Darkened Daylight

Chapter 199: Recklessness - (6)

On one side, Zulova stared upwards at the beast, whereas on the other side, the beast looked down at Zulova from above. The difference between their size seemed like that of an elephant and an ant in a face-off.

Zulova mumbled, "This… creature's a darkened blue flame stage entity. But how come it's here? Did Uncle create this scenario?!"



As she said, I may seem like the perpetrator behind the scene but I felt the urge to promise her that the creature's occurrence had nothing to do with me.

Here's how the backstory goes. It goes back to the time when Prat and Kendor had their fight after so long. One of Kendor's feathers came off and got stuck to Prat's flamy head. Since the feather was too little, no one was able to notice it. Not even me.

And when I sent that tigerhead to construct an entire universe using 75% of my authorities, the feather came off his head and fell into the new quashi-zodium realm.

It then fell into a group of diamond meteors. The feather held combined powers of a celestial and a mutant asymmetron upholding authority over life and abilities. Its flow attracted all the diamonds nearby, therefore merging into a spherical meteor.

However, due to chaotic times running everywhere, no one recognized it. By the time of the former generation's satellite technology revival, the spherical meteor broke into pieces and turned into a cluster. That's how it earned the name 'Domain of Diamond Clusters'.

At one time, the largest diamond meteor from that bunch began undergoing changes at a very slow pace. After a few decades, it manifested the shape of an eagle with a dragon's body with hand-like wings and a pair of eyes. It didn't know a single thing as to what it was. That's when it spoke, ""What are these hands? Wait, why can't I see beyond my chest? First, who am I?!"", in origin language.

Her doubts forced her to question her existence whenever she thought of something. As time passed by, her body underwent a mutation. She developed diamond scales, whip-like tails and an extra pair of eyes alongside another eye on the centre of the forehead.

Lastly, Kendor's feather which was the cause of her birth became her heart. Due to the feather belonging to a darkened violet flame stage entity, the diamond beast became a darkened blue flame stage creature despite being born in a darkened orange realm.

That's what happened, a pure coincidence. So, let's get back to the scene.



The eagle-headed titan brought her face close to Zulova. The edge of its beak almost touched the sphere that Zulova was in. She thought, 'This sphere is full of vacuum which is helping me breathe normally. But the gravity is still giving me a hard time. I can't even lift my legs, to begin with!'

That's when the creature asked, ""What are you doing?!""


Her voice emitted unbearable pressure. It caused Zulova to faint.


Without touching the sphere, the titan lifted it by controlling the wind. The creature then brought forth a speck of darkened blue flames out of her eyes which engulfed the sphere that held Zulova.


At once, the sphere gigantified to the size of the creature's head. Zulova, who was inside that sphere also underwent gigantification. Her height matched the length of the titan's head.


The covering sphere broke into powder-like bits. Zulova fell down. After a few moments, she opened her eyes to once again stand against the titan. However, the face-off seemed like that of an elephant and a dog. Zulova asked, ""Did you increase my size?!""

And the creature answered, ""Yes, you seemed suffocated when facing me. Therefore, I temporarily increased your stage to mine for having a chat with the first person I met!""

Zulova responded, ""... It speaks origin language?!""

The beast exclaimed, ""Stop calling me 'it'. I am a 'She', okay?!""

Zulova looked at herself. Even the size of her clothes increased with her body. She then looked at a plain surface. Although her reflection seemed vague, her eyes displayed a blue shade of glow on the pupils. She chuckled, "Haha, I ascended two stages just like that!"

But that was her least concern. She looked at the creature in front of her. Thus, their talk began.


""So, you're telling me you don't know anything about your parents, but were aware of so much knowledge?!"", Zulova attempted. The beast replied, ""Yes!!""

""How about your name?!"", Zulova asked. The beast answered, ""Prador!!""

""And how did you get that name?!"", Zulova asked again. The beast answered again, ""Naming myself based on pure instincts!""

Zulova realized, ""Animal instincts, eh?!""

Prador chuckled, ""Tehe?!""

Zulova got a hunch, ""Wait, if you have so much knowledge, why can't you lower your tone? It pressures those who hear it!""

Prador attempted, "You mean like this?!"

