. "Free yourself?"
He leaned forward, interlocking his fingers as held the posture of someone tired of a long burden, yet relieved to be free of it. "I feel I can be honest with you, given your history," Hego started, pausing to "gather" himself. "I knew about Palpatine."
Two guards nearby tensed, hands ready to go to their blasters. One of the handmaidens had one hidden as well. She wasn't as subtle as she thought she was.
"Or rather, I knew about Darth Sidious."
Inwardly, he smiled at the cold anger in the Queen's eyes.