"... So, you knew all along? Why the hell did you use a pressuring voice until now?!", Zulova responded in shock. Prador explained, "During the past few months, I kept hearing some bizarre noises. At first, I blew them away but they kept coming back to me. In annoyance, I began emitting my pressure around a few miles in order to have peacefulness!"

Zulova wondered, "Why didn't you kill me? My presence should have annoyed you!!"

Prador interpreted, "All the things that annoyed me had no conscience. However, you were different!"

Zulova mumbled, 'Of course, they're space-bots while I'm a living body!!!'

Prador continued, "Not to mention there's something inside you that's giving me a sense of familiarity!"

Zulova flinched, "What?!"

Prador emphasized, "Something akin to a relative must I need to say!"

"...!", both of them looked at each other but burst into a pile of laughter,



Zulova then asked, "Would you like to come with me? There are numerous planets with various species. They too might give you the same feeling as me!!"

Prador rejected, "I doubt that would happen. For your note, I already tried going out of this place!!"

Zulova attempted, "What happened?!"

Prador elaborated, "In the beginning, my ears tingled with non-stop screeches from some lifeless metals. Therefore, I began exuding my aura for disposing of all those annoying pieces.

But when I came near a planetary system, it crumbled to pieces. Without even realizing it, I destroyed more than five planetary systems!!"

Zulova remembered, "Five years ago, a report regarding the disappearance of eight planetary systems spread across the universe. No one knew the cause of it. But you're telling me it was your doing?!"

Prador sulked, "I apologize. It was my mistake!"

Zulova corrected her, "You're exaggerating over nothing. None of those planetary systems had infinitos dwelling within them. They were a wasted cause!"

The titan sighed in relief, "Thank goodness, I thought I became a sinner!"

Zulova suggested, "How about we do it this way? You try coping with those annoying screeches instead of exuding your aura!!"

Prador refused, "No way, those noises are far too irritating for me to tolerate. Let me show you how it feels!!"


One of Prador's whip-like tails touched Zulova's head through the tip. Zulova became puzzled. That's when the unexpected happened.


Unbearable sounds entered her ears. The next instant, her nose dripped with saliva while her eyes reeked of tears. Immediately, she cried out, "I get it, I get it, I get it. So please stop these annoying sounds. I don't wanna die!!!"


With the flick of a second, all those annoying sounds came to a halt. Zulova covered her mouth, 'No, I can't puke in a place like this. Let's hold it in!!!'

"Gulp, ugh, how disgusting?!", she mumbled after swallowing her puke. Prador attempted, "Did I just see you swallowing puke? That's gross!!!"

Zulova chuckled in a crazed state of mind, "Ha, haha, I did something so disgusting for the first time in all my life. Hahaha, not to mention in the presence of a stranger!"

Prador stared at her for a moment. Zulova shifted her gaze upwards, ""Uncle Dray must pay a hefty price for making me undergo such a disgrace!""



Seriously, I had no relation with this matter. Must she pin the blame on me and me alone? There's Prat and Kendor, too… Damn it. I never saw this coming.



Prador commented, "Hrrr, you copied me!!"

Zulova stated, "That's pretty obvious considering the fact it's you that raised my stage temporarily!"

Prador attempted, "But how do you know my language?!"

Zulova corrected her, "What you're speaking is called 'Origin Language'. It originates from the entities known to be the pinnacle of all existence, The Origin Entities!"

Prador shook, "How do you know all this?!"

Zulova revealed, "I had a close acquaintance with the disciple of an origin entity!"

Prador responded, "Were they the ones that taught you origin language?!"

Zulova mumbled, "More like stabbing a thick book into my head!", but suddenly became curious, "That aside, I wonder what your abilities are!"

Eaglehead chuckled, "I don't know about that since I've never tried using my power except for pushing irritating things afar!!"

Zulova mumbled again, "More like obliterating them. Even so, isn't there a single occasion where you felt something weird happening within you?!"

Prador chuckled again, "Now that you mention it, there was a time when I felt something weird!!"

"... Tell me everything about it!!!!", Zulova jumped out. Prador replied, ";;;;... Stop freaking out. I'll tell you!"

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